We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 15, 2018 at 10:22pm
       6/15/18  by: TTN Staff
1.) Nobody HAS EVER Received The Treatment killary Did .

 Recently in Townhall, Trial Lawyer Marina Medvin described how rare killary's treatment was by saying her lawyers had "met unicorns".

 The idea that she did not have to fight off a barrage of warrants from federal investigators and attorneys, as the rest of us would, but instead received a polite request for incriminating evidence, only to have clinton's lawyers refuse the request. Really, No one else on earth has gotten such delicate treatment from federal law enforcement.

2.) Trump Officials Treated Unfairly:

Pick a Trump ally: Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort or Trump's attorney Michael Cohen. These men did not get the "unicorn treatment" from the FBI. They had the book thrown at them, with Flynn being maliciously bankrupted and possibly coerced into pleading guilty. Cohen was raided as if he was Al Capone.
 The FBI and Deep State adversaries of the president draw the violent contrast between the treatment of perceived Trump allies and killary clinton
3.) Liberal Media Bribed FBI Agents:
The Inspector General of the Department of Justice identified numerous instances where FBI employees regularly spoke with members of the media and received a number of free perks from journalists including meals and tickets to various events. Golf outings, fancy restaurants, and exclusive non-public events were made available to federal agents to butter them up for information, which was likely the source of the many leaks to the media that were pervasive last year. That's just what the Inspector General uncovered; what did he miss?

4.) Same Anti-Trump FBI Agents Investigated Both Trump And killary:

Strzok and Page, who worked on both clinton's "investigation" and Trump's "Crossfire Hurricane" reportedly texted on August 8, 2016, which his mistress Lisa Page stated, “Trump’s not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Strzok responded, “No. No, he’s not. We’ll stop it”.
 With such a culture at the FBI, it's no wonder that killary got off Scot free and Trump is dogged to this day by phony investigations. Upon discovering this, how could the Inspector General determine that this didn't impact the investigation?
5.) FISA Abuse:
So even if we didn't know any of the previous issues existed, we know that james comey used the Steele Dossier as justification to monitor President Trump and his campaign with the full power of the government to listen in. The Spygate incident is worse than Watergate, as President Trump said, and when added with all of the previous information, adds up to a biased, corrupt FBI interfering in elections rather than enforcing the law.
 It may well be that President Trump didn't go far enough in firing comey and mccabe, as mccabe is now been referred for prosecution. A number of these people should be behind bars.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 15, 2018 at 9:58pm

killary Gets Unicorn Treatment From Feds .

  06/15/2018  TTN  by: Donny Bomenabori

killary clinton got the deal of a lifetime from federal prosecutors. The deal was so good that even biased Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents that hated President Trump thought she got off easy.
 Trial Lawyer Marina Medvin described in Townhall how rare killary's treatment was by saying her lawyers had "met unicorns". The idea that she did not have to fight off a barrage of warrants from federal investigators and attorneys, as the rest of us would, but instead received a polite request for incriminating evidence, only to have clinton's lawyers refuse the request.
 "The Feds have two ways to get evidence:
1) ask you,
2) force you.
 Guess how many times I have seen the first option? Zero. Zero times. Second option? 100% of the time.
And I’m not alone. I checked with many defense lawyers. None of us have ever seen option 1. Ever. 
 Of course, clinton’s lawyer’s knew that destruction of evidence is a crime. Most lawyers know this. This is like saying they met minimum competency standards. But we know her lawyers were far more intelligent than that. This is a loaded response. What else?
 The prosecutors stated that seeking evidence through consent also saved time by allowing the government to avoid motions to quash subpoenas based on privilege or lack of probable cause.” Wait.
 The prosecutors stated that they can avoid a few minutes of adversarial process? But the entire point of having lawyers on both sides is that they engage in adversarial process. IT’S THEIR JOB! They argued that not doing their job would save time?! "
 Medvin continues: "FBI disagreed with the prosecutors’ unique decision to use the Unicorn Option, and believed that: “clinton’s attorneys had not been forthcoming about the existence of potential sources of evidence.” No way! Shocking! So weird.
 That's when the unicorns started burping rainbows and the FBI’s concerns were disregarded.
AND THEN, the prosecutors didn’t get search warrants for 6 laptops provided to the government by clinton’s lawyers on the condition that the government NOT search these laptops. Not The Onion. I promise."
 She concludes," AND THEN, the prosecutors decided that she can go home: “… at the end of the day, I do believe everybody felt that we had obtained everything that we needed to obtain in order to assess criminality. That’s when the unicorns started pooping cupcakes."
 Nobody, but nobody gets this treatment from the feds. Most of us, should we have the misfortune, spend a fortune to not suffer the fate of Michael Flynn, who had to sell his house to even pay for the lawyers that negotiated his likely coerced "plea deal".
  killary got the biggest free pass in history because of who she is, and that is why trust for the government is as pervasive as unicorns; wise people know better than that.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 15, 2018 at 9:20pm

Trump’s Secret Plan to End DACA?  

