We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 24, 2018 at 11:44am
Fox News Reveals Trump's N. Korea Decision
05/25/2018 by: TTN
Fox News just released a news story revealing President Trump has shifted course on North Korea.
According to their report:
President Trump says White House is pulling out of North Korea summit scheduled to take place June 12 in Singapore.
"Sadly, based on the tremendous and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting," Trump said in a letter to Kim Jong Un.
Here's the letter President Trump sent to Kim Jong Un:
"It is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting." pic.twitter.com/3dDIp55xu1 — The White House 5/24/18
This story is developing. We will report updates as we receive them.
Source: TTN
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 24, 2018 at 11:36am
Ted Cruz Says Media Is Avoiding Santa Fe School Shooting Because Texas Students Don’t Want Gun Control.
5/23/18 Genevieve Wood
"Out of a dozen students who just hours earlier had been in this shooting, every one of them said the answer is not gun control," recounts Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in an exclusive, in-depth interview.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, says students from the high school near Houston where the deadly shooting occurred told him they don’t believe more gun control is the way to make schools safer.
In an interview in his Senate office Tuesday with The Daily Signal, Cruz said support for the Second Amendment in Texas is why CNN and other media outlets aren’t giving these students the kind of wall-to-wall coverage that followed the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
Cruz also talked about why the Senate should work full workweeks and potentially skip the August recess to get more done. From making tax reform for individuals and small businesses permanent to repealing obumacare’s employer mandate, the Texas senator said plenty of legislative priorities could be passed with a simple majority and Republicans should take advantage of the relatively rare opportunity of being in charge in Washington.
Cruz also applauded President Donald Trump both for listening to many views and for standing up to much of official Washington and fulfilling his promises to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and get America out of the Iran nuclear deal.
Watch the video of the full interview below.

