We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 11, 2020 at 12:23am
Those Telling Police To Stand Down? They Also Want Your Guns
1:00 pm on June 4, 2020 by Tom Knighton "The Armed Citizen.
For a week, police departments all over the country were under siege as rioters took over their communities. In some places, the police did their best to control the situation. In some places, they also made it worse, but in others, they tried to protect life and property.
Yet in others, they were told to stand down by local officials. Those officials wanted the “protests” to continue without police involvement, a decision that likely led to millions of dollars in damage and an untold number of livelihoods destroyed as well
However, there’s something everyone should remember about those who advocated for the police standing down.
Minneapolis and other major cities have finally re-opened, at least to looters and arsonists.
For three days, police in Minneapolis and St. Paul were ordered to stand down as rioters destroyed their cities!
In New York City and Washington, D.C., on Monday night, police stood by as looters destroyed parts of those cities.
The same politicians who ordered police to stand down and released prison inmates are the same people who want to ban guns! These politicians prevent citizens from protecting themselves, at a time when police protection cannot be depended on.
For three days, police in Minneapolis and St. Paul were ordered to stand down as rioters destroyed their cities. Sadly, so many of the victims of this violence have been blacks. Black store owners have lost their businesses. In these heavily black areas, blacks will lose their jobs. Black shoppers worry they “have nowhere to go now.”
Across the country, police have had orders to stand down.
“Tonight, I watched Seattle burn. Seattle is dying, by fire, looting, weakness of the political leadership,” wrote Seattle KVI radio talk-show host Kirby Wilbur.
“We watched on TV as our law enforcement stood by while vandalism, looting, assaults, pure chaos reigned in the streets of our downtown business district.”
Neither of these cities are conservative, pro-gun strongholds, now are they?

