We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

Views: 2092


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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 7:45pm
Here’s How President Trump Is Countering Russia:
President Donald J. Trump and his Administration are defending the integrity of our election system.
◾From the beginning of his Administration, President Trump has taken action to defend our election system from meddling and interference.
◾In May 2017, President Trump signed an Executive Order to strengthen and review the cybersecurity of our Nation and its critical infrastructure.
◾This has included long-delayed modernization of our cyber security systems across the Government.
◾The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has taken the lead in working with all 50 states, local governments, and private companies to improve election security and integrity.
◾Under President Trump, DHS has increased coordination and information sharing among all election partners, with nearly 1000 elections jurisdictions, including all 50 states, participating in the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center.
◾34 States, 52 county or local governments, and 5 election companies receive cyber security scans from DHS, free of charge, on an ongoing basis.
◾DHS plans to provide on-site risk and vulnerability assessments to all States that request. Currently 18 States have requested this assessment and 16 are completed for the 2018 election cycle.
◾A new pilot program was launched to share information between State and local officials and the Election Assistance Commission to allow for rapid response on Election Day.
◾During the 2017 elections, the Trump Administration provided on-site cybersecurity support to States.
◾In March of 2018, Congress provided the Election Assistance Commission with $380 million in funding for election assistance grants to States.
◾While increasing our election security, the Trump Administration is also combatting actors that have already attempted to harm our election integrity.
◾In March 2018, the Administration imposed sanctions against 16 Russian entities and individuals for their roles in Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.
President Trump has taken action to call out and confront Russian efforts that undermine the United States.
◾In March 2018, President Trump ordered the expulsion of 48 Russian intelligence officers from the United States and ordered the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle, Washington.
◾This action was taken in coordination with American allies around the world in response to Russia’s use of a military-grade chemical weapon in the United Kingdom.
◾In March 2018, President Trump also expelled 12 Russian intelligence officers from the Russian Mission to the United Nations in New York for abusing their privilege of residence.
◾In September 2017, the Administration banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on United States Government computers due to Kaspersky’s ties to Russian intelligence.
◾In March 2017, the Administration charged 3 Russians for the 2014 Yahoo hack, including 2 officers of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).
◾The Trump Administration has maintained the closure of 2 Russian compounds and the expulsion of 35 diplomats in response to Russian interference in the 2016 election.
The Administration has imposed the toughest sanctions against Russia to confront its destabilizing behavior.
◾President Trump’s Administration has consistently confronted Russian activities that threaten our institutions, our interests, or our allies.
◾In June 2018, President Trump’s Administration imposed sanctions against 5 Russian entities and 3 Russian individuals for enabling Russia’s military and intelligence units to increase Russia’s offensive cyber capabilities.
◾In April 2018, the Administration imposed sanctions against 7 Russian oligarchs and the 12 companies they own or control, 17 senior Russian government officials, and a state-owned Russian weapons trading company and a bank it owns. ◾These sanctions ensure the Russian oligarchs who profit from Russia’s destabilizing activities face the consequences for doing so.
◾The sanctioned state-owned weapons trading company provides military equipment and support to the Government of Syria, enabling the regime’s continual attacks against Syrian citizens.
◾In February 2018, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network proposed a new rule to bar a Latvian bank involved in illicit Russia-related activity from opening or maintaining correspondent accounts in the United States.
◾In December 2017, new Russia-related sanctions were announced under the Sergei Magnitsky and Global Magnitsky programs.
◾In December 2017, the Administration imposed export controls against 2 Russian companies that were helping Russia develop missiles that violate the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).
◾The Trump Administration sanctioned a total of 100 targets in response to Russia’s ongoing occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine.
◾The Trump Administration has also designated Russian actors under Iran and North Korea sanctions authorities.
The President is strengthening our alliances and standing up to Russia’s malign influence across the globe.