Wood: Let’s start first with our home state of Texas. A tragedy happened last week at a high school in Santa Fe. What are you hearing from folks on the ground there?
Cruz: The shooting Friday morning was just horrific. Santa Fe is a town that is about 30 miles outside of Houston, which is my hometown, about 30 minutes from my house. I was at home Friday morning when the shooting occurred, and I spent the entire day in Santa Fe.
At this point, we know that this deranged gunman, this young man who was a student at the school, he came in at 7:30 in the morning with a shotgun and revolver, and he murdered 10 people—eight students and two teachers. He injured an additional 13.
It was truly horrific. I spent a great deal of time with law enforcement officers, teachers, with parents, with students. The shock and trauma, it’s powerful. I went to the hospital and visited with some of the students who had been wounded.
I remember one particular hospital room, where there was a young man named Clayton who had been shot in the leg and in the arm. He’d just come out of surgery and was conscious and in good spirits. Clayton is a bull rider and also a pole vaulter. I asked him what his best height was, and he said 13 and a half feet.
It was his left elbow that had been shot pretty badly. He had pins all up and down his left arm. I asked him, “Are you a lefty?”
He said, “I’m a lefty.” He just smiled and said, “But I’ll learn to ride bulls with my right hand.”
Wood: Great spirit.
Cruz: It was that kind of—even in the face of horror—that spirit of hope and optimism. Probably a dozen students were there in that hospital room visiting Clayton, most of whom had been at the school. The agony the parents went through, I mean, that’s every parent’s nightmare. You send your daughter, your son off to school that morning, and they never come home.
Wood: Many parents, obviously in Texas but across the country, are asking, “Should I be worried about any of this?” Where does this move us in the whole issue addressing school safety?
Cruz: Well, listen. There have been too dang many of these. We’ve seen them over and over again, whether Santa Fe, or Parkland, or just six months ago in Texas, Sutherland Springs, the worst church shooting in the history of our country. I’ve too many times gone and cried with and held and comforted and prayed with the victims of these shootings.
Something’s wrong. When we were kids, this wasn’t a part of going to school. You might worry about getting a black eye at school or something, but you didn’t worry about someone, some lunatic coming in and shooting and murdering as many people as they could. That was not part of school.
Wood: And you have a lot of folks saying mental health problems here are an issue, and violence we see in video games and movies and all the like. But so, what do we do about that?
Cruz: I think there’s a lot we can do about it. You can focus on schools, but you can focus on also gun violence more generally. On schools, it was interesting: We’re in that hospital visiting with those students. I was there with the governor of Texas, Republican Greg Abbott, the two of us were there.
We asked: “What’s the answer? What should we do?” And then we just shut up, we just listened.
And it was really striking. Out of a dozen students who just hours earlier had been in this shooting, every one of them said the answer is not gun control. They said, don’t take our guns. They said if you take our guns, it won’t make us safer, it will just mean the killers and murderers have guns!
A lot of the students there said, “Well, maybe more metal detectors in schools. Maybe more armed police officers in schools, so that you’re able to stop something like this when it happens.”
Several of the students brought up that they thought teachers should be able to be armed.
One student who was there, he was in the adjoining classroom … he said his teacher was a former Marine, who was trained to handle a firearm, obviously, in the Marines. He said he wished his teacher had been armed; he might have been able to stop the killer before he killed so many people.
Those are the ideas that the students were suggesting.
Now I will say, it’s fairly striking that, you look at the mainstream media, CNN, after the Parkland shooting, it was round-the-clock coverage of the students calling for aggressive gun control because that happens to be the political agenda of most of the media.
In this case, where the students AREN'T calling for that, suddenly … the media isn’t interested in covering it.
Wood: They’re not interested. And you know, this is so much of a local issue, a state issue. But is there something at the federal level that …
Cruz: There’s a lot that can be done and should be done. Just a couple of months ago, in the federal budget deal, we included $2.5 billion of funding that could be spent on school safety, could be spent on things like metal detectors and police officers.
Things like examining the footprint of a school and reducing the number of entrances and exits, so that you don’t have—this shooter came in essentially a back door of an annex, where the art [class] was. If you had just one or two entrances where you had metal detectors and armed guards …
Wood: The way you have in this building, the Dirksen Senate Office Building,
several entrances were closed when we tried to enter here today.
Cruz: In this building … there are a ton of buildings where you have one or two entrances, and you have a security point to keep people safe. I think that’s something that should be examined closely.
I also think that there’s a lot more we can do going after violent criminals. Inevitably, people say, “We’ve got to do something.” That’s right, we do have to do something. But we need to do something that works.
The proposals from Democrats, of taking away the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, they don’t work! They’re not effective in reducing violent crime.
If you look at the jurisdictions across the country with the strictest gun control, almost inevitably they have among the highest crime rates, the highest murder rates. It’s actually what the students told me on Friday is true, that when you disarm the law-abiding citizens, then it means the criminals are the ones that have guns.
If you want to stop these crimes, there are things we can do.
In 2013, I introduced legislation along with Chuck Grassley from Iowa, it was called the Grassley-Cruz legislation. It targets violent criminals. On the school safety front, it provided $300 million in additional school safety funding, funding that maybe could have made a difference preventing Parkland, preventing Santa Fe, if there were additional officers there.
Sadly, Grassley-Cruz, the Democrats filibustered it. They didn’t allow it to pass into law. We’ve got a majority of senators voted for Grassley-Cruz, but the Senate Democrats, then-Minority Leader Harry Reid and the Democrats demanded 60 votes and they killed it.
But not only that, Grassley-Cruz focused on the bad guys. If you look at Sutherland Springs, it was already contrary to federal law for that gunman to have a firearm. He had a felony conviction, a domestic violence conviction. But the obuma administration never reported his conviction to the background check database, so it was never in the database.
Grassley-Cruz required an audit to make sure that every conviction is in that database, so the database doesn’t have holes. And it required the Department of Justice to prosecute felons and fugitives who tried to illegally buy firearms.