Minneapolis hasn’t had a Republican as mayor since 1973, and even then, that Republican only served a single day in the office, finishing the term of his predecessor who was already on his way out. Before then, you have to go back to 1957 to find one.
Seattle is a bit trickier to determine only because their elections are non-partisan. However, the current mayor, Jenny Durkan, was nominated by barack obuma to become U.S Attorney for the Western District of Washington which tells us plenty about her politics.
These aren’t pro-gun people, yet they told the police to stand down. The very people they say will protect you, the same people the cite as being the reason you don’t need a gun, are the very people they told not to interfere with lawlessness in their cities.
It’s proof that they don’t believe the anti-gun stuff that comes out of their head. They don’t support you defending yourself, but they’ll hamstring the people they say will protect you.
Whenever someone tells you that you don’t need a gun, that the police will protect you, remind them of how the police were told to stand down when thousands of Americans needed them the most. Remind them and see if they have a response.
Just don’t hold your breath!!
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 11, 2020 at 12:12am
Armed Citizens Protect Minneapolis Businesses Amid Riots.
12:00 pm on May 28, 2020 by Tom Knighton "The Armed Citizen"
There can be some strange thinking at work in this country, especially lately. In particular, the idea that the best way to protest what you see as an illegal action and protect your community is to burn it to the ground.
I’m never really going to understand that one.
To be fair, nothing about the video that has surfaced paints the 4 Minneapolis Policemen in a positive light, nor should it. However, people rampaging through the city isn’t likely to improve the situation.
Yet it’s not the first time we’ve seen riots, especially over perceived racial injustice. Recently, we’ve seen rioting in Baltimore and Ferguson, Missouri, but for me, the definitive riot of my lifetime were the L.A. riots following the Rodney King incident.
One of the memes that still survives to this day are the “Roof Koreans.” Those were men and women who used their Second Amendment rights to protect their businesses from rioters.
Well, not everyone in Minneapolis was rioting. Some were making a stand not unlike the Korean shop owners in L.A. That’s right, good guys with guns tried to protect businesses.
Two men decided to utilize their Second Amendment rights to prevent people from looting nearby stores.
“Basically, you’ve seen the records the cops keep and the cops are a lot less likely to tread on people’s rights when there’s other armed Americans with them. So we figured it’s about damn time – or at least I figure it’s about damn time – for some heavily armed rednecks stood with fellow citizens,” the one man explained.
The two men were asked why they were protecting the particular businesses they were in front of. They said they had been patrolling businesses nearby and ended up in that parking lot because the smoke shop was closed but the owners were having to defend their business.
“We heard that and figured ‘Well, we better get up and go see if these guys need help,’” the second man said, pointing to the smoke shop behind him. “It turns out these guys are out here with machetes and trying to keep looters out of their business because the cops can’t get out here. And so, I figured, before there were cops there were Americans. So here we are.”
These two armed citizens make it clear that they don’t actually disagree with the protests. They think what happened to George Floyd was uncalled for and unjust. They support justice for what transpired.
They just don’t agree with looting and destroying businesses.
I can’t find anything wrong with that. Especially since my take as that they’d be willing to protect the protestors too.
“Leave it to the cops,” some might say, which is fine. Where are they? As noted in the video, the police can’t make it out there. So just how are they going to stop anyone from doing anything? You can’t leave it to the cops when there aren’t any cops around to leave it to.
Frankly, I’m glad these guys were there and were able to provide at least some protection for those businesses. As it is, we’ve got a virus doing enough damage to the economy that the last thing we need is to destroy small businesses already reeling from disaster.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 11, 2020 at 12:00am
20 State AG’s File Brief In Support Of The Right To Carry.
Posted at 11:00 am on June 5, 2020 by Cam Edwards
A group of attorneys general from across the country have come together to back a challenge to Hawaii’s restrictive carry laws that’s currently before judges in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeals court has already ruled that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect a right to carry a concealed firearm, but Hawaii resident George Young is challenging a state law that requires a permit to open carry.
