We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 1:41pm

Pompeo Warns Iran: This is Just The Beginning!
5/21/18 Katie Pavlich
Speaking at the Heritage Foundation Monday morning, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid out the United States' new Iran policy in wake of President Trump's recent decision not to re-certify the nuclear agreement.
In a three point plan, Pompeo outlined the terms of a new agreement should Iran be willing to come back to the negotiating table.
Iran must end its sponsorship of terrorism around the world, including Hezbollah, release Americans being held hostage, allow inspection compliance at all military sites in the country and more.
"We are working to bring each American missing, wrongfully detained in Iran," he said.
In recent weeks the Treasury Department, in partnership with allies in the Middle East, have implemented new economic sanctions on the Iranian regime. According to Pompeo, that was just the beginning.
"Leaders in Tehran will have no doubt about out seriousness," Pompeo said, adding the regime will see unprecedented economic pressure through the "strongest sanctions in history."
Iran will be forced to make a choice:
1)Economic security at home or
2) continuing to fight abroad through terrorism and proxy wars.
During his 25-minutes long remarks, Pompeo said the Trump administration isn't looking for another temporary deal with the Iranian regime, but instead a treaty passed by Congress that will endure long after President Trump leaves office.
"A new deal is not the objective. The goal is to protect the American people!," Pompeo said. "We will not repeat the mistakes of the past administrations."
Laying out new requirements, Pompeo detailed a long list of bad behavior by the regime that was tolerated under the obuma administration, including Iran's flooding Syria with fighters to prop up the Assad regime and to attack Israel.
"The bet that the JCPOA, Iran nuclear agreement, would increase stability was a bad one," Pompeo said, adding the deal has had negative consequences for everyone living in the Middle East. "It is clear the JCPOA did not end Iran's ambitions for a nuclear weapon."
"Iran continues to be the world's leading sponsor of terror and a sanctuary for Al Qaeda," he continued.
The United States plans to block Iran's terrorism, ballistic missile program and any path to nuclear weapons!
"Iran will no longer have carte blanche to dominate the Middle East," he said. "Iran's nuclear aspirations cannot be separated from the overall security picture...Iran must declare the full account of its prior nuclear program and abandon it."
Finally, Pompeo said the United States will tirelessly advocate for the Iranian people, who have been protesting in the streets against the regime for months.
"The protests show the Iranian people are deeply frustrated," Pompeo said. "Many are angry at the regime for keeping for itself what it steals form the people."
"Today we ask the Iranian people, is this what you want your country to be known for?" he continued. "The United States believes that you deserve better."
Pompeo called on European allies to demand Iran act more responsibly and said if Iran complies with the U.S. list of requirements, all economic sanctions will lifted and normal diplomatic relations will be restored.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 1:00pm

