Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.
“We are not going to let this country be invaded!
We will not be stampeded!
We will not capitulate to lawlessness!
This is NOT business as usual.
This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.
Trump Announces Border Wall Construction Has Begun.
President Trump tweeted;
"Separating families at the Border is the fault of bad legislation passed by the Democrats. Border Security laws should be changed but the Dems can’t get their act together! Started the Wall." According to the Daily Wire:
Although approval is still pending on the billions of dollars President Donald Trump needs to build a full border wall along the United States’ southern border with Mexico, work on a 15-mile section of “the wall” officially began .
U.S. Customs and Border Protection says they’re beginning improvements on a section of the border wall near San Diego, partly in preparation for the existing wall to connect with whatever new wall the Trump Administration has planned, Fox News reports.
The new wall will be a “bollard-style wall” that is twice as high as the existing wall. CBP is also installing what they call an “anti-climbing plate.”
“The construction of this new substantial wall will improve overall border security, the safety and effectiveness of Border Patrol agents, the safety of the public, and will enhance the atmosphere for business and commerce in the area!,” the Border Patrol said of the project.
President Trump campaigned on a border wall on the southern border, but obstructionist Democrats in the U.S. Senate have made forward progress nearly impossible to start a large scale construction.
This encouraging first step shows that the president is earnest about delivering on his campaign promise.
He needs Congress to follow through with the construction funding, so the he can commence negotiations with Mexico to refund the United States for the ongoing security obligations their citizens have cost the American taxpayer.
President Trump’s 'JUST' Clemency for Dwight and Steven Hammond.
7/10/18 BY: 1600 Staff
President Trump showed mercy by granting clemency to two Oregon ranchers who started fires on federal land.
According to Fox News:
President Trump on Tuesday pardoned the father and son ranchers from Oregon whose imprisonment for setting fires on federal land sparked a 41-day takeover of a wildlife refuge in the state.
Trump signed the order granting clemency to 76-year-old Dwight Hammond and his son, Steven Hammond, 49, who were convicted of arson in 2012 for fires that burned on federal land in 2001 and 2006.
Though they served their original sentences for the conviction — Dwight serving three months, Steven serving one year — an appellate judge ruled in 2015 that the terms were too short under federal minimum sentencing laws and the Hammonds were resentenced to serve the mandatory minimum. This decision led to the 2016 protests.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders went even further in a statement, saying the following:
“At the Hammonds’ original sentencing, the judge noted that they are respected in the community and that imposing the mandatory minimum, 5-year prison sentence would “shock the conscience” and be “grossly disproportionate to the severity” of their conduct. As a result, the judge imposed significantly lesser sentences. The previous administration, however, filed an overzealous appeal that resulted in the Hammonds being sentenced to five years in prison. This was unjust. Dwight Hammond is now 76 years old and has served approximately three years in prison. Steven Hammond is 49 and has served approximately four years in prison. They have also paid $400,000 to the United States to settle a related civil suit.
The Hammonds are devoted family men, respected contributors to their local community, and have widespread support from their neighbors, local law enforcement, and farmers and ranchers across the West.
Justice is overdue for Dwight and Steven Hammond, both of whom are entirely deserving of these Grants of Executive Clemency!”
The sorry assed obuma administration threw the book at the Hammonds in the appeals process.
Their “unjust” treatment inspired the protests and eventual standoff with Ammon Bundy and dozens of protesters in early 2016, who occupied the federal wildlife refuge in Oregon that caught fire as a result of the Hammonds’ crimes.
The incident reflected an overreaction from the sorry assed obuma administration, whose policies caused great unrest in Western states for their actions.
SURPRIZE! Media Praises Trump’s Court Pick Brett Kavanaugh.
Editorial boards across the country are calling Judge Brett Kavanaugh an “excellent choice” for the Supreme Court, touting his “exemplary record” and “first-rate legal mind.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Kavanaugh for the Court.
“Judge Kavanaugh has an exemplary record that suggests he will help to restore the Supreme Court to its proper, more modest role in American politics and society."
President Trump stressed the 53-year-old Judge Kavanaugh’s legal credentials Monday evening, and well he should … He has the experience and intellect to be a leader on the Court.”
