We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


To: Senators Jerry Moran & Roberts, Representative Mike Pompeo, Speaker Boehner
A response is requested & expected from you personally (no form letter) to inform myself and the American citizens, of your intentions (yes or no), to immediately pursue the most important issue facing America today, the eligibility evil USURPER barack hussein obama!
Please forward this email to Senators Jerry Moran & Roberts, Representative Mike Pompeo.
Freedom Is Not Free!!
God Bless America!
God Bless Israel! 
GySgt Bob Pinkstaff
Korean War veteran
USMC Retired

Date: 1/13/2011 2:29:31 AM
Subject: FW: Cover letter for the formal (Process Server) 'serving' of the CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL Transcripts on Darrel Issa. (Plus new 12 page document for serving)
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Citizens for the Constitution;


So that None can Say “We Did Not Know’” (plausible deniability cannot be claimed), this is to inform you that on Wednesday, January 12, 2011, Congressman Darrell Issa, as Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, was formally served with the transcripts of the CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL.


Confirmation of this has been received from   www.SameDayProcess.com in Washington, D.C.  Their ‘proof of service’ report is as follows:


Our Job#: 42529 v. Recipient: Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Date Completed: 01/12/2011 - Time Completed: 2:44 PM
Person Left With: WILL BOYINGTON - Administrative Assistant & Authorized Agent - Manner: GOV AGENCY

Description Of Person:
Sex: Male
Skin/Race: White
Hair: Brown
Age: 30
Height: Sitting
Weight: 131-160 lbs

Completion Address:
United States House of Representatives
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515



This service brings the number of key persons in Congress and on the Joint Chiefs of Staff to a total of 17 who can no longer deny that our Nation is in a condition of Clear and Present Danger, with our Top Secret security information now in the hands of a complete unknown entity – except for the fact that he is a proven and self admitted non-Natural Born citizen.  Here is the list of those formally served so far:



Harry Reid, Majority Leader ( D-NV)
Richard Durbin, Majority Whip ( D-IL)

Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader ( R-KY)
Jon Kyle, Minority Whip ( R-AZ)



Nancy Pelosi, Speaker  ( D-CA, 8th)
Steny Hoyer, Majority Leader ( D-MD, 5th

John Boehner, Minority Leader (R-OH, 8th)

Eric Cantor, Minority Whip ( R-VA, 7th)

Dana Rorabacher, 21 year member (R-CA, 46th)


Senate Judiciary;

Patrick Leahy, Chairman (D-VT)

Jeff Sessions, Ranking member (R-AL)


House Judiciary;

John Conyers, Chairman (D-MI, 14th)

Lamar Smith, Ranking Member (R-TX, 21st)


Joint Chiefs of Staff

Admiral Michael G. “Mike” Mullen (Chairman: JCS)

Gen. George W. Casey Jr. (US Army Chief of Staff)

9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318-9999


Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region

Maj. Gen. Karl R. Horst (US Army-Commander, JFHQ National Capital Region)

103 3rd Avenue, Ft. McNair, (Bldg # 32)

Washington, D.C. SW 20319-5058


Here is the cover letter that accompanied this ‘service’:


Hon. Darrell Issa, Chairman

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee

2147 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515-0549


January 11, 2011


Dear Congressman Issa;


Together with this open letter to you, as Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, you are being formally served with the transcripts of the CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL (www.CRS-Reports.org), the evidence, deliberations, and verdicts of which prove massive fraud and cover-up in the seating of a constitutionally ineligible candidate in the Office of President & Commander in Chief.


This ‘serving’ therefore puts you and your Committee on notice of a massive crime in progress: a Constitutional Crisis that we believe lawfully demands your immediate attention and action.


Chairman Issa, over 180 million Americans (over 60% of the population) have expressed doubts over the Article II constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama (President SHALL BE a Natural Born citizen) to serve in the Office of President and Commander in Chief, and consequently his inability to issue anything but unlawful orders.


Considering these overwhelming and grave concerns by a majority of American citizens that our Constitutional Republic is facing a clear and present danger, with top secret defense information in the hands of a complete unknown entity, We The People are demanding that your Committee immediately subpoena any and all documents and information that will determine, once and for all, if the Constitution, and the requirements of Article II thereof, still stand as the Supreme Law of the Land.


Also, since your Committee also has oversight of the Department of Defense, you may also be able to right the terrible wrong done to the decorated and honorable Army officer, LTC Terrence Lakin, who was recently denied his Constitutional rights to call witnesses in his defense*, such as Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF-Ret), when he was Court-Martialed for upholding his oath to that document: to protect and defend it, and to NOT OBEY any unlawful orders – until proven otherwise. 


As time is of the essence, we look forward to your prompt reply to this urgent request for action by you and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and therefore respectfully ask that your written response be in my hand by January 25th, 2011.


Respectfully submitted,


Neil B. Turner

Citizens for the Constitution (A coalition of Patriots, Former Military, Tea-Partiers, and Minutemen)



*  see 1857 U.S. Supreme Court case of DYNES v. HOOVER (www.supreme.justia.com/us/61/65/case.html):

"Persons, then, belonging to the army and the navy are not subject to illegal or irresponsible courts martial when the law for convening them and directing their proceedings of organization and for trial have been disregarded. In such cases, everything which may be done is void -- not voidable, but void -- and civil courts have never failed, upon a proper suit, to give a party redress, who has been injured by a void process or void judgment."


All are asked to contact their elected officials, to demand that they honor their oath to the Constitution, - as recently read in its entirety in the People’s House (thank you, John Boehner for ordering it, and thank you, Theresa Cao, for reminding all that so far none are honoring their oath to the Constitution, most specifically following the reading of the Natural Born requirements of Article II by Rep. Frank Pallone, when you shouted Except Obama. Except Obama. Help us Jesus!’). 


NOTE:  Theresa was charged with ‘Unlawful Conduct (Disruption of Congress)’*, when in fact it is the Congress who should be charged.  Speaker Boehner had just stated that it is The People’s House (that would be Theresa’s House), that the Congress works for The People (that would be Theresa et al) and it is therefore Congress who is chargeable with ‘Unlawful Conduct (Disruption of our Constitution)!


* D.C. Code: 10DC 603.16 B.4  (an unconstitutional statute that has no place in law under our Constitutional Republic).


In Liberty;


Neil B. Turner
Citizens for the Constitution




Notice of Service Completed [1]

Upon Specified Members of Congress, the JCS, & Others

C.I.A. COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL - Transcripts;
The People vs. Barack Hussein Obama, aka: Barry Soetoro, Columbia University, and past president Michael Sovern



Harry Reid, Majority Leader ( D-NV)
Richard Durbin, Majority Whip ( D-IL)

Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader ( R-KY)
Jon Kyle, Minority Whip ( R-AZ)



Nancy Pelosi, Speaker  ( D-CA, 8th)
Steny Hoyer, Majority Leader ( D-MD, 5th

John Boehner, Minority Leader (R-OH, 8th)

Eric Cantor, Minority Whip ( R-VA, 7th)

Dana Rorabacher, 21 year member (R-CA, 46th)


Senate Judiciary;

Patrick Leahy, Chairman (D-VT)

Jeff Sessions, Ranking member (R-AL)


House Judiciary;

John Conyers, Chairman (D-MI, 14th)

Lamar Smith, Ranking Member (R-TX, 21st)


Joint Chiefs of Staff

Admiral Michael G. “Mike” Mullen (Chairman: JCS)

Gen. George W. Casey Jr. (US Army Chief of Staff)

9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318-9999


Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region

Maj. Gen. Karl R. Horst (US Army-Commander, JFHQ National Capital Region)

103 3rd Avenue, Ft. McNair, (Bldg # 32)

Washington, D.C. SW 20319-5058




[1]  http://www.scribd.com/doc/44950757/14-Notarized-Statements-of-Process-Served-Documents
C.I.A. COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL – Transcripts

27 October, 2010


(Oct. 27, 2010) — It has been widely reported that our Government no longer operates as a Constitutional Republic, but instead has become a Corporation, and that We The People are unknowingly conducting our affairs in that environment.

