Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.
“We are not going to let this country be invaded!
We will not be stampeded!
We will not capitulate to lawlessness!
This is NOT business as usual.
This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.
President Trump Celebrates America, Even If Philadelphia Eagles Won’t.
Late Monday night, President Trump announced that the Philadelphia Eagles would NOT be hosted at the White House event that was scheduled for today.
The Philadelphia Eagles Football Team was invited to the White House. Unfortunately, only a small number of players decided to come, and we canceled the event. Staying in the Locker Room for the playing of our National Anthem, is as disrespectful to our country as kneeling! Sorry! -President Trump 9:55 PM - 6/4/18
The White House had already invited one thousand people to the event, and only a small portion of the team were willing to follow through on their initial commitment. Because of the recent politicization of the NFL by activists, President Trump responded by hosting the same event, honoring the American flag that the Eagles and other NFL teams would protest.
The White House issued the following statement in reaction to the decision to cancel the event:
After extensive discussions with the Eagles organization, which began in February, the team accepted an invitation from the President to attend a June 5 celebration of their victory in Super Bowl LII at the White House.
On Thursday, May 31, the team notified the White House of 81 individuals, including players, coaches, management, and support personnel, who would attend the event. On Friday, the Secret Service cleared them for participation. These individuals, along with more than 1,000 Eagles fans, were scheduled to attend the event.
Late Friday, citing the fact that many players would NOT be in attendance, the team contacted the White House again, and attempted to reschedule the event.
The President, however, had already announced that he would be traveling overseas on the dates the Eagles proposed.
The White House, despite sensing a lack of good faith, nonetheless attempted to work with the Eagles over the weekend to change the event format that could accommodate a smaller group of players.
Unfortunately, the Eagles offered to send only a tiny handful of representatives, while making clear that the great majority of players would not attend the event, despite planning to be in D.C. today. In other words, the vast majority of the Eagles team decided to abandon their fans!
Upon learning these facts, the President decided to change the event so that it would be a celebration of the American flag with Eagles fans and performances by United States Marine Band and the United States Army Chorus. The president refuses to abandon the fans that were excited to come to the event, as the Philadelphia Eagles did, and will instead be celebrating America.
We will proudly be playing the National Anthem and other wonderful music celebrating our Country today at 3 P.M., The White House, with the United States Marine Band and the United States Army Chorus. Honoring America! NFL, no escaping to Locker Rooms!
President Trump Announces Border Wall Construction Has Begun!
Separating families at the Border is the fault of bad legislation passed by the Democrats. Border Security laws should be changed but the Dems can’t get their act together! Started the Wall. Donald J. Trump
President Trump tweeted early yesterday that the first section of the border wall is under construction in Mexifornia.
According to the Daily Wire:
Although approval is still pending on the billions of dollars President Donald Trump needs to build a full border wall along the United States’ southern border with Mexico, work on a 15-mile section of “the wall” officially began on Friday.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection says they’re beginning improvements on a section of the border wall near San Diego, partly in preparation for the existing wall to connect with whatever new wall the Trump Administration has planned, Fox News reports.
The new wall will be a “bollard-style wall” that is twice as high as the existing wall. CBP is also installing what they call an “anti-climbing plate.”
“The construction of this new substantial wall will improve overall border security, the safety and effectiveness of Border Patrol agents, the safety of the public, and will enhance the atmosphere for business and commerce in the area,” the Border Patrol said of the project.
President Trump campaigned on a border wall on the southern border, but obstructionist Democrats in the U.S. Senate have made forward progress nearly impossible to start a large scale construction.
This encouraging first step shows that the president is earnest about delivering on his campaign promise, but needs Congress to follow through with the construction funding, so the president can commence negotiations with Mexico to refund the United States for the ongoing security obligations their citizens have cost the American taxpayer. President Trump Is Making America Safe Again!
NYT Shell-Shocked By Historic Jobs Numbers: We Ran Out Of Words To Describe How Good It Is.
