We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Term Limits for Congress is the Key from a partner of TAR

Please give very careful consideration to the following plea.
Folks, Obama said Iraq was a "distraction." As heart wrenching as this statement is, officially made to the world, to anyone even remotely connected to someone that died serving their country in Iraq, it is either by design or by accident a major distraction in and of itself. The reality is Obama is the distraction. His presidency, whether legitimate or not, has in effect taken our attention away from the real source of the attack on our Constitution, Congress.
Slightly more than half of those that voted in November 2008, give or take a few ACORN varieties, were duped into believing he would usher in a new era of hope for the future and change for the better. His actions obviously speak a different message. Our focus is also being drawn to Obama. We are amazed on a daily basis by what comes out of his administration. We too are being duped into believing he is the root problem. That simply is not true. The real issue is Congress. Congress is the true source of audacity, arrogance, and constitutional degradation. Our group, The American Republic, has decided that if we are ever going to accomplish anything of lasting value, which could include reversing all that has happened under and since FDR, plus reverse what has and will happen under Obama and perhaps those that follow, we must make a fundamental change in how OUR country is managed by those WE appoint. Our grassroots organization, which is non-partisan, has concluded that the fundamental flaw in our current structure is the ability of some Congressional members to become immune to the threat of getting kicked out. What we end up with is a situation where certain individuals through pork and other means, establish a stranglehold on their constituencies. This in turn makes it possible for lunatics and worse to gain seniority and the ultimate uncontested control of Congress and all it controls, which is ultimately everything. As we all see right now, the concept of checks and balances are almost nonexistent.
What is the solution? Term limits, two to be exact. This is our organization's goal. This is our mission. This must be America’s goal. Why? There is no other single action that will accomplish more toward giving us an opportunity to address all that has been done to lead us down a path away from the Constitution and toward globalized tyranny. How will we do this? As a grassroots drive that takes it from state to state, getting the two thirds needed, and do the same thing that ended Prohibition! This we can do. We have the people, people like you, if you step up. People like your neighbor, if you educate and encourage them. We have millions, some have stirred from their slumber like you and me, but others are only now waking up. The inescapable truth is, there is an overwhelming number of us, if, and only if, we join together, and join fast.
If your concern is 2nd Amendment rights, affordable basic medical care, freedom of speech and religion, racial and economic freedom, national security and secure borders, the rights of the unborn and the elderly, freedom of movement and congregation, an open and honest press, minimal government regulation, and of course a sensible and economically sound tax structure, then your concern should also be term limits. Everyone benefits fairly. Without that one element, whatever your plans are, unless you want to be a subject instead of a citizen, they are only dreams. Calls, emails, letters, and protests are not the solution right now. That offers no real leverage against the power Congress wields right now. Turn on Fox or CNN, the facts are the same, Congress is ignoring us.
With term limits, leverage is no longer a real issue because the opposing power structure will no longer have a way to exist. Powerful lobbyist and pork projects won't be a nearly as effective because the players will change too fast. The election cycle will simply eliminate them when no other morally acceptable avenue can. Also, if a lunatic actually gets elected, only a new lunatic elected can perpetuate the lunacy, and that's a worse case scenario. Ultimately, instead of focusing only on their constituents in order to get reelected, our Congressmen and Senators will actually have time to think about what is best for the nation, and that, my friends, would be a change for the better.
Please ponder this for a little while if you have not already reached the same conclusion. If and when you understand the real nature of the situation we are in, please consider joining with us. Our organization has decided to initiate the effort and lead the charge. Our strategy is to develop alliances with as many sympathetic groups and organizations all across the nation as fast as possible. You can help simply by copying this message and sending it out to as many people, places, and publications as possible.
Please don't let our new emergence scare you away. We decided that time is so critical that we will build the infrastructure as we go. We will learn from many of you and incorporate ideas that you have already proved to be successful. Yes this is huge. It is truly ambitious. Compare it to what we are up against and how huge does it look then? Please go to our site to get familiar with our group. We are calling ourselves The American Republic for a very good reason, we are not the resisters, the 545 people inside Washington D.C. and all of their millions of civil “servants,” have been operating a resistance movement that has systematically targeted the Constitution and the rule of law and as a result, has gradually led us toward tyranny and away from self-government. Our website is www.theamericanrepublic.org and our blog site is www.theamericanrepublic.ning.com.
This is your chance to do something good that will last far beyond your own lifetime. Two hundred and thirty seven years ago as of this July 4th, a group of individuals did something for you today. They were not Republicans, Democrats, or anything else, they were just people that saw a need and an opportunity. Are you as thankful about that as I am? Over fifty million people voted against Obama. Every single one of them should share our concern. Why don't we make it our goal to present over fifty million signatures on petitions to the legislatures in all fifty states by July 4th 2009? Can we not get an average of at least one million per state? To paraphrase a line from Jurasic Park, we can do this!
Please let us know if you are at least interested in the concept. Please keep in mind it is not our goal for you to stop your own efforts and projects, we just want your help.
For America,
Julius Powell
Spokesman/ Organizer / Co-Founder
The American Republic
Email: tar742009@gmail.com

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