I am curious why so many countries this week coming from Copenhagen Climate Change (scam) are calling for population control as part of protecting the earth?
An informative site calculated for me what a “single” or average carbon foot print is.
Another calculated my own carbon foot print in my household here:
If the average carbon (CO2 – what we exhale) footprint per-person is 7.2 tons per year, it got me thinking about my family footprint. So I took the time to fill in calculator for my family. Here are the results I was told the CO2 family uses per year:
Emissions Comparison Tons of CO2 eq/year
Your Estimated Emissions (4 person household)
United States Average (4 person household)
World Average (4 person household)
“Your estimated greenhouse gas emissions are 61 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent per year, which is below the U.S. national average. To reduce your climate impact, there are many simple things you can change in your everyday behavior that will make a big difference in the fight to slow climate change”
This comes to an average of 8.7 tons of CO2 or carbon footprint my family is supposed to be adding to global warming rise of 1 degree over the last 100 years. (Although I have not been around over 100 years)
Since 1969 the CDC has followed the annual US abortion statistics. (1) (2) The annual rate today is 46 million for 2009. (3) Counting the years from 1973 to 2009 (36 years) rounds up to 1.5 billion human deaths from abortion.(reported only) When one considers the “carbon footprint emissions” that were not released into the planet (child sacrifice) add up annually to a whopping CO2 savings of 11 billion tons each year. The total emission over last 36 years totals 400 billion tons and yet man made global warming has yet abated we are told by the likes of Al Gore and our world is yet on the brink of destruction.
Currently Rueters added up climate talks CO2 emission in Copenhagen generated 46,200 tones of CO2 mostly from flights.(4) “This would fill nearly 10,000 Olympic swimming pools, and is the same amount produced each year by 2,300 Americans or 660,000 Ethiopians”. Fortunetly Al Gore founded a firm called Generation Investment Management (GIM) (5) in London (why build in in America?) the co-founder is David Blood a former Goldman Sach CEO that advises government on green laws and make money off those regulations.
Here is where the hypocrisy (snake oil salesman) comes full circle,
“Nashville Electric Services records show the Gores in 2006 averaged a monthly electricity bill of $1,359 for using 18,414 kilowatt-hours, and $1,461 per month for using 16,200 kilowatt-hours in 2005. During that time, Nashville Gas Company billed the family an average of $536 a month for the main house and $544 for the pool house in 2006, and $640 for the main house and $525 for the pool house in 2005. That averages out to be $29,268 in gas and electric bills for the Gores in 2006, $31,512 in 2005.” (6)
Al Gores CO2 footprint is enough to power 232 average American homes for 1 month, or 20 times more electricity than the average family. By exceeding the average family CO2 ouptut of 8.7 tones per year by 20 times (174,000 tones) than the Al Gores of the world must have 20 abortions (sacrificed) on his behalf every year to maintain his lifestyle.
This is not funny, nor meant to be humorous. Overt calls from countries like Australia, China, and Canada have at the recent Copenhagen Climate (scam) called for population controls as part of reducing global warming are intertwined. (7)
"Humans are overpopulating the world," wrote Diane Francis in Canada's National Post Tuesday. "A planetary law, such as China's one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days."
More important is the lack of education and reality check to such frantic calls for further population reduction:
"A million births every four days sounds like quite a lot. Most people in our innumerate society won't think about it as a proportion of the total human population and whether it means galloping population growth. Being the pest I am, I did.
I calculated how many births that makes every year: 365 / 4 = 91.25, so this birth rate means 91.25 million people are born every year. That sounds like a lot. But a ballpark figure for total human population today is 6.7 billion, which, divided by 91.25 million, yields 73.4.
In other words, at a birth rate of 1 million every 4 days, it would take 73.4 years to replace the world's population. With the world's average life expectancy hovering around 67, that means 1 million births every 4 days is below replacement rate, which would entail that population is shrinking now, not growing.
Copenhagen Update: Population Control Freaks Hitch Their Wagon to Global Warming - Written by E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D. Wednesday, 16 December 2009 00:00"
Which brings me back to why a mandatory use of federal tax dollars to fund abortion in current government run health care bill? If population growth above is only “replacing” and not growing but shrinking, it seems the fastest means available for the rich to maintain their enormous CO2 footprints but abort (8.7 tons - 1 baby) on their behalf per CO2 footprint ton bases on their lifestyle every year?
Some call for the reduction of 2 billion more lives to balance the earth’s population. However, given that 2 billion children have already been aborted (sacrificed) for the elite’s pleasure isn’t enough and population (using above figures) growth is stifled and continues to be spiraling deep into the negative.
For the rich and famous as in Al Gores case over a 60 year lifespan he would require over 1,200 abortions to maintain his lavish CO2 footprint. This may not be enough given the current trends, and his desire to enrich his lifestyle further. Either crush the ability for any country to grow industrially, or kill more babies, or both?
This is not a new invention of man, the sacrifice of children for our lustful lifestyles, and the gain of personal power through the worship of Baal religion. (8) Wikepedia says it this way:
“"Ba‛al" can refer to any god and even to human officials; in some texts it is used as a substitute for Hadad, a god of the rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture, and the lord of Heaven. Since only priests were allowed to utter his divine name Hadad, Ba‛al was used commonly.”
Notice how the “debate” is over today when Climate Gate dissent from “non believers” are condemned and that only the
current global “priests” are allowed to utter Ba’als name. (Ba’al now referred to as Climate Change)
Most Bible students know that the god Baal is mentioned over and over again in the Bible: but what is Baal worship, few have any idea. Just to refresh your memories about the prophet Elijah I will read one short passage from scripture about him.