6/01/18 1:00 PM Matt Vespa
The jobs numbers are great. In fact, they’re tremendous!
They’re the most luxurious, 223,000 jobs in May and black unemployment hit a record low.
The overall unemployment rate is now at 3.8%, an 18-year low. In terms of white and black unemployment numbers, which are usually miles apart, they’ve never been closer. You can’t polish a turd. You can’t spin incontrovertibly good news. That’s what The New York Times admitted in their headline about these job numbers. They ran out of words synonymous with good concerning this news:
The real question in analyzing the May jobs numbers released Friday is whether there are enough synonyms for “good” in an online thesaurus to describe them adequately.
So, for example, “splendid” and “excellent” fit the bill. Those are the kinds of terms that are appropriate when the United States economy adds 223,000 jobs in a month, despite being nine years into an expansion, and when the unemployment rate falls to 3.8%, a new 18-year low.
“Salubrious,” “salutary” and “healthy” work as words to describe the 0.3% rise in average hourly earnings, which are up 2.7% over the last year — a nice improvement but also not the kind of sharp increase that might lead the Federal Reserve to rethink its cautious path of interest rate increases.
And a broader definition of unemployment, which includes people who have given up looking for a job out of frustration, fell to 7.6%.
The jobless rate for blacks fell to 5.9%, the lowest on record, which we would count as “great.”
If anything, some of the thesaurus offerings don’t really do these numbers justice. But some aspects of the report would be fairly described as “solid,”
“decent” or “benign,” such as the uptick in the ratio of the adult population that is employed to 60.4%, which only matches its recent high of the earlier in the year.
So, Trump is getting America back to work—and a lot of this news could be traced back to his tax reform package.
It’s created a better job-creating and investing climate.
Democrats thought this bill could be an albatross around the neck of the GOP. I don’t think that’s going to be the case.
The generic ballot advantage is now within single-digits, and it’s very possible that the blue wave everyone was lusting for could very well vanish into thin air. Wages also increased by 2.7So, Trump is getting America back to work—and a lot of this news could be traced back to his tax reform package. It’s created a better job-creating and investing climate. Democrats thought this bill could be an albatross around the neck of the GOP. I don’t think that’s going to be the case. The generic ballot advantage is now within single-digits, and it’s very possible that the blue wave everyone was lusting for could very well vanish into thin air. Wages also increased by 2.7 So, Trump is getting America back to work—and a lot of this news could be traced back to his tax reform package. It’s created a better job-creating and investing climate. Democrats thought this bill could be an albatross around the neck of the GOP. I don’t think that’s going to be the case. The generic ballot advantage is now within single-digits, and it’s very possible that the blue wave everyone was lusting for could very well vanish into thin air. Wages also increased by 2.7%.
CNN and CNBC also touted the good news. It’s good for the country. We can all thank the GOP and President Trump for this.
If I were a Democrat, I would be very nervous. The good economic news keeps coming and the Left has a hatred for Trump and nothing else. That’s not a platform for winning elections.
UPDATE: if this is how puhelosi and the Democrats are responding to the jobs reports, they’re going to be very disappointed come November. Get a new playbook; this one doesn’t work anymore:
"May’s jobs report shows that strong employment numbers mean little to the families hit with soaring new costs under the Republicans’ watch.
Republicans’ cruel, cynical health care sabotage campaign is already spiking families’ premiums by double digits and pushing millions off their coverage, according to the nonpartisan CBO. Big Pharma continues to hoard the benefits of the GOP tax scam, using their handouts to further enrich executives and shareholders instead of lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and sick kids. At the same time, the President’s reckless policies are exploding gas prices, wiping out the few meager gains that some families should have received from the GOP tax scam, as wages remain stagnant. From day one, the White House and Republicans in Congress have sold out working and middle class families to further enrich the wealthy and big corporations shipping jobs overseas."