The state rarely grants licenses to average citizens, and a three judge panel on the 9th Circuit has already ruled that, since the Second Amendment specifically protects a right to bear arms, and the Ninth Circuit says concealed carry isn’t protected by the Second Amendment, that must mean that the right to bear arms encompasses the right to open carry.
Now Young vs. Hawaii is before a broader panel of judges on the Ninth Circuit, and the AGs in Louisiana, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia are weighing in with support for Young and the right to bear arms.
The amicus brief authored by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry says out a strong case for the unconstitutional nature of Hawaii’s carry laws.
Hawaii’s permitting regime functions nearly as an outright ban on carrying firearms outside the home. It is undisputed that “no one other than a security guard—or someone similarly employed—had ever been issued an open carry license” under the scheme.
But carrying a firearm outside the home is necessary for self-protection, a core right of the Second Amendment. And so “the law’s burden on the right” here is severe. Such a scheme cannot survive any level of judicial review stricter than a rational basis test.
“Rational basis” is the lowest standard of court review, and basically only requires that the government only show that a law is “rationally related” to a “legitimate” government interest. The state of Hawaii is arguing that their restrictive licensing policies are rationally related to the legitimate government interest of public safety, and that the Second Amendment should offer no protection to those residents wanting to bear arms for self-defense.
In the newly filed amicus brief, the pro-Second Amendment AGs dispute that argument, noting that courts around the country have consistently reviewed gun control laws under either strict scrutiny (the highest level of judicial review) or intermediate scrutiny, a vague and fuzzy middle ground that’s allowed to courts to uphold many gun control laws. Even under intermediate scrutiny, the AGs argue, Hawaii’s licensing policy fails to pass the test.
This Court has explained that, under intermediate scrutiny, a law is unconstitutional unless the law’s defenders can show “(1) the government’s stated objective to be significant, substantial, or important; and (2) a reasonable fit between the challenged regulation and the asserted objective.”
Admittedly, Hawaii’s objective of securing public safety is “significant, substantial, or important.” But by adopting what is in effect blanket ban on carrying of firearms outside the home, Hawaii has failed to seek any “reasonable fit” between its regulatory structure and its objective of public safety.
To shore up that weakness, the Amicus brief of New Jersey, et al., in support of the petition for rehearing en banc, cites to various academic studies suggesting that bans on carrying guns decrease crime rates. But these studies do not demonstrate that Hawaii’s permitting scheme is proper under intermediate scrutiny, for two reasons.
First, other studies have come to the opposite conclusion—states that allow carrying a weapon with no permit at all have lower rates of violent crime!
Thus, the safety benefits of Hawaii’s law are ambiguous or marginal. And second, even if public safety were marginally improved by banning the public carry of weapons (which Amici do not concede), a virtual ban would still not qualify as a “reasonable fit” under an intermediate balancing test. Thus, the benefits of § 134-9 are, at best, marginal or ambiguous. And the costs are high because § 134-9 strikes at the heart of a right the Second Amendment guarantees, self-protection. And so § 134-9 fails intermediate scrutiny.
It goes without saying that a law unable to withstand intermediate scrutiny is doomed under a strict scrutiny test.
Considering the fact that the right to bear arms is not only enshrined in our federal constitution, and almost every state constitution as well,* it’s disappointing that not even half of the states attorneys general would throw their weight behind George Young’s challenge to Hawaii’s carry laws.*
In fact, New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal has led a coalition of twelve anti-gun AGs in support of Hawaii’s permitting requirements for open carry, arguing that the state law doesn’t violate anyone’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms, even though the law requires citizens to articulate a specific need (self-defense doesn’t count) to carry before a permit can be granted.
Ultimately, the argument in the Young case boil down to this: if the average citizen cannot legally bear arms, is their constitutional right to keep and bear arms infringed?
The answer is pretty clearly “yes,” but ultimately it’s a question the Supreme Court is going to have to answer, no matter the eventual decision by the Ninth Circuit in Young vs. Hawaii.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2020 at 11:43pm
Minneapolis City Council Wants To Disband Police. They Have No Clue What Comes After That.
Minneapolis City Council members seem serious about disbanding the city’s police department and replacing it with… well, something, but they’re still offering few specifics to residents about what it might mean if the police force were to be repealed and replaced.