However, the fact remains that all those elected or appointed to conduct the ‘affairs of State’ still swear an oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution (Declaration, 7 Articles, and 27 Amendments) as the Supreme Law of the Land.


Therefore, it stands to reason that We The People, the originators of the ‘contract’ (The Constitution) between us and those we hire for limited and/or conditional terms of employment under that ‘contract’, have the greater responsibility to ensure compliance thereof and therewith.


Several key provisions of that ‘contract’ bring us to the how, why, and by what authority we reveal the summary and transcripts of the CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL.  They are as follows:

  1. 1.       The requirements to make changes (Amendments) to the terms of that contract are well known, time consuming, and laboriously detailed; they cannot be changed by the Judiciary simply enacting new Rules of Procedures, nor by simply violating those terms and getting away with it for, say, a hundred+ years.

    There is no statute of limitations on violations of that contract, and their actions become null and void whenever the originators, We The People, deem it so. All complicit parties may also be charged with Treason or Misprision of Treason.

  2. 2.       Amendment V provides for a Citizens Grand Jury, and as Justice Antonin Scalia said in a 1992 ruling:
  3. A.      (Quote) “Rooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history, … the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right..”

And this:

  1. B.      “In fact, the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people.” (end quote)

History shows that the Citizens Grand Jury was a common occurrence in the early days of our Constitutional Republic, used as a means to correct the crimes of corrupt public officials.  That ‘right’ and ‘duty’ of the People continues to this day.

  1. 2.      Amendments IX and X retain the rights and powers with the people.  Hence, the rights and powers of the People to form Citizens’ Trial Courts to act on presentments/indictments of Citizens Grand Juries exist to this day.
  2. 3.      The Constitution provides for the specific requirements of the Office of President & Commander in Chief:

A.       Article II, Section 1:5 says that only a Natural Born Citizen shall be eligible to the Office of President;

B.      Article I, Section 8 says that Congress (under the authority granted by the People) has the power to enforce offenses against the Law of Nations;

C.       The Law of Nations says that a Natural Born Citizen is one who is born in the country of parents, both of whom are citizens of that country;

Based on the understanding that: “With the privilege and honor of knowing of, swearing to, and living under our Constitution, comes the responsibility and duty of defending, maintaining and adhering to it”, a duly formed Constitutional Citizens Court Trial was held in Harlem, NYC at the ATLAH Church Sanctuary/Courtroom on May 14-18, 2010.

The Trial, known as The C.I.A. COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL, concluded with a verdict of GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS – against Columbia University, past Columbia University President Michael Sovern, and Barry Soetoro/aka Barack Hussein Obama.

The deliberations and verdict of this trial were used as some of the evidence for 38 different States Citizens De jure Grand Juries, the ‘True Bill’ presentments/indictments of which were also reported to have been served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff in June of 2010.

Let us not forget the history lesson from the Nuremberg Trials in Germany at the end of World War II:

So that none can say “I did not know!”
So that none can say
“I was just following orders.”
(Nuremberg Trials, 1945-46, Nuremberg, Germany)

For those of you who might argue that there was no ‘DEFENSE’ at this trial, we would say that ‘Failure to Appear’ is ‘Admission of Guilt’.  And for those who would argue that this was an illegitimate ‘Kangaroo’ court, we would say that those Courts (and Courts Martial) that have been telling We The People that we have ‘NO STANDING’ under OUR Constitution are the real Kangaroo Courts – and have abrogated their judicial responsibilities under our contract with them – the Constitution.  When they fail to act – not to Act is to Act, Bonhoeffer said – then the duty to act reverts back to and remains with We The People!

We are now entering the ‘Sentencing Phase’ of that earthshaking and historic Trial of the Millennium  - a trial concerning the greatest fraud ever perpetuated upon the American people in the over 200 years since the inception of our Constitutional Republic: the usurpation of the Office of President and Commander in Chief, by a publicly acknowledged NON Natural Born Citizen!

Under the terms of our Constitution, our Nation can survive 4 (or even 8) years of anyone as President, but it cannot survive without our Constitution!

Dr. James David Manning held a PRESS CONFERENCE during ‘The Manning Report’ on the website www.ATLAH.org on 27 October, 2010, in order to introduce the release of the full transcripts of that trial.

A short video of this Introduction to the PRESS CONFERENCE can be seen here [2].

Hon. James David Manning, Ph,D invites Capt. Neil Turner as a guest speaker at the
C.I.A. Columbia Obama Sedition And Treason Trial Transcript Press Conference.


Time: 8:49       27 October, 2010



The Official Summary of the transcripts (to include the charges, the evidence, the summation, and the verdict) can be found here [1].


For those who want to see the detailed evidence leading to the jury verdict of GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS, days 1-5 of the actual transcripts can be found here [3].


Thank you.

Neil B. Turner
Citizens for the Constitution

[1] here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/40494527/CIA-COLUMBIA-OBAMASedition-and-Treason-TRIAL-SUMMARY-of-TRANSCRIPTS

[2] here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnOqRJjNs3U

[3] here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/40542715/Links-to-Official-Transcripts-of-the-CIA-COLUMBIA-OBAMA-Trial-Days-1-5




(by Neil Turner, 29 October 2010 at 11:00 pm PST)



Day 1: (14 May, 2010)

(First order of business)   Reading of the indictment: We the People's Court, State of New York, County of New York, against Barack Hussein Obama, Defendant; Columbia University, Defendant; Michael Sovern, Defendant.

Count 1.          Treason. Barack Hussein Obama. (withdrawn)

Count 2.          Treason. Columbia University.  (withdrawn)

Count 3.         Mail fraud and swindles. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1341).

Count 4.          Conspiracy to commit mail fraud. Columbia University (U.S.C. 18, 1341).

Count 5.          Fraud by wire, radio, television. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1343).

Count 6.          Conspiracy to commit fraud by wire, radio, or television. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 1343).

Count 7.          Obstruction of justice. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 1001).

Count 8.          Conspiracy to defraud the United States government and obstruct justice. Columbia University & Barack Hussein Obama (U.S.C. 371).

Count 9.          Espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 793(e)).  (withdrawn)

Count 10.        Espionage. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 793(e)).  (withdrawn)

Count 11.        Espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 794).  (withdrawn)

Count 12.        Conspiracy to commit espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 794).  (withdrawn)

Count 13.        Disclosure of classified information. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 798).

Count 14.        Conspiracy to disclose classified information. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 798).

Count 15.        Government seals unlawfully used. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1017).

Count 16.        Columbia University did knowingly and willfully aid and abet in concealing the identity of

Barack Hussein Obama as a foreign national (18 U.S.C. 1017).

