We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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  • Corona, CA
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At 2:42pm on March 10, 2009, John A Dummett Jr said…
Hello Joy

I have expanded the platform I plan on unising in my campaign. You can view it under News Bulletins Post called

Work In Progress New Political Platform to take back the Republic

If you have any suggestions that you would like to see included please let me know. I am handling this a lot differrent than other politicians in that I represent the People and will work to get what they want implemented in Washington. If you send me your email address I will be able to write more back plus I will be able to send you the official campaign website that is soon to come.

At 10:02pm on February 18, 2009, John A Dummett Jr said…
Hello Joy
I will give you the condensed version to save space. If you have additional questions you can email me at jdummett@ftcnet.net.

Borders, Language and Culture.
In California we spend 40 billion dollars a year just so Illegal aliens can get medical and educational services. 40% of our prisons are full of illegal aliens. Our state has 25% of all illegal immigrants in the nation. Deport them, build a wall and man it with the National Guard. Small federal government, more rights to the individual States. I am against raising taxes. I am calling for a two year federal tax holiday. One third tax reduction for corporate taxes and two third cut for small business. After the two years a flat tax of 7% for all wage earners. No more tax cheating, no more deductions no more schemes to cheat on your taxes and more importantly, no more need for the IRS. With the tax holiday people will have more money to spend and save. More spending will cause business to make more. This means they need more employees which mean more tax revenue. I believe that the tax cut for the businesses will cause them to move back to the United States because over regulation and over taxation have forced them to relocate out of California and more importantly out of the United States. On abortion I only believe it should happen if the life of the mother is in danger. Abortion is not a form of birth control. Marriage is between a man and a woman period. I am all for school vouchers. Our youth can hardly tell you the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. In California we spend more money on education than any other state yet our children rank near last on national tests. We need to go back to rReading writing and arithmetic in the lower grades and save social education for high school when kids’ brains have matured enough to understand what they are being taught. Now they are being indoctrinated and they know more about homosexual rights than how to spell homosexual. The right to own and bear arms shall not be infringed. I am pro military. A standing military ready and willing to use coercive force is a hallmark of civilization, Without one the world reverts to chaos and the have nots will see the United States as vulnerable and weak. As far as the environment is concerned is I am a conservationist. I believe in wise use as opposed to preservation. This does not mean that I think we should trash the environment or to squander and rape our environment for profit. There are a lot of things that need to be preserved and protected but there are an equal amount of resources available for us to use. I live in Foresthill California. Near our home is the northernmost stand of Giant Redwoods in the United States. Some would say to cut them down. I say they should be preserved. I am however for offshore oil drilling. The United States has 3% of all the world’s oil reserves. We use 25% of the world’s oil. The Liberals would have you believe that we use more than our share of the oil because of this number. But if you understand how statistics can be used to deceive, that 3% oil reserve would last the United States over a hundred years. We could get off foreign dependence on oil and develop alternative forms of energy. I am for the death penalty not only as a form of punishment but also as a deterrent. I know I can’t agree with everything that all Conservatives do. The one thing I do believe in is self reliance, responsibility and consequences for ones actions. I believe that America is a melting pot where all peoples should strive to speak the same language (English) and be Americans first and what ever hyphenated whatever they want to be. Last but most definitely not least I believe that God should not have been divorced from American Culture. After all over two thirds of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were ministers so I think you may understand how I feel about God.

I hope this answers some of your questions. Should you want clarification please do write me at jdummett@ftcnet.net.
At 9:25pm on February 18, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Hi Joy, thanks for joining We The People USA. This site was created to keep people informed about all the issues stemming from the 2008 election and general issues that affect our every day lives. We're now in the processes of organizing State action groups to meet with elected officials and agency representatives. This initiative is new and more information about the activities we are planning will be coming soon, so please join your State's Action Group.

In addition, we are also trying to work with other groups to build a Coalition. We are hoping that we can unite groups under one umbrella called the United Coalition of We The People USA. If you haven't heard about the Coalition, please take the time to read more about it on the Groups page. If you already belong to other networks, please help us get the message out about our State initiatives and the Coalition.

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So, please make yourself at home and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Welcome again and thanks for helping "preserve our Republic."



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