We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 31, 2018 at 10:58pm

Driver Finds Pistol Embedded In Car’s Bumper.
5/31/18 by Tom Knighton
After a certain point in your life, you may start to think you may have seen it all. You don’t necessarily think that consciously, but on some level, you’re pretty confident you’ve seen the weirdest things you’re going to see, especially in the days of social media.
Then, you see something like this.
The Lakewood Police Department in Washington is investigating an incident after state troopers recovered a handgun that had been embedded in the front bumper of a Honda while it was traveling down a Washington Interstate.
I don’t think that’s what they’re talking about when they say gun the engine. LOL
Washington State Patrol says the driver saw a “black object” flying through the air during his commute one evening, but it wasn’t until he stopped for gas later about 18 miles down the road, that he discovered it was a handgun, and it was now stuck barrel-first in his bumper just below the driver’s-side headlight.
Of course, this raises the question of just where the gun came from, and that’s a riddle that probably never be answered!
Most likely, it was tossed out of another car for some reason.
It may have been used in a crime and was being dumped after being wiped clean of fingerprints. Or maybe someone was completely stupid and had the gun on the roof of their car and forgot about it.
The vehicle driver, however, wasn’t sure if it came from an overpass or another car.
I’m inclined to say overpass simply because of the physics I suspect are required to embed a firearm in the bumper of a car.
Granted, the bumpers of today aren’t like the front bumpers of yesteryear. My 1979 Ford F150 would probably not even noticed something like this.
Washington State Patrol Trooper Guy Gill told the Associated Press that this was a “completely bizarre way to recover a weapon.” -- I’d imagine so.
Luckily, the weapon was without a magazine which probably means it was cleared prior to its flight.
No one was hurt, thankfully. However, what I really want to read is the discussion of this incident at the insurance company, because that’s going to be hysterical. Can you imagine how that discussion will play out? Think of just how many people will read the report and think, “Naw! That didn’t happen” only to find out it did?
Yeah, it’s really that weird.
Again, no one was hurt, which is why I can chuckle about this and what this incident may have triggered at various corporations. This could easily have been tragic, especially if it had hit the windshield rather than the bumper, for example.
However, if this isn’t a case of someone dumping a weapon but is an honest accident, I won’t be surprised if the gun’s owner decides it’s just cheaper to buy a new gun. Washington has partial gun registration, but it really only impacts gun store sales.
A firearm purchased out of state for whatever reason may not show up, and let’s be honest here. No one wants to admit to something as stupid as what would lead to this incident.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 31, 2018 at 10:35pm

With North Korea, President Trump Needs To Go Big Or Go Home.
5/31/018 by streiff 10:00 pm
The summit between President Trump and North Korean Kim Jong Un seems to be on track for June 12 in Singapore. While the meeting has the chance of a spectacular success, unless President Trump is careful he’s going to find himself accused of agreeing to a deal similar–in the minds of Democrats and Never Trump people it will be identical–to the one he just abandoned.
There are several possible accomplishments that would allow the summit to be called a success.
Suggestions for Successful US - North Korea Summit:
1. Denuclearization Of Korean Peninsula.
2. Peace Treaty Btw North & South Korea in place of 1953 Armistice.
3. Korean Peninsula Security To Be Guranteed by US, Japan & China , Russia forever.
4. Economic Sanctions lifted.
Sorta. I don’t know why we want to bring in a hostile and duplicitous party like the Russians into an agreement.??
One semi-hostile and duplicitous party–other than Kim Jong Un, I mean–is quite sufficient. And, of course, sanctions have to continue to bite until something tangible gives in the arena of nuclear weapons.
Kim is there because he needs something and he has, rationally, decided that the cost of continuing a confrontation with the US is higher than the political climbdown he had to do to meet the South Korean president and agree to a summit with Trump. He knows he has to be prepared to give up something.
What that is, we don’t know.
