We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

November 24, 2008

Justice Clarence Thomas and the Obama factor--

By Dave Bertrand

The Obama "conspiracy theory" is reaching new heights beyond anyone's comprehension...or at least the comprehension of those that voted for this dynamic man. Dynamic in the sense that our Supreme Court on December 5th, will either put this all to rest and the voters will continue to believe in their messiah, or it will turn this country upside down. With many lawsuits backing-up and Justice Clarence Thomas now coming forth to unravel the dynamics of this conspiracy, our constitution is in crisis, but this is also an opportunity for the "World President" Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetero, Dunham or whatever his name is to forge ahead with his quote unquote, "International Order" which means "The New World Order."

But that's just ridiculous thinking and there's no way our government would allow a non-citizen to scam his way into the presidency?? And of course Bill Clinton "did not have sex with that woman," or George H. Bush didn't mean that "read my lips...no new taxes" was just a slip of the tongue, and Nixon was truthful when he said that he was "not a crook." Every president has lied and this president-elect may be slicker than willy himself, or more than any president we have ever had.

Simple enough for president-elect Obama to put this all to rest himself, is to provide his college records, medical records and the super secret vault birth certificate that is being kept under seal of being (possibly), the biggest embarrassment of this country's history and a major let-down to the African/American community that deserve a president, much like the charisma that Obama displays. Should he get a "free pass" if he is lying? In my opinion...this whole Obama conspiracy cannot be contained by both the corporate media and both the republican and democratic parties, and like most conspiracies....the "powers at be" will just get to the point with the American people and say, "so what!! What are you going to do about it??"

"Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetero, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and Barry Dunham are all names that our president-elect has been known to use throughout his life."

"It has been shown that in 1981 Obama traveled to Pakistan using an Indonesian passport. At the time of his travels to Indonesia, Obama was twenty years old. He was well aware he maintained his Indonesian citizenship, and had yet to regain his United States citizenship. Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship."

"The Obama campaign took great delight in pointing out that John McCain ranked 894th out of a graduating class of 899 at the U.S. Naval Academy. However do you know where Mr. Obama ranked in his graduating class at Occidental, Columbia or Harvard? You don't know because Obama would not release any of his school records."

"A case that challenges President-elect Barack Obama's name on the 2008 election ballot citing questions over his citizenship has been scheduled for a "conference" at the U.S. Supreme Court." [Scheduled for December 5th, 2008]

Link To Article: http://trafficalertusa.spaces.live.com/default.aspx

Views: 16


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Comment by Kevan Corkill on November 30, 2008 at 11:06pm
Prayers, praying that the TRUTH will come into the light for all to see. All the comments are wonderful...Mr. Obama, just show us the BC and all this speculation will go away. I believe this issue is simmering below the surface and noone whats to pull a Dan Rather. That is okay...the technology that Mr. Obama used with great skill is the same technology that will expose him. Amen.
Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on November 30, 2008 at 10:49pm
Way to Go, Carol!!!
You GO Girl......
Comment by swimkin on November 30, 2008 at 1:31pm
I would like to think that Justice Clarence Thomas DID hear what Obama felt about his appointment. He was the one that decided to take the Donofrio case as the number filed was with Justice Clarence Thomas. Even if he didn't hear about what Obama felt about his appointment to the high court, I would like to see that karma will come back and kick BO in the arse.
Comment by Reecie on November 30, 2008 at 1:13pm
Thanks Sharon, I think that is maybe the only one I have missed, I will go there now and sign. And,. u are right Sharon this is terrible waiting to see what will Happen. I hope everyone has done their jobs with the necessary letters. Where do I go to hear the Kenyan Ambassador tape. I would love to hear it. God Bless
Comment by Sharon Rondeau on November 24, 2008 at 8:45pm
Has everyone signed the petition at WND for the release of Obama's birth certificate? Joseph Farah stated in his editorial today that there were 24,000 signers the first day, then that doubled by the second day. Everyone needs to sign it...it's getting traction. He wants 1 million signers soon!
Comment by Sharon Rondeau on November 24, 2008 at 8:28pm
I know, it's as if we're existing in two parallel worlds with different realities. I didn't watch the press conference - that's great that WND had the guts to ask about the birth certificate. Of course the Press Secretary would pretend to know nothing about it.

Like everyone else, I have been wondering the exact same thing and thinking that the media is bordering on traitorous to not mention this controversy. However, in trying to see it from their viewpoint, I think they figure that if nothing comes of ANY of the lawsuits, including those at the Supreme Court, they will be better off for having said nothing, and Obama would be inaugurated as everyone "out there" expects. But if and when the Supreme Court makes a ruling or decides to hear one or both of the cases in front of them, the media will have to end its blackout and start reporting. I'm sure they don't want to be held responsible for mass rioting if Obama is found to be ineligible, so they are waiting until they can say that the Supreme Court made a pronouncement.

It is a horrible waiting game, though. Have you heard the audio of the Kenyan Ambassador admitting very naturally that Obama was born in Kenya and that it is "widely known"? Amazing.
Comment by Mary Brown on November 24, 2008 at 8:15pm
I hope Justice Clarence Thomas heard Obama say he would not have nominated him for the Supreme Court!

Everyday, we hear news reports about things that are not verified - you know, from unidentified sources. Well, why do we not hear ONE SINGLE COMMENT from any mainstream media source? Not even Fox News! Doesn't this seem strange to anyone else? Who is responsible for this blackout on our efforts to view Obama's birth certificate? Today, there was a Washington, DC press conference and as soon as the reporter from WND asked a question about Obama's birth certificate, the White House Asst. Press Secretary replied that he was not going to answer that and he ended the press conference. What is going on? This effort has been ongoing for several months with hundreds of thousands of active citizens requesting help in verifying Obama's "natural born" status. Not to mention the numerous lawsuits that have been dismissed, the remaining cases waiting to be heard and the cases that have made it to the Supreme Court. You know there is a reporter who covers the activities at the Supreme Court level, so why no mention? All of these activities are factual and verifiable. Who is powerful enough to put a complete "gag order" on ANY mention of this in EVERY media source?
Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on November 24, 2008 at 7:51pm
YOU are SO right!!!
Comment by Sharon Rondeau on November 24, 2008 at 7:47pm
We can't give him a free pass if he has scammed his way into being "elected" president. The writer of the article is correct: Obama needs to present at least his original birth certificate to the Supreme Court to make sure that he is eligible to hold the office. If he is, then he gets inaugurated; if not, then he doesn't. It's that simple. If Obama and the DNC have knowingly deceived the American people by putting forth a candidate that was ineligible to run but thought that no one would find out, they will find out what Americans are really like. We won't tolerate a usurper in the office of the President of the United States. Our very lives depend on this.



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