Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Started this discussion. Last reply by Hugh Sistrunk Feb 8, 2010. 2 Replies 0 Likes
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I have not heard anything about this as of yet, but feel it is time to raise the warning flags. I see Politicians that have laughed at the Tea Party movement aligning themselves for the sake of votes in the near future. I see legislative hopefuls claiming alliances with the grass roots as a way to court votes that they would otherwise never have hope to get. WARNING - WARNING - WARNING BEWARE the false Patriot. I think Mr. Huckabee, Mr. Beck, Hannity and the other conservative voices should look at this and put the word out. Americans - Vote with knowledge about where your hopeful has stood BEFORE this election and by all means vote out all incumbents no matter what party they are affiliated with or what they say they have done for you.... They are the Problem and must be removed to remove the taint upon all elected officials. WARNING BEWARE the false Patriot.
Here is the deal about California. It is a land of fruits and nuts and they all live in LA and in San Fransicko. You would be amazed just how many Conservatives there are out here but the Liberals have successfully drawn the district lines to keep them in power. As far as the government goes we have the highest tax rates in the nation and we are also one of the most populous states in the union. Over 40% of our budget is comprised of money written into the Constitution. It is guaranteed money. One is for education. They bitch and whine about not having enough money and even though we spend more money per kid than any other state our kids rank 49 out of 50 on all the national tests. The biggest problem we have is illegal immigration. We have 25% of the illegal immigrants in the US. These guys cost us around 40 billion a year to provide their kids an education and everyone medical care.
I live in Placer County. It is decidedly Conservative. Barbara Boxer is one of our Senators. Feinstein is the other and even Pelosi hails from California. I am going to take that seat away form her and we can get at least one of those New York Yenta, Brooklyn born liberals out of California politics. The thing is I am going to need the help of the entire nation to dislodge her. She is stuck tighter than an abalone at low tide. She seems to get more and more of the vote every time she runs. I hate to say it but when Obama's nutty scheme fails Democrats will be hard pressed to find anyone who will admit knowing them. Boxer will also be around 71 years old in 2010. I will be 54. So I have that going for me. I am not an ultra right wing maniac Conservative but I am 100% Conservative. Borders, Language and Culture as Michael Savage says will be our saving grace. I sure can use some help spreading the word that there is a true Conservative running for the Senate in California. Go to the site and search on jdummett so you can read what I am all about. I have posted so much stuff there it will give you a good idea on who and what I am. God, Country and Family. Strong on all of the Constitutional amendments especially the second. And by the way just about every one asks me. Marriage is between a man and a woman. I met my wife when she was 14 and I was 18. We eloped and have been together ever since. We have five sons, age 31 to 14. One is a military policeman in the United States Army getting ready to be shipped over to Afghanistan by Obama who I believe is a usurper by not being a natural born citizen. Other wise why in the heck spend so much money on two law firms to keep any document that can prove his national origin a secret?
If you have any specific questions please ask. If you know anyone in California other than me tell them to take a look at the Restore the Republic. I am in the process of having my campaign website set up. There are just a couple of legal things I have to work out. I have to make sure I am not in violation of the Hatch Act before I can officially declare my candidacy.
John Albert Dummett
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