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Abortion industry asks Obama for billions in funding
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 12/29/2008 3:30:00 AM
A major abortion provider wants taxpayers to fork over more money, even while the economy is down.

Over 50 pro-abortion groups have submitted a 55-page wish list called "Advancing Reproductive Rights and Health in a New Administration" to the incoming Obama administration. Jim Sedlak of American Life League's (ALL) Stop Planned Parenthood, or Stopp International, has tallied the cost.

"They want unfettered abortion. They want the government paying for all of its programs," he contends. "In fact, [if] you total up everything that they've asked Obama for, Planned Parenthood and their friends want the taxpayers to give them $4.6 billion next year."

According to an ALL press release, the document requests $700 million to fund Title X, $900 million for international "family planning" programs, and additional millions for STD and sex education programs. Putting it under a microscope, Sedlak says the request is shocking when there are people on the streets looking for an income.

"We have to remember that last year, Planned Parenthood got $356 million in government money and [got] $114 million in profit," he points out.

Sedlak suggests the wish list represents a request to support an agenda, rather than a genuine need.

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Comment by Dee on January 15, 2009 at 10:41am
Bush Primed By Evangelicals
For Armageddon Scenario

Jack Van Impe Question Of The Week

Do you think President Bush, a Christian man, believes or knows he's involved with prophetic events concerning the Middle East and the final battle between good and evil?


First of all, Billy Graham led George W. Bush Jr. to the Lord Jesus Christ when he visited the White House. President Bush has attended many of Billy Graham's crusades and during those crusades, Billy Graham always preaches once or twice on Christ's return and all the prophetical signs.

Secondly, Rexella and I were in the home of President Bush Senior. What a great time we had with his wife Barbara, in fact, she's even written us four personal letters and we have them hanging up in our memorabilia room. We gave her the message on video, "The Coming War with Russia" and many of our books to share with her husband, George Bush Sr. Of course, I now have sent the video, "Jerusalem: War or Peace" to all the leaders of our nation.

A teacher from Texas who lives down the street from the Bush's and is a personal friend to them, asked me to come to Texas so I could personally hand him a copy. I said I couldn't because I'm just swamped with work to do, so she said she'd personally see that he gets a copy.

I know that he as seen this video, "Jerusalem: War or Peace". His brother in Florida, Jeb Bush, has seen it because he wrote me the most heartfelt letter. So, yes, I think George W. knows that he's destined for this final hour in prophetic history.




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