Count 17.        Violation of New York State Education Law. Barack Hussein Obama (NY State Education Law Section 224.).

Count 18.        Violation of New York State Education Law. Columbia University (NY State Education Law Section 224).

Count 19.        Colluded and conspired in the crimes delineated in Counts 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 of this indictment. Columbia University, Barack Hussein Obama, and Michael Sovern.


(Attorney Anthony Jones).         Executed service of all indictments on Columbia University, Barack Hussein Obama (thru White House Counsel, Robert Bower), and Michael Sovern, past President of Columbia University during the years Obama was allegedly there.


Selection and seating of Jurors 1-10.



Day 2: (15 May, 2010)

Selection and seating of Jurors 11, 12, and 13 (alternate).

(Video)         Lt. Col Terry Lakin charges in April 2010 that Obama must prove his eligibility and authority to be Commander in Chief, therefore refusing orders to deploy again until proven. (It is now 6 months later, and Obama has continued to violate his oath and address the charge).


(Witness)     Linda Bentley, AZ – investigative reporter for Sonora News, AZ. (Criminal issues, court cases, city councils).

          Testified concerning Obama’s Selective Service registration for the draft, providing absolute proof that his Selective Service registration was a recently manufactured forgery, and that failure to register (which he unquestionably did not do) would mean that he would not be eligible to serve in the Executive Branch of Government, including the Office of President and Commander in Chief.


(DEFENSE):  Failed to appear.


(Video witnessDr. Ron Polarak (Poland) – investigator and research analyst; Photoshop expert.

         He proves that Senator John McCain did not meet eligibility requirements (not born on U.S. soil/jurisdiction, even though born of parents who were both U.S. citizens at the time of his birth), despite the non-binding Senate Resolution SB 511 declaring that he was Constitutionally qualified.  Obama, along with Hillary Clinton, were sponsors of the non-binding bill (SB 511), and were members of the Senate committee that acted in contempt of the Constitution.


Question: Since Obama was on the committee to rule on McCain’s Natural-Born Citizen (hereafter NBC) ineligibility status, could not we say he was an original ‘BIRTHER’?


(DEFENSE):  Failed to appear.


(Witness-previously recorded telephone deposition) Robert Cody Judy, UT.  Write-in candidate for President of the U.S. in 2008.

          Mr. Judy ran only to get ‘STANDING’, so he could challenge McCain’s non Natural Born citizen status.

          He filed a lawsuit against McCain and the Republican National Convention (RNC), and included Phil Berg’s suit at SCOTUS re Obama’s non Natural Born citizen status.  Both McCain and the RNC ignored the charges.

          The Judge made his decision AFTER the general election (time was obviously of the essence here), ruling that ‘since Obama won, the question was moot.’


CONCLUSION:  McCain was Constitutionally ineligible; the Congress tried to get the Natural Born Citizen (NBC) of the Constitution changed back in 2000 when McCain was running for President, and SB 511 was passed to cover for McCain’s ineligibility and to put a ‘shoe in the mouth’ (plaintiff candidate Judy’s words) of the Republicans, so that they would not raise the question of Obama’s obvious ineligibility!


          Also presented was that the Certification of Live Birth (hereafter COLB) lettering was produced by a laser, and there were none in 1961!  Also, it says VOID IF ALTERED at the bottom of the form, but numbers have been redacted, thereby ‘altering’ the form.


(DEFENSE):  Failed to appear.



Day 3: (16 May, 2010)

(Witness-previously recorded telephone deposition) Professor John Drew (negro); did undergraduate work at Occidental College in Ca – 1976-1979; taught and promoted ‘Marxism’.

          ‘So I can truthfully nail down Obama’s Marxist ideology in the fall of 1980 …’


Day 4: (17 May, 2010)

(Documentary)      Fox News Channel (FNC) with Bill Hemmer.  Fox heard ABC News commentator and Columbia Political Science major George Stephanopoulos, class of 1982, say that in 4 years at Columbia he never heard or saw Barack Obama.

          Fox then interviewed some 400 students and locals of the class of ’83, and not one of whom ever knew of Obama.


(Witness-previously recorded telephone deposition) Wayne Allyn Root, 2008 VP candidate (with Bob Barr)

Libertarian Party.  Political Science major and class president, Columbia University; class of 1983. (40 students in the class; 2 were black).

‘No one ever knew of a Barack Obama at Columbia when I was there, yet he has a degree for graduating in the same class’.


(Witness)                   Ms. Sabbath LaFleur , ATLAH Church member for 4 years.

Researched Obama at Occidental. All his friends were Muslims: Palestinians, Pakistanis, and those of the Islamic faith.

           Researched Columbia yearbooks 1980-1985: No picture of Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama in any yearbooks.  None of Obama’s alleged professors, such as Michael Baron, were in any of the yearbooks.  And none of his alleged roommates, and Columbia classmate, Phil Bonner, could be found.


CONCLUSION:             Barack Hussein Obama never attended Columbia University, and his Political Science degree was not earned as a student at Columbia (it’s a FAKE), and Columbia University is obviously complicit in the cover-up of Obama’s ineligibility for the Office of President – chargeable with sedition and conspiring to alter our Costitutional form of government by fraud, dissembling, and deceit.


(DEFENSE):  Failed to appear.


(Recess for lunch)


(Witness via Skype)         Al Landry, LA. Investigative Reporter and writer.

          Barack Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, a woman of mediocre means, was living in the Hilton International Hotel in Karachi, Pakistan, for 5 years in the 1980’s, while she worked for the Asian Development Bank (ADB), a known C.I.A. front.

          Obama made visits to Pakistan at the time he was supposed to be at Columbia – and was the forerunner to setting up his mother with a cushy job with the C.I.A. run ADB (1987-1992).


(Witness-recalledAttorney Anthony Jones.

          Both Barack and Michelle Obama: both had Harvard Law degrees, and both surrendered their law licenses – with no explanations.  Not logical to do so- no one would just voluntarily surrender such a prestigious law degree.

          Also, he would most assuredly be ‘disbarred’ for making the false statement on his IL law license application that he never used any other name other than Barack Obama (e.g. Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, etc.).


(Documentary)      (Includes words and comments by Barack Obama).

          He arrived in Chicago in 1985, after two years of sending out resumes seeking a job as a community organizer – without any success.

          No explanation by Obama of what he was doing or where he was during those 2 years after ostensibly graduating from Columbia (1983-1985) – but it is acknowledged that he did work for Business International Development Corp (BIDC), a known business front for C.I.A. operations in Asia, more specifically, in Pakistan.



          Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was studying anthropology, but working as a banker for ADB (a CIA front organization);

          Obama’s grandmother was V.P.  of the Bank of Hawaii, and ostensibly paid for young Barry’s attendance at a very, very expensive private academy in HI, Panahou High School

          Investigators (Debbie Schlussel, Linda Bentley, Neil Sankey) have proven unequivocally that Obama has used at least 42 different Social Security numbers during the course of his life.

          It made no sense until you looked at the fact that his grandmother, and later his mother, were ‘bankers’ – both with extensive access to credit reports and SS numbers, no questions asked.  So that’s where he could get all those stolen SS numbers.


          But why so many? Why, we ask, would someone need 42 different SS numbers?


