We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The purpose of this discussion is for those who have knowledge or news about grand juries to educate the rest of us on what it means and how we can help.

In a nutshell, there seems to be a legal and Constitutional means for "we the people" to start our own grand jury and find 0bama ineligible, as well as whatever else we want to do. Once empowered, a grand jury is not limited in scope as to what they can take up.

I would personally give a lot of money to see him indicted and convicted of conspiracy, treason, fraud or whatever and thrown in prison or deported.

Here are the two main actions to do this that I am aware of.

Steve Pidgeon and many others are forming a National Grand jury to kick 0bamas butt out and a lot more. Here is their mission statement.

Pursuant to First Amendment (The right of the people peaceably to assemble), the Fifth Amendment (The right of Grand Jury review), the Ninth Amendment (The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people), and the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America (The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people), this National Grand Jury is convened by natural born citizens of the fifty several states and of the United States of America, seating 50 jurors pursuant to the duties, powers, responsibilities, qualifications as established hereunder for the following purposes:

* To examine all aspects of the federal government by initiating its own investigations.
* To serve as ombudsmen for the citizens of the country in respect to constitutional rights. and privileges established under the organic documents of the United States of America, as properly amended from time to time.
* To conduct criminal investigations of members of the federal government, and, if the evidence is sufficient, issue criminal indictments.

This movement is at:

Carl Swensson/Georgia State Coordinator is forming a "Common Law Grand Jury" in Georgia to kick 0bamas butt out. This action is at:

NEVER NEVER refer to 0bama as president. HE IS NOT! It only legitimizes him more.

Views: 79

Replies to This Discussion

Now THAT'S what I'm talkin about!!

Thanks guys. Got one more since my last post.

Georgians who want to be a part of history can E-Mail me at prevere@riseupforamerica.com or call me direct at 678-438-6138. The longer we wait the more damage he does.

Thanks again,

Carl A. Swensson
Well said Katherine. Thank the school system for omitting these in in our education.
Should be required reading for all and when you're done you might want to get a glimpse of where we're headed by reading Atlas Shrugged. Beleive it or not, that book is enjoying a resurgence.
Two yesterday, two today. I'm chipping away and getting closer to the goal.
Hey Carl,

I distinctly remember being taught that the Federal Reserve was part of the government and our money system was backed by the gold in Ft Knox.

I was so distraught when I learned the truth, I called several people I grew up with from K thru 12 and asked them what they remember.

ALL saif they thought the same. When I informed them the truth, they all say I'm crazy.

This is what we are fighting!!!
Hey Carl,

I just now saw the "call now" sign in the background. Did you plan that?
Forget my last personal msg. just had a problem getting back to this page.

It now seems I am on the Cyber hoodlams attack list. Got an E-Mail from someone using admin@riseupforamerica.com (an account I do not have) with an attached infection. I notified my ISP and forwarded it to them for research.
Guess I'm making them a little nervous...

You asked if I was aware of my number in the pic and yes, I meant for that to be there. I have the courage of my conviction and I'm not afraid to be known. I do beleive that one should not anonymously pussy foot arround on a matter of such importance. Jim and I went to a meeting of like minded people last night in Conyers, GA and I was able to park my truck in the center of town and in full view of the Conyers Gazette newspaper. I also have T-Shirts, which we wore, having the same thing on them. It was a hoot and the response GREAT! Passed out cards and as of this morning at 7:00 A.M. got two more Patriots. Based on our reception I expect more. This coming week I will be meeting with a retired Military person of prominence to solicit his help as well. Sure would be nice to have them in the mix.
This is really picking up steam now and I'm getting calls from surrounding states offering help and encouragement. Makes my heart swell with pride to know I am not alone.

I thank you SonOf1776 for your help as well.


Carl A. Swensson
As an asside:
It was a minority of Americans that gave us our Freedoms and will be a minority who takes it back.

Exactly. I can't stand it when the cable news channels say "President Obama." He is not the president nor even will or can be.

I have just written a letter to the U.S. attorney in Washington, DC, who is one of two authorized people to bring the case of Quo Warranto to a hearing.
Thank you Sharon,

We all must do whatever is within our power to take a proactive stance. I too have been doing this in an effort to support Dr. Orly Taitz and will continue until we have re-secured our life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness.

God Bless,


picked up three more over the weekend.
Absolutely never say President in realation to 0bama. It only legitimizes him.

My ten year old son can tell you every detail of why 0bama is ineligible.

He can also explain most of the Federal Reserve scam.

Even better is my friends 8 year old son who came home from school (not where my son goes) telling mom and dad all about how 0bama isn't eligible and isn't president. They never taught him, so it means he got it from school! And it is a large city with a huge "minority" population!

Now officially half way there...




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