What that means is, if Grassley-Cruz had passed into law, if the Democrats hadn’t filibustered it, the shooter at Sutherland Springs, when he tried to illegally buy that gun, he would’ve been arrested, he would have been prosecuted, and he would have been in federal jail instead of murdering innocent men, women, and children at that beautiful church in central Texas.
Wood: Would you consider reintroducing Grassley-Cruz? Is that something that could come back?
Cruz: It is, and I have reintroduced it. I’m pressing for it. Let’s take it up for a vote. Let’s pass it into law. Let’s focus on what actually works. The odd thing is, the media and many Senate Democrats, they aren’t interested in what works to reduce crime.
Sutherland Springs is another shooting they never like to talk about, because what stopped that shooting was another citizen. Stephen Willeford, law-abiding citizen, lived a block away from the church, who heard about it, ran over barefoot with his AR-15 and engaged the gunman. And ultimately saved many, many lives!Far too often what stops a bad person is a good person with a gun.
But that’s not what the media wants. They want to ban firearms for law-abiding citizens!
If you want to stop violent crime, focus on the criminals. That’s something I’ve led the effort to do in the Senate. That’s something I’m going to continue leading the effort on.
Wood: You also have teamed up with some other senators who recently said there are a number of things that we need to do instead that aren’t getting done. I think you sided with maybe 16 other senators that sent a letter … to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell saying, “Why don’t we work on Monday and Fridays? Why don’t we cancel the August recess?” Not only so you can get more nominations through, but we don’t end up against the clock on funding the government bill. Where are you on that? Do you think the majority leader is going to agree?
Cruz: You know, I hope so. But we’ll see. We need to get—
Wood: Why is it so important? Why are things so jammed here?
Cruz: We need to get more done. And we need to take advantage of the opportunity we have. A few weeks ago, I did a presentation to the Senate Republican Conference. I was walking through an elaborate PowerPoint where I said in the last 100 years, we have had unified Republican control of the federal government—Republican House, Senate, and White House—four times, in 100 years. Since World War II, it’s only been a total of eight years that we’ve had unified Republican control. History teaches us this is rare.
This is an unusual opportunity. In my view, we shouldn’t waste a second. We should be working every minute of every hour of every day as long as the voters entrust us with unified control.
Now listen, in the last year and a half, I think we’ve gotten a great deal done. A great deal done that the media never talks about.
They’re obsessed with whatever the latest porn star eruption is. I have to say, in Texas nobody cares about that.
If you look at what we’ve gotten accomplished: historic tax cuts, major regulatory reform, lifting job-killing regulations from small businesses and job creators, repealing the obumacare individual mandate, which is real tax relief to the 6 and a half million Americans who are fined every year by the IRS because they can’t afford health insurance, confirming a record number of constitutionalist judges. All of those are critically important.
We’ve gotten those accomplished, but what I’ve been urging our leadership and my colleagues to do is let’s keep working and delivering.
That means, let’s not take recesses, let’s not take vacations. Right now, the Senate typically works a three- to four-day week.
We’re facing historic Democratic obstruction, filibusters. The mantra of the Democrats—they’re listening to their extreme left wing—is fight, obstruct, resist. Resist is what they say over and over again.
Wood: So you don’t think they want to get anything passed?
Cruz: They want nothing. The Democrats’ position right now is “Hell, no.” On everything. They’re captive to the far left wing of their party. That can’t be an excuse for us not to deliver on the promises we made to the voters.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 11:36pm
Leftist Professor Defaced Family Home of NRA’s Chris Cox.
5/22/18 Marina Medvin
I watched as stone-faced Patricia W. Hill, a “Research Assistant Professor” from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was found guilty on May 21, 2018, of a misdemeanor crime for defacing the private home of NRA’s Chris Cox.
Cox is the charismatic Executive Director of the Institute for Legislative Action, the political and lobbying arm of the National Rifle Association. Patricia Hill - well, she is not a fan of the NRA.
Cox’s security detail observed and recorded Hill as she approached his home and sprayed red substance on the front steps of the Cox family residence. The substance appeared to be the color of blood, Cox testified.
His security guard testified that this is not the first time that he observed Hill, and that she had a prior transgression at the Cox family home before this incident.
The court did not get into the details of that incident as Hill is expected to have a criminal trial on the separate offense at a later time.
From that trial, we learned that Cox’s Virginia family home was targeted by leftist professors on at least three separate occasions. From media coverage, we learn that it has been even more often than that.
The women targeting Chris Cox are from Nebraska. They are professors and politicians. Defendant Patricia Hill specializes in “Women in Science.” Melody Vaccaro is a leftist politician and an outspoken hater of the NRA. Their comrade, UNL professor Amanda Gailey, traveled to Virginia on prior occasions and told the Washington Post that Chris Cox “is a truly indefensible human being.”
These professors and the politician appear to be connected by liberal extremism and their hatred of guns. They are in charge of groups called Nebraskans Against Gun Violence and The Great American Gun Melt, where they ridicule American gun culture and vow to radically stop it.
The Great American Gun Melt intentions are clear: “Our strategy is to name, blame, and shame apex gun predators and push hard-hitting messaging,” they proudly state on their Facebook page, which lists UNL professor Amanda Gaily as a co-founder. “If I made Cox uncomfortable at his house, too bad, he deserves it,” said Catherine Koebel, the other co-founder.
Melody Vaccaro, who was with defendant Hill in the courtroom, is the vice president of Nebraskans Against Gun Violence. Amanda Gailey is the proud president of that organization.
A GoFundMe page for the group raised $1,634 in 2015.
These leftist extremists are filled with an incredible amount of hate for an individual who was hired by the 5 million and growing NRA members to fight for their Constitutional rights.
These women deliberately travel from Nebraska to Virginia (a minimum of $325 each way, which may be a clue as to the GoFundMe fund usage), locate the private home of a family man who works for the NRA, invest in defacement products, damage his private property, protest in front of his home, protest in front of his wife’s unaffiliated private business, and explain entitlement to do all of this because of politics.
They have done this numerous times, and they are proud of it.
And they plan to return. Hill’s lawyer opposed the prosecutor’s request to ban Hill for the 500-foot distance from Cox’s home. While unsuccessful, the argument certainly gave us a glimpse of his client’s desire to return to Cox’s home.