◾The Trump Administration released a National Security Strategy that makes clear that Russia is undertaking actions that threaten our security and outlines steps to stop their interference.
◾The Trump Administration has increased funding for the European Deterrence Initiative, providing billions to increase United States troop readiness in Europe, deter Russian aggression, and help defend our NATO allies.
◾The Trump Administration has enhanced its support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine improve its ability to defend itself.
◾The Trump Administration is working to pressure Russia back into compliance with the INF Treaty to ensure that Russia does not gain strategic advantage from its treaty violations.
Shared from Whitehouse.gov
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 7:39pm
Trump's Press Secretary Hits Mueller ‘Hoax’, Iran and Media.
7/23/18 By 1600 Staff
White House Press Secretary had sharp words when a reporter asked her this morning, if President Trump’s Iran tweet was meant to shift focus away from Russia.
The Daily Caller reports:
Press secretary Sarah Sanders took questions outside the White House Monday, including one from a reporter who asked if the president was trying to “change the subject” from Russia to Iran.
Sanders said bluntly; "President Trump can focus on two things at once, unlike the media. I think the president has the ability, unlike a lot of those in the media, to actually focus on more than one issue at a time,” Sanders quipped, “and certainly, we know the media’s obsessed with speaking all about Russia, all the time, but the president’s focused on a lot of things that are taking place across the globe, and Iran is one of them and it’s been something we’ve talked about since we first came into this administration.”
Sanders continued, “The president’s responding to Iran and he’s not going to allow them to continue to make threats against America!
If anybody is inciting anything, look no further than to Iran.”
Press Secretary Sanders made the rounds Monday to hit the Mueller investigation in the wake of the Department of Justice’s release of the redacted FISA applications that exposed the Spygate scandal. The documents "confirmed" that the president was spied on by his own government through September, 2017, using “salacious and false” clinton campaign research as the evidence.
Sanders also conveyed the president’s resolve on Iran, saying that the United States would no longer tolerate threats from them!
The media’s focus on Russia, and the conspiracy theories surrounding collusion, cloud the administration’s ability to address more pressing issues, and the Press Secretary conveyed the president’s frustration with that fact.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 7:27pm
Trump warns Iran's Rouhani: Threaten us 'and you will suffer'!
7/22/18 By: Brandon Conradis
President Trump on Sunday night warned that if Iran continued with its threats to the U.S., the country would suffer unspecified "consequences."
In a tweet, written in all caps and directed explicitly at Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Trump wrote: "Never, ever threaten the United States again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before!
To Iranian President Rouhani:
Trump's message comes after Rouhani issued his own warning to the U.S. president earlier on Sunday.
“America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars,” Rouhani told a group of diplomats.
The tweet also came shortly after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
delivered remarks on Iran at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on Sunday evening.
During his address, Pompeo compared Iran's leaders to the mafia, while also declaring U.S. support for the people of Iran, especially protesters who have taken to the streets recently in opposition to the current government.
White House national security adviser John Bolton — who has long held an adversarial stance toward Iran — later weighed in on the tweet.
“I spoke to the President over the last several days, and President Trump told me that if Iran does anything at all to the negative, they will pay a price like few countries have ever paid before," Bolton said in a statement Monday morning.
The U.S. and Iran have been in conflict for decades. The tense relationship was further strained earlier this year when President
Trump announced the U.S. would be withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.
Former resident obuma helped spearhead the international agreement, which offered Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for curbs to its nuclear program.
President Trump had long derided the deal and fulfilled one of his key campaign promises by announcing his administration was pulling the U.S. out of it.
Nonetheless, the decision drew international condemnation and has led to renewed concerns of a potential conflict between the U.S. and Iran, which has wide influence across the Middle East, including in Syria, where Washington also maintains a military presence supporting rebels in that country's years-long civil war.
The Trump administration included Iran in its controversial travel ban, which was recently upheld by the Supreme Court.
Updated at 9:58 a.m.

