We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


If there ever was a carnie barker in the White House, President Obama must be the man. Some of you may gleefully recall how I came somewhat unhinged on Sunday as I wrote about Van Jones being a red herring. Well, now I can tell you plainly what Barry was really up to in the middle of your holiday weekend.

On Labor Day Ralph Peters of the New York Post posted an article entitled “Bam Vs. Democracy- A Hug For Chavez And Castro.”

It begins, “Our thug-worshipping diplomats figured they'd slip it by us. With the nation focused on barbecues and the beach, they announced that, if Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez's client, Manuel Zelaya, isn't returned to power in Honduras, the United States won't recognize the results of that country's upcoming free elections.”

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why our president wouldn’t recognize free elections in Honduras- unless he’s a slippery no-good commie-lovin’ anti-American fascist… Oops. Guess I better stop there.

Peters goes on to point out that Barry did sanction corrupt elections in Afghanistan, initially approved rigged elections in Iran, hasn’t said a word against Hugo Chaves, apparently thinks Evo Morales is good for Bolivia- and doesn’t want to rock the Castro brothers’ boat in Cuba. Any wonder American foreign policy is falling apart like a patchwork quilt sewn with corn silk?

Yak! What has our country come to? And the Democrats are okay with this chicken manure? Oh, I forgot. They’ve been too busy to notice- as they frantically search for new ways to run our fading republic into the ground.

And our men and women of the armed services in Iraq and Afghanistan have to fight under this pinko commie cloud? Heaven knows what’s rumbling in their loyal hearts and military minds…

It occurs to me that Obama may want to keep our military far away so he can impose martial law with the civilian security force he’s planned. Maybe that’s a stretch- but after reading Peter’s article, nothing would surprise me.

US Army Major Stefan Frederick Cook’s orders to Afghanistan were revoked, because he believes he’d be committing a crime to serve there under Obama- ‘cause Barry hasn’t proven himself a US citizen by birth. Despite Cook’s apparent victory, I’d certainly not recommend such action to my own four commissioned officers- two of whom ARE serving proudly in Afghanistan and Iraq- and at great risk to life and limb. Nevertheless, I’d bet my last buck this issue is being discussed in officer and enlisted clubs around the globe.

Remember our low military morale under Bill Clinton? A few more months of Barry’s commie sympathizing, pandering to Islam and constant apologies for American might- and Slick Willie will look like Teddy Roosevelt riding his horse up San Juan Hill with his Rough Riders and Pershing’s 10th Cavalry…

And by the way, I stand firmly behind yesterday’s comments about White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Without a teleprompter, Obama just stumbles. Without Gibbs to run interference for him, Barry is a lost soul.

And to be sure, I cringe at these czars just like everyone else, but if all the czars were suddenly severed from taxpayer support, not one of them would collect unemployment insurance or be looking for another job. You can bet George Soros, or somebody like him, would pick up the tab. This is a shell game on steroids, folks. These commie freaks would still be bending Barry’s ear.

I was going take the day off, but one of my dear friends sent me into my usual orbit with Peters’ post this morning. Oh, well. Some things need to be said.

Before I close, I’d like to write a few words about 11 September 2009 and our accompanying march on Washington the day after. Glenn Beck had the decency to use the 12th for our conservative purposes. Nonetheless, you can bet the Obama crowd will wring out every last drop of political capital from of this somber anniversary of American tragedy. With his usual tainted rhetoric, Barry, himself, will likely find a way to promote his warped fascist agenda.

Don’t think I’ll be paying much attention to the Obama noise on Friday. As I head down to Washington for Saturday’s march, my terrible memories of falling towers, our smoking Pentagon, and an obscure field in Pennsylvania will flood over me as tears well up in my eyes- just as they are now.

America, let us resolve anew 11 September to obliterate this tyranny forever. Though I shall find it difficult to explain to my grandchildren how this seething ball of mating cottonmouth water moccasins took over our government, I pray Almighty God that I will live to tell the tale of how fearless and determined patriots from every walk and season of life rose up- and took their country back. Tell ya what you’re gonna do, Barry. Pack your grip and git…

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