We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2018 at 9:39pm

IG REPORT LEAK: James Comey Was A Rogue Agent

 6/6/18  Patrick Howley 

Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe has pleaded for immunity as his longtime boss james comey faces an Inspector General report that will find him to be a rogue agent.

 ABC News confirms: “One source told ABC News that the draft report explicitly used the word “insubordinate” to describe comey’s behavior. Another source agreed with that characterization but could not confirm the use of the term.
  In the draft report, Inspector General Michael Horowitz also rebuked former Attorney General loretta lynch for her handling of the federal investigation into killary clinton’s personal email server, the sources said.”

 But the inspector general report’s release is being delayed as the defendants in the case get a chance to make redactions. **** WHY? ****

 President Trump is unhappy with the way the report is being potentially edited, according to his own words


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2018 at 8:52pm
Trump Deals Devastating Blow to obumaDON'Tcare.

06/09/201 by: AAN Staff

obumaDON'Tcare may soon be no more, as the Justice Department informed a federal court it would not defend the government in a lawsuit against the health care law.
The announcement means Democrat state attorneys general must defend the law against a suit seeking to invalidate the entire act.
The suit hinges on a 2012 Supreme Court ruling upholding the so-called “Affordable Care Act” as a constitutional act of Congress, because it was a tax on not having health insurance coverage.
One of the first things President Donald Trump did upon taking office was to instruct the Internal Revenue Service to no longer collect the tax. The suit argues that since Congress is no longer collecting the tax, the rest of the Act is now unconstitutional.
The suit is still a long shot to win, but without the federal government defending its own law, the chances of success are increased. In its filing the Justice Department said it supports obumDON'Tacare, but agrees with the plaintiff that parts of the law are no longer valid.
The Justice Department wants federal courts to overturn portions of the law forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions, and denying insurers the ability to charge those more expensive customers higher rates, rather than imposing those costs on others.
“The Supreme Court’s saving construction of the individual mandate as a tax is no longer available,” the Justice Department writes.
“This court should hold that the ACA’s individual mandate will be unconstitutional as of January 1, 2019, and that the ACA’s guaranteed-issue and community-rating provisions are inseverable from the mandate,” they write.
The White House says they do not want to repeal obumaDON'Tcare and not have a government program to replace it. Many conservatives want obumaDON'Tcare repealed and replaced with nothing, arguing the government has no legitimate role in health care. Nonetheless, liberals are stunned.

“I am at a loss for words to explain how big of a deal this is,” University of Michigan professor and health care expert Nicholas Bagley wrote on Twitter. “The Justice Department has a durable, longstanding, bipartisan commitment to defending the law when non-frivolous arguments can be made in its defense. This brief torches that commitment.”
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2018 at 8:11pm

 Trump, Kim arrive in Singapore ahead of Tuesday summit.


With anticipation building ahead of the historic first summit between President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, both leaders arrived in Singapore on Sunday.

 Air Force One landed on Sunday evening, local time, in Singapore, having left early from the Group of Seven (G-7) summit of Western leaders in Quebec, Canada.

 Trump left controversy in his wake after refusing to sign onto the joint memo allies typically sign at the G-7 meeting and sending fiery tweets attacking Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

 Trump’s planned meeting with Kim has also not been without controversy. Trump canceled the meeting about three weeks before its scheduled date, but negotiations continued, culminating in the visit of North Korean official Kim Yong Chol, who hand-delivered a personal letter from the North Korean leader to Trump at the White House on June 1. There, Trump announced the summit was back on for June 12.

 Kim Yong Chol accompanied North Korea’s leader to Singapore on Sunday.

Despite the rocky road to the summit, all signs currently point toward a meeting taking place as planned on Tuesday.

 Kim Jong Un, who has rarely left his country during his time as leader, arrived first in Singapore and was greeted by Singapore’s foreign minister, Vivian Balakrishnan, before making his way by motorcade to the St. Regis Hotel.

 The Capella Hotel on Sentosa Island will host the actual summit. Sentosa is a resort island connected to the city of Singapore by road and monorail.

Trump arrived along with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

 State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert tweeted that the advance team is on the ground already, checking out the summit location at the Capella. The planning around this summit has been intense.

 Happening Now:
Behind the scenes on Air Force One as Team Trump speaks with our teams on the ground in Singapore, in advance of the Presidents arrival for the Singapore Summit  in about 11 hours.