“Brett Kavanaugh is a highly qualified ‘originalist’ who will help return the U.S. Supreme Court to its proper function in American society. The Senate should quickly confirm him. Judge Kavanaugh, who serves on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, the nation’s top appellate court, fits President Donald Trump’s promise to appoint judges known to adhere strictly to the original language of the Constitution and its amendments, and to closely follow the law as laid down by Congress.”
THE DETROIT NEWS: Kavanaugh’s Record Defies Challenge;
“Brett Kavanaugh is an intelligent and deliberate judge who is poised to become a conservative thought leader on the U.S. Supreme court. His record on the appellate court suggests that President Trump’s nominee to succeed Justice Anthony Kennedy will maintain a commitment to interpreting the law as it is written, and not how he may wish it had been crafted. A neutral interpretation of the law is all anyone can ask of a Supreme Court justice.”
RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH: A Good and Decent Choice for Supreme Court Justice
“Brett Kavanaugh is a good and decent man who promises to uphold the rule of law rather than attempting to legislate from the bench. We applaud the president’s choice.”
NEW YORK POST: Brett Kavanaugh is an Excellent Pick for the Supreme Court
“Once again staying true to his campaign promises, President Trump just nominated Brett Kavanaugh as his pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. It’s an excellent choice.”
LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL: Donald Trump Nominates Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court
“Judge Kavanaugh is eminently accomplished. A graduate of Yale Law, he clerked for Justice Kennedy before working in the George W. Bush White House. He was confirmed for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in 2006 and has written more than 300 opinions during his 12 years on the bench. Judge Kavanaugh is firmly in the judicial mainstream.”
CHICAGO TRIBUNE: Judging Judge Kavanaugh
“More important is weighing whether Kavanaugh will do the job in a careful, conscientious way, with a deep respect for the text of the Constitution, the language of statutes and the different responsibilities of the three branches of government … Kavanaugh’s record suggests that by these standards, he’s highly qualified. In 12 years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, which deals with especially complex regulatory cases, he’s authored some 300 decisions. Taken as a body of work, they reflect a great allegiance to the words of the Constitution.”
NEW HAMPSHIRE UNION LEADER: Qualified Kavanaugh: A Prudent Pick for the Court
“Kavanaugh is an experienced, well-qualified pick, and would have easily won confirmation if that were the criteria used … Judges, including Supreme Court justices, should be weighed on their ability to interpret the law as written, not the political preferences of those voting on their nominations.”
“Kavanaugh has said that if confirmed to the Supreme Court, his allegiance will be to the Constitution as it is written, not to his personal preferences. That is precisely what the nation needs. That, not how Kavanaugh may rule on any single issue, ought to be Manchin’s concern.”
BOSTON HERALD: Nix the Toxic, Give Brett Kavanaugh a Shot
“Kavanaugh is a solid pick for the Supreme Court. He is a true conservative and considered a brilliant thinker by his contemporaries.”
“Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s new nominee for the Supreme Court, is a whip-smart legal conservative. As a judge in the highest-profile appeals court in the nation, he has shown an exemplary dedication to the rule of law.”
THE WEEKLY STANDARD: Justice Kavanaugh?
“[N]either Judge Kavanaugh’s words nor his achievements nor his character will give any fair-minded lawmaker, Democrat or Republican, reason to conclude that he is anything but a first-rate legal mind and a conspicuously qualified nominee.”
President Trump Vs. Democrats On Immigration.
“It’s time to begin moving toward a merit-based immigration system, one that admits people who are skilled, who want to work, who will contribute to our society, and who will love and respect our country.”
-- President Donald J. Trump, in his State of the Union Address.
One of President Donald J. Trump’s priorities for immigration reform is moving to a merit-based system and reducing low-skilled immigration to the United States. President Trump recognizes that low-skilled immigration harms our economy and above all, it harms American workers!
In the past, Democratic leaders have expressed support for the policy elements of President Trump’s common-sense immigration reform.
Now their far-left base has commandeered the debate, moving the Democratic Party from reasonable centrists, to liberal activists.
President Trump Ended the Policy Of American Weakness!
“In confronting these dangers, we know that weakness is the surest path to conflict, and unmatched power is the surest means of our defense.” -- President Donald J. Trump
President Donald J. Trump led America’s return to leadership on the international stage, while prioritizing America’s interests!
American leadership, security, prosperity, and accountability has been strengthened by President Trump.
