We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Border & Illegal Aliens, And What We Are Doing About It.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said.

“We are not going to let this country be invaded!

We will not be stampeded!

We will not capitulate to lawlessness!

This is NOT business as usual.

This is the Trump era!," the Attorney General said.

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Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 28, 2018 at 3:20pm

President Trump Welcomes 15,000 Jobs To Wisconsin.


Since President Trump took office, more than 300,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created in the United States.”

– Secretary Wilbur Ross  By Secretary Wilbur Ross Jr., June 28, 2018

 The groundbreaking on Foxconn’s $10-billion factory to produce state-of-the-art flat-panel displays in Mount Pleasant represents a milestone for America.

  With a 20-million-square-foot campus situated on 3,000 acres, the new Foxconn plant will be among the largest factories ever built in the United States. It will take two years and 10,000 construction workers to build, and employ 13,000 workers when in full production of a variety of LCD screens. It is one of the largest foreign direct investments ever made in the United States.

 It would never have happened without the promise of the Trump tax cuts and the President’s personal intervention.

  As important as the new factory is to the workers of Wisconsin, the facility is also a symbol of what is to come:

It is the first of a large number of investments in advanced manufacturing facilities being reshored from overseas locations back to the United States.

  Foxconn CEO Terry Gou has already said that he is considering another enormous facility in the United States.

The active role President Trump and his administration have taken in economic development was another deciding factor. President Trump met with Mr. Gou more than half a dozen times over the last 14 months, impressing upon him the benefits of creating jobs in the United States, and producing in a market of 325 million consumers.

 Those meetings were followed with weekly calls between Trump administration officials and Foxconn executives. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was instrumental as well in selling the virtues of Wisconsin as a business-friendly state and providing the financial incentives needed to seal the deal that will create a large-scale high-tech innovation hub.

 Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was instrumental as well in selling the virtues of Wisconsin as a business-friendly state and providing the financial incentives needed to seal the deal that will create a large-scale high-tech innovation hub.

 The Trump administration understands how important it is to rebuild the U.S. consumer electronics manufacturing sector. The United States still leads in the creation of innovative, high-tech products such as semiconductors, state-of-the art materials and components, parts and software, but it must regain its footing in the large-scale production of consumer electronics.

 With advanced manufacturing techniques including robotics, the United States is now competitive with factories in low-wage countries and is an attractive place for investment.

The administration’s business-friendly tax, trade and regulatory policies have tilted the playing field in favor of the United States, but other attributes of doing business in America are contributing to a renaissance in U.S. manufacturing. Among these are the costs of transportation from foreign factories; the need to produce new products in real time to changing consumer demands; rising foreign wage rates; increasing risks associated with producing in foreign markets; strong U.S. intellectual property protections; the establishment of new U.S. apprenticeship and technical training programs; the availability of top technology talent; and the quality of life in America in pristine places like Wisconsin.

 Moreover, rebuilding the consumer electronics industry provides researchers in U.S. universities and laboratories with an avenue to commercialize their R&D. And it reinvigorates the large U.S. industrial base of innovative high-tech companies.

 For every new job created by Foxconn three to four jobs will be created in the supply chain, not to mention the hundreds of jobs supported in local communities.

 Since President Trump took office, more than 300,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created in the United States.

  Last year, the U.S. experienced the net addition of more than 4,000 new factories, after suffering the loss of 65,000 factories between 2001 and 2013.

 President Trump promised to fix the tax system; he promised to fix the regulatory system; and he promised to fix trade. We are now seeing tangible results from his delivering on these promises.