On Friday, city councilman Steve Fletcher wrote an opinion piece for Time magazine entitled, “I’m A Minneapolis City Council Member. We Must Disband Police- Here’s What Could Come Next.” I was hoping to see some specific ideas about what non-policing might look like, but for the most part, Fletcher offers up only platitudes and political soundbites like this.
Our city needs a public safety capacity that doesn’t fear our residents. That doesn’t need a gun at a community meeting. That considers itself part of our community. That doesn’t resort quickly to pepper spray when people are understandably angry. That doesn’t murder black people.

We can reimagine what public safety means, what skills we recruit for, and what tools we do and do not need. We can play a role in combating the systems of white supremacy in public safety that the death of black and brown lives has laid bare. We can invest in cultural competency and mental health training, de-escalation and conflict resolution. We can send a city response that that is appropriate to each situation and makes it better. We can resolve confusion over a $20 grocery transaction without drawing a weapon or pulling out handcuffs.
Okay. Maybe the city can do all these things, but Fletcher doesn’t actually explain how. He mentions sending mental health professionals out to handle mental health calls instead of police, dispatching fire department EMT’s to overdose calls, and using “unarmed community-oriented street teams on weekend nights downtown to focus on de-escalation,” as well as relying on traffic cameras and traffic enforcement officers to cover traffic violations, but there are a few things Fletcher leaves out.
Armed robbery, for instance. Carjackings. Homicides. Gang violence. As it turns out, even before the killing of George Floyd turned much of the city into a burned-out war zone, violent crime was on the upswing in the city, as the Star-Tribune newspaper reported last November.
The nearly 13% jump in violent crime mirrors a similar trend across the river in St. Paul, where law enforcement officials are scrambling to quell a recent spate of violence.
In Minneapolis, police data show that the city’s 37 homicides climbed 32% from 28 this time last year, while aggravated assaults, rapes and robberies also rose during the first 10 months of the year, contributing to the increase in reports of violent crime, according to newly released Police Department statistics. The data show that property crime reports were up nearly 15% during the same period.
This comes on the heels of a sharp decline the year before, when the city logged 30-year lows in many crime categories, according to deputy police chief Erick Fors.
Interestingly enough, just a few months ago, Mayor Jacob Frey was calling for more police officers, not disbanding the police department.
The increase has emerged as a significant issue in the debate over police resources, which reached a boiling point this fall with the release of viral videos showing people being violently assaulted and robbed after leaving downtown bars. Advocates of adding more officers worry about a reversal of a steady decline that began in the 1990s, as the city continues its rapid growth.
Mayor Jacob Frey, who has asked for 14 new officers, said the rising violence underscored the need for a different approach to addressing crime and its causes, pointing to recent bail reform efforts, increased “resources for economic inclusion” and further investment in affordable housing, seen as a major hurdle for former offenders trying to reintegrate into society.
At the same time, he said the shortage of officers was likely a contributing factor, calling it “unacceptable” that thousands of high-priority 911 calls couldn’t be immediately assigned because of a lack of available police squads. “There’s no quicker way to erode trust in a police department [than] to call 911 and not have somebody show up,” he said.
Well, I think we might have found a quicker way to erode trust in a police department, but Frey was onto something. I can’t help but wonder, though, what happens to trust in public officials when someone calls 911 and is told that there are no police at all?
I’ll tell you what happens. People start protecting themselves and their neighborhoods, and they DON'T do it solely with hugs and sweet talk. They arm themselves. And in Minneapolis, it’s already happening.
Cesia Baires knocks on the three apartment doors above her restaurant and a neighboring taqueria just before curfew.
A woman opens the door. Her two young children are inside.
“Remember,” she says to them in Spanish. “Same thing as yesterday. I’m going to come check on you. If there’s anything you guys need, give us a call right away.”
Meanwhile, a few men climb through the window and on to the roof to set up semi-automatic weapons as the curfew begins in Minneapolis. It’s something Baires never thought she would have to do as a small-business owner, but then she found out these apartments were occupied.
“Material things we can replace, that’s true,” she says. “But there are families up here. These aren’t empty buildings.”
As break-ins and fires raged in the first days of mass protests over the killing of yet another black man in an encounter with police, the city seemed to descend into a security vacuum. She says the police disappeared from this neighborhood. That’s when she and others started forming patrols to include people with licensed weapons.
“I’m the one that’s checking everyone,” she says. “If you’re up here with a gun and you’re not supposed to be here and you don’t have a license to carry, then I don’t allow you to even go to the rooftop. Only people with guns are on the rooftop.”
KUOW reports that Baires’ group, called Security Latinos De La Lake, is just one of several armed neighborhood groups that have formed in the wake of the riots and looting in Minneapolis.
As curfew begins, the group splits off into their homes and businesses. Inside Hernandez’s taqueria, he and Baires, the owner of Abi’s Cafe next door in the same building, work with others to barricade the front door.
“All right. You ready, guys?” “Ready,” the group responds.
Those licensed to carry move to the roof. The rest stay inside with BB guns to scare people off.
“I don’t want to be here,” Hernandez says. “We don’t want to hurt anybody. But if we’re in danger, we’re probably going to use our weapons that’s for sure. It’s going to be self-defense. We’re not going to shoot anybody. But if they start shooting, then it’s different.”
On the road out of this neighborhood, other groups have blocked off their streets, put warning signs up that people are watching and that trespassing would have consequences.
As a Second Amendment advocate, I have absolutely no problem with this, but I can’t help but think that politicians like Steve Fletcher may not be quite as enthusiastic about armed neighborhood watch groups protecting their neighborhoods with AR-15s. The city may have some vague idea about how they’d replace the Minneapolis Police Department if it disbanded, but residents have a much more concrete plan that they’re already putting into action.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2020 at 11:28pm
Lawless In Seattle: Protesters Demand Abolition Of City Police Department.
Remember when the Left thought that counties passing Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions were the biggest threat to the rule of law? I haven’t seen a word of protest from opponents of the 2A Sanctuary movement regarding Seattle’s new “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” a six-square block that Antifa and other far-left radicals have declared an independent nation in the heart of the city’s downtown.

