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Kelly Girl
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  • Vancouver WA
  • United States
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Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 - December 19, 1968 and some may be old enough to remember him running for President) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.

Norman Thomas said this in a 1944 speech:

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "liberalism," they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The
Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

Norman was very smart. The problem with Socialism is that at some point you run out of other people's money. With fewer and fewer people paying taxes and more and more getting benefits, something has to give.

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Kelly Girl's Blog

Muslims gather in Washington DC Sept 25th....this is really scary

Posted on September 17, 2009 at 10:46am 0 Comments

This gave me literal chills…and there was nothing but SILENCE from the White House on our national day of prayer……


Christians would never be able to do this in Mecca! Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this page......it states "OUR TIME HAS COME!" I believe in freedom of religion but something about this just doesn't seem right....maybe they should be praying at Ground Zero, The Pentagon, and the sight of… Continue

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At 11:41am on September 16, 2009, Kelly Girl said…
Someone emailed me this and I wanted to share it...The link is below. Talk about fired up!
Americans – What the hell is wrong with you?
I’m amazed at American citizens from every walk of life. Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, Christian, Jews, Muslims, you name it – EVERY American.
What is it that compels you to accept what is being done to this country? Make no mistake about – This Administration is concerned with ONE THING ONLY – the amassing of power and control over every facet of your lives. Congress – The Democrats are in alignment with the Administration and the Republicans are just a bunch of wussies who don’t have the cojones to stand up and say ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP. Both side of the aisle are interested in themselves and could give a rat’s ass about American citizens.
You think I’m joking? Open you damn eyes up and expand your brain to a level of critical thinking if you don’t see what I’m talking about. This is not about taking a political side. What the majority of you don’t understand is that it is not about Democrat against Republican, Liberal against Conservative, one religion against the other.
It’s about our current Administration and Congress pitting American citizens against each other. The Administration is rolling out on a daily basis, plans and programs that do one thing and one thing only – GROW GOVERNMENT AS BIG AS POSSIBLE! Your Liberty, your Life, your personal pursuit of Happiness is being taken away at the passing of every bill and program Congress has to offer. Do you get it yet? The American citizen’s opposition is the GOVERNMENT!
I don’t want to hear a thing about how this Administration wants to help Americans. That’s a pile of crap. When a government increases debt at this level, at this overwhelming pace, it only enslaves EVERY American citizen. Spare me the falsities of Keynesian economics, it has NEVER worked. There’s proof throughout history – Japan, England, FDR, and China. Please enlighten me – If deficit spending works, if government programs work, if there is no other solution but government intervention, then please tell that to the 1 billion of 1.3 billion Chinese that live at or below the level of poverty. I’m not here to promulgate the careers of Keynesian economists so they can keep their jobs. I’m here to promote and advance the freedom, power, and potential of every human being. Government will NEVER do that which I can do better for myself. EVER!!!
Stand up Americans! Parents – Get off your lazy asses and participate in your childrens lives! Ensure that children are taught well in schools, that they learn the very principles and foundation this great country was built on. Encourage them in the studies of science and math. Promote the mastery of English to them so that they can communicate clearly. Demand the teaching of critical thinking skills that have been erased from our educational institutions. You have an obligation to your children and you are failing them miserably because of your inherent laziness!
Citizens of America, take back the Greatest Country in the World from a Government who has failed you miserably for DECADES!! Look around you, walk into any store and see the overwhelming abundance displayed. There is enough for everyone! There always has been and there always will be. Look within yourselves closely – there is a never ending abundance of happiness, love, life within you. You’ve been given all that you need with out the help of any government. The Government didn’t create that abundance – YOU DID!!
We have the greatest healthcare in the world PERIOD! You let the Government tell you that our healthcare system is bad? BULL CRAP!! The Government who has systematically inserted itself into healthcare and is now getting ready to take over and control are the ones who have degraded the availability and affordability of this great system. It is up to each and everyone of you to tell our Government – STAY THE HELL OUT OF MY HEALTH. It’s time the Doctors and the Patients take control of their own lives and well being!
Citizens of this great country – Are you not tired of the OVER-regulation that is being foisted upon you by our Government? What does it take for you to understand that over-regulation and not under-regulation is the problem? You merely have to look at the hundreds of thousands of pages of government regulations, explanations, and addendums to see that each one of us are being regulated to death. Our Founding Fathers were prescient in establishing one of the primary foundations of this great country – LIMITED government.
Aren’t you tired of the Government, the Media, etc – creating fear out of every little thing in your life? When will you as an American stand up and realize that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real? Seriously think about it – fear is created from a hypothetical situation that hasn’t happened. When will you ever realize that you and you alone can rise above fear, lift yourself above your current state and create an abundance like none has ever seen? Here’s a hint – For thousands of years individuals have proven it. Wake up and LOOK!
Your Government is interested in one thing right now – controlling you as much as possible in every way possible. I will not stand idly by and let a government nor anyone control my unalienable rights. For the lazy, the definition of unalienable – incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another. Right now the Government is in the process of transferring your unalienable rights to them. The question is – How lazy and stupid are you going to be in order to let them do it?!!
At 11:40am on September 16, 2009, Kelly Girl said…
At 10:54pm on September 14, 2009, John Wickert said…
Ya I didn't make it which was very disappointing! Just fyi... not a cop anymore... I own a bail bonds business and a private investigation business.
At 11:26am on September 14, 2009, Kelly Girl said…
Why is it that the dems are calling for Joe Wilson to apologize for telling the truth during the joint session speech...but no one is asking Obama to apologize for lying during his speech to the joint session? "Things that make you go......what the hell?" I will be making a regular monthly donation to his campaign from now on and I don't even live in his state!
At 7:54pm on September 10, 2009, Sharon D "Keep the Freedom" said…
Let's do this Girl!



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