Otherwise, the 500-foot distance wouldn’t be objectionable to someone who resides in Lincoln, Nebraska, a 1,212-mile distance from Alexandria, Virginia.
These leftists direct their hate at Cox as an individual, as a man. Not his office, not the NRA, but Cox’s family home is the target. Cox resides in the home with his wife and children. He testified that he has to take his family and leave his home when these protestors come to his home.
Their strategy is purposefully vindictive. Gailey and Koebel explained to The Washington Post their aim is to introduce a more radical approach to gun control activism and to shame Cox in his own home, rather than at NRA headquarters, where they say he could easily ignore it. The leftist radicalism is alt-left ideology.
This justification of extremism that transcends civilized political discourse is my definition of alt-left.
Next step over is Antifa, who believe that destruction of property and violence is “necessary” to achieve leftist goals (leftist militia).
The idea that politics transcends decency is nothing new for the left. It has been a growing epidemic even outside Antifa and the alt-left.
But for a group that supported Hamas and MS-13 in the same week, can we expect anything less?
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 11:36pm
Leftist Professor Defaced Family Home of NRA’s Chris Cox.
5/22/18 Marina Medvin
I watched as stone-faced Patricia W. Hill, a “Research Assistant Professor” from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was found guilty on May 21, 2018, of a misdemeanor crime for defacing the private home of NRA’s Chris Cox.
Cox is the charismatic Executive Director of the Institute for Legislative Action, the political and lobbying arm of the National Rifle Association. Patricia Hill - well, she is not a fan of the NRA.
Cox’s security detail observed and recorded Hill as she approached his home and sprayed red substance on the front steps of the Cox family residence. The substance appeared to be the color of blood, Cox testified.
His security guard testified that this is not the first time that he observed Hill, and that she had a prior transgression at the Cox family home before this incident.
The court did not get into the details of that incident as Hill is expected to have a criminal trial on the separate offense at a later time.
From that trial, we learned that Cox’s Virginia family home was targeted by leftist professors on at least three separate occasions. From media coverage, we learn that it has been even more often than that.
The women targeting Chris Cox are from Nebraska. They are professors and politicians. Defendant Patricia Hill specializes in “Women in Science.” Melody Vaccaro is a leftist politician and an outspoken hater of the NRA. Their comrade, UNL professor Amanda Gailey, traveled to Virginia on prior occasions and told the Washington Post that Chris Cox “is a truly indefensible human being.”
These professors and the politician appear to be connected by liberal extremism and their hatred of guns. They are in charge of groups called Nebraskans Against Gun Violence and The Great American Gun Melt, where they ridicule American gun culture and vow to radically stop it.
The Great American Gun Melt intentions are clear: “Our strategy is to name, blame, and shame apex gun predators and push hard-hitting messaging,” they proudly state on their Facebook page, which lists UNL professor Amanda Gaily as a co-founder. “If I made Cox uncomfortable at his house, too bad, he deserves it,” said Catherine Koebel, the other co-founder.
Melody Vaccaro, who was with defendant Hill in the courtroom, is the vice president of Nebraskans Against Gun Violence. Amanda Gailey is the proud president of that organization.
A GoFundMe page for the group raised $1,634 in 2015.
These leftist extremists are filled with an incredible amount of hate for an individual who was hired by the 5 million and growing NRA members to fight for their Constitutional rights.
These women deliberately travel from Nebraska to Virginia (a minimum of $325 each way, which may be a clue as to the GoFundMe fund usage), locate the private home of a family man who works for the NRA, invest in defacement products, damage his private property, protest in front of his home, protest in front of his wife’s unaffiliated private business, and explain entitlement to do all of this because of politics.
They have done this numerous times, and they are proud of it.
And they plan to return. Hill’s lawyer opposed the prosecutor’s request to ban Hill for the 500-foot distance from Cox’s home. While unsuccessful, the argument certainly gave us a glimpse of his client’s desire to return to Cox’s home.
Otherwise, the 500-foot distance wouldn’t be objectionable to someone who resides in Lincoln, Nebraska, a 1,212-mile distance from Alexandria, Virginia.
These leftists direct their hate at Cox as an individual, as a man. Not his office, not the NRA, but Cox’s family home is the target. Cox resides in the home with his wife and children. He testified that he has to take his family and leave his home when these protestors come to his home.
Their strategy is purposefully vindictive. Gailey and Koebel explained to The Washington Post their aim is to introduce a more radical approach to gun control activism and to shame Cox in his own home, rather than at NRA headquarters, where they say he could easily ignore it. The leftist radicalism is alt-left ideology.
This justification of extremism that transcends civilized political discourse is my definition of alt-left.
Next step over is Antifa, who believe that destruction of property and violence is “necessary” to achieve leftist goals (leftist militia).
The idea that politics transcends decency is nothing new for the left. It has been a growing epidemic even outside Antifa and the alt-left.
But for a group that supported Hamas and MS-13 in the same week, can we expect anything less?
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 11:08pm
Since 2012 Ted has represented Texas values in Washington and he is proud to represent all 28 million Texans!
Texans believe in liberty, not ever-expanding government.
Ted has consistently fought for less government and more liberty. He fights for less spending and less control.
The well-funded "resistance" is trying to take Ted's voice out of Washington. They want to have more government control in our lives and can't stand the fact that Texans don't.
Ted has always fought for you to keep as much of your money as possible. He knows that you and your local communities are much better stewards of it than the federal government.
He has also fought to end job-crushing regulations that have helped many small businesses in Texas hire more people and give more people good jobs at good wages.
He's done great things in the Senate and has been a conservative fighter since he got there. He is never afraid to stand up for his principles -- and the left hates that.
A lot of eyes are on this election and Hollywood elites and far-left liberals are trying their hardest to tell people that Texas is turning blue with a so-called "blue wave." We need to stop their momentum and Keep Texas Red!
Ted fights for Constitutional conservatism. He fights for Texas values like smaller government, less spending, lower taxes, and more jobs. He is most proud to fight for you.
For Liberty,
Team Cruz
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 10:52pm

