We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Well, the leftist, pork loving, Mr BO loving columnists are at it again..... There was an article in this Sunday's Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Mr Kennedy about the "Tea Party '09" rally. Now mind you, a friend of mine that knows Mr Kennedy personally, that was in charge of the petition drive, was present the entire time, and says Mr Kennedy was not even there. So, apparently, he thinks he can sit in his office from afar, and write opinionated columns about things he didn't even see. Either that, or he must know how to astral project, and like a spirit, view from above, or he wouldn't have any business saying what he did. And he apparently has a misconception on what pork spending really is.

In his column "Fort Worth is built on pork, not all in the Stockyards", he commits to say that the whole reason west Fort Worth is even there, is because of pork spending in Washington, over thirty years ago. My Mother worked for Lockheed-Martin, then General Dynamics, as I did also. And the reason I worked there was because, after 911, I wanted to fight for our country, but was too old. So I took an $8.00 dollar an hour job (the union got 72.00), and worked very hard to defend our country the best I knew how, by building one of the best fighter jets in the world, the F-16. I am a true American Patriot.

Let me set you straight, Mr Kennedy. What the demonstration/rally in Fort Worth, Dallas, and every major city in the United States was about, is the OVER-SPENDING, pet projects, and over 8000 earmarks slipped in under the non-watchful eyes of our elected politicians, that only care about their Washington careers. It was about building a high speed rail system to Disneyland, slipped in by Harry Reid. It was about the removal of gang tattoos to the tune of $200,000, under the guise of an anti-crime program, and many others It was NOT about things like defense spending, which is necessary to defend the American people. I guess he thinks pork includes every dime spent by our politicians. It's leftist, bending of the facts like Mr Kennedy's, and Mr O, that is an awkward attempt to promote their agenda by lying. Either that, or Mr Kennedy doesn't have an inkling of what our movement is all about Or maybe, he has to make up things to write about.

And here's a paragraph from his column.

"In front of a timeworn bar and grill that used to be a Tex-Mex restaurant and before that the Sea Hag Saloon, a songwriter and band led a crowd in singing to lyrics such as "Can I have a big Texas 'Yes!’ to abolishing the IRS?"

Mr Kennedy, do you have nothing better to do than criticize the venue where it took place? The Cowtown Sports Bar & Grill is a perfect, Fort Worth style, centrally located venue, and it does not matter what used to be there. They do not claim any political interests, All they claim is that they have a mouth-watering menu, and cold beer on tap, and that they do. I'll bet you haven't even eaten there. If you had, like many other restaurants you write about, I'm sure you would've found something distasteful to say.

And, by the way, I am the author/singer/songwriter that wrote the song, "Tea Party Revolution". You can't just quote one line from my song, so here's the rest of the lyrics:

Tea Party Revolution
Mark Christopher

Come to the Revolution (3 times) 4th- Tea Party Revolution

We don't need another bail out
'Cause it makes us scream and shout
No more taxation
Without representation
No more two party system
That condones Socialism
Our founding Fathers would be proud
Of what we're doing here right now

Come to the Revolution (3 times) 4th - Tea Party Revolution

Hey! What do you say?
If we talk about the USA
We all have the same goal to be
Simple and Free
Can I have a big Texas YES (Yes!)
To abolishing the IRS
We'll cut in half, the Bureaucrats
We're the only ones that can save us

Come to the Revolution (3 times) 4th - Tea Party Revolution
-slide solo-

Come to the Revolution (3 times) 4th - Tea Party Revolution

By the People, for the people, you better not forget
We're putting you on notice, are you listening "Mr President?"

Come to the Revolution (3 times) 4th - Tea Party Revolution (twice)
Tea Party Revolution (Mark Christopher).mp3

I have written dozens of other politically motivated songs. See my podcast, "The Mark Christopher Show Music & Politics" http://markchristopher.podomatic.com/ . I get about a thousand hits a month on it.

West Fort Worth was there long before General Dynamics was built, and I'm proud to be a part of that heritage. I was born in Fort Worth, at St. Joseph's Hospital. My mother was born there also, in 1931. Her father worked and lived on the Trinity River, and in the 1930's there was a huge flood, and she and her sister were barely saved by her father, that woke them in time before their house drifted away. Her sister, Ann Thompson Jeanette, was on the city council of Fort Worth. And her husband Ron Jeanette, worked as an engineer on the F-16, for over two decades, and now works at Bass Hall.

As you can see, I have very deep roots here in Fort Worth. Where were you born, Mr Kennedy?

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Comment by Mark Christopher Frimmel on April 8, 2009 at 1:03am
Really??? Can't that little toad leave well enough alone? He's a vicious little leftie. That snake.

Mark Christopher Frimmel
Comment by Amy Riedel on April 7, 2009 at 8:41pm
Mark, I found your post doing research on Bud Kennedy since the Burleson Tea Party seems to be his next target.



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