          If you’re moving large sums of money to finance arms for Afghanistan or developments in Karachi, you’ll need a SS# and a passport, and for lots of transfers, you’ll need lots of SS#’s and lots of passports.


CONCLUSION: Obama was working in concert with his mother and grandmother, and the C.I.A. to launder money and buy arms for Afghanistan – under the cover of the President of Columbia University at the time, Michael Sovern – all with the records-scrubbing capabilities of the C.I.A.




Day 5: (18 May, 2010)


(Witness)     Ms. Miki Booth, U.S. Congressional candidate from OK

          Both her husband and her son were born in HI – 30 years apart – son in 1961 (same year as Obama).

          Showed a CERTIFICATE of LIVE BIRTH for her son, showing parents’ citizenship – markedly different from the CERTIFICATION of LIVE BIRTH (COLB) ‘piece of garbage’ shown on the internet by Obama.

          Many in HI have who have children born outside of HI, simply apply for a COLB so the children can go to school and get other things they might need as they grow up. (Nothing sinister here, just common sense to take advantage of weak laws).

          So one could be born anywhere in the world – and can apply for and get – at that time – a CERTIFICATION of LIVE BIRTH (COLB).


Question: What about the HI newspaper notices of Obama’s birth?


          Quite simple.  Anyone can place such a notice – without challenge from, or verification by, the HI Department of Health.  E.g. a grandmother living in HI is proud of the fact that her daughter in California (or even Kenya), so she would either call in or write on a form the occurrence of this birth.  It doesn’t name the baby, just that the parent had a baby – and then grandma’s address in HI.


CONCLUSION:        The newspaper notices are certainly not part of a ‘conspiracy’ to set Obama up to be President 48 years later, and definitely not proof that he was born in HI!


(The Court): ‘Anyone present from the Defense, Bailiff?’


(DEFENSE):  NONE PRESENT:  Failure to appear.


(PROSECUTION):    Closing arguments.


Wayne Allyn Root’s official statement that, as the President of the Columbia University Political Science class of 1983, the same year Obama was supposed to have graduated – he did not know Mr. Obama, and never heard his name.  He didn’t know anyone else who knew Mr. Obama – in their class of 40 students, for 4 years, only two (2) of whom were Negro/Black!

We promised you documentary proof that Obama was never at Columbia, and the excellent research department at Fox News provided that with Bill Hemmer’s detailed report on interviewing over 400 people who were part of the 1983 graduating class and environs – none of whom ever heard of Obama.

Two of America’s most prestigious news dispensing organizations, Fox News Corporation and The Wall Street Journal, posted stories that they could not find one person that knew Obama at Columbia during the year he alleged to have studied there.  (And neither has ever printed a retraction of those reports).

          Let me also again state that Obama is not a natural born citizen. Therefore, the U.S. Constitution makes it clear that at present, we have no President. Simply by voting for him, inaugurating him, if he fails to meet the standard, had we voted for a 29 year old man or woman, and the people overwhelmingly cast their votes for him because he told them that he was 35 years of age and he went on to be inaugurated and later it was determined that he was only 29. At that point, and throughout the process, we never had a President, because he did not qualify and it is not the voting for the President that qualifies him, it's the voting that elects a qualified President.


The greatest witness to the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is not a Natural Born U.S. citizen comes from the Senate itself, in a resolution called SB 511 that was voted on in June of 2008. But it wasn't for Barack Hussein Obama that such a resolution was voted on, because no such question was raised on Obama by the Senate.


And we have to remember, the Senators, for the most part are very learned men. Many of them are lawyers, doctors, judges, men of grave influence, great influence. And they recognized that there was a question about John Sidney McCain the III's eligibility to serve as U.S. President. That there was a grave question. In order to make McCain qualify, they voted and put together what is known as Senate Resolution 511, that McCain was indeed eligible to run. I need to  indicate that that Resolution 511, demonstrated by former Presidential candidate Cody Robert Judy of Utah, that that resolution was nonbinding. It had not been voted on by Congress, nor had it been signed by the President of the United States. So therefore, it was just an idea that was borne out of the good old boys club in the Senate, but it had no power. What it did do, however, was an act of contempt of the Constitution.


But what that does more effectively, if John McCain wasn't qualified, then we know Barack Hussein Obama was not qualified. There’s no question about it. Barack Hussein Obama states, as demonstrated in his book, Dreams from my Father, that his father was a Kenyan under British nationality. Therefore, he cannot be a natural born U.S. citizen. There is no argument, unless you just want to argue that which is not true.


I also wish to submit, Your Honor, that the gaffe or statement made by Presidential Candidate, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, regarding his travel to Pakistan in 1981 was not on what has been discussed in the media and by others, that he traveled on an Indonesian passport. He did not.


If you were residing here and you left the country, it is registered with passport office. So whatever passport he may have used, it was recorded the day he left, and it was recorded what passport he used to exit America. I want to submit, when he made that statement, it had not been protected. Therefore, the passport office had to be broken into and a young man by the name of Mr. Lieutenant Quarles Harris lost his life in order to stop the investigation from moving forward, to protect Barack Obama. I'd like to submit that the passport that Mr. Obama used to travel to Indonesia was a Kenyan passport. That he was set up by the C.I.A. as a Kenyan businessman, sent to Karachi to begin to help the C.I.A. arm the Mujahedeen. That his passport then, and today, remains a Kenyan passport.


Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin, medical doctor, 18 years service in the armed services, has refused to deploy, since it is his sworn duty to not obey any illegal orders. (Any orders from an illegitimate and illegal Commander in Chief are illegal orders).  Lieutenant Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, Major Stefan Cook, and Captain Pamela Barnett and others who have served our nation with distinction, put their lives on the line that we might enjoy freedom, are now alleging that this man is not legal and eligible, that he is not Commander in Chief, and that they will not follow any of his orders, since all military orders originate with the Commander in Chief. They have done what all Americans should do.


You may have come today with the purpose of stopping that Manning guy. He's just jealous of Obama. He hates him and we need to stand up for the President. Let's stop Manning. That may have been your purpose and maybe someone convinced you, get on the jury and try to stop this process from going forward. Because if a guilty verdict comes out of this church, it's going to rock the world, and everybody knows it.. But if they threaten my life today, they'll threaten yours tomorrow. You know the funny thing about evil and dishonesty, it's got no place to go.


I'm asking you to save America and save America now – with a verdict of GUILTY on all counts.


(DEFENSE):  Failed to appear.






(The Court)            Judge Bob Unger reads the verdicts: GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!


Count 1.         Treason. Barack Hussein Obama. (withdrawn)

Count 2.         Treason. Columbia University.  (withdrawn)

Count 3.          Mail fraud and swindles. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1341).  GUILTY

Count 4.          Conspiracy to commit mail fraud. Columbia University (U.S.C. 18, 1341).  GUILTY

Count 5.          Fraud by wire, radio, television. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1343).  GUILTY

Count 6.          Conspiracy to commit fraud by wire, radio, or television. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 1343).  GUILTY

Count 7.          Obstruction of justice. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 1001).  GUILTY

Count 8.          Conspiracy to defraud the United States government and obstruct justice. Columbia University & Barack Hussein Obama (U.S.C. 371).  GUILTY

Count 9.          Espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 793(e)).  (withdrawn)

Count 10.        Espionage. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 793(e)).  (withdrawn)

Count 11.        Espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 794).  (withdrawn)

Count 12.        Conspiracy to commit espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 794).  (withdrawn)

Count 13.        Disclosure of classified information. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 798).  GUILTY

Count 14.        Conspiracy to disclose classified information. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 798).  GUILTY

Count 15.        Government seals unlawfully used. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1017).  GUILTY

Count 16.        Columbia University did knowingly and willfully aid and abet in concealing the identity of

Barack Hussein Obama as a foreign national (18 U.S.C. 1017).  GUILTY

Count 17.        Violation of New York State Education Law. Barack Hussein Obama (NY State Education Law Section 224.).  GUILTY

Count 18.        Violation of New York State Education Law. Columbia University (NY State Education Law Section 224).  GUILTY

Count 19.        Colluded and conspired in the crimes delineated in Counts 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 of this indictment. Columbia University, Barack Hussein Obama, and Michael Sovern.  GUILTY


(The Court)            COURT ADJOURNED.