 Trump has signaled a more casual approach to the event. Asked last week about how he’s preparing for the event, Trump said it’s more “about attitude".

 And the president told reporters at the G-7 summit that “within the first minute of the meeting, I'll know" if Kim is serious about negotiations.

 The U.S. wants North Korea to commit to complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization.

”I think I'll know very quickly whether something good is going to happen," Trump said, citing “my feel” for the situation.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2018 at 3:51pm
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2018 at 3:31pm

Forget About The Weather: In California, Everybody Talks About Livability— But Nobody Does Anything About It

Thursday, May 24, 2018
One thing about California: in the 1950s, it was a nice place to visit, but you didn’t necessarily want to live there. Remember when the celebrities, returned to their cozy apartments on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, or elsewhere to get away from Mexifornia?
 In the 1960s and 1970s, Mexifornia became a place to lay down sitcom roots. Steve Douglas, the patriarch of My Three Sons, was an aeronautical engineer who’d relocated to Southern California. And you might recall The Brady Bunch living en masse in a split-level house (a rather uninspiring home for a fictional architect) that in reality is a five-bedroom, three-bath spread in North Hollywood.

There’s still a Mexifornia presence on television today— for example, the three broods in ABC’s Modern Family are scattered around Los Angeles. Another hip sitcom, Blackish, features an African American family living in the San Fernando Valley (the real-life home for the fictional Johnsons is in Sherman Oaks). But for families not residing in Television Land, Mexifornia doesn’t come equipped with a happy ending!

And that begins with one central problem: livability.

 In March, Southern Mexifornia’s median home price jumped 8.4% to a new record of $519,000 for new and resale houses and condos. The old record for the six-county region set back in December: $509,500.

 The situation is no easier up north. San Jose has what is arguably the nation’s most competitive housing market— the largest price growth in America in fact, increasing 32.3% year-over-year to $1,263,500.

 Perhaps you saw the story about the condemned home in neighboring Fremont. Despite holes in the roof and mildew in the pipes, the three-bed/two-bath listing sold for $1.23 million. That was $230,000 over the asking price. -What do the winning bidders have in mind? Tearing down the current place, replace it with a bigger “greener” version, and putting the transformed property back on the market?

 The high cost of housing in Mexifornia comes with a very human price, one being the urge to flee.

Per migration estimates compiled by realtor.com, sixteen of Mexifornia’s most popular—i.e., most expensive—counties are losing residents.

 Over the past decade, some one million Mexifornians have relocated to the likes of Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Texas and Washington.

 Back in the Golden State, there’s the question of housing supply keeping up with demand. According to the same realtor.com report, over the past decade an average of 24.7 new housing permits were filed for every 100 new Mexifornia residents. That’s barely half the national average of 43.1 permits.

 That translates to a shortage of some 3 million homes over the next decade.

Then again, if you’re fortunate enough to find a home, good luck factoring it into your budget.

 Mexifornia homeowners spend 21 cents of every dollar of income on housing costs—the second worst rate in the nation.

  Renters have it even worse: nearly one-third (32.8%) of their income, which is good for 48th in the nation.

Mexifornia of 2018, housing has supplanted weather as the one item that everybody complains about but no one seems capable of addressing. That includes the State Legislature.

 In this issue of Eureka, we’re addressing four aspects of Mexifornia and the “livability” question – how a burgeoning population will cope with the need for added living space and the prospect of ever-increasing taxes that take a toll on housing budgets.

 Unfortunately, those fleeing CA bring their political and social attitudes with them!

Just like the illegal mexican aliens!

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2018 at 3:10pm

Too bad for the victims: Europe still fails to protect public from terror.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2018 at 2:37pm

Anthony Bourdain, Lover of Food and Enemy to All Tyrants, Is Dead.

 America's realest celebrity chef is gone, and the world is less interesting for his absence.

6/8/18 10:35 am  Mike Riggs

 Anthony Bourdain, host of the food and travel shows Parts Unknown and No Reservations, author of the eminently readable memoir Kitchen Confidential, and friend of this magazine, was found dead of an apparent suicide Friday in a hotel room in France. He was 61.

 The reactions on social media seem—for now, at least—to be universally sorrowful, which speaks to the joy and intensity and courage he exuded as an ambassador for both American brashness and a unique kind of culinary cultural relativism.

 He was a proponent of peace and free exchange who used his platform to redirect America's attention to the places we ravaged and then forgot about. He loved Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia; he despised Henry Kissinger.