Denuclearization, of course, is the prize.
It is unrealistic, unsafe, and logistically impossible to expect to eliminate the DPRK nuclear program overnight.
All of this says that unless the White House is very crafty about how it starts laying the groundwork for evaluating the summit, the summit is going to be labeled a failure by Trump’s opponents, in and out of the media.
While many have pointed out that Kim Jong Un doesn’t want to come away from the summit with economic and trade incentives that make him lose face by looking like a beggar.
They seem to have forgotten that Trump, too, has a fairly sizable ego and is not likely to want to walk away feeling like he has a “I’m Kim’s punk” sticker on the back of his jacket. I think, however, if he did come away with something like “Column A” agreed to, that would be seen as a win by all but the most hardcore Democrat partisans and Never Trump people.
What does Kim Jong Un get in return? I don’t know.
But this summit demands bold gestures by both principals and then leave it to staffs to work out the details.
If Trump can’t come away from Singapore with something substantial, his best play is to say he tried and wash his hands of it.
A half-baked, half-assed disarmament agreement monitored by the IAEA which has never met a dictator it wouldn’t kowtow to, is going to be a stunning political loss for Trump and he can’t afford it, particularly in this election year.
The proposed summit offers a historic opening for POTUS and Chairman Kim to boldly lead U.S. and DPRK into a new era of peace, prosperity, and security.
Our countries face a pivotal moment in which it could be nothing short of tragic to let this opportunity go to waste.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 31, 2018 at 9:59pm

Baltimore Police Backed Away From a Community That Protested Against Them, and Guess What Happened?
Dec/31/17 by Susan Wright
So the greatest revelation that some communities may be grasping, moving into 2018 is that if you continuously threaten the police, attack the police, protest and spit on the police, they’ll back off and the crime in your communities goes up!
Who woulda thunk?
It’s almost as if law enforcement is a necessary part of a civil, safe society, and a couple of instances of bad apples are not the whole of the profession.
Now Baltimore, a scene of chaos after the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody in 2015, is seeing a "third straight year of murders over 300" in the city! This is murders per number of citizens, and it’s alarming.
Some are saying the lack of an adequately stringent police presence is the reason.
From NPR:
The Rev. Kinji Scott, a pastor in Baltimore who’s held positions in local city government, says the opposite needs to happen. “We wanted the police there,” Scott says. “We wanted them engaged in the community. We didn’t want them beating the hell out of us, we didn’t want that.”
See? It’s that broad brush and how it’s applied to police officers, resulting in some being targeted and executed while sitting in their patrol cars that may have convinced them that they needed to cut back their presence.
“We need the front line police officers and we need the heart of the black community to step to the forefront of this discussion,” he says. “And that’s when we’re going to see a decrease in crime.”
You can’t have a conversation if it begins with accusations. Asking one side to sit and take abuse doesn’t work.
The pastor was asked if the goal was to get the police to back off after the death of Freddie Gray.
No. That represented our progressives, our activists, our liberal journalists, our politicians, but it did not represent the overall community. Because we know for a fact that around the time Freddie Gray was killed, we start to see homicides increase!
We had five homicides in that neighborhood while we were protesting.
He further discussed the need for relationship building, as emphasized by resident obuma (and I’m going to assume he’s talking about the impossible task obuma put forward, after his “The police acted stupidly” nonsense).
The primary thrust nationwide is what resident obuma wanted to do: focus on building relationships with police departments and major cities where there had been a history of conflict. That hasn’t happened!
We don’t see that. I don’t know a city — Baltimore for certain — we’ve not seen any changes in those relationships.
What we have seen is that the police has distanced themselves, and the community has distanced themselves even further. So the divide has really intensified, it hasn’t decreased.
If anything, obuma, the stupid Baltimore masyor and liberal Democrats have done more to ruin the relationship between our law enforcement and minority communities than any other president in history!
So is the pastor hopeful for 2018?