Protect Our Children and DEMAND Armed, Trained School Security.
5/20/18 Marina Medvin
Santa Fe is the latest tragedy in a line of catastrophic school shootings.
Our children are sitting ducks in their schools these days.
Our children are everything to us. They are our future. Our happiness. Our light.
Why is it that we do not protect our most precious humans like we protect our banks, or police stations, or courthouses? Why are Americans so lackadaisical when it comes to school security measures?
The Problem:
I attended a City Council meeting and observed PTA mothers ask City Council to NOT place any armed police officers in their kids’ school. They said they did not want anyone armed on school campus. Parents, whose children go to that school, did not want anyone at that school who would be able to stop a shooter. Their reasoning, or lack thereof, still pains me months later.
What’s the point of school security? To protect children’s lives. Why be against the protection of your child’s life? This boggles my mind.
I believe that an overwhelming majority of parents value their children’s lives above all else. That’s how humans survive - we protect our children so that they can live on and have their own children, and so on. To protect our children when we are not in school with them, we need to be able to hire armed, trained security. But to this date, very few schools in the US have hired full-time armed security guards.
We hear smart advice from security experts about instituting Israel’s school security measures. But we don’t implement them. Why?
Israeli schools, by law, must post armed guards to check anyone who enters the school. These guards engage threats, and they work at the school every day.
There is only one entrance into each school, and everyone who enters the school must pass through one entrance. Israel has diminished their school shootings. It looks like this works.
So why don’t we do this on a large scale? Democrats.
Instead of enacting immediate, effective measures to stop school shootings, Democrats are encouraging “policy change” for background checks on gun purchases. Democrats are successfully convincing Americans that the longest road to the least tailored solution is the optimal response. Democrats have convinced Americans that asking the government for policy change and waiting many years for policy change to take effect, asking for a law that does not directly shield children from any immediate harm, is somehow a valuable use of their adrenaline.
But a law does not physically manifest itself and magically appear between a shooter and his victim to prevent the shooter from killing his victim. A law does not instantaneously defend; it merely creates deterrence. In this case, the law they are seeking would take many years to have any effect, and the effect would be indirect. The result would certainly not provide any assistance to the children asking their government to protect them. Why are parents not demanding immediate protection, physical protection? Why are kids not demanding armed security to defend them? Because they are publicly encouraged by liberal media and liberal educators not to think via rational self-interest, but to support this groupthink Democrat cause of “gun control.”
While encouraging this far-stretched concept of “gun control,” Democrats are simultaneously discouraging immediate response measures. This appears to be because the immediate response to bad guys with guns requires good guys with guns. That’s where the Democrats retract. They have spent so much time and effort on vilifying the inanimate object that is a firearm, that admitting it can be used for good becomes a political nightmare for them. So they don’t do it.
Democrats need to stop capitalizing on school shootings to promote the idea of policy change on gun ownership. This approach to school shootings has done NOTHING to prevent school shootings, and in fact, cannot stop them. They need to prioritize children’s lives over their political games. This call for gun control after every shooting is an unethical waste of opportunity to call for the immediate protection of life.

That City Council meeting I discussed in the beginning, it was in a city that votes over 78% Democrat. Odds are that those PTA moms were Democrats or listened to liberal news. That’s the only reason I can think of that would cause an otherwise rational parent to have asked the City to keep armed security away from their school.

The Solution:

An armed, trained security guard can stop a shooter. But one is not enough. Each school needs to be evaluated based on its size and entrance points to determine how many guards are necessary to safeguard the school. These security guards must be posted at all times school is in session. School entry points must be limited

But don’t just listen to me. I’m not an expert. Listen to security experts. America has thousands of trained security experts. So do our allies, the Israelis, who instituted the most successful school security measures in the world.

I read, listened to and spoke with some of our American experts before writing this article. They studied and implemented security, and they studied shootings from around the world, including Breslan, Russia (334 killed), Ma’alot, Israel (25 killed), and Colorado, USA (15 killed). They all have advised the same thing: schools need dedicated, trained, armed security and limited entrance points guarded by armed security.

Well, our experts have described the exact system that Israel has implemented. It looks like the solution is unanimous. But Israel has been successful at implementation because their government is on-board with immediate response to assaults on children. They listened to the experts.

When you have a toothache, you go to the dentist. When charged with a crime, you go to a lawyer. When you are afraid of school shootings, you go to security experts. (When faced with any of these problems, you definitely don’t go to Congress and ask for a long, drawn-out process of policy intervention that may or may not take effect in the next decade, and which may or may not have any effect on your problem.)

Our experts go into significant detail as to how security can be improved for each school. They discuss everything from limiting entry points to forcing everyone to pass through metal detectors. Experts also recommend ALICE drills for the students. Security experts advise that security measures must be tailored to each school. They have spent the past two decades developing these ideas as our school shootings have been increasing. We need to listen to them.

Take Action:

You need to take action in your schools and communities.

Ask your child’s school about security. Demand armed, trained security permanently posted at each entrance. Attend town meetings and council meetings, and tell them that you want armed security.