 6/14/18  GOP Presidential Staff

If you listen to NBC News and several other outlets, the President has a new top-secret plan to eliminate DACA and boot all of those 'lovable Dreamers” out of the country once and for all.

 This comes as something of a surprise since the only things keeping DACA afloat at the moment are a couple of court injunctions, and upcoming congressional action may make the entire question moot anyway. But be that as it may, let’s examine his plan. Take it away, NBC.

 In a motion filed late Friday, Justice Department lawyers asked a judge in Texas to rule that the program violates federal immigration law. Assuming, as expected, that the judge grants the request and orders the government to stop enforcing DACA, the ruling would conflict with orders from two other federal courts that require continued enforcement of the program.

 If faced with competing court orders, the Justice Department said it would then rush to the U.S. Supreme Court and tell the justices that the government would be in violation no matter what it didkeeping DACA going would violate the Texas order, while trying to shut it down would violate the other court orders.

 In that event, the government would ask the Supreme Court to put a hold on all the lower court rulings. And if the justices agreed, the Trump administration would be free to shut DACA down immediately, because nothing would be in effect to prevent the government from taking that action.

 The funny part of this story is that the end result could, at least in theory, be precisely what the report predicts. Judges in Mecifornia and New York have ruled that the government needs to continue accepting DACA renewal requests.

 If the Texas rules that the program itself is illegal, then the White House is left between a rock and a hard place. Whether they end the program or continue accepting renewals they will be in violation of a court order.

 That could certainly compel the Supreme Court to act quickly and either put the entire thing on hold or rule on the legality of the program and whether or not the President has the authority to end it.

 Spoiler alert: that’s probably not going to end well for DACA advocates.

But what’s the actual motivation for the Department of Justice in doing this? The White House along with most conservatives has been arguing that DACA was either illegal to begin with or it fell under the discretion of the executive branch to modify or end it at the president’s discretion.

 Taking a fresh run at that question with a court in Texas is a logical step in attempting to prove that point. And if Congress can get off their butts and actually pass an immigration bill for the President to sign, the executive order ceases to have any real meaning anyway.

 That’s what Trump has been pushing for since he made the initial announcement.

Personally, I’ve never seen much merit in the argument that obuma wasn’t able to institute DACA unless we want to dig deeper and place some sort of limit on executive power as wielded through such orders.

 The more compelling case to make here, is to simply say that if a president can create such a program in an extra-legislative fashion with the stroke of a pen, a subsequent president can modify or terminate it the same way