Uh, the people benefitting from this bill are middle and working class families. CNN’s Jake Tapper pointed that out and even self-described socialist Bernie Sanders admitted middle class taxes would be cut. The next step is to make the Trump tax cuts permanent.
“Next year, 91% of middle income Americans will receive a tax cut. Isn’t that a good thing?” Bernie Sanders: “Yeah, it is a very good thing. And that’s why we should’ve made the tax cuts for the middle class permanent”. CNNSOTU
BREAKING: President Trump Says Summit With North Korea is Back On.
6/01/18 3:02 PM Katie Pavlich
After meeting with North Korean official Kim Yong Chol in the Oval Office Friday afternoon, President Trump announced the summit with North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un is back on for June 12 in Singapore.
"I think we're going to have a relationship and it'll start on June 12th," Trump said after meeting with Chol for nearly an hour. "We'll be meeting on June 12th in Singapore."
"It was actually very interesting because this was literally going to be the delivery of a letter and it ended up being a two hour conversation with the second most powerful man in North Korea talking about almost everything we talked about a lot and we talked about sanctions with him. I don't want to say like we talked about a lot of things we really did," he continued. "We did discuss the ending of the Korean War. Can you believe that we're talking about the ending of the Korean what you talking about 70 years here. We're going to discuss it prior to the meeting."
Chol traveled to Washington D.C. Friday morning after meetings in New York with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He delivered a personal letter to President Trump from Kim Jong Un at the White House.
"The proposed summit offers a historic opening for POTUS and Chairman Kim to boldly lead U.S. and DPRK into a new era of peace, prosperity, and security. Our countries face a pivotal moment in which it could be nothing short of tragic to let this opportunity go to waste. The POTUS has made it clear that if Kim Jong-un denuclearizes, there is a brighter path for DPRK. We envision a strong, connected, secure, and prosperous North Korea that maintains its cultural heritage but is integrated into the community of nations." Secretary Pompeo
Western Country Banishes Burqas.
06/01/2018 AAN by: Remington Strelivo
Denmark has banned the burqa, the full-face veil that some Islamic women wear.
The Danish legislature passed the controversial bill earlier this week, which would ban many Islamic face coverings, including the veil.
The law passed by a more than two-to-one margin, 75 to 30.
Beginning on August 1, Danish authorities will fine anyone who wears a face-covering veil 1,000 kroner — the equivalent of $150. The fines increase for repeat offenders, eventually topping out at around $1,000.
The law doesn’t target specific religions or genders — and, in fact, would even ban men from wearing fake beards in public. But, since islam is the only mainstream religion that routinely wears veils, critics have alleged that the ban is religiously motivated.
Liberal opponents of the bill have hit back as well. Amnesty International condemned the law as being a “discriminatory violation of women’s rights.”
“Whilst some specific restrictions on the wearing of full-face veils for the purposes of public safety may be legitimate, this blanket ban is neither necessary nor proportionate and violates the rights to freedom of expression and religion,” they added in a statement.
Denmark’s ban follows similar legislation in France, Germany, Belgium, and Austria.
**** WE NEED THIS LAW IN THE U.S.A.!! ****
Crooked killary's Osama 'Ass-Covering' Enraged Colleagues.
06/01/2018 by: AAN
An intriguing passage from an upcoming book about the trials facing America's vice presidents details an explosive falling-out between then-Vice President joe biden and killary clinton.
At the height of the 2016 campaign, clinton made the false claim that she fully supported the Navy SEAL raid that killed osama bin laden.
Failure would have marked the beginning of the end for resident obuma. Any hope of a second-term would have died alongside the loss of American special forces in the unforgiving Pakistani night.
Moreover, intel reports couldn't confirm bin Laden's whereabouts.
The admittedly high stakes and relative uncertainty made biden skittish – and killary too, though she would later lie about it.
Per The Hill:
Every modern vice president, with the exception of Dick Cheney, has wanted to be president.