I am not. Because I look at the conclusion of 2017, these same cities, St. Louis, Baltimore, New Orleans and Chicago — these same black cities are still bleeding to death and we’re still burying young men in these cities.
I’m a preacher, I want to be hopeful, but not as it stands, no.
Not until we really have a real conversation with our front line officers in the heart of our black communities that does not involve our people who are “leaders.”
We need the front line police officers and we need the heart of the black community to step to the forefront of this discussion.
And that’s when we’re going to see a decrease in crime.
There definitely needs to be conversation, but it needs to be honest and on even ground.
When you look around your community and there are people who go into rages over the phrase, “Blue lives matter,” then you’re going to find any conversation next to impossible to have.
There also needs to more specialized training to handle today’s unique societal problems, then these communities where the crime is so rampant need to get themselves in front of a mirror and address honestly the root causes of the problem.
As the numbers can attest to, a police presence is not the source of violence and crime in those areas. So that needs to be taken off the list, first and foremost.
Then maybe the conversation can begin.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 31, 2018 at 9:40pm

Police Bodycam Footage Sheds Light on Girl’s Viral Beach Head-Pummeling.
5/31/18 by Alex Parker 8:50 pm
On Wednesday, New Jersey police released bodycam video which sheds light on the viral beating of a young girl by a beach officer.
Wednesday’s footage of a cop punching a young girl in the head as he holds her face-down at the beach — and the confrontation which preceded the sandy grappling — serves as a compliment to the video which made headlines over the last few days.
I was sleeping on the beach and I woke up to this.. i can’t believe it.. pic.twitter.com/UJE5Sy7E4G Lexy 5/26/18
In the nine minutes of additional context, Wildwood police are seen engaging 20-year-old Emily Weinman as she soaks up sun with her 18-month-old daughter, a friend, and her daughter’s father.
After discovering alcohol near her beach blankets, an officer orders her to take a Breathalizer test. “I know that didn’t come up positive. I didn’t take a drink of anything!,” she says.
One of the officers states she’s going to have to pour out her alcohol.
Off-camera, either she or her friend explains, “We didn’t even drink alcohol. You’re allowed to carry alcohol if you’re under age. You are. You’re not allowed to drink it. And we’re not drinking it.”
The officers tell the girls they’re guilty of “possession/consumption. Open display — you can see the alcohol.”
“Okay, you can see it,” one of the girls admits. “And we’re not drinking it.”
The video goes silent for several seconds, seemingly muting more than just names.
Emily states what she clearly believes are her rights:
“I didn’t do anything to disrespect you. …You can’t lock me up. I didn’t disrespect you. … I didn’t do anything to you. You’re mad because you thought we were drinking.”
Then more exchange between Weinman and the officer:
“Where’s your aunt?”
“She’s on her way. You can wait here.”
“What’s your last name?”
“You don’t need my last name.”
The boys in blue aren’t particularly impressed:
“Okay, that’s it. I’m done with you. (to the other officer) Do you have cuffs on you?”
Emily “Don’t touch me!”
“You’re about to get dropped.”
She backs away.
“Don’t fucking touch me!…What are you doing?”
She appears to push at the officer’s chest as he closes in on her.
The video then cuts to the maybe-100-pound-girl screaming as the officer straddles her and is holding her by the hair.
She yells, “They’re choking me!”
After more struggle, the officer warns, “That’s it,” and begins fist-smashing her in the head.
Both the puncher and the punched are cursing.
Emily Weinman now faces multiple charges, including two counts of assault on a police officer.
I can only imagine people are going to have very different opinions of the video.
I’ll share my view, nonetheless, as a catalyst:
Firstly, in my opinion, the girl comes across as a self-entitled brat who could probably use being taken down a few notches.
Secondly, the officer appears happy to abuse his power and beat a young girl in the head.