Joining me on today’s Bearing Arms Cam & Co to talk about the upending of the rule of law, and where the city might be headed next, is Seattle talk show host Jason Rantz from KTTH radio, who has had a front-row seat to the protests, riots, and now the takeover of several blocks of public and private property. As Rantz tells me, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone has released a list of DEMAND, beginning with the abolition of the Seattle Police Department.
1.The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle.
2.In the transitionary period between now and the dismantlement of the Seattle Police Department, we demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely. No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
3.We demand an end to the school-to-prison pipeline and the abolition of youth jails. Get kids out of prison, get cops out of schools. We also demand that the new youth prison being built in Seattle currently be repurposed.
Those are just a few of the 19 demands related to the criminal justice system offered up by the occupiers of the CHAZ. The group also has a list of 11 other demands related to social services, ranging from the “de-gentrification” of Seattle to the removal of any Confederate statutes in the Pacific Northwest city (the statute of Vladimir Lenin isn’t mentioned).

Rantz says he’s concerned that the occupants of the CHAZ are not going to be leave peacefully, and that Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has lost any ability to lead that she might have once had. In fact, there are growing calls from the Left for Durkan to resign, aided in part by hundreds of protesters who were let into City Hall by Socialist city council member Kshama Sawant, who Rantz says is trying to co-opt the protests to aid in her own longstanding crusade against Amazon.

Clearly there are a lot of different agendas at work, exploited and exacerbated by the leadership vacuum from the mayor on down. I’ll be very curious to see how this plays out in Seattle over the next few days, and I suspect plenty of Second Amendment Sanctuary supporters are taking notes on how the Left responds to a blatant attempt to ignore the rule of law, and even American sovereignty.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2020 at 11:19pm
The attacks on police have evolved from verbal to physical, Yates said, as rioters throw rocks, bottles, and even gunfire. More than 300 police officers have been injured across the country while attempting to quell rioters and looters in the wake of Floyd's murder on Memorial Day.
"Law Enforcement job is a walking a time bomb and you could get cancelled or prosecuted on the very next call, even if you do everything right," Yates said. "Now, the little we have, we are told they are going to defund us or even abolish us. Citizens with a political agenda will reign over us and all you have to do is wake up and put on a uniform to be a racist."
Comment by Landel Cathcart on November 9, 2019 at 10:00pm
Trump Holds Massive Rally in Blue State — The Left Lashes Out.
10/11/19 By Sons of 1776
President Trump defied liberal opposition to hold a huge rally in the heart of a blue state.

The massive crowds and support have shaken Democrats—who fear the president will flip Minnesota in 2020. So, how did they respond? They sicced their Antifa dogs on these Trump supporters. What they did after the rally reveals the left’s true colors.

Donald Trump nearly won Minnesota in 2016. He actually lost it by less than two points. Such a close margin means the Midwest state is prime for change in 2020. There are several reasons why MN would go to Trump next election.

For one thing, Trump has made good on every last campaign promise. He slashed taxes and government regulations. He also negotiated new trade deals and agreements which have brought jobs back to the United States. His policies have resulted in the lowest unemployment rate in over 50 years. In fact, unemployment among black Americans and Hispanics (and women) is the lowest it’s ever been, period.