One school resource officer is NOT enough. Ask for the school to hire an expert to evaluate your school’s needs to recommend a customized security plan, everything from reducing entrance points to adding metal detectors to implementing the adequate number of security guards for each entry point.

I practice what I preach. I’ve already notified our school of our security demands and our school tells me they are listening. I need to do more. I will continue to do more.
Don’t be shy and don’t worry about offending the school. Protect your children. Protect America’s children.
Santa Fe is the latest tragedy in a line of catastrophic school shootings.

Our children are sitting ducks in their schools these days.

Our children are everything to us. They are our future. Our happiness. Our light.

Why is it that we do not protect our most precious humans like we protect our banks, or police stations, or courthouses? Why are Americans so lackadaisical when it comes to school security measures?

The Problem:

I attended a City Council meeting and observed PTA mothers ask City Council to NOT place any armed police officers in their kids’ school. They said they did not want anyone armed on school campus. Parents, whose children go to that school, did not want anyone at that school who would be able to stop a shooter. Their reasoning, or lack thereof, still pains me months later.

What’s the point of school security? To protect children’s lives. Why be against the protection of your child’s life? This boggles my mind.

I believe that an overwhelming majority of parents value their children’s lives above all else. That’s how humans survive - we protect our children so that they can live on and have their own children, and so on. To protect our children when we are not in school with them, we need to be able to hire armed, trained security. But to this date, very few schools in the US have hired full-time armed security guards.

CARTOONS | Michael Ramirez

View Cartoon

We hear smart advice from security experts about instituting Israel’s school security measures. But we don’t implement them. Why?

Israeli schools, by law, must post armed guards to check anyone who enters the school. These guards engage threats, and they work at the school every day. There is only one entrance into each school, and everyone who enters the school must pass through one entrance. Israel has diminished their school shootings. It looks like this works.

So why don’t we do this on a large scale? Democrats.

Instead of enacting immediate, effective measures to stop school shootings, Democrats are encouraging “policy change” for background checks on gun purchases. Democrats are successfully convincing Americans that the longest road to the least tailored solution is the optimal response. Democrats have convinced Americans that asking the government for policy change and waiting many years for policy change to take effect, asking for a law that does not directly shield children from any immediate harm, is somehow a valuable use of their adrenaline.

But a law does not physically manifest itself and magically appear between a shooter and his victim to prevent the shooter from killing his victim. A law does not instantaneously defend; it merely creates deterrence. In this case, the law they are seeking would take many years to have any effect, and the effect would be indirect. The result would certainly not provide any assistance to the children asking their government to protect them. Why are parents not demanding immediate protection, physical protection? Why are kids not demanding armed security to defend them? Because they are publicly encouraged by liberal media and liberal educators not to think via rational self-interest, but to support this groupthink Democrat cause of “gun control.”

While encouraging this far-stretched concept of “gun control,” Democrats are simultaneously discouraging immediate response measures. This appears to be because the immediate response to bad guys with guns requires good guys with guns. That’s where the Democrats retract. They have spent so much time and effort on vilifying the inanimate object that is a firearm, that admitting it can be used for good becomes a political nightmare for them. So they don’t do it.

Democrats need to stop capitalizing on school shootings to promote the idea of policy change on gun ownership. This approach to school shootings has done NOTHING to prevent school shootings, and in fact, cannot stop them. They need to prioritize children’s lives over their political games. This call for gun control after every shooting is an unethical waste of opportunity to call for the immediate protection of life.

That City Council meeting I discussed in the beginning, it was in a city that votes over 78% Democrat. Odds are that those PTA moms were Democrats or listened to liberal news. That’s the only reason I can think of that would cause an otherwise rational parent to have asked the City to keep armed security away from their school.