But it is complicated. “In order to be a really successful vice president, you have to subvert your own interests,” biden’s former communications director Shailagh Murray said. “The most important thing was being the best vice president you could possibly be and sometimes that was going to require eating shit.”
biden became known as a 'dissenting voice' against the successful 5/2/11,
Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden, the al Qaeda leader behind the 9/11 terror attacks, who was hiding in a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
“He knew his presidency was on the line with bin Laden,” biden told me.
“Think about if that had failed. His presidency would have come to practically a screeching end.” At a Situation Room meeting with top officials, including Secretary of State killary clinton, biden came down against going in — without being absolutely sure that bin Laden was in the compound, biden argued, more time was needed to get a positive identification.
Later, when clinton made the false claim during the campaign that she was completely in support of it, biden was furious!
axelrod, obuma’s top strategist, said, “My sense is that she was not sold on the idea either.” biden clearly resents the way clinton mischaracterized her position. One aide said: “The ass-covering, opportunistic version really rattled him!”
biden advised against the raid, he said, “to give room, because then I walked out with him [obuma], which I always did, and walked to the office. I said, ‘Follow your instinct. I think you should follow your instinct.’ I could tell that was his instinct.”
biden said he fell on his sword so that obuma would look like he made the call on his own. “I wanted people to know what a chance this slug took. If I had said he should go [at the time] then it would make me look like I was ratting out everybody else.”
Press reports made it seem like biden was one of the lone voices against what ended up being a successful raid that won obuma widespread praise. “That’s the job of the vice president,” biden said. “You’re supposed to throw yourself in front of the train. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to do become vice president in the beginning.”
Both biden and killary showed their true colors. Lying, double dealing hypocrites.
Crooked Hillary's Osama 'A**-Covering' Enraged Colleagues
Flickr- Gage Skidmore
An intriguing passage from an upcoming book about the trials facing America's vice presidents details an explosive falling-out between then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.
At the height of the 2016 campaign, Clinton made the false claim that she fully supported the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
Failure would have marked the beginning of the end for President Obama. Any hope of a second-term would have died alongside the loss of American special forces in the unforgiving Pakistani night.
Moreover, intel reports couldn't confirm bin Laden's whereabouts.
The admittedly high stakes and relative uncertainty made Biden skittish – and Hillary too, though she would later lie about it.
Per The Hill:
Every modern vice president, with the exception of Dick Cheney, has wanted to be president. But it is complicated. “In order to be a really successful vice president, you have to subvert your own interests,” Biden’s former communications director Shailagh Murray said. “The most important thing was being the best vice president you could possibly be and sometimes that was going to require eating shit.” Biden became known as a dissenting voice against the successful May 2, 2011, Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden, the al Qaeda leader behind the 9/11 terror attacks, who was hiding in a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. “He knew his presidency was on the line with bin Laden,” Biden told me. “Think about if that had failed. His presidency would have come to practically a screeching end.” At a Situation Room meeting with top officials, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Biden came down against going in — without being absolutely sure that bin Laden was in the compound, Biden argued, more time was needed to get a positive identification. Later, when Clinton made the false claim during the campaign that she was completely in support of it, Biden was furious. Axelrod, Obama’s top strategist, said, “My sense is that she was not sold on the idea either.” Biden clearly resents the way Clinton mischaracterized her position. One aide said: “The ass-covering, opportunistic version really rattled him.” Biden advised against the raid, he said, “to give room, because then I walked out with him [Obama], which I always did, and walked to the office. I said, ‘Follow your instinct. I think you should go, follow your instinct.’ I could tell that was his instinct.” Biden said he fell on his sword so that Obama would look like he made the call on his own. “I wanted people to know what a chance this guy took. If I had said that I said to go [at the time] then it would make me look like I was ratting out everybody else.” Press reports made it seem like Biden was one of the lone voices against what ended up being a successful raid that won Obama widespread praise. “That’s the job of the vice president,” Biden said. “You’re supposed to throw yourself in front of the train. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to do it [become vice president] in the beginning.”