1 Kings 18: 17: And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel?
18: And he answered, I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father's house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, and thou hast followed Baalim.
Who or What is Baal? Why is the Most High so incensed when His people worship Baal? Are we, perhaps, wrong in supposing that Baal was some ancient god that has nothing to do with modern man? Or could it be that Baal worship is something of which our society is guilty? Let us find out.
The word Baalim is the Hebrew plural for BAAL, the pagan god of nature and fertility. I quote from the Westminster Dictionary of the Bible article 'BAAL' (emphasis mine)
"... Baal worship apparently had its origin in the belief that every tract of ground owed its productivity to a supernatural being, or baal, that dwelt there. The farmers probably thought that from the Baalim, or fertility gods, of various regions came the increase of crops, fruit and cattle ... The worship of Baal was accompanied with lascivious rites (1 Kings 14:24), the sacrifice of children in the fire by parents (Jer.19:5), and kissing the image (1 Kings 19:18; Hos 13:2). Baal was often associated with the goddess Astoreth (Judg.2:13), and in the vicinity of his altar there was often an Asherah. (Judg.6:30; 1 Kings 16:32-33,R.V.)"
Of the goddess ASTORETH the same dictionary says:
"... She was the goddess of sexual love, maternity and fertility. Prostitution as a religious rite in the service of this goddess under various names is widely attested. The identification of 'Ashtart with Aphrodite is evidence of her sexual character."
That word lascivious means lewd, lustful, licentious, lecherous, bawdy. If you take just one moment to describe our current leadership do any of these words come to mind?
It really than is not the worship of the earth that drives the murder of children, it is the lust of man to continue in their lecherous strive for more lewd lifestyle (the few) and ensure that no nation, no people, can ever rise in power to righteously off-seat them from their thrones.
For if the United Sates offers the world 1.5 million abortions (children sacrficed to Ba’al) per year for over 36 years is not enough than what is? (China's 8.8 million you might see why China might believe it's doing more than it's share and reluctant to restrict it's industrial growth too? Forget it.)
Such global child sacrifices should be a warning to us all the content of mens hearts to formally provide the legality of sacrificing children to a false god.
Federally funding aborttion as one black preacher Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.,(9) senior pastor of the New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclair, N.J. says it this way:
Minister: Obamacare kills African-American babies Charges president has become 'the face of black genocide in America today' -
"It's sinister, but President Obama has become the face of black genocide in America today," said Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr., senior pastor of the New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclair, N.J. According to Childress, about 35 percent of the nearly 4,500 abortions performed each day in the U.S. are on African-Americans, even though African-Americans are only about 13.5 percent of the population.
Childress said 52 percent of all African-American pregnancies end in abortion, and three out of every five African-American women will obtain an abortion. He estimated 16 million African-American babies have been aborted since the passage of Wade v. Roe in 1973. Had the approximately 16 million African American babies aborted since the landmark Supreme Court decision been allowed to live, there likely would be more than 50 million African-Americans in the U.S. today. The last count, in 2007, was 40 million. If the Democrats' health-care measure provides government funding for abortions, Childress expects the number of African-American abortions to increase dramatically.
Childress pointed to a hidden "marriage penalty" included in the House-passed version of health care reform under which the cost for health insurance for two married individuals would exceed by approximately $10,000 the cost if the two individuals were single but living together.
"Skillfully placed in the bill is an incentive not to marry," Childress pointed out. "Unwanted pregnancies to unwed mothers are a major cause of abortion in the African-American community."
According to U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, 70.2 percent of all African American babies were born to unmarried mothers in 2006.
"Few people appreciate the health risk a woman takes with an abortion," Childress argued. "Abortions in first-time pregnancies increase the risk of breast cancer by as much as 66 percent. Abortions used as a contraceptive makes the woman a high risk for future illness, with the cost of her subsequent health care likely to increase by three or four times as a result of the abortion."
President Obama is on record arguing the right of a woman to choose an abortion is absolute.
On Jan. 23, as one of his first acts as president, Obama issued an executive order rescinding the so-called "Mexico City Policy," a Reagan administration-era prohibition against all non-governmental organizations receiving federal funding to perform or actively promote abortions."
Why is America so hell bent to “increase” the death rate for children in our country? It’s as if the world is telling Americans they are not doing enough to “save the planet”!
Why are the majority of blacks voting for democrats when genocide for them is imminent? It is because Ba’al worship demands that to live a licentious lifestyle requires permission from others to do so.
It is appropriate to end with the words of Jesus Christ found in Mark 8:36:
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”
As clearly demonstrated by our illustrious leaders (who must be voted or booted from power in 2010) and that of Mr. Obama not placing any credence to our inheritance from God as this nation is. That our America has from inception been more a blessing to the world as we declared as no other nation ever existed ever has, that
mans freedom is from God above. In the last 233 years our declaration to this end has freed more men and women than all nations in history past, and born more innovation (medicine, technology) than any nation since Adam.
What government has invented anything that has prospered man? It was in our highest capacity to declare God given freedom, to which this nation shinned its light over the darkest of world.
To do this again, our individual responsibility is than to the Lord, and in the preparation of our children s souls and our own.
For here is where real power is formed, to stem the tide of evil. No intellectual argument will ever turn the wicked from their path.
1. CDC Abortion Statistical Reports:
2. Abortion Laws 2009 Fact Sheet:
3. Abortion Incidence Worldwide: Abortion Incidence:
4. Copenhagen Climat Talks Carbon Emissions:
5. GIM –Al Gore investment firm:
6. Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- $30,000 utility bill:
7. Labor MP calls for population control: (ABC News)
8. Wikepedia- Baal -
9. Minister: Obamacare kills African-American babies Charges president has become 'the face of black genocide in America today':
10. ibid.
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