Sunday I went to the mall and I went to the fire halls and I went to Bingo!! Although your saying at this moment wth? Has this girl lost it LOL no I had made 1000.00 fliers of all the info I could fit on a 8x11 paper feed . Then I went to the places that the people who are in the dark sit!! Get it .. Get off you rears and take them to Church , Sunday school , the Mall , BINGO!!!! Halls Fireman's Dinners etc. cost ink and paper , results priceless..
It took a lot of time printing, but getting folks to talk was easy as apple pie!! This week I am going to visit all of the high rise's in my area and take another 1000.00 out to the people ..
if every one every where did 1000 of these imagine how many we could reach if you agree then lets roll!!
I used simple talk and easy reading like
Q. Do you know that Obama may not be a citizen of the usa?
A. It is true that he is not born in the usa and that he has already spent 800.000 of your taxpayers money to hire law firms to protect his true Identity.. (What if he is a Muslim)
Q. did you know that no that under the US. constitution that to be president you have to be a Natural Born citizen.
A.1. Naturalized: Usually born in another country and usually is a citizen of another country. Acquire US citizenship by oath of allegiance.
2. Native born: Maybe born in the USA (or abroad) from parents where either(a) one, or (b) both are NOT US citizens. Acquire US citizenship by birth. Is not considered 'natural born citizen' (the point here is that 'natural born citizenship' is not equivalent of 'US citizenship').
3. Natural born: Born in the USA from parents who are both US citizens in the following way: either (a) naturalized citizens, or (b) native born citizens, or (c) natural born citizens. Acquire US citizenship by birth.
So, I hear people say that Obama was born in Hawaii so he is a US citizen therefore he is eligible for the Presidency. Not so, says the Constitution. Indeed he is an American citizen by birth (assuming that he was indeed born in Hawaii) but due to his father being a non-US citizen he is NOT a natural born citizen and therefore he is not eligible.
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