Source: AAN
Defeating The Top Five Obnoxious Liberal Argument Cheats.
4/31/18 12:01 AM Kurt Schlichter
I don’t argue with liberals for several reasons, including the fact that as a trial lawyer I argue for a living so I expect to be paid for it, and the fact that I really don’t care what liberals think enough to try to change their minds.
When I deal with them on Twitter and other social media, I just want to defeat them as I demonstrate to fellow conservatives that it’s okay to fight back. But some of you do argue with liberals, though I don’t get why. See, liberals don’t argue either, mostly because they know no one else will buy the ideological garbage they are peddling. Instead of a reasoned position, they will inevitably offer a cheesy simulacrum of an argument that consists of the kind of hack ploys that would embarrass a shyster in a polyester leisure suit doing shaky rear-ender cases out of his 1992 Corolla parked down by the dump because he can’t afford a van down by the river.
Liberals don’t argue in good faith because they can’t, and Normal people who don’t argue every day as part of their job often don’t see the argument grifts they are being side-swiped by.
Normals are direct and honest folks, and often (though much less frequently than they used to since Normals began to get militant) they labor under the illusion that debates with liberals involve honest exchanges of facts and evidence that can lead people to change their minds.
No, Liberal “argument’ is a bludgeon designed to beat you into submission with distraction and deception.
Let’s look as some of liberals’ favorite cheats, and how you can defeat them.
The Cheat: “Jesusplain Those Rubes!”
When in doubt, play the messiah card! It’s always a pleasure to have some atheist hipster explain to you how Christ was a socialist SJW who was ultra-open-minded about what bathroom people should use and who demands you give the government money so it can hand your cash over to deadbeats. I often wonder if this gambit ever works, if anyone ever thinks, “Gosh, I guess if ImpeachTrump killary's Hot says my Savior hates AR15s, then I better disarm myself in the face of liberal-enabled crime and liberal-supported tyranny.”
How to Beat It: You could explain the whole Christianity thing, but it’s easier to just tell the liberals to go pound sand!
Let’s look as some of liberals’ favorite cheats, and how you can defeat them.
The Cheat: “You are Something Terrible for thinking that!”
Racist, sexist, homophobic, Nickelback-loving – there’s not a slur or slander you won’t be called for standing up for the principles that made America great. But somewhere along the line, certain conservatives – let’s just say they tend to try to sell you cruises where you can mingle with the who’s who of the Fredocon elite – started trying to please liberals, seeking to prove that, “No, I’m not that horrible thing you just called me!” Big mistake. Of course, that never works!
Liberals themselves are all of the things they call you, and they know it, and they don’t care, because their caring and concern and compassion for all the groups they accuse you of oppressing is just a pose. Watch how quickly they go from claiming you hate gay people to accusing you of being gay because calling a conservative gay is an insult that is supposed to blow our button-down bourgeois minds.
How to Beat It: You could deny the charges, but it’s easier to just tell the liberals to go pound sand!
The Cheat: “We are better than that!”
They like to try to weaponize our morality against us, which is hilarious since they hate morality almost as much as they hate us. They create some sort of moral test, usually out of thin air, and then announce you have failed it. One of the best was the recent “Splitting up families of undocumented workers is not who we are!”
Except it is who we are. We split up the families of criminals all the time and we should – there’s no nursery in San Quentin for a reason.
What they want to do is well up those tears in your eyes so you don’t clearly see the truth – the problem is not the consequence of illegal aliens breaking into our country. The problem is the illegal aliens breaking into our country. The problem is always the misbehavior we are calling out, not the fact we are calling it out.
How to Beat It: You could deny the charges, but it’s easier to just tell the liberals to go pound sand!
The Cheat: “No other developed country Does This!”
The “Compare America to wonderful foreigners” ploy often comes up in their gun screeds, where they claim that no other “developed” country has as many murders as America and then put the blame on the 100 million gun owners who didn’t kill anyone.