 I predict that the Supreme Court would see it the same way.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 15, 2018 at 7:59pm
Crooked killary's Osama 'Ass-Covering' Enraged Colleagues.
6/01/2018 by: AAN
An intriguing passage from an upcoming book about the trials facing America's vice presidents details an explosive falling-out between then-Vice President Joe Biden and killary clinton.
*At the height of the 2016 campaign, clinton made the false claim that she fully supported the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden.*
Failure would have marked the beginning of the end for resident obuma. Any hope of a second-term would have died alongside the loss of American special forces in the unforgiving Pakistani night.
Moreover, intel reports couldn't confirm bin Laden's whereabouts.
The admittedly high stakes and relative uncertainty made Biden skittish – and killary too, though she would later lie about it.
Per The Hill:
Every modern vice president, with the exception of Dick Cheney, has wanted to be president. But it is complicated. “In order to be a really successful vice president, you have to subvert your own interests,” Biden’s former communications director Shailagh Murray said. “The most important thing was being the best vice president you could possibly be and sometimes that was going to require eating shit.”
Biden became known as a dissenting voice against the successful May 2, 2011, Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden, the al Qaeda leader behind the 9/11 terror attacks, who was hiding in a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
“He knew his presidency was on the line with bin Laden,” Biden told me.
“Think about if that had failed. His presidency would have come to practically a screeching end.”
At a Situation Room meeting with top officials, including Secretary of State killary clinton, Biden came down against going in — without being absolutely sure that bin Laden was in the compound, Biden argued, more time was needed to get a positive identification.
Later, when clinton made the false claim during the campaign that she was completely in support of it, Biden was furious.
Axelrod, obuma’s top strategist, said, “My sense is that she was not sold on the idea either.”
Biden clearly resents the way clinton mischaracterized her position.
One aide said: “The ass-covering, opportunistic version really rattled him.” Biden advised against the raid, he said, “to give room, because then I walked out with obuma, which I always did, and walked to the office.
I said, ‘Follow your instinct. I think you should go, follow your instinct.’ I could tell that was his instinct.”
Biden said he fell on his sword so that obuma would look like he made the call on his own. “I wanted people to know what a chance this muslum slug took.
If I had said that I said to go at the time, then it would make me look like I was ratting out everybody else.” Press reports made it seem like Biden was one of the lone voices against what ended up being a successful raid that won obuma widespread praise. “That’s the job of the vice president,” Biden said. “You’re supposed to throw yourself in front of the train.
That’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to do it become vice president in the beginning.”
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 15, 2018 at 7:39pm
obuma Knew About killary's Private Server ALL ALONG!
6/15/2018 by: AAN Staff
Turns out, barry obuma knew all along.
According to the inspector general report, resident obuma was one of 13 select individuals who had "direct contact" with hillary clinton on her private email account.
Absolving the former resident, at least somewhat, intelligence analysts determined none of obuma's correspondence with the then-Secretary of State contained classified information.
However, obuma said in an interview with CBS News in '2015' that he learned about killary's private server and potential misuse of top-secret intel about "the same time everybody else learned it, through news reports." (Fox News)
Press Secretary Josh Earnest acknowledged shortly after those remarks attracted attention that obuma and clinton did exchange emails.
"The president, as I think many people expected, did over the course of his first several years in office, trade emails with the secretary of state," he said.
Elsewhere in the IG report, the IG asked investigators why they made no effort to obtain the personal devices that clinton’s senior aides were using at the State Department, since those devices were "potential sources of clinton's ... classified emails" or places where unauthorized classified emails were being stored.
In response, officials on the probe claimed that "the culture of mishandling classified information at the State Department" was so pervasive that it "made the quantity of potential sources of evidence particularly vast" -- a rationale that the IG implied was unconvincing, because investigators could simply have obtained personal devices for a handful of key clinton aides.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 15, 2018 at 7:36pm
obuma Knew About killary's Private Server ALL ALONG!
6/15/2018 by: AAN Staff
Turns out, barry obuma knew all along.
According to the inspector general report, resident obuma was one of 13 select individuals who had "direct contact" with hillary clinton on her private email account.
Absolving the former resident, at least somewhat, intelligence analysts determined none of obuma's correspondence with the then-Secretary of State contained classified information.
However, obuma said in an interview with CBS News in '2015' that he learned about killary's private server and potential misuse of top-secret intel about "the same time everybody else learned it, through news reports." (Fox News)

Press Secretary Josh Earnest acknowledged shortly after those remarks attracted attention that Obama and Clinton did exchange emails.

"The president, as I think many people expected, did over the course of his first several years in office, trade emails with the secretary of state," he said.


Elsewhere in the IG report, the IG asked investigators why they made no effort to obtain the personal devices that Clinton’s senior aides were using at the State Department, since those devices were "potential sources of Clinton's ... classified emails" or places where unauthorized classified emails were being stored.

In response, officials on the probe claimed that "the culture of mishandling classified information at the State Department" was so pervasive that it "made the quantity of potential sources of evidence particularly vast" -- a rationale that the IG implied was unconvincing, because investigators could simply have obtained personal devices for a handful of key clinton aides.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 15, 2018 at 7:30pm
Trump Tells the U.N. to Shove It Over THIS.
6/15/18 by: AAN Staff
The United States is prepared to pull out of the United Nation's Human Rights Council over its pervasive anti-Israeli bias.
The Hill reports:
A source told Reuters that the move could be “imminent.” The council will begin a three-week session in Geneva on Monday.
Other diplomatic sources told Reuters that the withdrawal was “not a question of if but of when.”
U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley has clashed with the council over its treatment of Israel and has repeatedly voted against U.N. measures that were critical of that country.
Most recently, the U.S. and Australia were the only two members to vote against a proposal to investigate Israel’s alleged use of excessive force in Gaza.
Haley has criticized the council over what she called a “chronic anti-Israel bias” and threatened last year to leave.
The U.S. had previously rejoined the council under resident obuma after boycotting it for a pernicious bias against the Middle East's sole democracy for the final three years of President George W. Bush's administration.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 15, 2018 at 2:18am

 Judicial Watch: Federal Court Orders DOJ to Provide More Details on....