delivered remarks on Iran at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on Sunday evening.

During his address, Pompeo compared Iran's leaders to the mafia, while also declaring U.S. support for the people of Iran, especially protesters who have taken to the streets recently in opposition to the current government.

White House national security adviser John Bolton — who has long held an adversarial stance toward Iran — later weighed in on the tweet.
“I spoke to the President over the last several days, and President Trump told me that if Iran does anything at all to the negative, they will pay a price like few countries have ever paid before," Bolton said in a statement Monday morning.
The U.S. and Iran have been in conflict for decades. The tense relationship was further strained earlier this year when Trump announced the U.S. would be withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.
Former resident obuma helped spearhead the international agreement, which offered Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for curbs to its nuclear program. Trump had long derided the deal and fulfilled one of his key campaign promises by announcing his administration was pulling the U.S. out of it.
Nonetheless, the decision drew international condemnation and has led to renewed concerns of a potential conflict between the U.S. and Iran, which has wide influence across the Middle East, including in Syria, where Washington also maintains a military presence supporting rebels in that country's years-long civil war.
The Trump administration included Iran in its controversial travel ban, which was recently upheld by the Supreme Court.
Updated at 9:58 a.m.

delivered remarks on Iran at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on Sunday evening.

During his address, Pompeo compared Iran's leaders to the mafia, while also declaring U.S. support for the people of Iran, especially protesters who have taken to the streets recently in opposition to the current government.

White House national security adviser John Bolton — who has long held an adversarial stance toward Iran — later weighed in on the tweet.

“I spoke to the President over the last several days, and President Trump told me that if Iran does anything at all to the negative, they will pay a price like few countries have ever paid before," Bolton said in a statement Monday morning.

The U.S. and Iran have been in conflict for decades. The tense relationship was further strained earlier this year when Trump announced the U.S. would be withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.
Former resident obuma helped spearhead the international agreement, which offered Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for curbs to its nuclear program. Trump had long derided the deal and fulfilled one of his key campaign promises by announcing his administration was pulling the U.S. out of it.

Nonetheless, the decision drew international condemnation and has led to renewed concerns of a potential conflict between the U.S. and Iran, which has wide influence across the Middle East, including in Syria, where Washington also maintains a military presence supporting rebels in that country's years-long civil war.

The Trump administration included Iran in its controversial travel ban, which was recently upheld by the Supreme Court.

Updated at 9:58 a.m.

delivered remarks on Iran at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on Sunday evening.

During his address, Pompeo compared Iran's leaders to the mafia, while also declaring U.S. support for the people of Iran, especially protesters who have taken to the streets recently in opposition to the current government.

White House national security adviser John Bolton — who has long held an adversarial stance toward Iran — later weighed in on the tweet.

“I spoke to the President over the last several days, and President Trump told me that if Iran does anything at all to the negative, they will pay a price like few countries have ever paid before," Bolton said in a statement Monday morning.

The U.S. and Iran have been in conflict for decades. The tense relationship was further strained earlier this year when Trump announced the U.S. would be withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.

Former resident obuma helped spearhead the international agreement, which offered Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for curbs to its nuclear program. Trump had long derided the deal and fulfilled one of his key campaign promises by announcing his administration was pulling the U.S. out of it.

Nonetheless, the decision drew international condemnation and has led to renewed concerns of a potential conflict between the U.S. and Iran, which has wide influence across the Middle East, including in Syria, where Washington also maintains a military presence supporting rebels in that country's years-long civil war.

The Trump administration included Iran in its controversial travel ban, which was recently upheld by the Supreme Court.

