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Time to Stop Being Politically Correct and Start Being Humanely Honest

Time to Stop Being Politically Correct and Start Being Humanely Honest

The Hamas is quoted in the media: “NO TRUCE UNTIL ISRAEL STOPS ITS ATTACKS’

Oh Yea! How ‘bout this: “ISRAEL ATTACKS DON’T STOP UNTIL EVERY JEW HATING PALESTINIAN IS DEAD” . . . is what this writer would like Israel to say to these idiots. Further more, we are going to bring General Moishe Dayan back from the dead. He had no delusions, illusions, or fantasies when it comes to dealing with Jew hating/every body hating Muslims.

“Innocent civilians are being killed. Women and children are being killed by the Israelis”, the Palestinians are crying. That is what is so. So what, says this writer. I have no empathy, sympathy, or compassion for people who scream foul when their illogical actions bring upon them their logical conclusions. If the Hamas refused to extend the six month peace agreement and barraged Israel with missiles, why does the Hamas think Israel is going to send them flowers? It isn’t Israelis killing Muslims. It is Muslims who kill Muslims by the religion they choose to practice and the hostilities the perpetrate upon Israel and other countries.

I am not a Jew. I am an infidel. The Jews no one wanted after World War II turned that little part of the world into a beautiful jewel of a country surrounded by waste land owned by the Arab Muslims for thousands of years. I have always admired Israel as one of the true free country’s of the world. Rather than learning from the Jews, the dysfunctional Muslims have waged war upon Israel ever since. Now they are invading other countries around the world trying to force their backwards beliefs upon the modern world. Look at England. England! The stoic Brits were known for their toughness through out the world. I am shocked they have permitted themselves to regress to the 8th century! Muslims are already over crowding New York.

The Muslims have so little regard for their own people, they fail to protect them so they can live in peace and harmony. Instead of creating governments that promote goodwill among other people and countries, they create hostility with all “infidels” in the name of Allah. What kind of people would use their own people—including women and children as living bombs and call it noble? What kind of people refuses their women and children medical attention that will save their lives? What kind of religion chooses war over religious ideology at the price of its own people? (America stopped wars over religion in 1776). What kind of a religion is it that chooses suppression and oppression of its own people? If the Muslims of Palestine don’t want to be killed in war, all they have to do is choose peace. Israel did not refuse to extend the peace agreement. Israel did not hail Palestine with over 100 missiles in three days. Hamas did all that! It is time for Muslims and the rest of the world to recognize and acknowledge that the only people responsible for the death of Muslims are the Muslims themselves. The only thing Israel is doing is “taking care of itself”.

Regardless what religious beliefs exist in all the religions of the world, the first spiritual law of any of them is: “Take care of yourself.” This simply means keep your self alive and do so in as healthy and productive way as is possible. Therefore if you threaten my life or my property I am going to A. protect myself and B. Kill you, if you don’t refrain from threatening me. That is not only moral and spiritual to do so it is universally legal.

Until this last year, I have always been tolerant of other religions and people’s choices to worship as they please. The more I have learned about the Muslims, the more intolerant I have become. I have a hard time with a religion that rewrites history books to remove the facts of the holocaust in Germany because it offends them. I have a hard time with people who want to teach their children lies so they can continue living with archaic inhumane ideas to suppress women and their own people. Then insist upon forcing their dysfunctional beliefs upon the rest of the modern and enlightened world.
The world hating Muslims have been so obnoxious around this planet, I choose to no longer be tolerant of their intolerance. So I will say what Israel and all the politically correct people will not say. If you—women/world hating Muslims don’t cease and desist from trying to take over the planet with your hateful Muslim religion and barbaric, retarded sharia laws, and your clinging to ancient bigotry and get out of my, my country’s face and Israel’s face, too, I will wage “an American Jihad” on you the likes of which your miniscule minds could never conceive. If it takes 5,000 years, all of planet earth, and the entire universe, I will not quit until every infidel hating, retarded, ugly Muslim is either dead or has spit, pissed and defecated on the Koran. You have gone too far and enough is enough. So you had better start retreating back to the countries you were born. Get out now. The world has had enough!


Posted by: Therese Daniels | December 29, 2008 at 09:25 PM

Views: 7


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