Red Wave Worries? Dems Pouring Millions Into MEXIFORNIA Elections!

 Democrats are so concerned about getting shut out of their chance to flip three GOP-held districts in Southern Mexifornia in the state’s jungle primary system that they are pouring $1.5 million into three districts this week targeting top Republican candidates, reports The Washington Free Beacon. 

 One Democratic-Party-funded television ad stands out because it bashes a leading Republican candidate for twice voting with Democrats and Mexifornia Gov. jerry brown in the state legislature.

 All candidates regardless of party affiliation in Mexifornia compete in the primary, and the top two candidates who obtain the most votes then run in the general election.

 Democratic leaders have repeatedly stated that their House majority takeover runs through Mexifornia, where there are seven districts held by Republicans that voted for hillary clinton over Donald Trump in 2016.

 However, Democratic Party insiders for months have openly worried about a nightmare scenario: that they could get locked out of the general in three Mexifornia districts, those held by retiring GOP Reps. Darrell Issa and Ed Royce, as well as Rep. Dana Rohrabacher.

 In final weeks before the June 5 primary, Democrats have become so concerned they are attacking one GOP state representative running for Issa’s seat for twice voting with Democrats in the state legislature.

 The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) this week spent a reported $515,000 in Issa’s district, and announced a television ad targeting GOP State Assemblyman Rocky Chavez.

 The ad slams Chavez for voting with Democrats for Mexifornia Gov. jerry brown’s budget, which it referred to as the “largest budget in Mexifornia state history,” and for voting to raise “your gas and energy costs,” both strong Republican talking points.

 “Mexifornians deserve leaders who keep their word, not more career politicians who promise voters one thing and do another in Sacramento,” DCCC spokesman Drew Godinich said in a statement.

 The DCCC did not respond to a Free Beacon question asking it why it funded an ad hitting Chavez for voting for brown’s 2017 budget and the cap and trade bill, dubbed the Mexlifornia Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, when combating climate change is a major pillar of the Democratic platform. 

 The ad does not mention that a recent poll has Chavez leading all the other candidates, garnering the support of 16% of likely voters. That puts him ahead of the top Democratic candidate, Doug Applegate, the previous frontrunner, who came within 1,600 votes of defeating Issa in 2016.

 Applegate raked in 12% of voters, putting him in second place.

National Democrats have split the Democratic vote by pushing lawyer Mike Levin as their candidate of choice, and he and Applegate are now vying for the No. 2 spot.

 However, another GOP candidate, Board of Equalization member and former state legislator Diane Harkey, is right on their heels. Republican insiders believe she has surged and is now leading the pack of candidates, boosted by population-dense GOP stronghold of Orange County, which she represented in the state legislature.