Days 1-5


CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL–Day 1



CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL–Day 2



CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL–Day 3



CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL–Day 4



CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL–Day 5




Hon. Darrell Issa, Chairman

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee

2347 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515-0549


January 11, 2011


Dear Congressman Issa;


Together with this open letter to you, as Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, you are being formally served with the transcripts of the CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL (www.CRS-Reports.org), the evidence, deliberations, and verdicts of which prove massive fraud and cover-up in the seating of a constitutionally ineligible candidate in the Office of President & Commander in Chief.


This ‘serving’ therefore puts you and your Committee on notice of a massive crime in progress: a Constitutional Crisis that we believe lawfully demands your immediate attention and action.


Chairman Issa, over 180 million Americans (over 60% of the population) have expressed doubts over the Article II constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama (President SHALL BE a Natural Born citizen) to serve in the Office of President and Commander in Chief, and consequently his inability to issue anything but unlawful orders.


Considering these overwhelming and grave concerns by a majority of American citizens that our Constitutional Republic is facing a clear and present danger, with top secret defense information in the hands of a complete unknown entity, We The People are demanding that your Committee immediately subpoena any and all documents and information that will determine, once and for all, if the Constitution, and the requirements of Article II thereof, still stand as the Supreme Law of the Land.


Also, since your Committee also has oversight of the Department of Defense, you may also be able to right the terrible wrong done to the decorated and honorable Army officer, LTC Terrence Lakin, who was recently denied his Constitutional rights to call witnesses in his defense*, such as Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF-Ret), when he was Court-Martialed for upholding his oath to that document: to protect and defend it, and to NOT OBEY any unlawful orders – until proven otherwise. 


As time is of the essence, we look forward to your prompt reply to this urgent request for action by you and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and therefore respectfully ask that your written response be in my hand by January 25th, 2011.


Respectfully submitted,


Neil B. Turner

Citizens for the Constitution (A coalition of Patriots, Former Military, Tea-Partiers, and Minutemen)




*  see 1857 U.S. Supreme Court case of DYNES v. HOOVER (www.supreme.justia.com/us/61/65/case.HTML):

"Persons, then, belonging to the army and the navy are not subject to illegal or irresponsible courts martial when the law for convening them and directing their proceedings of organization and for trial have been disregarded. In such cases, everything which may be done is void -- not voidable, but void -- and civil courts have never failed, upon a proper suit, to give a party redress, who has been injured by a void process or void judgment."