Washington, DCJudicial Watch today announced that, in an unusual Saturday ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Dabney L. Friedrich ordered the U.S. Justice Department to provide more information about its search of former top obuma DOJ Official Peter Kadzik’s communications with then-clinton presidential campaign chairman John Podesta, clinton campaign officials, and others. The court order, issued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, requires the Justice Department to provide additional details by June 15, 2018.

 According to WikiLeaks, on May 19, 2015, Kadzik, using a Gmail account, sent Podesta an email appearing to tip off clinton’s campaign about the Justice Department’s review of clinton’s emails:

 There is a HJC oversight hearing today where the head of our Civil Division will testify. Likely to get questions on State Department emails. Another filing in the FOIA case went in last night or will go in this am that indicates it will be awhile (2016) before the State Department posts the emails.

 Saturday’s order follows a June 6 hearing in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Justice Department on January 15, 2017, for:

*All email correspondence between Peter Kadzik on either his official Justice Department email account peterkadzik@gmail.com and any non-government employee concerning, regarding, or relating to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of non-state.gov email to conduct official government business

*All email correspondence between Peter Kadzik on either his official Justice Department email account or peterkadzik@gmail.com and John Podesta; and

*All email correspondence between Peter Kadzik on either his official Justice Department email account or peterkadzik@gmail.com and any official, officer, or employee of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign.

 Judicial Watch argues that the Justice Department has refused to provide sufficient details about the search of Kadzik’s personal email account.

 Judge Friedrich found that the Justice Department’s sworn representations about Kadzik’s search of his records were “incomplete”:

 Although the Justice Department states that “Mr. Kadzik confirmed that he did not recall ever using his personal Gmail account to send any other similar e-mails to John Podesta, or to anyone else associated with the clinton campaign,” … this statement does not cover the full scope of Judicial Watch’s specific FOIA requests.

 The court ordered the DOJ to submit a supplemental declaration by June 15, 2018 that provides any additional details regarding Kadzik’s representations regarding whether his Gmail account contained agency records or potential agency records.

 The DOJ is to provide details regarding two manual searches that Mr. Kadzik reportedly conducted.

Also, the DOJ is to indicate, whether Kadzik opened and reviewed individual e-mails or just reviewed the titles, and which folders Kadzik reviewed when conducting his manual searches.

 “We are pleased the court ordered the Justice Department to provide more details about its search for documents about obuma DOJ-clinton campaign collusion,” stated Judicial Watch Tom Fitton. “It is disappointing we must continually battle the Sessions Justice Department for basic information on corruption in the obuma Justice Department.”

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 15, 2018 at 1:34am

Ruger has announced a recall on their popular Mark IV pistols.

 Ruger recently discovered that all Mark IV™ pistols (including 22/45™ models) manufactured prior to June 1, 2017 have the potential to discharge unintentionally if the safety is not utilized correctly.

 In particular, if the trigger is pulled while the safety lever is midway between the “safe” and “fire” positions (that is, the safety is not fully engaged or fully disengaged), then the pistol may not fire when the trigger is pulled. However, if the trigger is released and the safety lever is then moved from the mid position to the “fire” position, the pistol may fire at that time.  


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 15, 2018 at 1:24am

 How To Determine If Your Pistol Needs The Retrofit;

All Mark IV™ pistols produced prior to June 1, 2017 are potentially affected and therefore are being recalled. This includes Mark IV™ Target, Hunter, Competition, 22/45™, 22/45™ Lite and 22/45™ Tactical models. These models bear serial numbers beginning with “401” (2017 models) or “WBR” (2016 models). 

Firearms NOT subject to the Recall;

Newly manufactured Mark IV™ pistols will begin with serial number “500.” Thus, if you have a Mark IV™ or 22/45™ pistol with a serial number beginning with the number “5,” your pistol is not subject to the recall. 

Firearms That Have Been Retrofitted Already;

Mark IV™ and 22/45™ pistols retrofitted with the updated safety mechanism are easily identified by the letter “S” in the white safety dot that is visible when the safety is engaged.

In fairness to Ruger, this is hardly the worst design flaw we’ve seen. I, for one, don’t expect a safety to work if it’s not fully engaged.

 This is likely to be an expensive fix!  Ruger is standing up and doing what it thinks is right, not what it thinks it has to do to avoid getting into trouble. In this day and age, that’s kind of rare for a business!

 If you have one of these weapons, I’m going to urge you to take advantage of this. 

It’s still something that the weapon wasn’t intended on doing, and that should always be fixed if at all possible. 

 Besides, people get careless from time to time, and it would be nice to know that your safety doesn’t need any  attention.

Good for Ruger for taking care of this and working to fix it for their consumers.



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