Updated at 9:58 a.m.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 6:15pm
On Defensive Gun Uses And How They Outpace Gun Deaths.
7/10/18 by: Tom Knighton
Anti-gunners love throwing numbers around. They like big numbers and to present them without context. They’ll tell you how many people were killed by firearms last year, a big enough number that people will balk and start thinking, “Maybe we should do something.”
Of course, they fail to note that most of those are suicides. If it’s pointed out, they’ll pretend it doesn’t matter, that they should still be included, but it does nothing to defend the disingenuous nature of the numbers as presented.
Something else they tend to do is fail to note that “gun deaths” are still a drop in the bucket compared to defensive gun uses.
Thankfully, the data is on their – and our – side, and this is far from an outlier event. In an age where we’re told that firearm-related homicides are skyrocketing, we are actually experiencing a marked decline from a high point of seven per 100,000 people in 1993 to around half that.
The Washington Post in 2015 noted the decline but attributed it to every possible factor, from the police using computers to an improving economy to lead removal, but leaves out the fact that the statistics exist despite more and more guns being produced and owned by Americans.
They also conveniently leave out the hundreds of thousands of instances of defensive gun use.
Just how many times do Americans use weapons to defend themselves every year? It’s a tough number to nail down for a variety of reasons, but depending on the source it’s anywhere from upwards of 2 million per year to the Washington Post’s “more reasonable” (read: lowball) estimate of 100,000.
But either way, it’s more than fair to say that more lives are saved by guns used in self-defense than are taken by the criminals who use them for nefarious purposes!
And if you count homicides and not suicides, we’re talking about around 10,000 deaths per year, or one tenth of the Post’s lowball estimate.
Even if you don’t exclude suicides for some reason, the number of defensive gun uses still outpaces gun deaths by a rate of three to one.
In other words, guns save a whole lot more lives than they supposedly take, even with these “more reasonable” numbers.
However, that number is far below what the Centers for Disease Controls found in their own study, one that went unpublished because it apparently failed to advance the narrative.
The CDC found that almost 2.5 million people used a firearm defensively within a 12-month span. That’s well beyond what the Washington Post claims, and I trust the CDC’s resources more than even a large newspaper’s.
Despite this fact, anti-gunners continue to peddle the nonsense that guns are somehow responsible for all of these deaths.
The truth of the matter is that most, if not all, of these deaths, would likely still have occurred if the weapon were something different.
Someone who wants to kill another will find a way. You can’t make people behave simply because you made it difficult to use one particular tool.
But you can make it more difficult for someone to defend themselves, and we can clearly see which happens more often.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 6:06pm
Why A Gun Beats Pepper Spray Every Time!
7/17/18 by Tom Knighton
When someone defends the Second Amendment and cites self-defense as part of the reason they defend it, someone will usually suggest alternatives.
They’ll sometimes claim that guns aren’t great for self-defense and suggest people arm themselves with things like pepper spray instead.
A case in Mexifornia proves how bad an idea that one really is!
This one features a pepper spray-wielding attacker who ran into an armed citizen. It didn’t work out well for the bad thug!
A smash-and-grab crew busted into a jewelry store armed with hammers and 'pepper spray' but what they didn’t know is the owner had a gun. :)
The attempted smash-and-grab at Dana Kathryn Jewelry in Studio City took place on May 25th. Security video shows one man unloading a canister of pepper spray on the owner and two customers. Then, another thug pulls out a hammer and starts to bash the display cases.
Police say the store owner stayed calm even though the thug with the shaved head swung a hammer at her while she was out of camera view.
“That changed the game there. Turned basically from a smash and grab burglary into a robbery,” said LAPD Det. Jennifer Hammer.
When the sorry thug turned his attention to the door he had to be buzzed out of, the store owner was able to grab her firearm and take a shot before the robbers escaped.
They got away with nothing, though, because their hammers were insufficient to break the glass. ??? DUH--
The "point" is, even with pepper spray, supposedly so thick the police needed protective suits when they arrived on the scene, the store owner was still able to grab a weapon and open fire on the suspects.
So why do people think a blast of pepper spray would take out armed attackers?
Don’t get me wrong, I'm aware that pepper spray can be an effective alternative for self-defense. However, it’s limited, and that’s the problem.
This instance illustrates just how limited it could be. If it didn’t stop a store owner, how will it stop a determined attacker?
Especially if it’s someone who has a vested interest in ending your existence.
When you play the self-defense version of “Rock-Paper-Scissor,” gun beats everything. It is, hands down, the most effective self-defense tool available!
It’s why I fight so damn hard to keep things solvent, so we can access these tools of self-defense and would even if the Second Amendment didn’t exist.
While there are alternatives out there, none are as all-around effective as a firearm and unless something major happens in technology, that status quo will continue for a long, long time.
This case illustrates that beautifully, in my opinion.
Gun beats hammer and pepper spray!, even if the sorry thugs got away.
They got away empty handed and the innocent didn’t get hurt. That’s a win in my book, and since they already took a swing at the store owner, that wasn’t guaranteed by any stretch.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 5:36pm
Why Doctors Need To Mind Their Own Business On Guns!
7/20/18 by: Tom Knighton