American leadership in the world has been re-asserted, vital investments in our military have been secured, and threats to our national security interests have been confronted.
The Trump Administration has devastated ISIS’ self-declared caliphate and curbed the global threat of terror against the United States and its allies.
Trump Administration policy has led to the near total destruction of ISIS’ self-declared caliphate, including the liberation of all Iraqi territory from ISIS control.
Of ISIS’ total territorial loss, at least 50 percent occurred under President Trump.
A punishing series of sanctions has been unveiled by the Trump Administration, targeting the supporters of terrorism around the globe.
The new National Vetting Center was established by the Trump Administration to ensure those who come to the United States do not pose a threat to domestic security.
The President has secured funding to rebuild our military and support our troops with the resources they deserve.
Historic increases in defense funding were secured by President Trump in order to rebuild our Nation’s military and provide our troops with the resources they need.
President Trump signed legislation to provide $700 billion in defense spending for fiscal year (FY) 2018 and $716 billion for FY 2019 and a 2.4 percent pay raise for our servicemembers.
President Trump has ended decades of talk and restored the credibility of America’s word on the international stage.
President Trump has made significant progress toward the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, after decades of unsuccessful policies.
After decades of unfulfilled promises from presidential candidates of both parties, President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. Embassy there.
President Trump ordered strikes against Syria in response to the regime’s use of chemical weapons in April 2017 and April 2018.
17 Americans held overseas have returned under President Trump’s leadership.
President Trump has ended US participation in the Iran deal (JCPOA), which put at risk America’s national security.
President Trump terminated the United States’ participation in the defective and one-sided Iran deal, which allowed Iran’s military spending to increase 40%.
By re-imposing sanctions, President Trump shows we no longer makes empty threats.
The President is working with our allies to find a comprehensive and lasting solution to the nuclear threat, including eliminating Iran’s ballistic missile program.
Gingrich: Trump’s Tougher on Russia than obuma. [VIDEO]
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich makes the case why President Trump was much tougher than Obama on Russia.
Speaker Gingrich, via Fox News:
Anyone who has studied President Trump knows he hates to admit a mistake. His natural pattern is to move forward and ignore mistakes. For him, this was a big correction (and as I noted the day before, it was an absolutely necessary one).
President Trump then reminded everyone of the obuma administration’s failures in dealing with Russian meddling in the election. President Trump noted that resident obuma and his advisers had information that the Russians had been working to interfere in the election and they ignored it, because they thought killary clinton was going to win!
First, the very people who have been loudest in attacking President Trump about his performance at the Helsinki summit are the people who failed to protect America from Russian meddling in 2016. The very intensity and nastiness of former CIA Director Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence Clapper is an attempt to distract attention from their failure to protect America. It was their duty in 2016 – not candidate Trump’s.
Second, the Trump administration has been far tougher on Russia than resident obuma ever dreamed of being. The Trump administration is taking real actions designed to weaken Russia and force Putin to change his aggressive behavior.
The speaker went on to cite the instances of the president issuing tough sanctions against the Russians, arming Ukraine and strengthening NATO by making Europe pay their obligated share.
Folks, President Trump is standing firm against Russian actions, while leaving the door open for a peaceful middle-ground.
The threat from Russia is made much worse by years of neglect from the muslum barry h. obuma.
The president is striving for a peaceful middle ground before the situation gets out of hand, and tougher decisions are required to secure America.
BREAKING: Trump Approval Hits High Mark.
5/18/18 By 1600 Daily Staff
President Trump’s approval rating comes in at 50%, according to Rasmussen Reports.
Rasmussen conducted the poll after President Trump announced the United States’ withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal.
The poll result comes as President Trump is seeking to impose work requirements on food stamps, which is working its way through Congress, and has increased pressure on state and local jurisdictions who are harboring illegal aliens.
Earlier this week the president also made public remarks saying that criminals who murder police officers should receive the death penalty! **** AMEN TO THAT !! ****
This week, 41% of people in the poll said America was headed in the right direction, while only 30% thought so in the same poll in January of 2017.
The poll indicates that President Trump’s popularity, personally and politically, is inching upward while disapproval of his opponents is as well.
The President is securing more support among the American people. MAGA!