 Wilbur Ross is the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. This op-ed appeared in the Journal Times on June 28, 2018.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 28, 2018 at 1:05pm

GoFundMe Set To Raise Money To Arm Women.
6/27/18 by Tom Knighton
If you poke around the website GoFundMe, you’ll see where people are asking for money for all kinds of things.
Expand that out to places like Kickstarter and you can find plenty more.
There are often some pretty worthy causes out there as well.
This one might just be the most worthy:
I am a father, a husband, and a Navy veteran. In 2013 I took part in an effort to help women living in high crime areas gain the means and training to defend themselves. It was called the Armed Citizen Project and was formed by Kyle Coplen. Based on mountains of research and an overwhelming consensus of law enforcement officers, military vets, and crime experts we believe the best way to help women is by empowering them to exercise their rights.
I now seek to help the women in Southern Illinois who are most vulnerable of becoming victims of violent crime. With your help I will assist 50 women in attaining 50 shotguns .
All recipients of self-defense weapons and training will undergo background checks and receive FOID (Firearm Owners Identification) cards valid in the state of Illinois.
Help me serve the women of Southern Illinois.
As of this writing, they’ve only raised $520 of their $20,000 goal, but it’s also only been up a day. That’s not too shabby for right now.
Look, folks, here’s how I see it. Each and every one of us who is part of this site on a daily basis tends to maintain that armed people are less likely to be the victim of a crime. We acknowledge this as a simple fact, mostly because it is.
Most of us also know that women are far more likely to be targeted for violent crime. In other words, they’re the ones most likely to need a gun to defend themselves.
Unfortunately, many women aren’t in the position of buying a gun. This can be for a variety of reasons up to and including being a single mom or just a young woman still starting out in the world. Either way, I know the brains behind this and I can assure you, this won’t go toward arming people who don’t deserve help.
This is an opportunity for us, the firearm community, to show just how much we believe in this idea of armed people being safe people. We can help arm folks who would otherwise be left defenseless.
It doesn’t take all that much. Just a few dollars and you can help give the gift of self-defense. While the women who will receive these firearms have the right already, what they don’t have is the means to exercise that right.
A right you can’t exercise is a bloody-well meaningless right in many people’s minds, so why not help the Second Amendment community expand while we help moms keep their families safer at night?
Yes, the fact that this will make Moms Demand Action’s collective heads explode is just a minor bonus. Really.
Alright, maybe it’s not that minor.
Edit: The organizer contacted me to let me know that there’s been a SNAFU. He got smacked by GoFundMe for violating the site’s terms of service.
According to him, the fundraiser will be meticulously accounted for to make sure all funds are accounted for, but “funds still going to training, FOID fees and training material.”

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 28, 2018 at 12:59pm

Texas Considering Their Own ‘Red Flag Law’.
6/26/18 by Tom Knighton
Texas is about as far from New Jersey or New York as you can get.
I don’t mean geographically, of course. Anyone with the most remote familiarity with a map knows that’s not true. No, I’m talking about politically. While both the “new” states are completely in love with gun control, Texas isn’t. In fact, the Lone Star State has a reputation that is so closely entwined with guns it borders on the ridiculous.
So, you can imagine the surprise some might feel in seeing that Texas may well be considering a gun control law.
In this case, they’re looking at a “red flag law.”
In the wake of the deadly school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas lawmakers are looking at solutions to keep something like that from happening again.
Public testimony unfolded at a hearing Monday to discuss potential “red flag” laws, which would allow citizens to file a petition to have a firearm taken away from a potentially dangerous person, and safe storage laws, which hold gun owners legally responsible if a child gets ahold of their loaded firearm.
The Criminal Jurisprudence Committee with the Texas House held the hearing June 25 regarding the potential laws. The law’s intentions would be to keep weapons out of the hands of people who’ve been charged with a restraining order or involuntary treatment order.
“Something needs to be done,” said Travis County Probate Judge Guy Herman.
More than 100 people signed up to speak at the hearing, which lasted all day.
Many feel this type of legislation would fill a gap in Texas law, but others say the current laws just need to be enforced.
Any extreme risk protection order needs very careful controls to be put in place. Otherwise, the word of someone could strip another of their civil right to keep and bear arms when no actual threat exists. Something like this could easily be used as punishment or worse.
Due process has to be a key part of the laws, and there has to be a mechanism in place to allow these to be removed.
Look, I’m not someone who sees these as inherently bad. I’ve criticized them plenty, but most of that criticism comes from a place where I know that to err is human, but to really screw stuff up, you need the government involved. I’m not very trusting of the government or their agents, and that they won’t make a colossal mess out of everything they touch.
However, I’ve also seen enough to know that family members are often the first people to see the warning signs that someone is about to go off their rocker and become a real threat. We know this to be the case. With that in mind, I can see the potential good that can come from something like this.
Frankly, if I’m going to trust any state to get something like this right, Texas would be near the top of the list.
Let’s just hope that my trust isn’t horribly misplaced.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 28, 2018 at 12:42pm

