We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

an email iI received from Cal sos board member today

While I certainly did not support or vote for Obama, I do not believe that there is any basis for this series of claims, any more than for the claims that McCain is not legally qualified. There are many legal and factual errors in this material, and in any case, in the case of both Obama and McCain, there has been no evidence submitted at all that would tend to show that at least one parent was not a US citizen at the time of their births. As far as I'm concerned, that is the definition of a "natural-born" US citizen.
For example: An absence of markings in passports does not necessarily signify much. I just sent in my passport for renewal, and noted that at least four countries I have visited over its ten-year period did not put anything at all in the passport (Israel, Italy, France, and Ireland). Some didn't mark anything, and some made their marks on separate pieces of paper that were tucked into the passport during my journey.
For another example: Much of the "evidence" that you appear to rely on is faked, and has been exposed as fake. Some was invented and forged by a retired CIA agent, who appears to have targeted the Jewish community with false allegations that Obama was a Muslim. This was exposed rather thoroughly about a year ago.
No, I don't think there is anything here. Obama is President-elect, though I am sure that he will make plenty of decisions that I will have to fight to overturn over the next few years. -Kevin Akin, California State Chair, Peace and Freedom Party

Views: 5


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Comment by Phil Dedrick 3% OKer's on November 20, 2008 at 3:10am
By law, all SOS's of all 50 states are duly sworn and duly bound by United State Laws to prove before putting any individual on the Presidential Ticket, that they must prove their Citizenship. If any of the SOS's did not attempt this duty, then they are committing a felony against the Constitution of the United States of America just as Obama is and this goes alway in reflection against any State Elector because they are all sworn in to manifest the Constitution, in other words, any duly sworn individual that did not they it apart from theirselves to prove his citizenship before putting him on each states book as a candidate for presidency has committed a felony. This is the way that I read the law and this is the way that I understand the law...
Comment by wakeupamerica on November 19, 2008 at 7:33pm
I agree with you

hey listen to plainsradio.com tonight Leo donofrio is gonna be on there apparently all 9 judges are gonna see the case!!!! good news :) http://www.blogtext.org/naturalborncitizen/


the first link is to Leos case and the second link is to all the cases either dead or current cases
Comment by Mary Brown on November 19, 2008 at 7:13pm
What is the big deal in expecting the President-elect to verify his citizenship status? It seems to me that more people should be skeptical of his credentials since he has refused to release ANY of his personal records? And, what credentials does this Calif. SOS board member have to make the judgement he/she made? If this person has not seen proof of Obama's citizenship status, by way of his original 1961 birth certificate, then he/she has no way of knowing the truth. None of us do.
Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on November 19, 2008 at 6:44pm
Please take a look at the following:http://www.obamacrimes.com/attachments/065_Obama%20Crimes%20Ad%20-%20Wash%20Times%2020081117.pdf

I choose to "believe" what I have "researched" for myself, and what others have researched whom I trust!

Before I "believe" THAT person ~ I would have to "Know" him!!

The attached PDF is a "Copy" of an Adv. to be run in The Washington Times, and other major newspapers soon!

Keep your chin Up!! Don't be discouraged!!
-Charles Lingerfelt
Texas State Coordinator
Comment by netty wisbaum on November 19, 2008 at 5:10pm
As former presidential candidate, Alan Keyes' case, recently filed by Dr. Orly Taitz in CA, appears to be more authentic.

Could there be more merit to the eligibility scrutinization process if more American citizens were to contact the individual Secretaries of State and their respective electors?



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