"I live in Newark, Del., with my two sons, who have special needs, and my husband, who is a manufacturer. I believe our voices are part of those forgotten Americans whom President Trump touched during the 2016 election. For years, it had been such a tough road with stagnant wages, a one-income household and two boys who need a substantial amount of care. Along came Donald Trump.Trump spoke about what was real and what real people such as my family were facing. 2016 was a long and brutal election, but my husband and I never wavered in our support of Trump. And to this day, we still remain the same.-Angela Wilson; Newark, Del.
"Time and time again — whether it be leaving the Paris climate deal or implementing the travel ban — Trump has governed on behalf of citizens, not global interests. I’m proud of my vote and proud of America’s president."
Scott Ruesterholz; New York
"I knew the country needed a different approach to governance, and Trump was the man to shake things up. He had the business acumen and the “take no prisoners” attitude we desperately needed. Trump’s a fighter. He doesn’t back down and keeps moving forward with the agenda. Frank Ruvolo; Ely, Nev.
"More than anything, I support Trump because he seems to like America and Americans. He gets along easily with a wide range of Americans, and he seems to get along well with foreign leaders, while never denigrating our country or our people. Rick Nestoff; Broadview Heights, Ohio
"I love that he is the first president in a long time who really supports Israel. Not just because I’m Jewish, but also because Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. He is making America great again and I love it.
Leah Kabaker; Los Angeles
"Trump has handled the Middle East and North Korea masterfully. As I knew he would, he opened the throttle on the U.S. economy! People who are serious about history understand how unprecedented this president is. The first man to get into the Oval Office without owing anyone anything can and will do great things. We will probably never see another like him." Michael Bolduc; Pflugerville, Texas
Trump supporters from across the nation share their thoughts on biggest misconceptions about them and whether they would ever stop supporting the president.
According to the USA TODAY Trump Voter Panel, Americans who voted for the president haven't wavered in support despite the latest White House scandals. USA TODAY Opinion recently asked supporters of President Trump to share what are some common misconceptions about them and what (if anything) the president could do to lose their support:
My voice was forgotten:
"I live in Newark, Del., with my two sons, who have special needs, and my husband, who is a manufacturer. I believe our voices are part of those forgotten Americans whom President Trump touched during the 2016 election. For years, it had been such a tough road with stagnant wages, a one-income household and two boys who need a substantial amount of care. Along came Donald Trump.Trump spoke about what was real and what real people such as my family were facing. 2016 was a long and brutal election, but my husband and I never wavered in our support of Trump. And to this day, we still remain the same. Being a Trump supporter gets you labeled as a racist and every other type of "ist" classification you can think of. This could not be further from the truth. We are a hardworking family who live for our two beautiful boys. People can make their assumptions about our beliefs, and label us, but it is the ones who label who are the truly ignorant and closed-minded individuals. I don't think that there is anything that Trump could do to lose our support. We believe in his agenda and vision for our country, and we have no reason to doubt him. He is still learning the ways of Washington, and we believe he deserves the chance to lead." Angela Wilson; Newark, Del.
Donald Trump: America's economy is back and roaring and its people are winning!
Trump is delivering:
"From giving our military the flexibility and tools to wipe the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria off the map, to reshaping the judiciary for a generation, President Trump has delivered on my expectations. I voted for Trump to accelerate economic growth, boost median wages, and restore American strength. I do wish our politics less resembled trench warfare, but Trump bears far less responsibility than a weaponized, partisan news media that never gave him a chance. While I see a president whose actions have been fair and compassionate, many of my fellow queer Americans harbor an unfounded fear he will usurp their rights. I hope reality trumps these fears. Time and time again — whether it be leaving the Paris climate deal or implementing the travel ban — Trump has governed on behalf of citizens, not global interests. I’m proud of my vote and proud of America’s president"... Scott Ruesterholz; New York
"I knew the country needed a different approach to governance, and Trump was the man to shake things up. He had the business acumen and the "take no prisoners" attitude we desperately needed.
Trump's a fighter. He doesn't back down and keeps moving forward with the agenda. The idea that, as Van Jones so ignorantly stated, a vote for Trump was "whitelash" ... not likely. Trump would have to do something quite egregious, as president, for me to relinquish my support. What he did or did not do in his personal life before becoming president is mostly irrelevant." Frank Ruvolo; Ely, Nev.