Hon. Darrell IssaChairman
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
2347 Rayburn House Office Building
WashingtonD.C. 20515-0549
January 11, 2011
Dear Congressman IssaTogether with this open letter to youas Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committeeyou are being formally served with the transcripts of the CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL (www.CRS-Reports.org)the evidencedeliberationsand verdicts of which prove massive fraud and cover-up in the seating of a constitutionally ineligible candidate in the Office of President & Commander in Chief.
This ‘serving’ therefore puts you and your Committee on notice of a massive crime in progress: a Constitutional Crisis that we believe lawfully demands your immediate attention and action.
Chairman Issaover 180 million Americans (over 60% of the population) have expressed doubts over the Article II constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama (President SHALL BE a Natural Born citizen) to serve in the Office of President and Commander in Chiefand consequently his inability to issue anything but unlawful orders.
Considering these overwhelming and grave concerns by a majority of American citizens that our Constitutional Republic is facing a clear and present dangerwith top secret defense information in the hands of a complete unknown entityWe The People are demanding that your Committee immediately subpoena any and all documents and information that will determineonce and for allif the Constitutionand the requirements of Article II thereofstill stand as the Supreme Law of the Land.
Alsosince your Committee also has oversight of the Department of Defenseyou may also be able to right the terrible wrong done to the decorated and honorable Army officerLTC Terrence Lakinwho was recently denied his Constitutional rights to call witnesses in his defense*such as Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF-Ret)when he was Court-Martialed for upholding his oath to that document: to protect and defend itand to NOT OBEY any unlawful orders – until proven otherwise.
As time is of the essencewe look forward to your prompt reply to this urgent request for action by you and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committeeand therefore respectfully ask that your written response be in my hand by January 25th2011.
Respectfully submitted/s/
Neil B. Turner
Citizens for the Constitution (A coalition of PatriotsFormer MilitaryTea-Partiersand Minutemen)
*  see 1857 U.S. Supreme Court case of DYNES v. HOOVER (www.supreme.justia.com/us/61/65/case.HTML):
"Personsthenbelonging to the army and the navy are not subject to illegal or irresponsible courts martial when the law for convening them and directing their proceedings of organization and for trial have been disregarded. In such caseseverything which may be done is void -- not voidablebut void -- and civil courts have never failedupon a proper suitto give a party redresswho has been injured by a void process or void judgment."
Notice of Service Completed [1]
Upon Specified Members of Congressthe JCS& Others
C.I.A. COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL - TranscriptsThe People vs. Barack Hussein Obamaaka: Barry SoetoroColumbia Universityand past president Michael Sovern
Harry ReidMajority Leader ( D-NV)
Richard DurbinMajority Whip ( D-IL)
Mitch McConnellMinority Leader ( R-KY)
Jon KyleMinority Whip ( R-AZ)
Nancy PelosiSpeaker  ( D-CA8th)
Steny HoyerMajority Leader ( D-MD5th
John BoehnerMinority Leader (R-OH8th)
Eric CantorMinority Whip ( R-VA7th)
Dana Rorabacher21 year member (R-CA46th)
Senate Judiciary:
Patrick Leahy Chairman (D-VT)
Jeff SessionsRanking member (R-AL)
House Judiciary:
John ConyersChairman (D-MI14th)
Lamar SmithRanking Member (R-TX21st)
Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Admiral Michael G. “Mike” Mullen (Chairman: JCS)
Gen. George W. Casey Jr. (US Army Chief of Staff)
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
WashingtonDC 20318-9999
Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region:
Maj. Gen. Karl R. Horst (US Army-CommanderJFHQ National Capital Region)
103 3rd AvenueFt. McNair(Bldg # 32)
WashingtonD.C. SW 20319-5058
C.I.A. COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL – Transcripts
27 October2010
(Oct. 272010) — It has been widely reported that our Government no longer operates as a Constitutional Republicbut instead has become a Corporationand that We The People are unknowingly conducting our affairs in that environment.
However the fact remains that all those elected or appointed to conduct the ‘affairs of State’ still swear an oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution (Declaration7 Articlesand 27 Amendments) as the Supreme Law of the Land.
Thereforeit stands to reason that We The Peoplethe originators of the ‘contract’ (The Constitution) between us and those we hire for limited and/or conditional terms of employment under that ‘contract’have the greater responsibility to ensure compliance thereof and therewith.
Several key provisions of that ‘contract’ bring us to the howwhyand by what authority we reveal the summary and transcripts of the CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL.  They are as follows:
1. The requirements to make changes (Amendments) to the terms of that contract are well knowntime consumingand laboriously detailedthey cannot be changed by the Judiciary simply enacting new Rules of Proceduresnor by simply violating those terms and getting away with it forsaya hundred+ years.
There is no statute of limitations on violations of that contractand their actions become null and void whenever the originatorsWe The Peopledeem it so. All complicit parties may also be charged with Treason or Misprision of Treason.
2. Amendment V provides for a Citizens Grand Juryand as Justice Antonin Scalia said in a 1992 ruling:
A. (Quote) “Rooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history… the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rightsbut not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assignedthereforeto any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right..”
And this:
B. “In factthe whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Governmentserving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people.” (end quote)
History shows that the Citizens Grand Jury was a common occurrence in the early days of our Constitutional Republicused as a means to correct the crimes of corrupt public officials.  That ‘right’ and ‘duty’ of the People continues to this day.
2. Amendments IX and X retain the rights and powers with the people.  Hencethe rights and powers of the People to form Citizens’ Trial Courts to act on presentments/indictments of Citizens Grand Juries exist to this day.
3. The Constitution provides for the specific requirements of the Office of President & Commander in Chief:
A.       Article IISection 1:5 says that only a Natural Born Citizen shall be eligible to the Office of Presidentb.      Article ISection 8 says that Congress (under the authority granted by the People) has the power to enforce offenses against the Law of Nationsc.       The Law of Nations says that a Natural Born Citizen is one who is born in the country of parents both of whom are citizens of that country Based on the understanding that: “With the privilege and honor of knowing of swearing to and living under our Constitutioncomes the responsibility and duty of defendingmaintaining and adhering to it”a duly formed Constitutional Citizens Court Trial was held in HarlemNYC at the ATLAH Church Sanctuary/Courtroom on May 14-182010.
The Trialknown as The C.I.A. COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIALconcluded with a verdict of GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS – against Columbia Universitypast Columbia University President Michael Sovernand Barry Soetoro/aka Barack Hussein Obama.
The deliberations and verdict of this trial were used as some of the evidence for 38 different States Citizens De jure Grand Juriesthe ‘True Bill’ presentments/indictments of which were also reported to have been served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff in June of 2010.
Let us not forget the history lesson from the Nuremberg Trials in Germany at the end of World War II:
So that none can say “I did not know!”
So that none can say “I was just following orders.”
(Nuremberg Trials1945-46NurembergGermany)
For those of you who might argue that there was no ‘DEFENSE’ at this trialwe would say that ‘Failure to Appear’ is ‘Admission of Guilt’.  And for those who would argue that this was an illegitimate ‘Kangaroo’ courtwe would say that those Courts (and Courts Martial) that have been telling We The People that we have ‘NO STANDING’ under OUR Constitution are the real Kangaroo Courts – and have abrogated their judicial responsibilities under our contract with them – the Constitution.  When they fail to act – not to Act is to ActBonhoeffer said – then the duty to act reverts back to and remains with We The People!
We are now entering the ‘Sentencing Phase’ of that earthshaking and historic Trial of the Millennium  - a trial concerning the greatest fraud ever perpetuated upon the American people in the over 200 years since the inception of our Constitutional Republic: the usurpation of the Office of President and Commander in Chiefby a publicly acknowledged NON Natural Born Citizen!
Under the terms of our Constitutionour Nation can survive 4 (or even 8) years of anyone as Presidentbut it cannot survive without our Constitution!
Dr. James David Manning held a PRESS CONFERENCE during ‘The Manning Report’ on the website
www.ATLAH.org on 27 October2010in order to introduce the release of the full transcripts of that trial.
A short video of this Introduction to the PRESS CONFERENCE can be seen here [2].
Hon. James David ManningPhD invites Capt. Neil Turner as a guest speaker at the
C.I.A. Columbia Obama Sedition And Treason Trial Transcript Press Conference.

Time: 8:49       27 October2010

The Official Summary of the transcripts (to include the chargesthe evidencethe summationand the verdict) can be found here [1].
For those who want to see the detailed evidence leading to the jury verdict of GUILTY ON ALL COUNTSdays 1-5 of the actual transcripts can be found here [3].
Thank you.
(by Neil Turner29 October 2010 at 11:00 pm PST)

Day 1: (14 May2010)
(First order of business)   Reading of the indictment: We the People's CourtState of New YorkCounty of New Yorkagainst Barack Hussein ObamaDefendant; Columbia UniversityDefendant; Michael SovernDefendant.
Count 1.          Treason. Barack Hussein Obama. (withdrawn)
Count 2.          Treason. Columbia University.  (withdrawn)
Count 3.         Mail fraud and swindles. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1341).
Count 4.          Conspiracy to commit mail fraud. Columbia University (U.S.C. 181341).
Count 5.          Fraud by wireradiotelevision. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1343).
Count 6.          Conspiracy to commit fraud by wireradioor television. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 1343).
Count 7.          Obstruction of justice. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 1001).
Count 8.          Conspiracy to defraud the United States government and obstruct justice. Columbia University & Barack Hussein Obama (U.S.C. 371).
Count 9.          Espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 793(e)).  (withdrawn)
Count 10.        Espionage. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 793(e)).  (withdrawn)
Count 11.        Espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 794).  (withdrawn)
Count 12.        Conspiracy to commit espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 794).  (withdrawn)
Count 13.        Disclosure of classified information. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 798).
Count 14.        Conspiracy to disclose classified information. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 798).
Count 15.        Government seals unlawfully used. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1017).
Count 16.        Columbia University did knowingly and willfully aid and abet in concealing the identity of
Barack Hussein Obama as a foreign national (18 U.S.C. 1017).
Count 17.        Violation of New York State Education Law. Barack Hussein Obama (NY State Education Law Section 224.).
Count 18.        Violation of New York State Education Law. Columbia University (NY State Education Law Section 224).
Count 19.        Colluded and conspired in the crimes delineated in Counts 2467810121416and 18 of this indictment. Columbia UniversityBarack Hussein Obamaand Michael Sovern.
(Attorney Anthony Jones).         Executed service of all indictments on Columbia UniversityBarack Hussein Obama (thru White House CounselRobert Bower)and Michael Sovernpast President of Columbia University during the years Obama was allegedly there.
Selection and seating of Jurors 1-10.