The Solution:

An armed, trained security guard can stop a shooter. But one is not enough. Each school needs to be evaluated based on its size and entrance points to determine how many guards are necessary to safeguard the school. These security guards must be posted at all times school is in session. School entry points must be limited

But don’t just listen to me. I’m not an expert. Listen to security experts. America has thousands of trained security experts. So do our allies, the Israelis, who instituted the most successful school security measures in the world.

I read, listened to and spoke with some of our American experts before writing this article. They studied and implemented security, and they studied shootings from around the world, including Breslan, Russia (334 killed), Ma’alot, Israel (25 killed), and Colorado, USA (15 killed). They all have advised the same thing: schools need dedicated, trained, armed security and limited entrance points guarded by armed security.

Well, our experts have described the exact system that Israel has implemented. It looks like the solution is unanimous. But Israel has been successful at implementation because their government is on-board with immediate response to assaults on children. They listened to the experts.

When you have a toothache, you go to the dentist. When charged with a crime, you go to a lawyer. When you are afraid of school shootings, you go to security experts. (When faced with any of these problems, you definitely don’t go to Congress and ask for a long, drawn-out process of policy intervention that may or may not take effect in the next decade, and which may or may not have any effect on your problem.)

Our experts go into significant detail as to how security can be improved for each school. They discuss everything from limiting entry points to forcing everyone to pass through metal detectors. Experts also recommend ALICE drills for the students. Security experts advise that security measures must be tailored to each school. They have spent the past two decades developing these ideas as our school shootings have been increasing. We need to listen to them.
Take Action:
You need to take action in your schools and communities.
Ask your child’s school about security. Demand armed, trained security permanently posted at each entrance. Attend town meetings and council meetings, and tell them that you want armed security.
One school resource officer is NOT enough. Ask for the school to hire an expert to evaluate your school’s needs to recommend a customized security plan, everything from reducing entrance points to adding metal detectors to implementing the adequate number of security guards for each entry point.
I practice what I preach. I’ve already notified our school of our security demands and our school tells me they are listening. I need to do more. I will continue to do more.
Don’t be shy and don’t worry about offending the school. Protect your children. Protect America’s children.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 10:56am

