We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Don Loper's Blog (4)

HealthCare + Abortion + Climate Change = Ba’al worship

I am curious why so many countries this week coming from Copenhagen Climate Change (scam) are calling for population control as part of protecting the earth?

An informative site calculated for me what a “single” or average carbon foot print is.


Another calculated my own carbon foot print in my household here:…


Added by Don Loper on December 20, 2009 at 12:51am — 1 Comment

Will Chief Justice Roberts Really Swear in a Complete Fraud?

Will Chief Justice Roberts Really Swear in a Complete Fraud?

By JB Williams on (Jan 12, 09)

On Election Day 2008, 66 million Americans overlooked or ignored the greatest political fraud ever perpetrated on the American people…

50 state secretaries refused to accept any responsibility for verifying the constitutional eligibility of the candidate they would certify the winner of the 2008 presidential race…

The Electoral College,… Continue

Added by Don Loper on January 14, 2009 at 11:04pm — 1 Comment

President elect Obama will not be "my" president…

Now that the electors voted to elect Sen. Barack Obama to be the President of the United States, I know there are many conservatives who are uncomfortable with calling him "our" president.

I agree.

President Obama will not be "my" president. In fact, whoever would have won would not have been "my" president. This "my president" talk reveals an inner desire to be lorded over by a king, a little imperialist inside nearly every American just trying to get out.

Even… Continue

Added by Don Loper on December 18, 2008 at 12:35am — 5 Comments

What do the Clintons have on Obama?

What do the Clintons have on Obama?

What experience does Hillary have to run State? By Camille Paglia


This provocative question does not have any answer’s in this article.

Yet, the thought remains many believe they do have something.

Talk radio conservative hosts keep saying “Hillary would have played the birth

record” if it was real.

Wrong! Think it through, with the… Continue

Added by Don Loper on December 9, 2008 at 11:46pm — No Comments



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