Day 2: (15 May2010)
Selection and seating of Jurors 1112and 13 (alternate).
(Video)         Lt. Col Terry Lakin charges in April 2010 that Obama must prove his eligibility and authority to be Commander in Chieftherefore refusing orders to deploy again until proven. (It is now 6 months laterand Obama has continued to violate his oath and address the charge).
(Witness)     Linda BentleyAZ – investigative reporter for Sonora NewsAZ. (Criminal issuescourt casescity councils).
          Testified concerning Obama’s Selective Service registration for the draftproviding absolute proof that his Selective Service registration was a recently manufactured forgeryand that failure to register (which he unquestionably did not do) would mean that he would not be eligible to serve in the Executive Branch of Governmentincluding the Office of President and Commander in Chief.
(DEFENSE):  Failed to appear.
(Video witness)  Dr. Ron Polarak (Poland) – investigator and research analystPhotoshop expert.
         He proves that Senator John McCain did not meet eligibility requirements (not born on U.S. soil/jurisdictioneven though born of parents who were both U.S. citizens at the time of his birth)despite the non-binding Senate Resolution SB 511 declaring that he was Constitutionally qualified.  Obamaalong with Hillary Clintonwere sponsors of the non-binding bill (SB 511)and were members of the Senate committee that acted in contempt of the Constitution.
Question: Since Obama was on the committee to rule on McCain’s Natural-Born Citizen (hereafter NBC) ineligibility statuscould not we say he was an original ‘BIRTHER’?
(DEFENSE):  Failed to appear.
(Witness-previously recorded telephone deposition) Robert Cody JudyUT.  Write-in candidate for President of the U.S. in 2008.
          Mr. Judy ran only to get ‘STANDING’so he could challenge McCain’s non Natural Born citizen status.
          He filed a lawsuit against McCain and the Republican National Convention (RNC)and included Phil Berg’s suit at SCOTUS re Obama’s non Natural Born citizen status.  Both McCain and the RNC ignored the charges.
          The Judge made his decision AFTER the general election (time was obviously of the essence here)ruling that ‘since Obama wonthe question was moot.’
CONCLUSION:  McCain was Constitutionally ineligiblethe Congress tried to get the Natural Born Citizen (NBC) of the Constitution changed back in 2000 when McCain was running for Presidentand SB 511 was passed to cover for McCain’s ineligibility and to put a ‘shoe in the mouth’ (plaintiff candidate Judy’s words) of the Republicansso that they would not raise the question of Obama’s obvious ineligibility!
          Also presented was that the Certification of Live Birth (hereafter COLB) lettering was produced by a laserand there were none in 1961!  Alsoit says VOID IF ALTERED at the bottom of the formbut numbers have been redactedthereby ‘altering’ the form.
(DEFENSE):  Failed to appear.