'The Grande Latrine' -- Starbucks Announces 'Anybody' Can Now Use Their Restrooms, Sit in Their Stores.
5/20/18 9:15 PM Timothy Meads
The headline is misleading. They are not actually calling it "The Grande Latrine." But, the Starbucks coffee chain did announce that "customers" are now considered anybody who steps foot on to a store's property. This means people who do not purchase a coffee or any other product are allowed to sit in their stores and use their bathrooms. This decision comes after a brouhaha in a Philadelphia store led to a Starbucks manager calling the police on two black men who were waiting for their friend in her store. This led to the arrest of the two men and a cry of national outrage against racism.
In an effort rehab their image, Starbucks Corp. announced they would no longer use old guidelines that a person present in the building or wanting to use their bathroom must purchase an item, according to the Wall Street Journal:
"On Saturday, the company told its employees in a letter that “any person who enters our spaces, including patios, cafes and restrooms, regardless of whether they make a purchase, is considered a customer.”
Under the new policy, when a customer is “behaving in a disruptive manner,” employees should follow the company’s procedure on handling disruptive guests, which will contain some new guidance, a spokesman said.
Starbucks didn’t say what that procedure entails or define what constitutes disruptive behavior. If a situation presents an immediate danger or threat to employee or customer safety, Starbucks employees should call 911, the company said.
The two black men arrested on April 12 for sitting at a Philadelphia Starbucks cafe without ordering anything, Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson, have reached settlements with Starbucks and the city of Philadelphia.
The men spent hours in jail before they were released, but no charges were filed.
Demonstrators protest outside the Starbucks cafe where the arrests occurred.
Starbucks said customers should use spaces as intended, be considerate of others, and act responsibly.
During a talk about corporate responsibility at a Washington, D.C., think tank earlier this month, Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz told attendees: “We don’t want to become a public bathroom, but we’re going to make the right decision 100% of the time and give people the key.”
Hot Air colleague, Jazz Shaw, brought up what should be obvious to Starbucks executives;
This new policy is going to be a disaster. An open invite for free wifi, free bathrooms, and free rest areas is going to welcome all sorts of characters. Here's Jazz's take:
"This “woke” policy is an invitation to abuse, and history has shown us that when you roll out such an invitation, there will be someone coming along to take advantage of it soon enough. This is particularly true in larger cities where business owners regularly have to deal with individuals looking for a place to pass the time, either to escape the heat or the cold or to find a free bathroom. If the word gets out that Starbucks can’t stop anyone from hanging out there, some of the stores are going to turn into impromptu homeless shelters and that’s not going to do much for the store’s prospects in terms of paying customers.
Starbucks may believe that they’re going to get the SJW crowd off their backs with this policy change. And for a short time they might. But I would wager that many of their outlets will come to regret the new policy in short order."
Author's Note: Thank God for the mobile app at Starbucks. You can order from your iphone and cut the line every day. Which ironically is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The more mobile orders that come in, the longer the 'in-store line' wait becomes! Sometimes causes can become effects and effects can become causes.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 3:22am

~~~~Trump Launches Sunday Morning Twitter Attack.
05/20/18 by: TTN Staff
President Trump did not hold back Sunday morning, launching a pointed twitter attack on all of the things that have been bugging him.
According to The Daily Wire:
After an entire week of rain and vicious thunderstorms and dark ominous clouds, the sun burst out in the nation's capital on Sunday -- but the sunshine didn't improve President Trump's morning mood. So he took to Twitter early to vent.
"Things are really getting ridiculous," he wrote Sunday morning. "The Failing and Crooked (but not as Crooked as killary clinton) nytimes has done a long & boring story indicating that the World’s most expensive Witch Hunt has found nothing on Russia & me so now they are looking at the rest of the World!"
But Trump was just getting started.
"....At what point does this soon to be $20,000,000 Witch Hunt, composed of 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats and two people who have worked for obuma for 8 years, STOP! They have found no Collussion with Russia, No Obstruction, but they aren’t looking at the corruption..." he wrote.
Things are really getting ridiculous. The Failing and Crooked (but not as Crooked as killary clinton) nytimes has done a long & boring story indicating that the World’s most expensive Witch Hunt has found nothing on Russia & me so now they are looking at the rest of the World! Donald J. Trump 5/20/18
At what point does this soon to be $20,000,000 Witch Hunt, composed of 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats and two people who have worked for obuma for 8 years, STOP! - They have found no Collussion with Russia, No Obstruction, but they aren’t looking at the corruption...