It’s true that no other “developed” country has Democrat-run blue cities full of Democrat constituents who shoot each other down in the streets. Nor do they have a citizenry that retains the right to oust a tyrannical government, but where we see that as a feature, liberals – who think Castro was a great guy – see this as a terrible bug.
And what’s this about being “developed” anyway? Mexico and Brazil, which have gun control laws that the Democrat Disarm the Normals Caucus only dreams of, also have murder rates exponentially higher than ours! Why don’t liberals compare ours with theirs? Do they think non-whites are somehow undeveloped? Do they have lower expectations for non-white people? This is, frankly, super-racist. Stop being racist, liberals.
How to Beat It: You could explain that this is America and not some dwindling nation made up of emasculated Euroweenies with a flatlining birthrate, but it’s easier to just tell the liberals to go pound sand.
The Cheat: “Well, Insert Huge Shameless Lie Here!”
Facts are, apparently, for suckers. When in doubt, liberals lie, and then they lie again. Like on guns. Prominent liberals announce they want to repeal the Second Amendment and then huffy libs leap up to assert that, “No one wants to take your guns.” Gaslight better, people! At least try.
How many times have you heard how AR15s are “weapons of war” when no one ever uses them in wars? How many blue falcon Democrat vets have tried selling us on disarming by saying, “I carried a M16/M4 for a year and, for some reason, now I think I have the moral authority to tell you other Americans what self-defense tools you can and can’t have!”
Okay, an AR15 is not a M16/M4. It just isn’t. Saying so means you are a liar, or too stupid to be talking about guns. And wait a minute – I was in 27 years. Shouldn’t I have even more moral authority to tell people that every citizen should have an AR15, or does this special “But I was in the Army!” moral authority only accrue to liberals?
Getting basic facts about guns wrong again and again is not a mistake – it’s a lie designed to mislead you. The same with TRUMP RUSSIA TREASON RUSSIA EMOLUMENTS RUSSIA TREASON STORMY TREASON. After almost two years of this hooey, they are still lying about evidence of collusion between Trump and Putin.
There’s NONE about Trump but plenty showing the obuma/clinton Cartel colluded with foreigners big time. But that’s apparently A-OK collusion. Facts, schmacts, it’s all about the narrative!
How to Beat It: You could explain that this is America and not some dwindling nation made up of emasculated Euroweenies with a flatlining birthrate, but it’s easier to just tell the liberals to go pound sand!
The Cheat: “Well, [Insert Huge Shameless Lie Here]!”
Facts are, apparently, for suckers. When in doubt, liberals lie, and then they lie again. Like on guns. Prominent liberals announce they want to repeal the Second Amendment and then huffy libs leap up to assert that, “No one wants to take your guns.” Gaslight better, people! At least try.
What does it say about an ideology that its proponents have to lie about what they really want? It says that they know that if you know what they really want, you won’t have any of it.
How to Beat It: You could explain the truth, except we all know how that will go. It’s easier to get militant and tell the liberals to go pound sand!
Melania Responds to Theories About Her Public Absence.
5/31/18 12:25 PM Cortney O'Brien
For days the media has been musing about First Lady Melania Trump's whereabouts. The internet has fueled rumors about her public absence since her hospitalization.
Time Magazine has a summary of some of the more widely discussed theories.
The first lady’s absence from public view has spawned all sorts of wild theories on social media and elsewhere:
Has she moved back to Trump Tower in New York City?
Is she cooperating with the special counsel’s Russia investigation?
Is her health in jeopardy?
Has she entered the witness protection program? And so on. (Time)
Melania put the conspiracies to rest Wednesday.
I see the media is working overtime speculating where I am & what I'm doing. Rest assured, I'm here at the White House with my family, feeling great, & working hard on behalf of children & the American people! Melania Trump FLOTUS 5/30/18 2:45 PM
Melania Trump's communications director Stephanie Grisham added that although her boss has not made a public appearance in a few weeks, she has been involved in White House agenda prep.