I’ve mentioned before that I’m somewhat surprised at the idea of a drawing a battle line between gun owners and doctors. There’s no reason we should be opponents, but we are, and that won’t change anytime soon.
However, it seems some see these lines as natural. For example, an attorney writing for Harvard’s website seems to think that doctors should be permitted to speak to their patients about guns–a matter I tend to agree with.
I don’t like the government telling people what they can’t say or who they can’t say it to–but that they probably should talk about them.
Though the ruling technically applies only within the Eleventh Circuit, the decision (which Florida wisely declined to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court) had social and legal ramifications far beyond that region.
The message was clear: physicians have a right to talk to their patients about firearms. The next logical step is to ask whether they actually have a duty to do so. **** CROSSED FINGERS,-"NO DOC, I DON'T OWN ANY GUNS!" ****
Firearms violence killed more than 36,000 people in 2015, twice as many as brain cancer killed, and slightly more than motor vehicle incidents killed.
Of those 36,000 deaths due to firearms, 22,000, a full 61% were suicides. About 13,000 (36%) were homicides and the remaining 1,000 3% were due to unintentional incidents.
Firearms also accounted for more than 67,000 additional non-fatal injuries, though that number may be a significant underestimate, given that nonfatal gun violence is much trickier to measure than deaths.
Physicians represent not only the front lines of treating gun violence, but also of preventing it in the first place.
The presence of a gun in the home is one of the most important risk factors for suicide, homicide, and unintentional injury.
Inquiring and counseling about the presence of firearms, the storage of firearms, and the handling of firearms constitutes a simple, cost-effective, and potentially very impactful way for physicians to assist in reducing the number of firearm injuries and deaths. In fact, many professional associations encourage these questions. But no articulated duty for physicians to ask about or talk to their patients about firearms exists in current statutory or case law.
The author brings up the case of a suicidal individual as evidence of when a physician may need to talk about guns, and I’m fine with that. For example, if one of my kids was feeling that way and his or her doctor was talking to me about it and mentioned the need to make sure guns–as well as any other weapon, to be sure–are out of reach, that would be fine. That’s a prime example of a doctor doing it right.
Where things break down, is the idea that guns in my home are NOT the business of anyone other than me and my family.
The statistics claiming that having a gun in the home will raise your risk of being shot has been debunked countless times in countless places. It’s not true. The sheer number of law-abiding gun owners in this country who have never been injured, nor has anyone in their family, is a testament to this fact.
The truth of the matter is that doctors need to understand that whether or not I own a gun isn’t any of their business!
A pediatrician mentioning safe storage of firearms in passing without inquiring whether I own a gun or not is fine, but interrogating me to find out if I have a firearm so I can be lectured about the dangers of said firearm isn’t.
If a doctor did that to me, I’d walk out of his office right then, AND FIND ANOTHER DR. - but many won’t.
They view doctors as authorities and will meekly accept whatever the doctor says. *** THEN SOME OF US GET A SECOND 'OPINION'! ***
And since doctors can be as full of Shit as anyone, that’s not always good!
When it comes to guns, physicians need to remember that some things are none of their business!
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 5:17pm
Project To Buy Guns For Women Arms First Two.
7/21/18 by: Tom Knighton
A while back, I wrote about a plan to help arm 50 women with shotguns, an effort to assist them in being able to defend themselves.
While there were some initial problems with GoFundMe, the program is underway and happy to report the first two women have been armed.
The truth of the matter is that women are more likely to be a target of a violent attack than almost anyone not involved in criminal activity. As such, they need to be armed so they can defend themselves from those attacks.
Despite what some might like to think, "less than lethal" options aren’t effective enough, to be willing to bet their lives. Additionally, the average woman I
s weaker than the average man, especially in upper body strength. That’s where the firearm comes in.
Guns aren’t cheap, even a low-cost option is going to be over $100 most of the time. If it’s not, it’s probably not worth trusting your life to.
Couple that with Illinois requirements for things like Firearm Owners Identification Cards and so on, and the price continues to climb.
That puts it out of reach for many people who are decent, law-abiding folks. That’s not right.
Which is why this program exists, to help raise money.
Currently, the effort has armed two women and is poised to arm three more of their candidates. That’s a long way to their goal of 50 people.
We all know that guns in the hands of potential victims is the most effective means of stopping crime!
A load of buckshot into a burglar or rapist has a further reaching effect than just stopping a single instance of criminal activity.
There are a lot of people who will never be able to obtain a firearm to defend themselves. Places like Illinois don’t trust their citizens.
They treat everyone like criminals, and guess who suffers the most? It’s not the criminal, who just ignore the laws. It’s the people who are most likely to be exposed to violent crime in the first place.
"Help 50" is trying to change that.
Who knows, if this works well enough, this one organization may do more to stop violent crime in Illinois than a thousand marches through downtown Chicago.
The marches won't do a blasted thing.
Arming 50 ladies so they can take care of business should the need arises, just might, though.
That will have long lasting and real effects in the long run.
I hope none of these women ever need to use that shotgun, I personally feel better knowing they’ll at least have it if they need it.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 1:16am

