We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Terri Storm Alabama State Coordi
  • Female
  • Birmingham
  • United States
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Terri Storm Alabama State Coordi's Friends

  • Jessica Hanson
  • Marie Cogdill
  • Screamin Eagle
  • KD
  • kirk thomas
  • Patriot Sister
  • James Casteel
  • Clyde Sawyer
  • Paul Metcalf
  • Robert
  • Dean Haskins
  • LeeD
  • www.sovereign-citizenship.net
  • Trainer
  • William Byrd

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At 10:51am on May 23, 2009, James Casteel said…
Hello Terri,
I have a letter that I have been posting in many places on the internet which you may or may not have seen, which fits into your agenda. If you can use it to further our cause please do. Here is a copy of it and if you see any place it needs editing or added to please feel free to do so. Thanks!

An open letter to the Supreme Court of the United States of America


I am not a lawyer, a politician, a businessman nor any other important person other than an American citizen.
I have one simple question of which I'd like an answer. I realize you are very busy so I'll make this as breif as possible, but must take some of your time in order to get my mind wrapped around this Obama birth certificate ordeal.
As I understand, many lawsuits have been thrown out because of lack of standing. May I ask who has standing if it is not the American citizen? Is it not we, the people, who are America? Do we only count at tax time or when the government wants more money or another body to wage war against our supposed enemy? Does the Constitution of the United States not give us standing when it is the citizen who that document gives authority?
If this is so, why can we not have closure on this very important matter of the qualifications of a supposed president of this nation hangs in the balance?
I believe it is imperative to our sovereignty and security to have this matter looked into and openly publicized. Such a matter as this should have been open to the public before the first vote was cast.
I ask only that the Constitution of these United States be followed in this and all matters,

A concerned American Citizen,
At 9:39pm on March 2, 2009, Patriot Sister said…
Hi Terri we had a meeting in Mobile Al tonight. About 40 people showed up. We intend on having another one as soon as possible. We called it the American Republic meeting but intend to mold it into We the People and the Patrioic Resistance. What can we do in Mobile to help here? We are planning on find a larger place to meet as we know we will grow. Thanks Linda
At 12:34pm on March 1, 2009, WTPUSA said…
You now have administrative rights for your state action group and you are a featured member so other members can see you are a state leader. Please try to find an assistant state coordinator and focus on building your groups membership.Thanks for stepping up!
At 4:39pm on November 10, 2008, WTPUSA said…
Hi Terri, thanks for joining We The People USA. This site was created to keep people informed about all the issues stemming from the 2008 election and general issues that affect our every day lives. I hope to provide a lot of great site content soon and I hope everyone will contribute and start discussions. Please take an active role in posting your thoughts and opinions and help spread the word about this site by emailing those on your contact list. Also, thank you for joining your State's Electorate Action Group. And remember, you can belong to more than one "Group." Please encourage everyone working with you to join your state Group so you can plan a course of action, exchange documents and schedule live chats. I will be posting a schedule for live chats soon and anyone who is a member can have a live chat by going to the Live Chat page. You can join in on a general chat or create your own room and invite others to join. If you want to meet online at a certain time with other members, just send them an email invitation with the time you would like to meet and create a chat room to meet in. Again, welcome and thanks for helping "preserve our Republic."



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