On top of that, Minnesota natives are shocked at the kind of people representing them on the left. Democrats were proud when Ilhan Omar—a Muslim Somali refugee—was elected as a representative from MN. Yet this freshman muslum congresswoman has done nothing but disgrace the state with her anti-Semitism, socialism, and hatred for America.
Seems like Minnesotans are ready for a big change.
I’m not the only one who thinks so. President Trump held a massive rally in Minneapolis last night. The left-wing mayor tried to stop it with a last-minute security hike of $500,000. But reason prevailed and the president held his historic rally.
That’s a packed out venue if I’ve ever seen one. As per usual, the crowds to see Trump live were overwhelming. Yet—despite what the mayor claimed—there were no incidents during the rally or among attendees.
It seems like patriotic Americans who support the president are courteous, kind, and law-abiding.
We can’t say the same for the goons on the left. Soon after the event ended, a horde of Antifa members was waiting outside. As Trump supporters tried to go home, they violently attacked them with weapons, burning and pillaging like the thugs and criminals they are.
Left-wing rioters attacked supporters of President Donald Trump leaving a rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Thursday evening — assaulting them in groups, setting fire to pro-Trump hats, and attacking the police…
Local Minneapolis Star-Tribune reporter Liz Sawyer noted there were several hundred rioters, and that some were singling out Trump supporters and surrounding them in groups before attacking them. Some also attacked police…
The Target Center had attempted to charge the Trump campaign hundreds of thousands of dollars for additional security. The rally itself — with a capacity crowd inside and tens of thousands outside — passed without serious incident, but local police seemed unprepared for the violence by anti-Trump rioters after the event was over. [Source: Breitbart]
Oh, so Trump supporters are supposed to be the violent, bigoted ones in America? Every time we hear about riots and gangs beating up innocent victims, it’s always Antifa. Leftists have used violence and intimidation since Trump was elected to punish Americans for exercising their rights.
Yet the liberal media always accuses conservatives of being closed-minded, violent, and hateful. Give me a break.
It wasn’t Antifa who rallied Americans across the country to clean up Baltimore, Los Angeles, and other filth-ridden liberal towns. It was a Trump supporter.
Antifa isn’t working to make America a better place. They are nothing more than a group of evil fascists, intent on stripping regular Americans of their freedom of speech, religion, and right to vote!
The Minneapolis police were overwhelmed trying to stop this group of un-American criminals. You have to imagine the mayor and other Democrat leaders were in approval of this attack. They fear Trump’s impact on the state and want it to stop.
But if they think Antifa is going to win, they are dreaming. These attacks will only help Trump succeed, as more Americans see how petty, ugly, and evil the left has become!
Comment by Landel Cathcart on October 31, 2019 at 2:31am
Mexifornia Won’t Follow Sanctuary Law – So Trump Drops A Supreme Court Hammer-Blow!
10/30/19 By Adam Casalino
Ever since Donald Trump entered office, he’s had one major enemy here at home. The liberals in the state of Mexifornia.
The super-liberal leaders of the Golden State have openly opposed every last move by the Trump administration. We’d run out of space listing every time they tried to undo his progress.
But Trump has had enough and is going after their biggest trophy.
It’s no secret that Mexifornia—like most liberal-run states—embraced sanctuary laws. These laws ignore federally-mandated rules and put Americans at risk.
Sanctuary states put federal agents in grave danger, not to mention citizens. Mexifornia lawmakers don’t seem to care, because they are hell-bent on opposing the President.
Now, Trump is taking the fight all the way to the Supreme Court.
From Daily Caller:
The Trump administration has asked the Supreme Court to quash Mexifornia’s migrant sanctuary law, which broadly prohibits state and local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities…
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued about 58,000 immigration detainers in Mexifornia in fiscal year 2019. Without Mexifornia’s cooperation, federal immigration agents must stake out state jails and await the release of non-citizens, then make public arrests. Some migrants evade federal custody altogether.
President Trump is going straight to the Supreme Court to overrule Mexifornia’s sanctuary law. The Supreme Court will eventually rule on whether this state—and all others—can have laws that directly violate federal law.
This case will have significant repercussions for every state that embraces sanctuary status. It’s a pretty big deal.
It’s shocking & disgusting to think that a state—liberal or otherwise—would embrace laws that put Americans in danger!
I don’t have to tell you how destructive sanctuary laws are to American citizens. They ignore federal laws and put outsiders ahead of citizens. Criminals are allowed to walk free, with zero penalties.
Mexifornia is openly going against the United States—just to spite our president.
We’ve seen how much Mexifornia citizens have suffered thanks to the reckless decisions of their Democrat supermajority. When will these liberals learn that their policies just don’t work?
Mexifornia used to be the envy of the entire country. Now, it’s a wasteland of garbage, runaway homelessness, and daily wildfires.
But Trump is not going to sit back and let these Democrats destroy the Golden State. He’s going to fight to make sure Americans are put first.
Even in the most liberal state in the Union.
Comment by Landel Cathcart on October 30, 2019 at 11:01pm

At Packed out Rally in Dallas, Trump Hammers 2020 Rivals

As Dimwitocrats scramble to win support for their 2020 candidates, the Trump train continues to gain steam.