Now that the Witch Hunt has given up on Russia and is looking at the rest of the World, they should easily be able to take it into the Mid-Term Elections where they can put some hurt on the Republican Party. Don’t worry about Dems FISA Abuse, missing Emails or Fraudulent Dossier! ---
What ever happened to the Server, at the center of so much Corruption, that the Democratic National Committee REFUSED to hand over to the hard charging (except in the case of Democrats) FBI? They broke into homes & offices early in the morning, but were afraid to take the Server?" Donald J. Trump
President Trump is obviously not happy, and he launched some tweets that allowed the world to see his frustration.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 3:08am
Privileged Son of Top Dem Arrested at Anti-Trump Rally.
03/08/17 Source: American Action News by: AAN Staff
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
It's infecting the highest levels of the American government.
Tim Kaine's "fortunate son" took time away from his local drum circle this week to get all rowdy at an anti-Trump protest. As the Twin Cities Pioneer Press reports:
It took three officers and chemical spray to subdue the youngest son of U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, killary clinton’s 2016 running mate, Saturday after he was identified as one of the counter-protesters who allegedly used fireworks to disrupt a rally in support of President Donald Trump at the Minnesota State Capitol.
Linwood Michael Kaine, 24, and four others were arrested of second-degree riot after the “March 4 Trump” rally in St. Paul; a sixth person was cited for disorderly conduct. Counter-protesters clashed with Trump supporters in the Capitol rotunda after they disrupted the proceedings with air horns, whistles and chants. At one point, someone set off a smoke bomb.
Linwood Kaine, a Minneapolis resident who attended Carleton College and goes by Woody, resisted arrest when confronted by officers outside the Capitol grounds, according to a St. Paul police spokesman. He was released from the Ramsey County jail on Tuesday morning pending further investigation, law enforcement officials said.
Kaine's not being charged, but according to the Pioneer Press, Kaine refused an order to get on the ground, "squared off" with an officer, and then continued to resist after being sprayed with a chemical.
Say what you will, but if Kaine didn't have an important dad, he'd probably be dead. At the very least, he'd be facing a stint in a really sketchy prison.
Seriously, look at this goon. David Montgomery
Did they hide him on the campaign trail? What are the odds he voted for Bernie? Thanksgiving must have been AWKWARD.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 21, 2018 at 2:22am
5 Times Liberal Anti-Trump Rage Turned Violent.
05/18/18 by: TTN Staff
Liberals hate President Trump. So much so that some have attempted assassinations, and gravely injured supporters of the president.
The most notable time this has occurred was last June, on the president's birthday, when a crazed Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on Republican House and Senate members practicing for the Congressional Baseball game, gravely wounding Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), and attempting to murder all assembled.
This was awful because the gunman succeeded, but there are other times when liberals have tried to do horrible things like this.
Examples of the times they tried and came dangerously close to harming President Trump and his supporters.
Irresponsible rhetoric has consequences!
2.) Anti-Trump Crazy Opens Fire At Trump Resort.
A man who police say was yelling “anti-Trump sentiment” was arrested after exchanging gunfire with officers in the lobby of the Trump National Doral Golf Club Friday morning. Jonathan Oddi of Doral, Fla. burst into the property draped an American flag over a lobby counter while spraying bullets. The shooter was the only person injured but clearly meant harm to President Trump.
3.) Violent Anti-Trump Mob Shuts Down Rally.
The Trump campaign coordinated with a liaison from the Chicago police department to try to make the rally safe, but left-wing agitators made this impossible at the March 2016 event. Donald Trump ultimately had to cancel the rally, as agitators were entangled in violent clashes with Trump supporters, publicly calling for violence against them and Trump. At least two police officers were injured while trying to stop the liberal mob!
4.) Liberal Rushes Trump, Hard Take Down By Secret Service.
A college student, Thomas DiMassimo, rushed the stage and was taken down by the Secret Service. He claimed in a statement to a judge that he only intended to wrestle the microphone away from Trump, and was fined $250. It isn't clear if he intended harm toward Donald Trump, but the Secret Service did not leave it to chance.
5.) This Is Why The Secret Service Is On High Alert.
British national Michael Sandford wanted to kill Trump because of his "racism". He made a fast play for a police officer's gun, which was promptly shut down by law enforcement. He was just 20 feet from Trump when it happened. The mentally ill man was under the influence of a staunchly anti-Trump girlfriend, who told him "Trump must be stopped". Sandford is now incarcerated in the UK but was still a serious threat to President Trump, and a reminder of why the left's rhetoric has gotten out of hand.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 20, 2018 at 9:23pm