Drugs, Gangbangers, Convicts Enter U.S. Via Mexico as Media Focuses on Shelter Accommodations.
While the mainstream media and much of the nation are preoccupied with sob stories about the shelter accommodations of illegal immigrants, the U.S.-Mexico border remains a cesspool of crime where federal agents have confiscated more than 360,000 pounds of drugs, arrested thousands of individuals with criminal convictions and busted hundreds of violent gangbangers so far this year.
The latest statistics issued by the Border Patrol are downright disturbing and illustrate the urgency of properly securing the famously porous southwest border.
Through the end of May 2018, the frontline Department of Homeland (DHS) agency reveals that it seized 360,241 pounds of marijuana, 7,205 pounds of methamphetamine, 5,321 pounds of cocaine, 315 pounds of heroin and 309 pounds of fentanyl.
The agency also encountered 18,568 criminal aliens convicted of a crime or wanted by law enforcement and 509 gang members, mostly from the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a feared street gang of mostly Central American illegal immigrants that’s spread throughout the U.S. and is renowned for drug distribution, murder, rape, robbery, home invasions, kidnappings, vandalism and other violent crimes.
The Justice Department’s National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) says criminal street gangs like the MS-13 are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the U.S. and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs.
The criminal aliens listed in the 2018 Border Patrol figures include those convicted of felonies such as assault, battery and domestic violence as well as burglary, possession of illegal weapons and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
In the last few days alone, as media coverage focuses almost exclusively on the separation of illegal alien families, Border Patrol sectors tasked with guarding the 2,000-mile southern border report large quantities of smuggled drugs and other illicit activity from Mexico.
Just a few days ago a Honduran man, convicted of raping a child, was caught trying to re-enter the U.S. through the Eagle Pass station in Texas. The man is a registered sex offender in Houston who got deported after serving a five-year sentence.
Press release after press release issued by the Border Patrol in the past week alone offer alarming details of the crime that has gripped the Mexican border region!
Drug smuggling appears to be the most popular activity with most southern border sectors reporting multiple busts in the last few weeks.
More than 123 pounds of methamphetamine were seized in one day in Arizona’s Port of San Luis last week and a day later the Laredo sector in Texas seized nearly 26 pounds of methamphetamine.
Less than 24 hours earlier, the Laredo sector seized $4.2 million worth of crystal meth at the Gateway to the Americas International Bridge.
In the same week, federal agents in Hidalgo Texas confiscated nearly $3 million worth of methamphetamine and agents in nearby Pharr discovered commercial trailer moving more than half a million dollars in heroin from Mexico.
This week, officers in New Mexico seized more than $1.1 million in narcotics smuggled in a wrecked vehicle and violent gangbangers were captured by Border Patrol in Arizona, Mexifornia and Texas.
One of the men, a Mexican national arrested in El Centro Mexifornia, was convicted of child molestation. Another Mexican national apprehended near San Ysidro Mexifornia was convicted of murder and served more than three decades in prison, the government states in its press release.
Two of the illegal aliens—one arrested in Three Points Arizona and the other in McAllen Texas—are members of the MS-13.
Circling back to the media frenzy involving the supposed separation of illegal alien families, Judicial Watch spent a few days on the U.S.-Mexico border last week and spoke to Border Patrol and U.S. Customs officers who say the vast majority of kids arriving from Mexico are either totally unaccompanied or with adults that are not their parents.
In a June 18 White House press briefing, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said illegal aliens are separated if there’s no documentation to confirm the claimed relationship between an adult and a child or if the parent is a national security, public or safety risk, including when there are criminal charges at issue. “We also separate a parent and child if the adult is suspected of human trafficking,” Nielsen said. “There have been cases where minors have been used and trafficked by unrelated adults in an effort to avoid detention.
I’d stop here to say, in the last five months, we have a 314% increase in adults and children arriving at the border, fraudulently claiming to be a family unit.”

