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Senator Jekyll and President Hyde
Sunday, January 11, 2009 9:52 AM
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"Linda Collins"
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Dear Linda:
Thank you for your continued support of WorldNetDaily.com. WND occasionally sends email to introduce carefully selected advertisers to our loyal readers and valued customers. Below you will find a special message from our dedicated friends at the United States Justice Foundation.
Thank you again, from the team at WorldNetDaily.com!
Barack Obama is "Senator Jekyll and President Hyde."
Dear American Patriot,
Bill Clinton called Barack Obama a "Chicago thug" for a legitimate reason!
I intend to expose and bring to trial every illegal action the man has done and will do -- starting with his trampling of the U.S. Constitution by his refusal to confirm his natural born citizenship.
Frankly, Obama's past is littered with all sorts of questionable actions -- ranging from downright dumb to undoubtedly illegal. And the United States Justice Foundation -- your conservative voice in the courts since 1979 -- is going to bring Obama to account on each and every legal misstep.
You see during the Bill Clinton presidency, Judicial Watch, under Larry Klayman, dogged the Clintons -- whom he called the "Bonnie and Clyde of American politics" -- exposing their numerous misdeeds to American voters. But Klayman moved on, and the Clinton "co-presidency" ran its course.
And if the Clintons were "Bonnie and Clyde," Barack Obama is "Senator Jekyll and President Hyde."
Senator Obama campaigned for the presidency as a moderate, a uniter, a man seeking change. But we know, based on his past, he'll rule as a radical, left-wing, power hungry politician.
That's right...even if he's sworn into office on January 20, Barack Obama will not legally be President of the United States, unless he can prove he is a "natural born citizen."
What's more, every action taken by him while he occupies the White House would be invalid. And if he cannot legally be President, every law passed by Congress will be null and void because the Constitution clearly says all laws passed by Congress must be sent to the President . . . and without a legally elected and sworn in President in office, that becomes an impossibility.
For that reason, we will not allow even one action by Obama to go unchallenged!
And that's why I need your help.
Now it's time for another watchdog group to serve as a check on Barack Obama's unbridled lust for power: the United States Justice Foundation.
USJF is fighting Obama in court right now, challenging his position as President-elect until and unless he provides a valid, original birth certificate proving he is a natural born citizen. And I need you to tell Mr. Obama that you want him to come clean -- right now -- or face legal action like he's never seen before in his life.
Because until Barack Obama releases his original birth certificate, USJF will challenge every action he takes as President, including executive orders and legislation he signs, because he will have stolen the election!
For that reason, we will not allow even one action by Obama to go unchallenged!
Please click here to make your best TAX-DEDUCTIBLE effort to take part in this battle and support the vital mission of USJF.
Click Here to Donate and Sign a Demand to Barack Obama!
My friend, taking on Barack Obama and his radical agenda for America isn't cheap. It takes money to perform legal research, file cases, and battle the enemy in court.
To be frank, the United States Justice Foundation can't do it alone. We absolutely must have the financial support to protect our nation from the ongoing liberal assault from Obama and his allies in Congress like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy, and Harry Reid.
The truth is, Obama's shady relationships are a warning of what he'll attempt to do as President. Just look at a few of his questionable acquaintances over the years:
* Domestic terrorists William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn;
* Racist pastor Jeremiah Wright;
* Communist Frank Marshall Davis;
* Militant Muslim politician Raila Odinga;
* Anti-Semite Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan;
* Convicted money man Tony Rezko;
* Former PLO activist Rashid Khalidi.
While these pals of Obama's may or may not physically walk through the doors of the Oval Office once he is sworn in, you can be sure their radical ideas will continue to have a great impact on his thinking and policies...policies that will affect every aspect of your life!
It is critical that the United States Justice Foundation be ready to battle the Obama agenda every time he makes a move. We must not allow even one of his radical moves to pass by without doing everything in our power to legally stop it.
And we know what to do and how to do it. USJF has battled Planned Parenthood for refusing to turn in child molesters; We've fought NAMBLA for encouraging pedophiles to rape young boys; We've taken on the "open borders" crowd who want to see America flooded with illegal aliens.
When Hillary Clinton was caught not reporting more than a million dollars in campaign donations during the 2000 election, it was USJF that handled a suit against both her and Bill Clinton.
We've worked to stop the globalist agenda of the United Nations, which seeks to end American sovereignty while pushing their "one world" philosophy. And we've fought to keep the UN from naming Bill Clinton as its Secretary-General.