This is not the job of law enforcement. It is not their charge, place, right, or job to teach people a lesson. Their job is only to enforce the law. With as little force as possible.
In this case, at issue was a citation. Nothing more.
Emily Weinman was obnoxious. But that is not the business of a public servant who is paid to bring only his best to his position.
Am I wrong? *** NOPE, YOU ARE RIGHT. ***

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 31, 2018 at 9:12pm

This CNN Reporter’s Face Has To Be Bloodied With All The Times He's Stepped On A Rake!
5/31/18 1:30 PM Matt Vespa
It has to really hurt by now, I mean it really has to hurt.
CNN’s Jim Acosta once again got wrecked for saying that Kim Kardashian more or less had no business being at the White House to talk prison reform. It’s just un-serious, according to Jim.
Of course, this is a swipe at the Trump Adm. for catering to celebrities.
Earth to CNN: history didn’t begin in January of 2017. resident barry obuma catered the Hollywood Left. From violence in Sudan to climate change, there was some A-list actor speaking with obuma about these issues. This is especially weird given how Acosta didn't question all the times obuma teamed up with celebrities for various causes.
Strange to see reporters criticizing Trump for inviting Kim Kardashian to the WH to talk prison reform. Yes, an expert would have been better!
But let’s not forget obuma’s mtg w/ George Clooney on ethnic violence in Sudan... or Leo DiCaprio on climate change.
It’s not hard to see why the president does these sorts of meetings. It’s to get Jim to act like he does—and not just him, any member of the liberal news media who does not yet understand that Trump is
(A) making fun of you; and (B) using you as his puppet.
He’s far better at this than you. And when you’re this stupid and dumb, Trump, or anyone for that matter, can make the media do anything.
CNN falls into this trap constantly!
"I would like to thank President Trump for his time this afternoon. It is our hope that the President will grant clemency to Ms. Alice Marie Johnson who is serving a life sentence for a first-time, non-violent drug offense." Kim Kardashian West
"Yep. Regardless people’s opinions of those going, this is what makes America different. Everyone, not some aristocracy, has a voice and we determine policy.
This includes the blue collar worker, the lawyer, and the reality star. Also, politics is downstream from pop culture." Dana Loesch

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 31, 2018 at 5:36pm

For you Patriots that lost friends or family members in Vietnam.---->
~~~ Vietnam Wall ~~~~
An amazing website.
Someone spent a lot of time and effort to create it. The link below is a virtual wall of all those lost during the Vietnam war......with the names, bio's and other information on our lost heroes. Those who remember that time frame, or perhaps lost friends or family can look them up on this site.
First click on a state. When it opens, click on the city and the names will appear.
Click on the name. It should show you a picture of the person, or at least their bio and medals..
I appreciate what those who served in Vietnam sacrificed for our country!

First click on a state. When it opens, click on the city and the names will appear.
Click on the name. It should show you a picture of the person, or at least their bio and medals..
I appreciate what those who served in Vietnam sacrificed for our country. http://www.virtualwall.org/iStates.htm

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 31, 2018 at 5:22pm

Keeping it Classy: Leftist Comedian Samantha Bee Calls Ivanka a 'Feckless CUNT.'
5/31/18 8:38 AM Katie Pavlich
Just 24-hours after roseanne was fired by ABC for making a derogatory statement about former obuma advisor valerie jarrett (which she then apologized for), leftist comedian Samantha Bee included a segment on her TBS show in which she called current White House senior advisor Ivanka Trump a "feckless cunt." Why? Because she dared to post a photo holding her son.
"You know, Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless cunt!” Bee said.
Meanwhile, Bee predicatbly got the facts wrong about the government separating children at the border and the Trump administration "losing kids."
First, the government isn't losing kids. Instead, parents or sponsors of children who are also in the country illegally (yes, ICE and HHS place unaccompanied minors with parents who are already living in the U.S. illegally) aren't answering the phone when ICE agents call to do a follow up. Therefore, they can't be officially accounted for after leaving ICE or HHS custody.