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 28, 2018 at 12:13pm

Violent Illegal Criminal Alien Gets Punished.
1/9/18 True Daily Staff
An illegal immigrant from Guatemala will spend the next five years in prison for assaulting a Border Patrol agent and giving him a concussion.
Elias de Jesus Gregorio de Paz was sentenced in the border town of Del Rio yesterday, for the November 2016 assault which cost the agent $5,767.28 in medical expenses and lost wages.
Gregorio de Paz was also ordered to pay that money back as restitution, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas.
“This case demonstrates the great sacrifice Border Patrol Agents make every day, often risking their lives to protect our nation. Violence against Border Patrol Agents will not be tolerated,” San Antonio Division FBI Special Agent in Charge Christopher Combs said in a statement.
Gregorio de Paz plead guilty to one count of assault on a federal officer.
The incident happened on November 19, 2016 when he and another illegal alien were confronted by agents in Uvalde, Texas.
The aliens were found next to a stopped train. When the agents approached them, one alien ran away, but Gregorio de Paz stayed to fight and gave one of the agents a concussion.
He also ran away, but was captured three days later by Border Patrol Agents near Del Rio.
Now, what about the murderer of Miss Heigle?
He is wandering freely to kill, maim, and destroy as he chooses. Is there to be no recompense for that total miscarriage of justice? What about right and wrong? Is that now not part of the new normal, as well? Hm.