Day 3: (16 May2010)
(Witness-previously recorded telephone deposition) Professor John Drew (negro)did undergraduate work at Occidental College in Ca – 1976-1979taught and promoted ‘Marxism’.
          ‘So I can truthfully nail down Obama’s Marxist ideology in the fall of 1980 …’
Day 4: (17 May2010)
(Documentary)      Fox News Channel (FNC) with Bill Hemmer.  Fox heard ABC News commentator and Columbia Political Science major George Stephanopoulosclass of 1982say that in 4 years at Columbia he never heard or saw Barack Obama.
          Fox then interviewed some 400 students and locals of the class of ’83and not one of whom ever knew of Obama.
(Witness-previously recorded telephone deposition) Wayne Allyn Root2008 VP candidate (with Bob Barr)
Libertarian Party.  Political Science major and class presidentColumbia Universityclass of 1983. (40 students in the class2 were black).
‘No one ever knew of a Barack Obama at Columbia when I was thereyet he has a degree for graduating in the same class’.
(Witness)                   Ms. Sabbath LaFleurATLAH Church member for 4 years.
Researched Obama at Occidental. All his friends were Muslims: PalestiniansPakistanisand those of the Islamic faith.
           Researched Columbia yearbooks 1980-1985: No picture of Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama in any yearbooks.  None of Obama’s alleged professorssuch as Michael Baronwere in any of the yearbooks.  And none of his alleged roommatesand Columbia classmatePhil Bonnercould be found.
CONCLUSION:             Barack Hussein Obama never attended Columbia Universityand his Political Science degree was not earned as a student at Columbia (it’s a FAKE)and Columbia University is obviously complicit in the cover-up of Obama’s ineligibility for the Office of President – chargeable with sedition and conspiring to alter our Costitutional form of government by frauddissemblingand deceit.
(DEFENSE):  Failed to appear.
(Recess for lunch)
(Witness via Skype)         Al LandryLA. Investigative Reporter and writer.
          Barack Obama’s motherStanley Ann Dunhama woman of mediocre meanswas living in the Hilton International Hotel in KarachiPakistanfor 5 years in the 1980’swhile she worked for the Asian Development Bank (ADB)a known C.I.A. front.
          Obama made visits to Pakistan at the time he was supposed to be at Columbia – and was the forerunner to setting up his mother with a cushy job with the C.I.A. run ADB (1987-1992).
(Witness-recalled)  Attorney Anthony Jones.
          Both Barack and Michelle Obama: both had Harvard Law degreesand both surrendered their law licenses – with no explanations.  Not logical to do so- no one would just voluntarily surrender such a prestigious law degree.
          Alsohe would most assuredly be ‘disbarred’ for making the false statement on his IL law license application that he never used any other name other than Barack Obama (e.g. Barry SoetoroBarry ObamaBarack Hussein Obamaetc.).
(Documentary)      (Includes words and comments by Barack Obama).
          He arrived in Chicago in 1985after two years of sending out resumes seeking a job as a community organizer – without any success.
          No explanation by Obama of what he was doing or where he was during those 2 years after ostensibly graduating from Columbia (1983-1985) – but it is acknowledged that he did work for Business International Development Corp (BIDC)a known business front for C.I.A. operations in Asiamore specificallyin Pakistan.
          Obama’s motherStanley Ann Dunhamwas studying anthropologybut working as a banker for ADB (a CIA front organization)Obama’s grandmother was V.P.  of the Bank of Hawaiiand ostensibly paid for young Barry’s attendance at a veryvery expensive private academy in HIPanahou High School
          Investigators (Debbie SchlusselLinda BentleyNeil Sankey) have proven unequivocally that Obama has used at least 42 different Social Security numbers during the course of his life.
          It made no sense until you looked at the fact that his grandmotherand later his motherwere ‘bankers’ – both with extensive access to credit reports and SS numbersno questions asked.  So that’s where he could get all those stolen SS numbers.
          But why so many? Whywe askwould someone need 42 different SS numbers?
          If you’re moving large sums of money to finance arms for Afghanistan or developments in Karachiyou’ll need a SS# and a passportand for lots of transfersyou’ll need lots of SS#’s and lots of passports.
CONCLUSION: Obama was working in concert with his mother and grandmotherand the C.I.A. to launder money and buy arms for Afghanistan – under the cover of the President of Columbia University at the timeMichael Sovern – all with the records-scrubbing capabilities of the C.I.A.
Day 5: (18 May2010)
(Witness)     Ms. Miki BoothU.S. Congressional candidate from OK
          Both her husband and her son were born in HI – 30 years apart – son in 1961 (same year as Obama).
          Showed a CERTIFICATE of LIVE BIRTH for her sonshowing parents’ citizenship – markedly different from the CERTIFICATION of LIVE BIRTH (COLB) ‘piece of garbage’ shown on the internet by Obama.
          Many in HI have who have children born outside of HIsimply apply for a COLB so the children can go to school and get other things they might need as they grow up. (Nothing sinister herejust common sense to take advantage of weak laws).
          So one could be born anywhere in the world – and can apply for and get – at that time – a CERTIFICATION of LIVE BIRTH (COLB).
Question: What about the HI newspaper notices of Obama’s birth?
          Quite simple.  Anyone can place such a notice – without challenge fromor verification bythe HI Department of Health.  E.g. a grandmother living in HI is proud of the fact that her daughter in California (or even Kenya)so she would either call in or write on a form the occurrence of this birth.  It doesn’t name the babyjust that the parent had a baby – and then grandma’s address in HI.
CONCLUSION:        The newspaper notices are certainly not part of a ‘conspiracy’ to set Obama up to be President 48 years laterand definitely not proof that he was born in HI!
(The Court): ‘Anyone present from the DefenseBailiff?’
(DEFENSE):  NONE PRESENT:  Failure to appear.
(PROSECUTION):    Closing arguments.
Wayne Allyn Root’s official statement thatas the President of the Columbia University Political Science class of 1983the same year Obama was supposed to have graduated – he did not know Mr. Obamaand never heard his name.  He didn’t know anyone else who knew Mr. Obama – in their class of 40 studentsfor 4 yearsonly two (2) of whom were Negro/Black!
We promised you documentary proof that Obama was never at Columbiaand the excellent research department at Fox News provided that with Bill Hemmer’s detailed report on interviewing over 400 people who were part of the 1983 graduating class and environs – none of whom ever heard of Obama.
Two of America’s most prestigious news dispensing organizationsFox News Corporation and The Wall Street Journalposted stories that they could not find one person that knew Obama at Columbia during the year he alleged to have studied there.  (And neither has ever printed a retraction of those reports).
          Let me also again state that Obama is not a natural born citizen. Thereforethe U.S. Constitution makes it clear that at presentwe have no President. Simply by voting for himinaugurating himif he fails to meet the standardhad we voted for a 29 year old man or womanand the people overwhelmingly cast their votes for him because he told them that he was 35 years of age and he went on to be inaugurated and later it was determined that he was only 29. At that pointand throughout the processwe never had a Presidentbecause he did not qualify and it is not the voting for the President that qualifies himit's the voting that elects a qualified President.
The greatest witness to the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is not a Natural Born U.S. citizen comes from the Senate itselfin a resolution called SB 511 that was voted on in June of 2008. But it wasn't for Barack Hussein Obama that such a resolution was voted onbecause no such question was raised on Obama by the Senate.
And we have to rememberthe Senatorsfor the most part are very learned men. Many of them are lawyersdoctorsjudgesmen of grave influencegreat influence. And they recognized that there was a question about John Sidney McCain the III's eligibility to serve as U.S. President. That there was a grave question. In order to make McCain qualifythey voted and put together what is known as Senate Resolution 511that McCain was indeed eligible to run. I need to  indicate that that Resolution 511demonstrated by former Presidential candidate Cody Robert Judy of Utahthat that resolution was nonbinding. It had not been voted on by Congressnor had it been signed by the President of the United States. So thereforeit was just an idea that was borne out of the good old boys club in the Senatebut it had no power. What it did dohoweverwas an act of contempt of the Constitution.
But what that does more effectivelyif John McCain wasn't qualifiedthen we know Barack Hussein Obama was not qualified. There’s no question about it. Barack Hussein Obama statesas demonstrated in his bookDreams from my Fatherthat his father was a Kenyan under British nationality. Thereforehe cannot be a natural born U.S. citizen. There is no argumentunless you just want to argue that which is not true.
I also wish to submitYour Honorthat the gaffe or statement made by Presidential CandidateSenator Barack Hussein Obamaregarding his travel to Pakistan in 1981 was not on what has been discussed in the media and by othersthat he traveled on an Indonesian passport. He did not.
If you were residing here and you left the countryit is registered with passport office. So whatever passport he may have usedit was recorded the day he leftand it was recorded what passport he used to exit America. I want to submitwhen he made that statementit had not been protected. Thereforethe passport office had to be broken into and a young man by the name of Mr. Lieutenant Quarles Harris lost his life in order to stop the investigation from moving forwardto protect Barack Obama. I'd like to submit that the passport that Mr. Obama used to travel to Indonesia was a Kenyan passport. That he was set up by the C.I.A. as a Kenyan businessmansent to Karachi to begin to help the C.I.A. arm the Mujahedeen. That his passport thenand todayremains a Kenyan passport.
Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakinmedical doctor18 years service in the armed serviceshas refused to deploysince it is his sworn duty to not obey any illegal orders. (Any orders from an illegitimate and illegal Commander in Chief are illegal orders).  Lieutenant Commander Walter FitzpatrickMajor Stefan Cookand Captain Pamela Barnett and others who have served our nation with distinctionput their lives on the line that we might enjoy freedomare now alleging that this man is not legal and eligiblethat he is not Commander in Chiefand that they will not follow any of his orderssince all military orders originate with the Commander in Chief. They have done what all Americans should do.
You may have come today with the purpose of stopping that Manning guy. He's just jealous of Obama. He hates him and we need to stand up for the President. Let's stop Manning. That may have been your purpose and maybe someone convinced youget on the jury and try to stop this process from going forward. Because if a guilty verdict comes out of this churchit's going to rock the worldand everybody knows it.. But if they threaten my life todaythey'll threaten yours tomorrow. You know the funny thing about evil and dishonestyit's got no place to go.
I'm asking you to save America and save America now – with a verdict of GUILTY on all counts.
(DEFENSE):  Failed to appear.
(The Court)            Judge Bob Unger reads the verdicts: GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!
Count 1.         Treason. Barack Hussein Obama. (withdrawn)
Count 2.         Treason. Columbia University.  (withdrawn)
Count 3.          Mail fraud and swindles. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1341).  GUILTY
Count 4.          Conspiracy to commit mail fraud. Columbia University (U.S.C. 181341).  GUILTY
Count 5.          Fraud by wireradiotelevision. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1343).  GUILTY
Count 6.          Conspiracy to commit fraud by wireradioor television. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 1343).  GUILTY
Count 7.          Obstruction of justice. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 1001).  GUILTY
Count 8.          Conspiracy to defraud the United States government and obstruct justice. Columbia University & Barack Hussein Obama (U.S.C. 371).  GUILTY
Count 9.          Espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 793(e)).  (withdrawn)
Count 10.        Espionage. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 793(e)).  (withdrawn)
Count 11.        Espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 794).  (withdrawn)
Count 12.        Conspiracy to commit espionage. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 794).  (withdrawn)
Count 13.        Disclosure of classified information. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 798).  GUILTY
Count 14.        Conspiracy to disclose classified information. Columbia University (18 U.S.C. 798).  GUILTY
Count 15.        Government seals unlawfully used. Barack Hussein Obama (18 U.S.C. 1017).  GUILTY
Count 16.        Columbia University did knowingly and willfully aid and abet in concealing the identity of
Barack Hussein Obama as a foreign national (18 U.S.C. 1017).  GUILTY
Count 17.        Violation of New York State Education Law. Barack Hussein Obama (NY State Education Law Section 224.).  GUILTY
Count 18.        Violation of New York State Education Law. Columbia University (NY State Education Law Section 224).  GUILTY
Count 19.        Colluded and conspired in the crimes delineated in Counts 2467810121416and 18 of this indictment. Columbia UniversityBarack Hussein Obamaand Michael Sovern.  GUILTY
(The Court)            COURT ADJOURNED.

Days 1-5
CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL–Day 1
CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL–Day 2
CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL–Day 3
CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL–Day 4
CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition & Treason TRIAL–Day 5

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