Now we're compelled to attack Obama's extremist policies...not only because they're bad policy for America, but also because -- as a usurper occupying the position of President -- they are invalid! Not to mention his campaign fraud and illegal donations.
* So when Obama fights to implement Islamic Sharia law in any form in the United States, USJF will sue.
* If Obama succeeds in overturning the federal Defense of Marriage Act -- which currently protects individual states from being forced to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states -- USJF will sue.
* When Obama signs on the dotted line to ratify the International Criminal Court -- usurping American sovereignty -- USJF will sue.
* If Obama signs Freedom of Choice legislation -- which would overturn every federal and state law presently on the books that limit abortion in any way -- USJF will sue.
* When Obama reinstates a ban on offshore drilling -- leaving the United States hostage to terror-supporting countries in the Middle East -- USJF will sue.
* So when Barack Obama issues an executive order funding embryonic stem cell research, the United States Justice Foundation will sue.
And Obama's promise to fund overseas abortion will present the United States Justice Foundation with an opportunity to go after him on a constitutional issue since the Constitution clearly gives only the Legislature the ability to spend money.
You see, you and I must work together to root out government corruption...and that starts with Barack Obama.
Please click here to make your best TAX-DEDUCTIBLE effort to take part in this battle and support the vital mission of USJF.
Click Here to Donate and Sign a Demand to Barack Obama!
But there's still more...
The United States Justice Foundation is taking action to see that the Federal Election Commission investigates -- and punishes, as warranted -- Barack Obama's extremely questionable fundraising. His presidential campaign allegedly pulled in millions of dollars in illegal foreign contributions, as well as hundreds of millions of dollars in amounts small enough to fall under nondisclosure rules.
Yet, published reports show that many donors made repeated small donations, with an unknown number totaling far above the legal limits!
And these repeat donors were obviously trying to skirt the law since they used the names of fictional characters like "Daffy Duck" and "Bart Simpson." This outrageous -- and possibly illegal -- behavior on the part of Barack Obama must be investigated.
Here's the situation: we're facing four-to-eight years of Obama as President. These years will be rife with attacks on YOUR rights. The United States Justice Foundation MUST be financially prepared to take on the radical agenda of Barack Obama, and defend you and your family.
I need you to sign a "Demand to Barack Obama," telling him that you're with the United States Justice Foundation and me as we vow to legally challenge every move he makes, unless and until he proves he's a natural born citizen by releasing his original birth certificate.
And while you're at it, I need you to send one of the most generous gifts you've ever sent any organization to enable USJF to take on Barack Obama and his radical allies.
Can I count on you for an immediate gift of as much as $250, or perhaps more?
We don't have a moment to lose. Obama's socialist agenda is about to hit us full force in the coming weeks. And the United States Justice Foundation is your best chance at stopping the aggressive assault on our liberties by the Obama crowd. Just days after the election, I met with key conservative strategists in Washington, and the consensus was that supporting legal watchdog groups like USJF is the most important thing you as a concerned American can do at this point. And trust me, no other organization promises to be the kind of nemesis to Barack Obama as USJF.
Right now, I need you to help the United States Justice Foundation take legal action against Barack Obama. Because you see, no other conservative organization is as capable of fighting the battles that matter to you as USJF.
And unlike other groups, USJF takes on the legal battles in court . . . where it matters most!
And as always, we're continuing to be your advocate both in court and out, wherever and whenever our society comes under attack from radical leftist politicians (like Barack Obama), supporters of pedophiles molesting our children, homosexuals pushing for same-sex marriage, and other enemies of traditional America. We are your conservative line of defense against attempts by globalists like Barack Obama who want to cede American sovereignty to the United Nations.
Now, I know you are just as concerned about the radical Obama agenda as I am. And I know you want Obama to answer for his past, present -- and future! -- crimes.
Together, with the United States Justice Foundation as your watchdog organization, you and I can accomplish just that.
So, my friend, please sign the "Demand to Barack Obama" and help USJF continue to be your conservative voice in the courts.
The fact is, you are a key part of the battle to stop Barack Obama from unleashing his disastrous socialist agenda on America. I need to hear from you today.
With justice for all,
Gary Kreep, Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation
P.S. If you can help us battle the socialist onslaught -- led by Barack Obama -- it'll be money well-spent. And by giving, you help USJF defend our hard-fought rights that the radical liberals -- like Obama, Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid, and Frank -- want to take away. Remember, your contributions are tax deductible.
Please Donate and Sign a Demand to Barack Obama!
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