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 28, 2018 at 12:05pm
Is pukelosi on the Way Out?
6/28/18 True Daily Staff
nancy pukelosi took a huge blow with one of her staunches allies, Joe Crowley, losing his primary election against an insurgent Marxist in his New York district.
Breitbart reports:
The stunning defeat of House Democratic Caucus chair Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) in the New York primary on Tuesday signals trouble for House Minority Leader Sen. nancy pukelosi (D-CA).
For years, pukelosi has clung to power within her caucus even though she led her party to historic defeat in 2010.
Increasingly, she finds herself the target of repeated calls for new,
“young” blood in the leadership of her party.
Those calls first emerged last year after Republicans made pukelosi a target in the special election in Georgia’s sixth congressional district, when “progressive” favorite Jon Ossoff lost to Republican Karen Handel.
Democrats running in subsequent elections have often succeeded when they have promised not to vote for pukelosi to be Speaker of the House if their party takes the majority in November.
The Democrat’s base is losing patience with nancy pukelosi, as they see her powerless in the face of Trump’s numerous wins, including Justice Kennedy’s retirement.
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 28, 2018 at 3:05am
Surprise! Young Socialist Beats Democrat Establishment Candidate.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blew nancy pukelosi's potential replacement out of the water. It was the Dems "Eric Cantor moment."
6/27/18 Zuri Davis
On Tuesday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pulled off a major victory over top House Democrat and 10-year-incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley, D–N.Y..
While the 28-year-old's age, gender, and ethnicity were of much interest to those watching the 14th Congressional District race, there's one thing about Ocasio-Cortez that particularly stands out—she's a bona fide Socialist.
Ocasio-Cortez worked for the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, D–Mass. and was an organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.) during his 2016 presidential campaign.
In a Monday interview with The Cut, Ocasio-Cortez reconfirmed that she was a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
For Ocasio-Cortez, changing the perceptions around socialism meant focusing on policy: "You can call that whatever you want to call that. Legislatively, when I knock on a door, the way that it looks like is improved and expanded Medicare for all; it looks like housing is a human right; it looks like a federal jobs guarantee that guarantees a $15 minimum wage, paid family and sick leave, and health care. It looks like tuition-free public college, it looks like the exploration and expansion of federal student-loans forgiveness."
Ocasio-Cortez added that her political affiliations were a "non-conversation" for voters. The election results from Tuesday night would seem to agree with her, as she led her opponent 58% to 42%.
As for the legislative interests she represents, Ocasio-Cortez's campaign website listed issues such as universal healthcare, stronger gun laws, and free college. Alongside the issues, the campaign painted Ocasio-Cortez as a person of the people who is "running for Congress to create an America that works for all of us, not just a wealthy few."
She told Elite Daily that she is still paying off her student loans. A picture of her bartending at work less than a year ago circulated around the internet. In fact, one can still see Ocasio-Cortez on the cocktail bar's home page.
President Donald Trump responded to the election results by suggesting that Crowley "should have been nicer" to him.
"Wow! Big Trump Hater Congressman Joe Crowley, who many expected was going to take nancy pukelosi’s place, just LOST his primary election. In other words, he’s out! That is a big one that nobody saw happening. Perhaps he should have been nicer, and more respectful, to his President!" President Trump
However, several others have come to a very different conclusion. Considering Crowley was predicted to succeed Rep. nancy pukelosi (D–Calif.) as either the minority leader or speaker of the House, pundits are already calling Tuesday's upset the Democrats' "Eric Cantor moment," drawing comparisons to the shocking 2014 defeat.
When asked if the primary results indicated a rise in Democratic socialism in her party, pukelosi replied that it was "ascendant in that district perhaps," adding that the Democrat Party was "big tent" and the win was about "representation."
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 28, 2018 at 2:13am

House Mulls 'Largest Amnesty Bill in History' !
6/27/18 by: AAN Staff
The immigration compromise House Speaker Paul Ryan plans to vote on today would provide the biggest amnesty in American history, turning more than two million illegal aliens into 'citizens' in one fell swoop! (The Washington Examiner)
“If the bill were enacted it would be the largest amnesty in more than 30 years, despite President Trump's campaign promise of ‘no amnesty’ and after multiple GOP congressional leaders expressed opposition to amnesty for any illegal aliens,” according to Jessica M. Vaughan, director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies.
Vaughan, who testifies before Congress often on immigration issues, did the math on how expansive the bill would be granting amnesty to a group larger than the population of Houston, Texas! She wrote:
"It would potentially provide amnesty and a path to citizenship for well over two million direct beneficiaries over 15 years. They would include not only the 700,000 current recipients of resident obuma's controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, but also an additional 1.2 million illegal aliens who allegedly qualify for DACA "but did not apply", plus as many as 300,000 adults who originally arrived with their parents on temporary guest worker visas.
Opposition to the legislation from conservative Republicans and frustration from the White House have led many insiders to [suspect it will fall short of the majority needed to pass].

Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 27, 2018 at 6:10pm
President Trump To Reshape Supreme Court As Kennedy Retires.
President Trump will get a second pick on the Supreme Court, as Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy retires on July 31.
Fox News reports:
The 81-year-old senior associate justice informed the White House in a letter of his intention to step down from the high court after 30 years, effective July 31.
Rumors of another vacancy have reverberated across Washington in recent months, and it comes a year after Kennedy’s former law clerk Justice Neil Gorsuch, took over the seat occupied by the late Justice Antonin Scalia.
Arguably the most powerful member of the Supreme Court, Kennedy’s moderate-conservative views often left him the “swing” — or deciding — vote in hot-button cases ranging from abortion to gay rights to political campaign spending.
A Supreme Court vacancy will likely become a key issue in a midterm congressional election year, when control of the Senate is at stake.
That body will consider Trump’s latest high court nominee, requiring only a simple majority for confirmation. GOP leaders changed the rules when Gorsuch was being considered, to get rid of the 60-vote procedural filibuster threshold.
President Trump has previously pledged to nominate from a list of nominees that he released during the campaign, in addition, the possibilities include the following, according the Daily Caller:
“The five new contenders are Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Justice Britt Grant of the Georgia Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the D.C. Circuit, Judge Kevin Newsom of the 11th Circuit, and Justice Patrick Wyrick of the Oklahoma Supreme Court.”
It's the end of an era at the U.S. Supreme Court. Today Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement.
In a letter sent this afternoon to President Donald Trump, Kennedy announced that "effective July 31 of this year," he will "end his regular active status as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court." "Please permit me by this letter," Kennedy wrote, "to express my profound gratitude for having had the privilege to seek in each case how best to know, interpret, and defend the Constitution and the laws that must always conform to its mandates and promises."
Appointed to the Supreme Court in 1987 by President Ronald Reagan, Kennedy's impact on American law and politics is almost beyond reckoning.
From the battles over gay rights, abortion, and affirmative action, to the clashes over gun control, campaign finance, and health care reform, Kennedy's fingerprints are everywhere.
He is perhaps the single most influential jurist alive today and he will surely go down in American legal history as one of the most influential justices to serve on the high court.
Perhaps his most notable contribution came in the area of gay rights. Kennedy is and will remain a hero to many for his authorship of all four of the Supreme Court's great decisions affirming the fundamental rights of gay people.
In Romer v. Evans (1996), Kennedy led the Court in overturning a Colorado constitutional amendment that barred state officials from taking any action designed to protect gays from discrimination.
In Lawrence v. Texas (2003), Kennedy led the Court in overturning that state's ban on "homosexual conduct." In United States v. Windsor (2013), Kennedy led the Court in invalidating a central part of the Defense of Marriage Act.
Finally, in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), he led the Court in recognizing a constitutional right to gay marriage.
On the hot button issue of abortion, Kennedy managed to alternately hearten and dispirit both sides of the debate. In Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), Kennedy joined the plurality opinion which is widely credited with saving Roe v. Wade from being overturned.
Casey reaffirmed that abortion is a fundamental right and held that state regulations many not "impose an undue burden on the right." Yet in Gonzales v. Carhart (2007), Kennedy wrote the majority opinion upholding the 2003 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act signed by President George W. Bush.
More recently, Kennedy joined Justice Stephen Breyer's opinion in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt (2016), which held that Texas exceeded its lawful regulatory power when it imposed certain onerous health and safety restrictions on abortion clinics and providers.
As a moderate conservative with liberal tendencies, Kennedy often found himself casting the tie-breaking vote in such closely divided cases.
That gave him tremendous influence over the direction of American law!
That influence came with a certain price. Over the years, Kennedy has been denounced by every major faction in American politics.
In conservative circles, for example, he has been keelhauled as a reckless judicial activist who "invented" a right to gay marriage. Liberals, meanwhile, have burned him in effigy as the unwitting mouthpiece for corporate oligarchs thanks to his majority opinion in the Citizens United case.
And among libertarians, Kennedy has been damned as the fair-weather federalist who torpedoed the rights of local medical marijuana users in favor of a federal drug control scheme.
Libertarians will also point out that Kennedy joined the majority opinion that unleashed the forces of eminent domain abuse in Kelo v. City of New London (2005).
To say the least, Kennedy's jurisprudence defies easy categorization.
Legal scholars will be arguing about it for a long time to come.
Kennedy's retirement comes at a loaded moment in American politics. As things stand now, Senate Republicans have the votes—but just barely—to approve whatever nominee President Trump puts forward as a replacement.
But what if the Republican ranks don't hold?
And then of course there are the Democrats, who will undoubtedly mount a massive political attack on whatever nominee Trump puts forward.
In short, thanks to Kennedy's retirement, all hell is about to break loose!
Comment by Bullheaded Texan on June 27, 2018 at 12:14pm

Did MS-13 Bury Murdered Boy in Shadow of US Capitol?

