We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Therese Daniels's Blog (10)

What is right is right--I will not close my eyes!


I don’t know and don’t care about the-road-to-hell-is-paved-with-good-intentions save the planet people who deem it a priority to be POLITICALLY CORRECT. Many people will call me names which may or may not be so--like Jew lover, bigot, war monger, uniformed, or whatever the latest popular labels may be. To name callers I will say only this in my defense: What I truly love is a world of peace and freedom for all people. Muslims are taking that… Continue

Added by Therese Daniels on January 4, 2009 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Enough is Enough


If any one would have suggested to me twenty years ago what I am writing I would have considered them mentally disabled. 2008 election year has opened my eyes to many unbelievable events that actually happened.

Finally, enough is enough. America’s backbone will no longer take it any more. The fight has begun. The thugs, thieves, and betrayers of America will be held accountable by the public.

Usa… Continue

Added by Therese Daniels on January 3, 2009 at 7:09pm — 4 Comments

New Year 2009

Happy New Year

Let us refine the political design in 2009

Watch out world —the first 20 days of 2009 will be the most historically significant days to America’s future since 1776!

It is going to be a great experience sharing with you all the news MSM fails to broadcast. We may agree on a whole lot of basic fundamentals of being a patriotic American, living under the rule of one of the greatest contracts every written in the world, the US Constitution. Then we… Continue

Added by Therese Daniels on January 1, 2009 at 6:54am — No Comments

Time to Stop Being Politically Correct and Start Being Humanely Honest

Time to Stop Being Politically Correct and Start Being Humanely Honest

The Hamas is quoted in the media: “NO TRUCE UNTIL ISRAEL STOPS ITS ATTACKS’

Oh Yea! How ‘bout this: “ISRAEL ATTACKS DON’T STOP UNTIL EVERY JEW HATING PALESTINIAN IS DEAD” . . . is what this writer would like Israel to say to these idiots. Further more, we are going to bring General Moishe Dayan back from the dead. He had no delusions, illusions, or fantasies when it comes to dealing with Jew… Continue

Added by Therese Daniels on December 29, 2008 at 9:52pm — No Comments

Dictator Obama, Last American President, To Take Oath on Abraham Lincoln's Bible


As unbelievable as it seems, our beloved America has been raped, disgraced, violated, and handed to the people who hate her most. The most horrible realizations of the daily tragedy we are experiencing are the perpetrators of this unthinkable crime are the very people who hold sacred positions of the highest public trust. I often lose sleep trying to understand why judges, Senators, Congressmen, politicians… Continue

Added by Therese Daniels on December 28, 2008 at 5:40pm — No Comments

No Violent Response When Saved From The Harm of Fraud. What If


What if you went to the grocery store and chose a large box of crackers needed to go with your family’s dinner only to discover upon opening the package it only contained rat poison. How would you react? First you would immediately know that isn’t what you intended to buy. Your choice was crackers. You got rat poison in its place. Then you wonder how it happened that rat poisoning was inside a beautifully packaged box labeled… Continue

Added by Therese Daniels on December 26, 2008 at 3:28pm — No Comments

2009 Challenges

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanuka, and Joyous Holidays to whatever your personal celebrations are! I wish all who read this your highest and best good. May 2009 bring to you and your families all they need to grow, love, and find peace and happiness.

No doubt every one is glad to see the end of 2008 which may well go down in our personal history as one of the single most difficult year's of most of our lives. It seems if things were bad, they not only didn't get better, they got worse.… Continue

Added by Therese Daniels on December 24, 2008 at 3:20pm — 1 Comment


Why 66,000,000 Obama Votes Are Not the Will of the People

One of the most common arguments presented by Obamabots why the people who are challenging Obama’s eligibility to be President should not do so is because 66,000,000 people voted for Obama. Therefore choice for Obama is the will of the people. Wrong, wrong, wrong and 66,000,000 votes wrong. Only half of America voted. Only half of the half who voted, voted for whom they thought was Obama. That makes the number only 25% of the… Continue

Added by Therese Daniels on December 13, 2008 at 1:58pm — No Comments

Is "Blago's" Arrest a Prophecy of More Disclosures to come?

Is it always darkest before the dawn? Is the arrest of “Blago” the prophecy of greater disclosures to come? Maybe all this is happening for the highest and best good for America? The sooner Obots wake up about their “Fairy God Father”, the sooner he can be deposed. In my opinion Obama is so amoral he dooesn’t know the difference from right or wrong or truth from a lie. All he knows is to say whaterever is expediant for him at the moment. Then he lets others sort out the messes he… Continue

Added by Therese Daniels on December 10, 2008 at 3:07pm — 1 Comment

The Supreme Court of the United States is On Trial Regardless of MSM's reporting of Obama's "president elect" activities of moving into the white house and planning to step into the role of Presiden…

The Supreme Court of the United States is On Trial

Regardless of MSM's reporting of Obama's "president elect" activities of moving into the white house and planning to step into the role of President, the loud silence is shouting America may be facing a usurper and is just a few weeks from a problem that may devastate America.

No matter how long or how well MSM has attempted cover up and obfuscate the issue of Barack Hussein Obama’s ineligibility to be President, the reality is… Continue

Added by Therese Daniels on December 6, 2008 at 9:01pm — 4 Comments



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