This doesn't mean they are lost, it simply means illegal aliens already in the country are avoiding federal immigration authorities.
Further, this a policy from the obuma administration that has been continued by the Trump administration.
“We do place children here with people or parents who are here illegally," a senior White House official said this week. “We are not able to deny placement of children to people in the country illegally.”
Second, just like when American citizens are arrested for crimes, children are not taken to adult detention or jail facilities. Instead, they are separated from the offending parent.
In the case of the current border crisis, the separation takes place when an adult enters the country illegally and is arrested.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made it clear that the Department of Justice will enforce immigration law, which includes prosecuting everyone who enters the country illegally. This is, after all, a federal crime.
But hey, why get the facts straight when hurling the worst epithets at Ivanka Trump is easier?

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 31, 2018 at 5:05pm

New Poll Shows Ted Cruz Crushing His Leftist Media Darling Opponent in Texas!
5/31/18 2:01 PM Guy Benson
Just a few weeks ago, the media was abuzz about liberal Democrat Beto O'Rourke's chances to unseat Texas Senator Ted Cruz (a.k.a. "that piece of garbage," according to our moral superiors).
A blue wave was brewing, it seemed (ahem), O'Rourke was raising money hand over fist, and a fresh poll showed the contest within just three points, inside the margin of error. In deep red Texas, of all places!
Perhaps Beto's glaring primary night weaknesses had already dissipated, and 2018's inevitable nationwide stampede to the Left was underway; political gravity was starting to impose its will.
Or perhaps giddy liberals were once again wish-casting their way into delusion. Quinnipiac's newest survey shows Cruz shaking off his (supposedly) weak start and opening up a double-digit lead.
Texas Senate poll (Quinnipiac)
Ted Cruz (R) 50%
Beto O’Rourke (D) 39%
Men: Cruz leads 57-35%
Women: Cruz leads 44-42%
mexicano: Cruz leads 46-44%
White: Cruz leads 62-28%
Black: O’Rourke leads 70-15%
Cruz is dominating among men and whites, but also slightly leading with...women and mexicanos.
Meanwhile, O'Rourke is only pulling 70% of black voters, and leads very marginally (46/41) among 18-34 year-olds.
The national electoral climate could shift back in Democrats' favor in the coming months, but one real red flag for O'Rourke here is his low name ID. Yes, he'll have barrels of money to throw at Cruz in a drumbeat of attacks.
Cruz is a known commodity in the state. O'Rourke is not. Team Ted has a major opportunity to define Beto O'Rourke to voters who aren't particularly familiar with him.
A lot of Texans aren't going to be enamored with the thought of sending an 'NRA-cursing', 'pro-impeachment', 'abortion radical leftist' to Washington.
By the way, the Lone Star State's gubernatorial contest is looking even more lopsided, with Greg Abbott parlaying strong popularity (53/27) and impressive leadership into a commanding, broad-based lead:
Gov. Greg Abbott leads his Democratic challenger by 19 points overall in TXGov including a double-digit lead among young voters...while pulling in ~1/5 black voters.
Texas Republicans' fortunes could head south. But these are not data points that indicate a serious Democratic wave is building, at least in certain GOP strongholds.
Meanwhile, with a new poll showing conservative challengers leading Sen. Claire McCaskill in Missouri, the resignation of scandal-plagued Gov. Eric Greitens comes as a relief for Republicans in that state.
The Senate frontrunner, Attorney General Josh Hawley had called on Greitens to step down, threatening to open up a nasty intra-party rift, especially as the Republican-dominated legislature pursued impeachment.
That ugly chapter now appears to be about to come to a close, giving the party months to unify and train their attention on the hyper-vulnerable McCaskill.