killary's New Plot?!
7/09/18 by: AAN Staff
With increasing frequency, twice-failed presidential candidate killary clinton has mobilized her super PAC to combat the latest "injustices" from the Trump administration, leading politicos to speculate she's gearing up for another White House run in 2020.
If so, Grandma Nixon fits the common definition of insanity. (New York Post)
Five times in the last month alone, she sent emails touting her super PAC’s role in combating President Trump. Most seized on headline events, such as the family separation issue at the southern border.
Under the message line, “horrific,” she wrote June 18: “This is a moral and humanitarian crisis. Everyone of us who has ever held a child in their arms, and every human being with a sense of compassion and decency should be outraged.” She said she warned about Trump’s immigration policies during the 2016 campaign.
Three days later, she was back again, saying that her group, Onward Together, raised $1 million and would split it among organizations working to change border policy, including the American Civil Liberties Union and a gaggle of immigrant, refugee, mexicano and women’s groups.
By helping to fund and coordinate far-left activists now, it appears to many, Crooked killary is looking for their unconditional support in two years time.
Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/hillary-new-s-plot#wsWyuLwp0...

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 1:09am

World Leader Applauds Second Trump-Putin Meeting.
7/20/18 by: TTN Staff
As the Democrats cry conspiracy over the second Trump-Putin meeting, one world leader is giving Trump praise. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has come out in support of the summit.
According to Town Hall:
President Trump got an unlikely defender Friday after it was announced that he would be meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the White House later this year. German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the proposed meeting as “good for all” and a “return to normality.”
"That talks are held is basically good for all, in particular between these two countries," she said at a press conference.
"I find that meetings between the US and Russian presidents must return to normality," she added.
Despite backlash over his Helsinki summit with Putin, The White House announced Thursday that President Trump has invited Putin to the White House in the fall for more discussions.
The relationship between Merkel and Trump has been contentious so this kind of praise is unexpected by the German leader.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on July 23, 2018 at 1:04am

