We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


Greetings Everyone,


Just when you think that you’ve heard it all, BAM!!! Sovereign Citizenship comes out of nowhere and Illegal Invaders who have entered the United States are DEMANDING that they be recognized as such? What makes it even worse is that Illegal Invaders that have committed crimes, and are Convicted Criminals in the U.S., who are repeat offenders and serving time are openly shouting out that they also are Sovereign Citizens, how’s that for another kick in our ashes???


I hope that you are able to read the article, sorry but I wasn’t able to increase the font size. I have added some of my sentiments, in RED along side, and above the article…


PS: I typed Know, below should have been NOW a new twist...


George W. (gfwjr)

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Comment by George W. (gfwjr) "Oath-Keeper" on August 14, 2010 at 7:11am
I myself do not believe that this is an oxymoron…


Main Entry: [1] sov-er-eign
Pronunciation: sa-vran,-va-ran
Function: noun

1: One possessing the supreme power and authority in a state

2: A gold coin of the United Kingdom

Main Entry: [2] sovereign
Function: adjective


2: Supreme in power or authority


4: Having independent authority


Main Entry: cit-i-zen
Pronunciation: si-ta-zan
Function: noun

1: An inhabitant of a city or town

2: A person who owes allegiance to a government and is entitled to its protection.

–cit-i-zen-ship: noun


Main Entry: ox-y-mo-ron
Pronunciation: ak-se-mor-an
Function: noun

: A combination of contradictory words (as cruel kindness)

Right or wrong I interpret this to mean someone that thru his or her own will (thus sovereign) has/is independently declaring that they are citizens based on the fact that they have successfully entered, invaded the U.S.A. illegally…
Comment by GIT-R-DONE! on August 13, 2010 at 6:07pm
First of all, ‘SOVEREIGN CITIZEN’ is an oxymoron. One can either be a sovereign or a citizen. Sovereigns remove themselves from the government tit. To be sovereign is to be independent, & self reliant. It does not mean that one can freely commit crimes against other persons, or suck on the resources of others. Citizens on the other hand, are subject to the dictates of what ever tit they are dependent upon.



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