We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The purpose of this discussion is for those who have knowledge or news about grand juries to educate the rest of us on what it means and how we can help.

In a nutshell, there seems to be a legal and Constitutional means for "we the people" to start our own grand jury and find 0bama ineligible, as well as whatever else we want to do. Once empowered, a grand jury is not limited in scope as to what they can take up.

I would personally give a lot of money to see him indicted and convicted of conspiracy, treason, fraud or whatever and thrown in prison or deported.

Here are the two main actions to do this that I am aware of.

Steve Pidgeon and many others are forming a National Grand jury to kick 0bamas butt out and a lot more. Here is their mission statement.

Pursuant to First Amendment (The right of the people peaceably to assemble), the Fifth Amendment (The right of Grand Jury review), the Ninth Amendment (The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people), and the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America (The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people), this National Grand Jury is convened by natural born citizens of the fifty several states and of the United States of America, seating 50 jurors pursuant to the duties, powers, responsibilities, qualifications as established hereunder for the following purposes:

* To examine all aspects of the federal government by initiating its own investigations.
* To serve as ombudsmen for the citizens of the country in respect to constitutional rights. and privileges established under the organic documents of the United States of America, as properly amended from time to time.
* To conduct criminal investigations of members of the federal government, and, if the evidence is sufficient, issue criminal indictments.

This movement is at:

Carl Swensson/Georgia State Coordinator is forming a "Common Law Grand Jury" in Georgia to kick 0bamas butt out. This action is at:

NEVER NEVER refer to 0bama as president. HE IS NOT! It only legitimizes him more.

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As a friend of Dr Orly Taitz, and someone who has been writing letters to the Attorney general of Az, senators, congressman and women and FOIA's requesting Barry Soetoros immigration information where do I sign up?
Message Carl Swensson or leave a comment on his home page or go to his site at:
Most already know but for those that don't...
They won't silence We the People!!!

Here you go...

How to set up a Grand Jury!
by Carl Swensson, www.RiseUpForAmerica.com

1. Find as many people as you can, willing to be Common Law Grand Jurists. These people, of your state, must be either registered voters or eligible to vote in your state. U.S. Citizenship required.

2. Set a date for your first meeting. This meeting can also coincide with convening the Grand Jury and you must select 25 of the qualified individuals to be Jurists. Any number additional jurists can be submitted as alternates.

3. It is advisable to request the use of your local courthouse and also advisable to try and find a former Judge to guide you through the process, but that is by no means required. All that is required is to have a Notary Public validate the Jurists, apply the Grand Juries Oath, and notarize the results.

Remember, We The People are the Fourth branch of government, equal in power to the other three and wholly separate and apart from the other three.

4. Find your meeting place: Courthouse, Community center, Library, or someone’s home. It matters not.

5. Have everybody in attendance at the meeting/Grand Jury sign in and keep those records. A simple vote of those attending will determine who is a Jurist and who will be an alternate. If you have only the required 25 you can skip this part. The Notary Public cannot be used as a Jurist.

6. Convene the Jurists either with a Judge or a Notary Public doing the swearing in with this...

"Do you, and each of you, solemnly swear on the Holy Bible of Almighty God (or solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm) that as members of the grand jury of the State of , for ___________ County (Parish), you will diligently inquire and true presentment make of all matters and things as shall be given you in charge, or otherwise come to your knowledge, touching this present service, and do you further swear (or affirm) that the counsel of the State, your fellows and your own, you shall keep secret, and that you shall present no person for envy, hatred or malice, nor shall you leave any person unpresented because of fear, favor, affection, reward or the hope of reward, and do you further swear (or affirm) that you shall present all things truly as they come to your knowledge, according to the best of your understanding, so help you God (or do you so affirm)?"

Do Not use the term Citizens of the State. You are People of the State!

7. Present your evidence. Since we have all been publicly notified about Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro’s Certification of Live Birth (C.O.L.B.) being duly posted on the Internet by our government, they have set the precedent that we can also use such evidence secured from the Internet for the purpose of evidence. Much of this can be found on this website: http://www.DefendOurFreedoms.US.

Reasonable doubt is sufficient for an Indictment. And remember, it does not have to end with this (these Indictments). The Grand Jury should adjourn from their first session and re-convene at a later date (say 40 days after the Indictments have been presented) to take up other issues. Remember, it's not a Common Law Grand Jury unless it is a "runaway Grand Jury".

