We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Patriot Sister
  • Mobile, AL
  • United States
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Smart Meters Obama

Started this discussion. Last reply by CaliforniaRuth Mar 26, 2009. 1 Reply

Obama's Gun Ban List is out!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rev. Alvin Cordes Mar 18, 2009. 1 Reply


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Obama's Federal budget for 2010

Posted on March 12, 2009 at 7:30pm 0 Comments

Obama's Federal budget for 2010

Note page 9! Growing Imbalance: Accumulating
Wealth and Closing Doors to the Middle Class

If you look at pg 11 figure 9 take note of the Economist at the bottom.

God Help Us all! We must act quickly.

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 10:07pm on July 16, 2009, Paul A. Ibbetson said…

At 11:31am on April 27, 2009, Amanda said…
Please read this letter and pass it on to as many people as you can, these are the men and women who are fighting for the Rights that obama and the democrats are doing everything in their power to take away from us.
At 11:29am on April 27, 2009, Amanda said…
Marine Recon Report

* Posted by Linda Fletcher on March 27, 2009 at 8:02pm
* View Linda Fletcher's blog

2009 2:45 PMSubject: Marine Recon Report
Received from a friend whose husband is over there on one of the contract

Marines seem to tell-it-all the best!! These types of guys make our lives
livable here at home.

Subject: From the Sand Pit

Here is a US Marine who is not afraid to tell it like it is. Political
Correctness doesn't mean beans to this tough young warrior.

From a Recon Marine in Afghanistan

It's freezing here. I'm sitting on hard, cold dirt between rocks and shrubs
at the base of the Hindu Kush Mountains along the Dar 'yoi Pomir River
watching a hole that leads to a tunnel that leads to a cave. Stake out, my
friend, and no pizza delivery for thousands of miles.

I also glance at the area around my ass every ten to fifteen seconds to
avoid another scorpion sting. I've actually given up battling the chiggers
and sand fleas, but them scorpions give a jolt like a cattle prod. Hurts
like a bastard. The antidote tastes like transmission fluid but God bless
the Marine Corps for the five vials of it in my pack.

The one truth the Taliban cannot escape is that, believe it or not, they are
human beings, which means they have to eat food and drink water.. That
requires couriers and that's where an old bounty hunter like me comes in
handy. I track the couriers, locate the tunnel entrances and storage
facilities, type the info into the handheld, shoot the coordinates up to the
satellite link that tells the air commanders where to drop the hardware, we
bash some heads for a while, then I track and record the new movement.

It's all about intelligence. We haven't even brought in the snipers yet.
These scurrying rats have no idea what they're in for. We are but days away
from cutting off supply lines and allowing the eradication to begin.

I dream of bin Laden waking up to find me standing over him with my boot on
his throat as I spit into his face and plunge my nickel plated Bowie knife
through his frontal lobe. But you know me. I'm a romantic. I've said it
before and I'll say it again: This country blows, man. It's not even a
country. There are no roads, there's no infrastructure, there's no
government. This is an inhospitable, rock pit shit hole ruled by eleventh
century warring tribes. There are no jobs here like we know jobs.

Afghanistan offers two ways for a man to support his family: join the opium
trade or join the army. That's it. Those are your options. Oh, I forgot, you
can also live in a refugee camp and eat plum-sweetened, crushed beetle paste
and squirt mud like a goose with stomach flu if that's your idea of a party.
But the smell alone of those 'tent cities of the walking dead' is enough to
hurl you into the poppy fields to cheerfully scrape bulbs for eighteen hours
a day.

I've been living with these Tajiks and Uzbeks and Turkmen and even a couple
of Pushtins for over a month and a half now and this much I can say for
sure: These guys, all of 'em, are Huns...actual, living Huns. They LIVE to
fight. It's what they do. It's ALL they do. They have no respect for
anything, not for their families or for each other or for themselves.

They claw at one another as a way of life. They play polo with dead calves
and force their five-year-old sons into human cockfights to defend the
family honor. Huns, roaming packs of savage, heartless beasts who feed on
each other's barbarism. Cavemen with AK47's. Then again, maybe I'm just

I'm freezing my ass off on this stupid hill because my lap warmer is running
out of juice and I can't recharge it until the sun comes up in a few hours.

Oh yeah! You like to write letters, right? Do me a favor, Bizarre. Write a
letter to CNN and tell Wolf and Anderson and that awful, sneering, pompous
Aaron Brown to stop calling the Taliban 'smart.' They are not smart. I
suggest CNN invest in a dictionary because the word they are looking for is
'cunning.' The Taliban are cunning, like jackals and hyenas and wolverines..
They are sneaky and ruthless and, when confronted, cowardly. They are
hateful, malevolent parasites who create nothing and destroy everything
else. Smart.. Pfft. Yeah, they're real smart.

They've spent their entire lives reading only one book(and not a very good
one, as books go) and consider hygiene and indoor plumbing to be products of
the devil. They're still figuring out how to work a Bic lighter.. Talking to
a Taliban warrior about improving his quality of life is like trying to
teach an ape how to hold a pen; eventually he just gets frustrated and
sticks you in the eye with it.

OK, enough. Snuffle will be up soon so I have to get back to my hole.
Covering my tracks in the snow takes a lot of practice but I'm good at it.
Please, I tell you and my fellow Americans to turn off the TV sets and move
on with your lives.

The story line you are getting from CNN and other news agencies is utter
bullshit and designed not to deliver truth but rather to keep you glued to
the screen through the commercials. We've got this one under control. The
worst thing you guys can do right now is sit around analyzing what we're
doing over here because you have no idea what we're doing and, really, you
don't want to know. We are your military and we are doing what you sent us
here to do.

You wanna help? Buy Bonds America.

Saucy Jack

Recon Marine in Afghanistan
Semper Fi

"Freedom is not free . . . but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your
Pacifism is a luxury paid for by warriors Semper Fi

----- End forwarded message -----

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At 9:29am on February 25, 2009, Amanda said…
I do have to say though, the first time I questioned obama to Senator Shelby, he sent me a letter that said no one in the Senate seemed worried. I didn't give up, I sent more letters with more proof about obama and I'm just so happy to see that Shelby is listening to his Alabama supporters!! I have also sent many letters to McCain asking him to stand with us, and wondering why he didn't ask these questions before the election. I have not received an answr yet. Now what can I do to help my fellow Alabama Republicans? I do not live in Mobile I live in Elberta, let me know and I'll do my best to help.
At 2:33pm on February 21, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Hi Patriot, thanks for joining We The People USA. This site was created to keep people informed about all the issues stemming from the 2008 election and general issues that affect our every day lives. We're now in the processes of organizing State action groups to meet with elected officials and agency representatives. This initiative is new and more information about the activities we are planning will be coming soon, so THANKS for join your State's Action Group.

In addition, we are also trying to work with other groups to build a Coalition. We are hoping that we can unite groups under one umbrella called the United Coalition of We The People USA. If you haven't heard about the Coalition, please take the time to read more about it on the Groups page. If you already belong to other networks, please help us get the message out about our State initiatives and the Coalition.

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On this site, you will find is a Member Reference Center under our Forum tab which has a ton of information if you are searching for the best way to contact your elected officials and government agencies.

If you're interested in following the Presidential eligibility lawsuits or the electorate actions that transpired, we have groups following that too. Again, there are plenty groups to join, so please check out the Groups page and do a quick search.

This site also has a live Chat feature that allows you to Chat with other site members who are online. And, if you are active in any outside initiatives, you can post your latest Event on the Events page.

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So, please make yourself at home and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Welcome again and thanks for helping "preserve our Republic."



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