 She also has the vocal support of popular conservative radio host Carl DeMaio.

DeMaio regularly touts Harkey’s candidacy on his program, as well as her strong, early support for Orange County’s revolt against Mexifornia’s sanctuary state law.

 Politico’s  Mexifornia Playbook Tuesday also reported that the DCCC is spending $722,000 this week to try to prevent a lockout in Royce’s district. The House Democrats’ campaign arm additionally placed a $98,000 radio ad buy in the Los Angeles market with the “precise target unknown.”

 At the same time, the liberal Priorities USA Action and the House Majority PAC Tuesday announced a combined $270,000 digital ad campaign targeting GOP candidates in the Issa, Royce, and Rohrabacher districts.

The ad campaign, which runs through June 5, targets the candidacies of Republicans Scott Baugh in the 48th district, Shawn Nelson in the 39th, and Chavez in the 49th.

 “As Democrats work to retake the House this November, we need to make sure that we’re maximizing our opportunities to win, which, in Mexifornia, means ensuring at least one Democrat makes it onto the general election ballot,” Patrick McHugh, executive director of Priorities USA Action, said in a statement. “Southern Mexifornia voters deserve to have all the facts before they cast their ballots, especially with such a crowded field of candidates.”

 The Democrats who vote in CA are mostly Illegals, mexicanos and brainless white Democrat voters who have no clue. They like the stench of feces, and pee on the streets, the vagrants on the bus stop benches. Not to mention the degrading of SF. When you see a bum pissing on the glass door to Louis Vuitton and that seems to be normal you know that the Democrats have managed to destroy the city!

 Mexifornia proves over and over the absolute stupidity of democrats! The state is financially in the dumpster, it is overrun with illegal aliens that are nothing but parasites soaking up billions of dollars and turning the state into a sewer. Between moonbeam brown and his tax, tax, and tax and the out of control legislature the state is in a tail spin!

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 10:51pm

Red Wave Worries? Dems Pouring Millions Into MEXIFORNIA Elections!

 Democrats are so concerned about getting shut out of their chance to flip three GOP-held districts in Southern Mexifornia in the state’s jungle primary system that they are pouring $1.5 million into three districts this week targeting top Republican candidates, reports The Washington Free Beacon. 

 One Democratic-Party-funded television ad stands out because it bashes a leading Republican candidate for twice voting with Democrats and Mexifornia Gov. jerry brown in the state legislature.

 All candidates regardless of party affiliation in Mexifornia compete in the primary, and the top two candidates who obtain the most votes then run in the general election.

 Democratic leaders have repeatedly stated that their House majority takeover runs through Mexifornia, where there are seven districts held by Republicans that voted for hillary clinton over Donald Trump in 2016.

 However, Democratic Party insiders for months have openly worried about a nightmare scenario: that they could get locked out of the general in three Mexifornia districts, those held by retiring GOP Reps. Darrell Issa and Ed Royce, as well as Rep. Dana Rohrabacher.

 In final weeks before the June 5 primary, Democrats have become so concerned they are attacking one GOP state representative running for Issa’s seat for twice voting with Democrats in the state legislature.

 The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) this week spent a reported $515,000 in Issa’s district, and announced a television ad targeting GOP State Assemblyman Rocky Chavez.

 The ad slams Chavez for voting with Democrats for Mexifornia Gov. jerry brown’s budget, which it referred to as the “largest budget in Mexifornia state history,” and for voting to raise “your gas and energy costs,” both strong Republican talking points.

 “Mexifornians deserve leaders who keep their word, not more career politicians who promise voters one thing and do another in Sacramento,” DCCC spokesman Drew Godinich said in a statement.

 The DCCC did not respond to a Free Beacon question asking it why it funded an ad hitting Chavez for voting for brown’s 2017 budget and the cap and trade bill, dubbed the Mexlifornia Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, when combating climate change is a major pillar of the Democratic platform. 

 The ad does not mention that a recent poll has Chavez leading all the other candidates, garnering the support of 16% of likely voters. That puts him ahead of the top Democratic candidate, Doug Applegate, the previous frontrunner, who came within 1,600 votes of defeating Issa in 2016.

 Applegate raked in 12% of voters, putting him in second place.

National Democrats have split the Democratic vote by pushing lawyer Mike Levin as their candidate of choice, and he and Applegate are now vying for the No. 2 spot.

