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Bantiarna Drucht's Blog – October 2015 Archive (5)

Overstock Holds 3 Months Of Food, $10 Million In Gold For Employees In Preparation For The Next Collapse

Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne's crusade against naked short sellers in particular, and Wall Street and the Federal Reserve in general, has long been known and thoroughly documented (most recently with his push to use blockchain technology to revolutionize the multi-trillion repo market).

But little did we know that Overstock's Chairman Jonathan Johnson is as vocal an opponent of the fiat…


Added by Bantiarna Drucht on October 26, 2015 at 12:50am — 2 Comments

Friday’s Gold Smash Reeks Of Central Bank Corruption

It’s no secret that the banking cabal has been going to great lengths to prevent gold from breaking out above its 200 day moving average.   Why?  Because it is likely that if this were to occur, it would “flip” the hedge fund black box algorithms from selling rallies and shorting downside momentum to buying gold sell-offs and chasing upside momentum higher.  In other words, it would make the task of keeping a lid on the price of gold much more difficult.

The effort to keep gold from…


Added by Bantiarna Drucht on October 26, 2015 at 12:42am — 1 Comment

How To Stamp Out Cultural Marxism In A Single Generation

There are very few legitimate cultural divisions in the world. Most of them are arbitrarily created, not only by political and financial elites, but also by the useful idiots and mindless acolytes infesting the sullied halls of academia.

It is perhaps no mistake that cultural Marxists in the form of "social justice warriors", PC busybodies and feminists tend to create artificial divisions between people and “classes” while attacking and homogenizing very real and natural divisions…


Added by Bantiarna Drucht on October 26, 2015 at 12:29am — No Comments

Forget China, Saudi Arabia Could Demolish The US Dollar

You probably have heard this numerous times before; the Chinese position in US Treasuries is outright dangerous and China could single-handedly force the US Dollar to weaken quite substantially. Whilst that’s definitely correct, it sure looks like one is overlooking the impact the low oil price has on the public finances of Saudi Arabia.

As the country is mainly depending on exporting its oil to keep its government budget balances, the Kingdom has been hit extremely hard by the 60%…


Added by Bantiarna Drucht on October 25, 2015 at 11:59pm — No Comments

Where is it?

Saw  portions of the Dem Debate....  made me a wee bit ill, yet, a quick notice was there were no American flags that I could see on the stage!!!.

Unless the camera angles made sure not to display them, If tonight was to be a Presidential Debate for the POTUS one would thing an American Flag would be there ..... IMHO it may illustrate how off the Dem party is and the subliminal tactics moving ever further from American values, respect, and conviction to the idea of being…


Added by Bantiarna Drucht on October 14, 2015 at 1:14am — 5 Comments



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