“She's doing really well,” Grisham told ABC News. “She's been involved in several internal meetings with staff all last week, and that continues this week. We've been going over initiatives and other long-term planning for events such as the congressional picnic and 4th of July.”
Melania Trump was hospitalized at Walter Reed Medical Center a couple of weeks ago to have surgery for a "benign kidney condition." She returned to the White House on May 19, but had not been seen in public since May 10, when she and President Trump welcomed home three Americans who had been held as prisoners in North Korea.
"Sadly, we deal with conspiracy theories all the time, so this is nothing new, just more silly nonsense," Grisham told Politico on Tuesday. "She is doing great. I wouldn't characterize it as a long absence. She was hospitalized for almost a week and is now home and recovering."
Just as soon as the media got its answer, however, they had another question: Who wrote Melania's tweet? The phrase "working overtime,” which has been featured in several of President Trump's tweets, had some outlets wondering whether 45 penned the message.
Intuit Quickbooks Reverses Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars Of Gunsite’s Charges
5/21/18 by Tom Knighton 8:30 am
Intuit makes some pretty nifty products for small business owners. As someone who has been there, bookkeeping is a nightmare by itself. Quickbooks is the kind of product that helps make that job a lot easier. It’s something that I’d think any small business would want to make use of, especially since the company also offers services like credit card processing.
I wouldn’t recommend it for that if you’re in the firearm industry in any way, shape, or form, though– not according to what was recently reported over at The Truth About Guns!
A couple of months ago Gunsite decided to make a change to a new credit card processor, QuickBooks. It seemed to be a wise business choice at the time and may have been, had Intuit not chosen to go the way they did.
About ten days ago the Gunsite bookkeeper found herself on the receiving end of a phonecall from QuickBooks. The company felt there was “trouble” because they had realized Gunsite sold knives and guns on their website. This, the QuickBooks rep said, meant sales weren’t face-to-face and “kids could buy them.”
Gunsite took the time to patiently, politely educate the rep on how FFLs work and explain the laws and processes of firearm sales. Once the process and regulations were laid out, the rep backpedaled, saying now that they understood the procedure, it was alright after all and business could continue.
Then, a week ago – May 11th, 2018 – Gunsite got another phone call from QuickBooks. This time it didn’t go as well. The software company informed Gunsite that they were immediately ceasing all business with them. Why? Because they sell and promote firearms!
At first this was frustrating news, but Gunsite figured it could be handled.
Then the other shoe dropped:
In addition to cutting business ties with Gunsite, QuickBooks/Intuit refused to release the money from credit card charges currently in process from sales that had already made.
Folks, this is tens of thousands of dollars worth of training and merchandise that was charged and processed in good faith.
Gunsite did nothing wrong, but Intuit is reversing these charges, meaning they’re basically giving everyone a refund out of someone else’s pocket. The reason? Because it finds that company’s business bad!
The way Kat at TTAG phrased it, was kind of perfect.
She wrote, “That means revenue for everything from pens to five-day level 250 pistol courses had just became door prizes, provided free to people who had the benefit of the training and took home products, all courtesy of the Intuit’s largesse.”
Pretty much my thoughts.
Now, Gunsite is trying to process this stuff through another company, so I hope they can recover most, if not all, of the money.
I also hope they take Intuit to court over this! Ths isn’t right on any level. At all.
More than that, though, this is the kind of thing that needs to be punished.
Intuit needs to be fought on this stuff each and every time it tries this if at all possible. It needs to be forced to figure this into its decision-making matrix before it pulls this on other companies.
The irony? If it wants people to be safer with guns, places like Gunsite are the kind of places it should support. It should want people to go there, train there, learn there, then bring it home to share that knowledge with their fellow gun owners. The reason is that Gunsite is known for being a very safe training academy, something everyone should want to support.
But no. They sell guns, so they must be punished, apparently.
Let that be a lesson to anyone else who has a gun-related business.
Now you know who NOT do business with.
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