 However, another GOP candidate, Board of Equalization member and former state legislator Diane Harkey, is right on their heels. Republican insiders believe she has surged and is now leading the pack of candidates, boosted by population-dense GOP stronghold of Orange County, which she represented in the state legislature.

 She also has the vocal support of popular conservative radio host Carl DeMaio.

DeMaio regularly touts Harkey’s candidacy on his program, as well as her strong, early support for Orange County’s revolt against Mexifornia’s sanctuary state law.

 Politico’s  Mexifornia Playbook Tuesday also reported that the DCCC is spending $722,000 this week to try to prevent a lockout in Royce’s district. The House Democrats’ campaign arm additionally placed a $98,000 radio ad buy in the Los Angeles market with the “precise target unknown.”

 At the same time, the liberal Priorities USA Action and the House Majority PAC Tuesday announced a combined $270,000 digital ad campaign targeting GOP candidates in the Issa, Royce, and Rohrabacher districts.

The ad campaign, which runs through June 5, targets the candidacies of Republicans Scott Baugh in the 48th district, Shawn Nelson in the 39th, and Chavez in the 49th.

 “As Democrats work to retake the House this November, we need to make sure that we’re maximizing our opportunities to win, which, in Mexifornia, means ensuring at least one Democrat makes it onto the general election ballot,” Patrick McHugh, executive director of Priorities USA Action, said in a statement. “Southern Mexifornia voters deserve to have all the facts before they cast their ballots, especially with such a crowded field of candidates.”

 The Democrats who vote in CA are mostly Illegals, mexicanos and brainless white Democrat voters who have no clue. They like the stench of feces, and pee on the streets, the vagrants on the bus stop benches. Not to mention the degrading of SF. When you see a bum pissing on the glass door to Louis Vuitton and that seems to be normal you know that the Democrats have managed to destroy the city!

 Mexifornia proves over and over the absolute stupidity of democrats! The state is financially in the dumpster, it is overrun with illegal aliens that are nothing but parasites soaking up billions of dollars and turning the state into a sewer. Between moonbeam brown and his tax, tax, and tax and the out of control legislature the state is in a tail spin!

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 10:18pm

TrumpTrain: Fox News Star Attacked At Restaurant.
05/23/18 by: TTN Staff
Big time Fox News star, Tomi Lahren, was attacked over the weekend by a group of crazy liberals. She was just trying to eat brunch with her family in Minnesota when the incident occurred.
According to The Daily Wire:
After video of classless restaurant patrons throwing a drink at her and screaming foul insults went viral, conservative commentator Tomi Lahren addressed the ugly incident on Fox News.
Speaking with "Fox & Friends" Wednesday morning, Lahren said that while she's "a person too" and gets "humiliated and embarrassed" just like anyone else, the only people who will end up looking back on this in humiliation are the people who attacked her. "I think their parents raised them better," she said.
The incident took place over the weekend while Lahren was having brunch with her parents in a restaurant in Minneapolis. A group of patrons at the restaurant approached Lahren and unloaded on her with a barrage of insults, including "bitch," "cunt," and "racist" and threw a glass of water at her.
Videos of the incident, proudly posted by one woman who celebrated the actions of the people, went viral.
She continued: "And, furthermore, you don't have to like me, you don't have to agree with my political opinions, but you don't have the right to throw things at me. Is that the point we've gotten in this country, where you can't agree with someone civilly without resorting to something like that? It's really disheartening, but, again, I'm tough; I can handle it. There are those out there that might not have as thick as skin, and that's the people that I worry about."
Everybody is with Tomi Lahren, a truly outstanding and respected young woman! — Donald J. Trump 5/23/18
Ms. Lahren handled this incident with grace and class, something we haven't witnessed from the left.
Surprise!, social media was buzzing with support for Tomi including from Hollywood liberals.
President Trump also tweeted out support for her in regards to the incident.

Big time Fox News star, Tomi Lahren, was attacked over the weekend by a group of crazy liberals. She was just trying to eat brunch with her family in Minnesota when the incident occurred.

According to The Daily Wire:

After video of classless restaurant patrons throwing a drink at her and screaming foul insults went viral, conservative commentator Tomi Lahren addressed the ugly incident on Fox News.

Speaking with "Fox & Friends" Wednesday morning, Lahren said that while she's "a person too" and gets "humiliated and embarrassed" just like anyone else, the only people who will end up looking back on this in humiliation are the people who attacked her. "I think their parents raised them better," she said.

The incident took place over the weekend while Lahren was having brunch with her parents in a restaurant in Minneapolis. A group of patrons at the restaurant approached Lahren and unloaded on her with a barrage of insults, including "b****," "c***," and "racist" and threw a glass of water at her. Videos of the incident, proudly posted by one woman who celebrated the actions of the people, went viral.