Hot Mic Catches What One Grateful Marine Whispered to President Trump.
7/20/18 by: AAN Staff
President Trump hosted America's titans of business yesterday for the Pledge to America's Workers Event.
Business leaders gathered at the White House to announce their commitment to increase job training and hiring programs. Numerous new avenues of career advancement and vocational programs were revealed by representatives from a wide array of industries.
In his speech Trump recognized their efforts, complementing those in attendance, "We’re really especially grateful to be joined today by the top CEOs, union leaders, trade associations and educators from all around the country. These are the biggest. These are the best. These are the most talented. Today, 23 companies and associations are pledging to expand apprenticeships."
[After the ceremony concluded with the president signing an executive order, Trump shook the hand of every business leader.]
One of the representatives from Microsoft had a powerful message to tell him.
Benny Johnson, of The Daily Caller, explains:
Chris Cortez told President Trump, "Mr. President, on behalf of Microsoft, 10,000 opportunities, I’m really proud to be their representative." Cortez then dropped his mic and leaned in to tell President Trump something personal.
A hot mic picked up what he said.
"I served 33 years in the Marines," Cortez told Trump in hushed tones.
"Whoa, that’s fantastic," Trump responded.
"I served with John Kelly and Jim Mattis,” Cortez continued, “and you got two good ones!"
General John Kelly, now Trump's chief of staff, enlisted in the Marines in 1970. General James Mattis signed up in 1969 and is our current secretary of defense.
1.Too bad the loonies do not understand freedom is not free and these people have paid that price often with their lives. All the more reason to detest and resist the loonies like Bozo and his Bozoites or the Socialist snowflakes that will be the commies of tomorrow. Government should not be all powerful and that is where they want to go but I sincerely hope it is a fail in our lifetime! Not here, not ever in the US as a Russian leader once predicted would happen here. Deport every illegal and refugee invader. Did you notice the refugees from the middle east were predominantly male? That was no accident. This is an invasion but President Trump stopped it before they had the momentum to show their real intent like they are going to show the EU soon! And no thanks to the phonie christian Bozo. He is a mooslum, and it does show in his actions with his administration, and agency picks, his talk, his actions personally, and his friends!
2. Yey, You will never see one of these entitled little piece a shit video game playing, college professor spunge sucker types actually give freely to society or this country to keep it free.Untill this country makes mandatory service from the age of 16 to 21 and educates them, teaches them responsibility, respect and to have dignity and pride in actually giving (although maybe not freely)We will never have the society envisioned by our for fathers and those citizens whom took up arms to make this country free.Maybe then they would get that We are doing NOTHING for the so called refugees We are trying to not let over run us.When true and original Americans felt as refugees they changed it! Time the others of the world STAY where they are coming from and make their own country's safe and maybe great someday and have some pride in who they are and where they come from!
3. Thank you for your service Mr. Cortez and glad you think Trump has good people around him. And also thank you and the business, Microsoft, that you represent. Looks like they picked well too. Glad to see so many business in MAGA with all the rest of the Deplorables. MAGA!
4. OUTSTANDING !!!! A THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE SHOUT OUT TO THE MOST EXCEPTIONAL NATION ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH TO ALL PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE MILITARY- ARMY, USMC, NAVY, AIR FORCE, COAST GUARD, PORT AUTHORITY, BORDER PATROL, ICE, HS PERSONNEL. Regards, USN vet, 1966-1970, HM, FMF Corpsman "Doc" (USMC, PH); the "Big E" (CVN-65), USS Repose (AH-16), USS Lexington (CVT-16); Anchors Aweigh, Semper Fi, Ooorah; FREEDOM is NOT Free, It must be Bought and Paid for with Service, Sacrifice, Blood, Pain, Sweat and Tears!

Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/hot-mic-catches-what-one-gra...

Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/hot-mic-catches-what-one-gra... Trump

Source: AAN
by: AAN Staff



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