We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


"Linda Collins"

Dear Linda,

''America is at war with radical Islamists,'' Supreme Court Justice Scalia said in a recent dissent.

He is exactly right. It's war - and with your help, we'll fight to win.

In the United Nations (U.N.), the huge 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference is driving for passage of a so-called ''Defamation of Religions'' resolution ... with a probable General Assembly vote in early December!

THE ACLJ IS FIGHTING BACK - and we urgently need your immediate financial support in order to win this battle, as we carry on our work on so many other cases and issues across America.

This ''Defamation of Religions'' resolution masquerades as a ''tolerance'' law - but in fact, it would target anyone who speaks negatively in any way about Islam! Sharing your faith would become an international crime, punishable by imprisonment or death.

Both our European and American Government Affairs Legal Teams have met with ambassadors from a number of nations - explaining the awful truth about this resolution. Just yesterday, in a preliminary committee vote, we saw encouraging signs that we are persuading nations to either vote ''No'' or ''Abstain'' from voting on the resolution.

For the first time ever in the Third Committee, the Defamation of Religions resolution received fewer ''Yes'' votes than ever before, with the ''No'' votes and ''Abstentions'' outnumbering the ''Yes'' votes 92 to 85. As the fight moves to a vote in the General Assembly, our goal is to keep the ''No's'' and ''Abstentions'' firm and possibly turn a few more of the ''Yes's'' to ''Abstentions.''

We also delivered our arguments before the U.N.'s Human Rights Council. ACLJ members like you are joining us in petitioning the U.N. - letting them know that if resolutions like this are enshrined as international law, it will come at the price of countless Christian lives.

Meanwhile, we are fighting on a second front: The U.K. demanded the deportation of a Syrian citizen who had converted from Islam to Christianity and fled to England.

There was no question he would be subject to ''honor killing'' - probably by his own family - if he returned.

Our European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) counsel argued his case before the U.K. immigration court, and won. The man and his wife were granted asylum, setting a strong precedent for other Christian converts to be granted ''religious refugee'' status.

But now the opposing counsel for the U.K. is appealing the ruling, brazenly claiming that a Christian organization like the ECLJ should not be allowed to provide a defense in such a case!

This is outrageous! We are seeing worldwide persecution of Christians as part of the radical Muslim mission to ''take the world for Islam'' by purging Christianity from the face of the earth.

Therefore, we are fighting back with every possible resource. We've got to win, or this young man will certainly die - and many others will follow.

Give generously right now to help us fight and win these battles. Your gift today can make a world of difference ... it will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, through our $875,000 LIBERTY NOT TYRANNY Matching Challenge!

Christians are under attack, but we are standing for you.

No other organization is as well-equipped to fight this multiple-front battle at the U.N. and in international courts. No one else is giving it the attention it deserves. We need your generous financial support to carry on.

Please let us hear from you soon. Thank you!

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