8. The Foreman of the Jury (Selected by the other Jurists) will work with the Jurists to formulate the Indictment in clear and precise terms that anyone can understand.

9. After securing the Indictment, have all Jurists sign and have their signatures Notarized. Make multiple copies and have ALL copies duly Notarized.

10. Take the Indictment(s) to your local Sheriff (all county Sheriffs in your state if you wish), State Federal Prosecutor of all State districts, and the State Attorney General.

11. Make them sign off on having received the Indictment and advise them that it is their duty to pursue criminal prosecution.

12. Post the results (not the actual Indictment, as a Grand Jury is secretive in nature and we must honor the oath taken), and you can have your Foreman issue a statement that an Indictment has been reached.

That's it folks, so grab the Bull by the horns and get this done in all fifty states ASAP, before we sink into absolute Tyranny or Dictatorship.

We in Georgia may have been the first but this needs to be done in ALL the states. They cannot ignore the Fourth Branch of Government!
How to set up a Grand Jury!
by Carl Swensson, www.RiseUpForAmerica.com

1. Find as many people as you can, willing to be Common Law Grand Jurists. These people, of your state, must be either registered voters or eligible to vote in your state. U.S. Citizenship required.

2. Set a date for your first meeting. This meeting can also coincide with convening the Grand Jury and you must select 25 of the qualified individuals to be Jurists. Any number additional jurists can be submitted as alternates.

3. It is advisable to request the use of your local courthouse and also advisable to try and find a former Judge to guide you through the process, but that is by no means required. All that is required is to have a Notary Public validate the Jurists, apply the Grand Juries Oath, and notarize the results.

Remember, We The People are the Fourth branch of government, equal in power to the other three and wholly separate and apart from the other three.

4. Find your meeting place: Courthouse, Community center, Library, or someone’s home. It matters not.

5. Have everybody in attendance at the meeting/Grand Jury sign in and keep those records. A simple vote of those attending will determine who is a Jurist and who will be an alternate. If you have only the required 25 you can skip this part. The Notary Public cannot be used as a Jurist.

6. Convene the Jurists either with a Judge or a Notary Public doing the swearing in with this...

"Do you, and each of you, solemnly swear on the Holy Bible of Almighty God (or solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm) that as members of the grand jury of the State of , for ___________ County (Parish), you will diligently inquire and true presentment make of all matters and things as shall be given you in charge, or otherwise come to your knowledge, touching this present service, and do you further swear (or affirm) that the counsel of the State, your fellows and your own, you shall keep secret, and that you shall present no person for envy, hatred or malice, nor shall you leave any person unpresented because of fear, favor, affection, reward or the hope of reward, and do you further swear (or affirm) that you shall present all things truly as they come to your knowledge, according to the best of your understanding, so help you God (or do you so affirm)?"

Do Not use the term Citizens of the State. You are People of the State!

7. Present your evidence. Since we have all been publicly notified about Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro’s Certification of Live Birth (C.O.L.B.) being duly posted on the Internet by our government, they have set the precedent that we can also use such evidence secured from the Internet for the purpose of evidence. Much of this can be found on this website: http://www.DefendOurFreedoms.US.

Reasonable doubt is sufficient for an Indictment. And remember, it does not have to end with this (these Indictments). The Grand Jury should adjourn from their first session and re-convene at a later date (say 40 days after the Indictments have been presented) to take up other issues. Remember, it's not a Common Law Grand Jury unless it is a "runaway Grand Jury".

8. The Foreman of the Jury (Selected by the other Jurists) will work with the Jurists to formulate the Indictment in clear and precise terms that anyone can understand.

9. After securing the Indictment, have all Jurists sign and have their signatures Notarized. Make multiple copies and have ALL copies duly Notarized.

10. Take the Indictment(s) to your local Sheriff (all county Sheriffs in your state if you wish), State Federal Prosecutor of all State districts, and the State Attorney General.

11. Make them sign off on having received the Indictment and advise them that it is their duty to pursue criminal prosecution.

12. Post the results (not the actual Indictment, as a Grand Jury is secretive in nature and we must honor the oath taken), and you can have your Foreman issue a statement that an Indictment has been reached.

That's it folks, so grab the Bull by the horns and get this done in all fifty states ASAP, before we sink into absolute Tyranny or Dictatorship.

We in Georgia may have been the first but this needs to be done in ALL the states. They cannot ignore the Fourth Branch of Government!




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