We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Dear family and friends:

I just received the following e-mail from Dr. Douglas Schell, Chairman of the Executive Board of Democratic-disaster.com. I hope you will read it in its entirety and consider making a donation to the organization to help us in this "crucial" and momentous effort.

You will see my own personal response following Dr. Schell's e-mail. You ALL know that I am deeply "committed" to this effort, and I have thrown myself into it 110% because we MUST "save our country," and our Constitution. We MUST require our elected national officials to not only "protect and defend the Constitution" in word, but in deed and in practice. Same for those who have been "appointed!!" That's what the constitution says!

I urge You to please respond to this very worthy cause.


Charles Lingerfelt, Texas
State Coordinator ~ www.democratic-disaster.com

Words from Dr. Schell:

Dear friends:

I am the Chairman of the Democratic Disaster organization (www.democratic-disaster.com). Our key immediate objective is to have a Court Order issued that would force Senator Obama to make his original vault birth certificate( housed in Hawaii) available for a team of document forensic scientists http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Questioned_document_examination to study for its validity. You are likely aware of the controversy surrounding whether Senator Obama is a natural born citizen. IF he is NOT, then according to the Constitution, he is NOT eligible to be President and must step down.

We have signed up three Electors (states of TN, MO, and LA) and expect more to come. They have agreed to enter into a class action suit against Obama. We are now seeking two things from your organization:

1. A nationally recognized Attorney who would join our Attorney pro bono in filing this request for a Court Order.
2. Funds to help us come up with the estimated $20,000 necessary to pay the daily rate and travel expenses of the three document forensic scientists. We hope you can fund this or fund part of it along with other PACS that might be interested in this unique historic event.

I'm ccing the members of our Executive Board. We hope you see the opportunity to defend the Constitution and rid ourselves of a very dangerous man.


Dr. Douglas W. Schell
Retired Professor of Business
University of North Carolina -Pembroke
432 Logan Ct.
King, NC 27021

My response:


You ARE NOT "out-of-line" in asking for donations, and commitments, to help in this ALL-Important endeavor. It's guys like you and me who have always "stepped out" in front of all others when a task must be completed. When we DO we always have the "faith" in what we are doing, and most of the time we have a "lack of funds!" Yet, we always seem to "get the job done."

Along the way, sometimes, we ask for financial help. We do so because we are SO "tight" in the belief that the "task" is of so much importance ~ and MUST Be Done!!

There have been times in my own experience when I have asked others for help and it succeeded very little, and other times the results "blew me out-of-the-water!"

A few years ago, following a "Support the Troops" Rally, we had taken in from a lot of people many, many items which were designated to be sent to the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. I had NO idea how we were going to get it done. I prayed about it, and I felt within my spirit that I needed to call a wealthy Texan ~ so, I did!!

From that phone call I was given the procedures on how I could get a FAX to him. I followed up on the "info" and FAXED a neat business letter over to him. After a phone call from his Office, he ended up sending me a check that not only payed for the balance of the "bills" we owed for having the Rally, but there was enough to "get the ball rolling" on sending the packages to the troops for the Holidays. And, when we NEEDED more, we asked for more of him and he replied again! He helped us "complete" the entire project and we ended up sending more than 2,400 packages to our Troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Fort Hood Texas, Alaska and several other locations. The really "neat" part of it all was when we began receiving letters back from these Military men and women thanking us for "remembering" them.

My point is this: If you never ask, You will NEVER receive! God bless you for asking! And, it is up to ALL of us involved in this ALL-important project to "Rally" behind you to "git 'er done!!"

Also, I will be asking others to "Help us!"

My check will be in the mail to you today. I will make my check out to: Democratic Disaster.

Thanks Doug! And may God truly bless all these efforts.

In Him,

Charles Lingerfelt, Texas
State Coordinator

Principle to live by: "The measure of a man is not the road he travels, but the choices he makes along the way."

Charles Lingerfelt, Founding Co-Director/Teacher
Kurdish American School
Dohuk, Kurdistan- Northern Iraq
"Still Trying to Make a Difference"
972.286.0606- Home/Office
972.400.2898- Mobile

P. O. Box 360722
Dallas, Texas 75336



"To educate a man in mind only, and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." Theodore Roosevelt

Thank-you for responding!!!

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Comment by Steve Miller on November 26, 2008 at 4:52pm
I'm not certain whether I should "laugh", or, "cry"? Oh, and by the way, what is the significance of the unnecessary quotation marks? ( aside, perhaps, from relieving youself of legal , or civil, responsiilities).

Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on November 25, 2008 at 1:43pm
Thanks David!!
-Charles Lingerfelt



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