Rowdy Gowdy: If There Was Evidence That President Trump Committed Any Crime,
"Adam Schiff Would Have Leaked It.
7/22/18 By Tim Hains
Body language expert: Putin braced himself before shaking Trump's hand at Helsinki summit.
7/23/10 by: Tess Bonn
Body language expert Chris Ulrich says President Donald Trump warns Iran's Rouhani;
"Threaten us 'and you will suffer!"
'Pompeo: "Iran's leaders resemble the mafia"
NYT's Haberman: 'often tells the truth'MORE,"Trump is a “master” when it comes to dealing with world leaders and pointed to his recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin as an example.
"Yes, and he's very good at the following:
"Trump will get in your head before he even sits down with you," Ulrich said, when asked by Hill.TV co-host Buck Sexton if it was "fair" to call Trump "a master of body language."
Ulrich thinks it all comes to one of Trump’s most notorious techniques — his handshake.
"President Trump has this technique where he’ll grab you and he’ll pull you in,” Ulrich said.
Ulrich used Trump’s press conference with Putin in Helsinki as a prime example.
"He said Putin visibly braced himself before having to shake Trump’s hand!
“During the conversation toward the end, you’ll see Putin grab the chair and he braces himself with his hand.
It’s almost a display of reluctance — he doesn’t want to get pulled forward," Ulrich told Hill.TV.
Ulrich says not all world leaders share Putin’s reluctance, citing French President Emmanuel Macron’s approach at the Group of Seven summit.-- “We see it with President Macron of France — he wouldn’t let go of his hand one time,” Ulrich said. “He shook his President Trump’s hand so hard that there was an indent.”
Ulrich thinks this is nothing new among world leaders — handshakes are all about trying to get the upper hand.
“These leaders are always using hand shakes as a power dynamic to dominate,” Ulrich said.
White House Reacts To Stunning Data About Unaccompanied Alien Children.
The costs from America’s porous immigration system continue to rise!
At the end of April, news broke that between October 2016 and December 2017, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was unable to locate nearly 1,500 of the 7,635 unaccompanied alien minors it attempted to reach—almost one-fifth of its file.
“I don’t care what you think about immigration policy, it’s wrong,” Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) said. He’s right: A very small percentage of the unaccompanied alien children (UAC) who illegally enter the United States each year are ultimately removed, creating a major public safety challenge.
Loopholes in our immigration laws put both UACs and American citizens at risk. Most UACs are older teens, 16-17 years old, from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.
Many are MS-13 gang members who use our immigration system to infiltrate the United States, but UACs who are not gang members are still at risk of harm from MS-13. This broken system is dangerous for everyone.
NOTE: Under the obuma Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services documented that 80 percent of the 71,000 Central American children placed between February 2014 and September 2015 were released to sponsors who are in the United States illegally. Parents were more than half of the cases; many others were siblings, aunts, and uncles.
Politico reports:
President Donald Trump said Thursday that he will be Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “worst nightmare” if the pair’s budding relationship falters, unlike former President Barack Obama, who Trump said was a “patsy” for Russia.“I think he knows that,” Trump said. “I’ll be his worst nightmare. But I don’t think it’ll be that way. I actually think we’ll have a good relationship.”
He pointed to the dozens of Russian diplomats his State Department has expelled and the sanction packages his Treasury Department has imposed, contrasting it with Obama’s infamous 2012 hot mic moment with Russia’s then-president, Dmitry Medvedev, when he said he would have “more flexibility” after that year’s presidential election, his final campaign.
“Look at the sanctions I’ve put on. look at the diplomats I threw out. Look at all of the things that I’ve done. Nobody else did what I’ve done. obuma didn’t do it. obuma was a patsy for Russia. He was a total patsy. Look at the statement he made when he thought the mics were turned off, OK?” Trump said. “Getting along with President Putin, getting along with Russia is a positive, not a negative. Now, with that being said, if that doesn’t work out, I’ll be the worst enemy he’s ever had. The worst he’s ever had.”
The president spent political capital in an effort to improve relations with Moscow, which have deteriorated over previous administrations. The president’s utmost desire is to have a productive, peaceful relationship with the world’s other leading nuclear power
On the other hand, the president will not hesitate to impose further sanctions on the Russians, or do what is necessary to protect Americans from Russian aggression, contrary to what the media has reported this week.
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