 6/27/18  Terry Jeffrey

It happened in an otherwise peaceful park, along a beautiful stream, flowing down to a famous river -- the Potomac.

 In fact, the stream-side park lies just across the road from a neighborhood that has been home to an attorney general, a future Republican presidential nominee, a Democratic White House chief of staff and a liberal justice of the Supreme Court.

 The boy's mother, according to reports by The Washington Post and Washington's local NBC affiliate, said he left their apartment -- "in his pajamas," as the Post noted -- to drop some trash in a dumpster. But he did not come back.-- That was Sept. 26, 2016.

 About six weeks later, with 14-year-old Sergio Triminio still missing, police arrested an MS-13 gang member, according to an affidavit that an FBI officer submitted to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.

 He went by the nickname "Lil Sicario" -- and he had his cellphone on him. It contained a hideous video.

"In the suspected murder video, the victim can be seen lying face down on the ground while multiple subjects are striking the victim with weapons, including a kitchen knife and a machete," says the FBI affidavit.

 "In the video, the victim is wearing plaid boxer shorts and multi-colored pajama pants," it says. "A close-up of the victim shows that a piece of the victim's scalp has been sliced away by a sharp object.

 During the attack, the assailants are heard speaking in mexcan.

The video lasts approximately 52 seconds, ending while the attack is still underway. After reviewing the video, Fairfax County detectives suspected that the victim in the video was either Triminio or another individual recently killed in a suspected MS-13 murder."

 This "confidential source" -- or CS-1, as the affidavit calls him -- brought the police to the Holmes Run Stream Valley Park.

 This park, a densely wooded ravine, sits directly across Columbia Pike from the Lake Barcroft neighborhood -- former home to LBJ's Attorney General Ramsey Clark, RNC Chairman Bob Dole, Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

 The park is figuratively -- if not literally -- in the shadow of the Capitol. If you drive down Columbia Pike to the 14th Street Bridge, it is about 9 miles to the Supreme Court and a little less than that to the office buildings of the U.S. House of Representatives.

 Along the way you will pass the Jefferson Memorial, where an inscription says: "all men are ... endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights."

 On March 1, 2017, the FBI joined local police in searching for the two bodies CS-1 said were in the park.

They found them. "Among one set of remains, officers found plaid boxer shorts, multi-colored pajamas, and a kitchen knife," says the affidavit. "These items of clothing were similar, if not identical, to those worn by the victim in the aforementioned video," it says. "The recovered kitchen knife also appeared to be the same one law enforcement observed in the aforementioned video."

 A pathologist confirmed that this was Sergio and that he had been murdered.

 "CS-1 told investigators that he was present for Triminio's murder," says the affidavit.

"According to CS-1, several MS-13 members and associates stabbed Triminio with knives and also struck him with a machete and pick axe," it says.

 "CS-1 told investigators that Triminio's murder was recorded on video and sent to 'Lil Sicario,' who approved the murder," says the affidavit.

 Why does the FBI think they did it?

"Investigators have obtained evidence indicating that Triminio was an associate of the international street gang, La Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13, and that Triminio was murdered by other MS-13 members and associates because they believed he was cooperating with law enforcement," says the affidavit.

 An indictment was unsealed last week in the U.S. District Court. The U.S. attorney's office said in a press release that it alleges that 10 men "conspired together and with others to lure a 14-year-old male to the same park in Fairfax County where he was attacked and killed because he was thought to be cooperating with law enforcement."

 The U.S. attorney said that El Salvador was the "country of origin" for all 10 men. Six of them, according to the U.S. attorney's press release, are now only 20 years old -- meaning they were 18 when the alleged murder occurred.

 Sergio Triminio, whom The Washington Post reported "was born in Honduras," was denied his God-given right to life before he had lived even that long.




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