nancy pukelosi Defends MS-13, Trashes Trump — ‘There’s a Spark of Divinity in Every Human Being” (VIDEO)
5/17/18 by Jim Hoft May
The liberal media ran a disgusting smear on Wednesday against President Trump while defending MS-13 killers.
The media claimed President Trump called all immigrants “animals” when he was very clearly discussing MS-13 gang members.
Here’s the video:
See it for yourself. Take one minute to watch the full context of realDonaldTrump’s comment on MS-13 members.
But leave it to nancy pukelosi to push this smear 24 hours later.
nancy pukelosi accused President Trump of calling all illegal aliens “animals.”
This is a lie.
pelosi defended MS-13 saying there’s a spark of divinity in every human being.
Trump called MS-13 killers “animals”…and nancy pukelosi knows it. She doesn’t care.
This is what the GOP is up against — liars and cheats.
And yet GOP elites believe these people have the public’s interest at heart.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 20, 2018 at 8:44pm
Trump Campaign Spy OUTED.
05/20/18 By: TTN Staff
The Trump Campaign was infiltrated by the FBI. It has been speculated over the last few weeks of who it could be. And it looks like that person has finally been revealed.
According to the New York Post:
A Cambridge professor with deep ties to American and British intelligence has been outed as an agent who snooped on the Trump presidential campaign for the FBI.
Multiple media outlets have named Stefan Halper, 73, as the secret informant who met with Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos starting in the summer of 2016. The American-born academic previously served in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.
The revelation, stemming from recent reports in which FBI sources admitted sending an agent to snoop on the Trump camp, heightens suspicions that the FBI was seeking to entrap Trump campaign aides.
Papodopoulous has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, while Page was the subject of a federal surveillance warrant.
“If the FBI or DOJ was infiltrating a campaign for the benefit of another campaign, that is a really big deal,” President Trump tweeted Saturday, calling for the FBI to release additional documents to Congress.
Trump is understandably not happy!
But will there be an investigation into the abuses committed by the obuma Administration?
*** OF COURSE NOT !! ***
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 20, 2018 at 8:41pm
Trump Campaign Spy OUTED

Trump Campaign Spy OUTED.
05/20/18 By: TTN Staff
The Trump Campaign was infiltrated by the FBI. It has been speculated over the last few weeks of who it could be. And it looks like that person has finally been revealed.
According to the New York Post:
A Cambridge professor with deep ties to American and British intelligence has been outed as an agent who snooped on the Trump presidential campaign for the FBI.
Multiple media outlets have named Stefan Halper, 73, as the secret informant who met with Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos starting in the summer of 2016. The American-born academic previously served in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.
The revelation, stemming from recent reports in which FBI sources admitted sending an agent to snoop on the Trump camp, heightens suspicions that the FBI was seeking to entrap Trump campaign aides. Papodopoulous has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, while Page was the subject of a federal surveillance warrant.
“If the FBI or DOJ was infiltrating a campaign for the benefit of another campaign, that is a really big deal,” President Trump tweeted Saturday, calling for the FBI to release additional documents to Congress.
Trump is understandably not happy, but will there be an investigation into the abuses committed by the obuma Administration? *** OF COURSE NOT !! ***
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on May 20, 2018 at 12:14pm

Happy Armed Forces Day!

    5/19/18 5:00 PM 

America has been honoring members of the military currently serving by celebrating this holiday on the third Saturday in May since 1950.

  The tradition began when President Harry S. Truman sought a specific day to honor all of our armed forces rather than have separate days for each individual branch.  In August 1949, Defense Secretary Louis Jonson announced that Armed Forces Day would be created and celebrated the following May.

 Contrary to Memorial Day celebrations next weekend, which remembers veterans that have died either in combat or from injuries sustained in war, Armed Forces is specifically for members of the military that are currently serving their country. In the past, America has celebrated with parades, picnics, concerts, and parties. 

 On the first Armed Forces Day on Saturday May 20, 1950, President Truman declared: "Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 20, 1950, marks the first combined demonstration by America's defense team of its progress, under the National Security Act, toward the goal of readiness for any eventuality. It is the first parade of preparedness by the unified forces of our land, sea, and air defense."

 Today, President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence celebrated via Twitter.

"Happy Armed Forces Day to our GREAT military men and women for their selfless service to our Nation!"

Donald J. Trump  5/19/2018

 Armed Forces Day is a time for every American to show our profound gratitude for the... 5/19/2018



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