She continued: "And, furthermore, you don't have to like me, you don't have to agree with my political opinions, but you don't have the right to throw things at me. Is that the point we've gotten in this country, where you can't agree with someone civilly without resorting to something like that? It's really disheartening, but, again, I'm tough; I can handle it. There are those out there that might not have as thick as skin, and that's the people that I worry about."

Everybody is with Tomi Lahren, a truly outstanding and respected young woman! @foxandfriends
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 23, 2018
Ms. Lahren handled this incident with grace and class, something we haven't witnessed from the left. However, social media was buzzing with support for Tomi including from Hollywood liberals. President Trump also tweeted out support for her in regards to the incident.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 10:02pm

4 Times Trump Made Them Cave.
  05/23/2018 by: TTN Staff

President Trump negotiates. He starts off hard, asking for more than he wants, and secures concessions. Considering that he has some very ambitious goals, it's amazing to watch him come out ahead on negotiations. 

 Even North Korea is closer than it's been in years to making a deal with the United States, so the president's methods are working.
 A list of the most amazing times that Trump won concessions. President Trump is making America great again, one deal at a time.

1.) NATO:

President Trump campaigned against rich European countries taking advantage of American soldiers to safeguard their countries without contributing to NATO; every country in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is obligated to contribute 2% of their Gross Domestic Product. After shaming them publicly and in international forums, Eight NATO Allies will reach the 2% benchmark by the end of this year, and 15 Allies are on track to spend 2% by 2024. No president has achieved this before.
2.) schumer Showdown:
The Resistance was strong, as Democrats put all of their eggs in the government shutdown basket, thinking that America's generosity toward DACA recipients would trump Trump. Americans were not keen on shutting down the government to save an unconstitutional Executive Order that barry obuma inflicted on America, and as the polls turned on the shameless obstructionists who refused to do their jobs, they relented. President Trump beat them into submission, as his message on illegal immigration resonated so with Americans that schumer surrendered. Amazing that the political newcomer could outmaneuver the crafty swamp creature, and schumer hated that.
3.) China:
A few weeks ago, the markets spiraled on the news that China would escalate a trade war because President Trump imposed tariffs to correct their dishonest behavior after they stole American jobs and intellectual property for years. China quietly backed down this week, agreeing to lower the trade deficit by buying more American farm equipment and commodities. No president in recent memory has been willing to risk the heat from Wall Street to confront China, and that's why the move is remarkable.
4.) NFL:
 President Trump went round after round on Twitter over NFL players protesting the police by kneeling during the national anthem. The NFL remained defiant as ratings plunged, and stadium attendance spiraled. Just today, they released a policy that caves, saying: "A club will be fined by the League if its personnel are on the field and do not stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem."


Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 23, 2018 at 4:47pm

Report: Rank-and-File FBI Agents Eager to Blow Whistle on comey, holder, lynch.

 5/22/18 by Joshua Caplan

A new report claims that a significant number of rank-and-file FBI agents are chomping at the bit to expose obuma-era leaders, alleging corruption and even criminal violations of the law.

 These agents are signaling that the only way they can safely and legally blow the whistle is if Congress subpoenas them individually to provide information about their former bosses.

 “There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by james  comey’s behavior and andrew mcCabe and eric holder and loretta lynch and the thugs like john brennan–who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the obuma administration thugs,” Joe DiGenova, a former United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, told the Daily Caller.

 “They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”   

In a statement to the Daily Caller, an unnamed FBI agent claimed, “Every special agent I have spoken to in the Washington Field Office wants to see mcCabe prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They feel the same way about comey!”    

 “All Congress needs to do is subpoena involved personnel and they will tell you what they know. These are honest people. Leadership cannot stop anyone from responding to a subpoena. Those subpoenaed also get legal counsel provided by the government to represent them,” the agent added.

 Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom made similar statements when asked last December about morale at the bureau. 

 “Well, I think there’s a lot of patriots that have had it up to here with what’s going on, and they’re going to step forward and tell people what the shenanigans have been,” Kallstrom told Fox News’ Stuart Varney. “How they shut down the clinton Foundation investigation, how other things were done that are so anti-what the FBI and the United States and this country is about.”  

 Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations reported last Thursday that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has “found ‘reasonable grounds’ for believing there has been a violation of federal criminal law in the FBI/DOJ’s handling of the clinton investigation/s,” adding that the top watchdog official has “referred his findings of potential criminal misconduct to Huber for possible criminal prosecution.”





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