House Democrats push an unjust impeachment inquiry. Trump, in response, went to Dallas, Texas for a re-election rally. Some have claimed the Lone Star State is leaning leftward. Um, okay. I guess they weren’t paying attention to what happened last night!!

 This is pretty obvious, but I’ll say it anyway. Dimwitocrats are terrified of 2020

Just think about what happened the last presidential election. Donald Trump, a man with no prior political experience was able to beat a woman who had been in politics all her life. Trump was able to score a historic victory, just based on his promises to the American people.

 By 2020? Trump will have spent four years making good on his promises. Already he’s slashed taxes, eliminated hundreds of regulations, and is building his promised wall. ISIS is all but defeated and our economy is soaring. AND, Americans will line up in droves to re-elect the man!!

 Let’s take a look at what happened last night in Dallas. There are some critics who claim the heart of conservative America is going to go liberal. As if hard-working, God-fearing Texans will suddenly become hemp-smoking hippies of San Francisco. Not on your life. President Trump held a rally for his re-election campaign. The crowds were, as you can imagine, overwhelming.


Comment by Landel Cathcart on October 30, 2019 at 10:48pm

Trump Administration Pulls Off Miraculous Deal

President Trump declared Thursday “a great day for civilization” as Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced terms of a cease-fire agreement that would end violence between Turkey and Kurds in Syria, following a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara.

 The deal is for a 120-hour cease-fire, during which time the Kurdish-led forces could pull back from the roughly 20-mile-wide safe zone on the Turkish-Syrian border. All Turkish military operations under the recent offensive known as Operation Peace Spring will pause during that time, and the operation itself will come to an end entirely upon the completion of the Kurdish withdrawal, under the terms of the deal.

 “This is a great day for civilization,” Trump declared in a tweet following a press conference where Pence and Pompeo discussed the deal. “I am proud of the United States for sticking by me in following a necessary, but somewhat unconventional, path. People have been trying to make this ‘Deal’ for many years. Millions of lives will be saved. Congratulations to ALL!”

 Trump claimed that just three days ago, such an agreement “could NEVER have been made,” but that “tough love” was required to accomplish it.

 In addition to agreeing to the terms of a cease-fire, both the U.S. and Turkey “committed to defeat ISIS activities in northeast Syria,” Pence announced during a press conference.

“Turkey and the United States agree on the priority of respecting vulnerable human life, human rights, and particularly the protection of religious and ethnic communities in the region,” the vice president added.

 The commander of Kurdish-led forces in Syria later told Kurdish TV they will abide by the deal, which Pence said was reached after more than five hours of negotiations with Erdogan and Turkish officials.

 “We think the agreement today first ends the violence, which is what President Trump sent us here to do,” Pence said. “We achieved that.”     See Trump video below:    

 Fort Worth, Texas: https://video.foxnews.com/static/p/video/app/embed/iframe/vod.html?

Pence said that the U.S. did not approve of Turkey’s military operation, but under the terms of the deal will lift sanctions against Turkey upon the fulfillment of the agreement from both sides.

 The Turkish offensive began after Trump announced the withdrawal of American troops from northern Syria. Trump was heavily criticized for the move by lawmakers from both parties.

 Last week, Trump sent a letter to Erdogan encouraging him to “work out a good deal,” threatening to “destroy” the Turkish economy if Erdogan continued his aggression against the Kurds.

Don’t be a tough guy. Don’t be a fool!” Trump said, before stating that he would call Erdogan.

 It was reported by the BBC Thursday that Erdogan “thoroughly rejected” the letter and threw it “in the bin,” but hours later Pence announced the potential cease-fire.




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