 Bourdain was also a friend of liberty at home and, in his later years, an increasingly empathetic person. In an interview he gave to Reason shortly after Donald Trump was elected president, he expressed not just displeasure with the outcome but compassion for people who felt Trump could save them from something:

 "When people are afraid and feel that their government has failed them they do things that seem completely mad and unreasonable to those of who are perhaps under less pressure. As unhappy and surprised as I am with the outcome, I'm empathetic to the forces that push people towards what I see as an ultimately self-destructive act. Berlusconi, Putin, Duterte, the world is filled with bad choices, made in pressured times."

 In that same interview he gave a nuanced response to the animal rights activists who have chided him for his nonjudgmental approach to cultures where animals are treated poorly:

 "One thing I constantly found in my travels, which is ignored by animal activism, is that where people live close to the edge, they are struggling to feed their families, and are living under all varieties of pressures that are largely unknown to these activists personally. Where people are suffering, animals who live in their orbit are suffering terribly. In cultures where people don't have the luxury of considering the feelings of a chicken, they tend to treat them rather poorly. Dogs do not live good lives in countries where people are starving and oppressed. Maybe if we spent a little of our attention on how humans live, I think as a consequence many of these people would have the luxury to think beyond their immediate needs, like water to drink and wash, and food to live. A little more empathy for human beings to balance out this overweening concern for puppies would be a more moral and effective strategy."

 In the last year, he became a staunch supporter of women who have survived sexual assault and harassment, not because he's a saint but because he "met one extraordinary woman with an extraordinary and painful story, who introduced him to a lot of other women with extraordinary stories and suddenly it was personal." His alignment with the MeToo movement came with a healthy dose of public regret about the times throughout his career in which he turned a blind eye to female friends and coworkers who were mistreated by men in the food industry.

 He also believed in the First Amendment, regardless of what the speaker had to say. "I support your inalienable right to say really stupid, offensive shit and believe really stupid, offensive shit that I don't agree with," Bourdain said when Boston Mayor Tom Menino pledged to ban Chik-fil-A from his city because company president Dan Cathy opposed same-sex marriage. "I support that [right], and I might even eat your chicken sandwich. I support that [right], and I might even eat your chicken sandwich."

 He despised food nannies, telling Reason contributor Baylen Linnekin in 2006 that Chicago's foie gras ban was a waste of concern. "You know, we're force-feeding people in Guantanamo Bay and there are people worrying that we're feeding a duck too much?"

 In 2007, he spoke with Reason.tv about the government's efforts to "infantilize" consumers via food regulations and his "libertarian instincts." Reason talked with Bourdain about foie gras bans, smoking bans, and other nanny state interventions. 11/2007


Bourdain also praised the immigrant work ethic—another reason it is so devastating to lose him now. In 2000's Kitchen Confidential, he wrote about the essential role immigrants have played in the evolution of America's food scene and how America has benefited by providing opportunities to people fleeing war and poverty. The "exile" class of line cooks—"Refugees, usually emigres and immigrants for whom cooking is preferable to death squads, poverty or working in a sneaker factory for two dollars a day"—were some of his favorite characters in the kitchen. He even preferred them to culinary masterminds:

 "When a job applicant starts telling me how Pacific Rim cuisine turns him on and inspires him, I see trouble coming. Send me another mexican dishwasher anytime. I can teach him to cook. I can't teach character. Show up at work on time six months in a row and we'll talk about red curry paste and lemongrass. Until then, I have four words for you: "Shut the fuck up."

 There's so much more to say about Bourdain's legacy, but I think I'm going to heed his advice.---

He never was one for self-aggrandizement.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2018 at 2:13pm

CNN Host Commits Suicide.

 06/08/2018 by: AAN Staff

Celebrity chef, TV host, and bestselling author Anthony Bourdain committed suicide at the age of 61 early this morning. Friends found him unresponsive in a French hotel room. Details are relatively scant, but news of the host's demise, who often courted controversy and never hid his struggles, was met with a genuine outpouring of grief and affection.

 BREAKING: Anthony Bourdain of CNN’s “Parts Unknown” is dead. The chef, storyteller and Emmy-winning host has committed suicide at age 61, CNN confirms.

 Anthony Bourdain opened up about his 'unhappy soul' in an interview a year before died.

Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain both led what millions of people would consider dream lives. Their suicides are a stark testament to the horrible power of depression. Let's hope this become a clarion call for people to seek help. David Burge

 Now, Anthony Bourdain. How terribly sad! Please, please, let us treat mental illness, depression and suicide as health issues, not defects of character. That stigma is part of what prevents people from getting help they need. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255  David Axelrod


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2018 at 1:55pm

The DOJ And FBI ‘Deliberately’ Trying To Stop Damaging Clinton Email Probe Report.

 The DOJ and the FBI are deliberately trying to slow and censor the release of a damaging report on the Hillary Clinton email probe. The DOJ’s Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, completed a 400-page report on the FBI’s handling of the case several weeks ago.

  The DOJ and FBI are currently reviewing the document.

The report will supposedly show that the investigation was completely bungled by fired former FBI Director james comey.

 But there is a real effort to water down the report and for those mentioned in the report to cover themselves.

Congressman Ron DeSantis (R-FL) recently said that “It’s been almost a year and a half and it is time that Congress receives the IG report.

 This has gone on long enough and the American people’s patience is wearing thin. We need accountability.”

Sara Carter reports:

 Another congressional official, who’s been fighting to obtain documents from the DOJ and FBI, said it is no surprise that they are putting pressure on Horowitz. According to the him, “They continue to slow roll documents, fail to adhere to congressional oversight and concern is growing that they will wait until summer and then turn over documents that are heavily redacted.”

 Former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe is also expected to come under fire in Horowitz’s latest clinton report. In April, McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions after the inspector general released a scathing report and a criminal referral for lying under oath.

 The IG report is expected to reveal comey’s handling of the bureau’s investigation into clinton’s use of a private email server. He faced enormous scrutiny from both Democrats and Republicans for his handling of the case during the election and his decision to hold a press conference in July 2016 to not bring charges against her.

 In a turn of events, Democrats later changed their position on comey after President Trump fired him at the request of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who stated that he failed in leading the investigation into clinton.

 Even President Trump is openly questioning why this report is taking to long to come to light:

"What is taking so long with the Inspector General’s Report on Crooked killary and Slippery james comey. Numerous delays. Hope Report is not being changed and made weaker! There are so many horrible things to tell, the public has the right to know. Transparency!— Donald J. Trump  June 5, 2018


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 10, 2018 at 1:38pm

JUST IN: ICE Launches Surprise Raids On Sanctuary City, Who They Found Proves Trump 100% Right.

 Immigration and Customs Enforcement  recently descended on the sanctuary city of Chicago. In a six-day sweep, they brought to justice a number of criminal illegal aliens.

 The result reinforced what President Trump has been saying about illegal asliens. Over 13 dozen aliens were arrested.

 156 illegal aliens were detained in the raids. Nearly HALF of those arrested were gang members, sex traffickers, drug dealers, car thieves, drug mules, or worse.

 ICE reports:

“Fourteen of those arrested were immigration fugitives who have final orders of removal. Thirty-six others illegally re-entered the United States after having been previously deported, which is a felony. Depending on an alien’s criminality, any alien who re-enters the United States after having been previously deported commits a felony punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison, if convicted.
 The remaining 106 arrests were at-large aliens who are illegally present in the United States.”

They also wagged their fingers at the sanctuary city policies of Chicago, blaming them for creating a dangerous culture:

 ICE continues to face significant obstacles from dangerous policies created by local officials which hinder cooperation between ICE and local law enforcement,” said Ricardo Wong, field office director for ERO Chicago. “Sanctuary cities” not only provide refuge to illegal aliens, but they also protect criminal aliens who prey on people in their own communities. This operation was a great success for all members of our communities. The Chicago area is safer today because of the hard work of the men and women of ERO.”

 In years past, most of these individuals would have been turned over to ICE by local authorities upon their release from jail based on ICE detainers. Now that many sanctuary cities, including Chicago, do not honor ICE detainers, these individuals, who often have significant criminal histories, are released to the street, which presents a significant and growing public-safety threat.

 ICE places detainers on individuals who have been arrested on local criminal charges and who are suspected of being deportable, so that ICE can take custody of that person when the person is released from local custody. When law enforcement agencies fail to honor immigration detainers and release serious criminal offenders onto the streets, it undermines ICE’s ability to protect public safety and carry out its mission.

 ICE has no choice but to continue to conduct targeted at-large arrests in local neighborhoods and at worksites, which inevitably result in additional collateral arrests. Such operations are much more dangerous for ICE officers, for the targeted aliens, and for bystanders!

 Looks like there will be a few less Democrat voters. Not much Trump is wrong about.



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