I also, found this virtual whisper of a favorable poll number to be intriguing:
Just saw a private poll with Renacci at 56%. Phil Kerper
Take that piece of information with a large grain of salt, but if the Ohio Senate race is actually competitive -- most experts have assumed liberal Sherrod Brown will coast to re-election, even though Trump carried the state comfortably -- that could mean that Democrats' resources will be stretched extremely thin.
This is also true if they have to play defense in New Jersey on behalf of Bob Menendez, who avoided a federal corruption conviction last year thanks to a hung jury. Democrats will really need to pour money into Florida, where popular governor-turned-Senate-candidate Rick Scott is running an aggressive and competitive campaign.
Beyond the Senate map, I'll leave you with two tweets -- good news and bad news for Republicans out of Mexifornia. The good news could limit Democrats' expected House gains in that deep blue, alien vote rich state. The bad news is...really bad:
Democrats Go All-Out to Avoid Disaster in Mexifornia House Races via @NYTimes https://nyti.ms/2J8bn7G
Republicans are now, numerically, a third party in Mexifornia.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 31, 2018 at 4:36pm

“Smallville” Sex Cult Story Takes A Darker Turn…
Branding the flesh of female “sex slaves” was her own idea, says former “Smallville” actress Allison Mack — now an accused leader of the upstate cult Nxivm.
Speaking with a reporter for The New York Times Magazine, Allison Mack scoffed at the idea of merely tattooing the women.
Tattoos are for wimps, Mack implied in the interview, which she gave six months before her arrest on federal human-trafficking charges.
“I was like: ‘Y’all, a tattoo?’” Mack told reporter Vanessa Grigoriadis, speaking from her apartment in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, for a Nxivm profile running Sunday.
“People get drunk and tattooed on their ankle ‘BFF,’ or a tramp stamp,” said Mack, who played Clark Kent’s buddy on the long-running WB series. “I have two tattoos, and they mean nothing.”
Apparently, searing their flesh with a cauterizing pen instead, leaving them permanently scarred with the initials of both Mack and accused cult boss Keith Raniere, would be far more meaningful — even if the branded women themselves didn’t know the meaning of NXIVM.
“Not all the women were told that these initials were present in the symbol,” Grigoriadis writes.
Astoundingly, she adds, some of the women saw being branded as a way to conquer their fears.
“Some of them kidded around through it,” the article says.
“Even if they cried when they were getting the brand; even if they wore surgical masks to help them with breathing in the smell of burning flesh . . . they were still able to transcend the fear and cry out to one another: “Badass warrior bitches! Let’s get strong together.”
Grigoriadis also spoke to Raniere, who easily admitted he was “polyamorous” but insisted that he never brainwashed anyone.
Both Raniere and Mack are due to stand trial in October on conspiracy and trafficking charges carrying a minimum prison term of 15 years.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 31, 2018 at 4:16pm

10 beheaded in rural Mozambique attack, police say it was an islamic Extremist Attack.
JOHANNESBURG – Police in Mozambique say 10 people have been beheaded in the country's north amid concerns that the machete-wielding attackers have links to islamic extremism.
The Portuguese news agency Lusa cites police as saying Sunday's attack occurred near the rural community of Olumbi and that the suspects are being pursued. The dead include two teenagers.
This is not the first time fears have been raised over suspected extremist attacks in the remote north of the largely impoverished southern African nation.
The Lusa report says that police say evidence shows the attackers are with the same group that killed police officers in Mocimboa da Praia in October. No details were given.
Ten people including children were beheaded in a village in northern Mozambique in a weekend attack blamed on suspected Islamists, local sources said on Tuesday.
The attack occurred in Monjane, a village not far from Palma, a small town gearing up to be the country’s new natural gas hub in the northern Cabo Delgado province.
“We were informed about this tragedy,” Palma’s administrator David Machimbuko said, with the information also confirmed by a local resident, who blamed islamists.
Mozambique’s state broadcaster also reported on “10 persons decapitated” in the Palma area.



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