Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Copy of one of my submissions of protest.
Attn Kevin Mooneyhan & Jenny Beth Martin:
I have tried using the again today, 3/16/2014, and it is an embarrassing "TRAIN-WRECK".
As a vested Tea Party Patriot member, I am personally ashamed of it.
I operate multiple business' and if an employee or "tasked" group of employees, had things this "incredibly screwed up for this duration of time", and additionally right in the midst of a nationally televised and spot-lighted 5th Anniversary event,...heads would most certainly roll and butts would most certainly be kicked...
To "not kick butts" under these circumstances would be a dereliction of ones administrative duties.
To do nothing about it (the debacle), and to fail to "forcefully enact administrative action" to quickly rectify the "debacle", shows and exhibits a tremendous detachment from the facts on the ground, or a disrespect for TEA Party Patriot rank and file members.
And this certainly leads one to believe that they are possibly being taken for granted or are being used as pawns, or both.
This is of course, just my opinion. But I am certainly entitled to my opinion. And it has served me very well over my life time.
Perhaps you and your administrative echelon don't want, or don't see any use for, and perhaps you place "no value" on an honest outsider's opinion.
An opinion from someone that bleeds Tea Party Patriot Red White & Blue, but still is simply an "outsider observer", that see's the Tea Party as "the only possible hope to save our constitutional Republic from possible extinction".
Our descendants will pay a very severe price in indebtedness, weakness, loss of global standing, and in loss of LIBERTY, if the Tea Party fails to unite and to guide constitutional conservatives in a much more intelligent and more unified fight back against the usurping corruption and cronyism of the criminal enterprise that is the Federal Leviathan....
The Progressive/Marxist DemonRats use "every means at their disposal", illegal, unconstitutional, weaponizing the IRS, ballot fraud, illegal immigrant voting, and all else, to advance their far left Nation-Destroying, progressive, fiscally cannibalistic agenda.
We can not fight back against the Progressive Leftist's like "kindly old gentlemen and gentle women" always playing by stifling rules and expect to achieve victory!
Their advancement of Progressive/Marxism "isn't ethical on any level what-so-ever", but come election day, and that's all that counts for the winning and losing game, THE-END-JUSTIFIES-THE-MEANS for them. And why not, when not one of them has gone to jail yet or been punished in any way.
And the Progressive RINO's "won't lift a finger to stop them", and most importantly, most vital, the Tea Party is diseased with infighting and seems to be perfectly mastering the "circular firing squad" as evidenced in the most recent Texas elections pitting seven Tea Party factions against each other, pushing the Progressive Obama enabling liar RINO to victory without any trace of a coherent coordinated fight.
My Corporate "Mentor" (a multi-millionaire) firmly taught me very early on in my career, that "FAILING-TO-PLAN", is inherently in and of itself, "PLANNING-TO-FAIL". There are some "rules-of-the-game, that in a highly contested environment or endeavor", that simply can not be ignored, or YOU WILL ALMOST ALWAYS FAIL!!
The old user friendly TPP website was an activist's "TPP Community Center" site, if nothing else.
If I am judged by you to be wrong or incorrect in any way, if it wasn't the only useable "TPP Community Center" that existed, THEN WHAT WAS?? I await your reply.
Perhaps the TPP elites simply failed to recognize that "TPP Community Center" fact, and that's why it was allowed to be destroyed before any "actually improved" version was built and "fully tested" (YES that's right, fully tested, OFF-LINE), and in the background, "before it was ever put ON-LINE", making all of us Tea Party Patriots look like leaderless incompetent bungling fools.
I will say it again for clarity:
We should all be ashamed of this serious and huge "MISTAKE" and work to hire a professional team to turn it around and replace this Website "debacle" that will most certainly alienate activist TPP members and it will aggressively push away potential new members as well as old less active members. FACT.
"Your Silence in The Face of Tyranny Implies Your consent".
This "TRAIN WRECK", could easily have been (child's play), 1. Built off-line, 2. BETA Tested with select users with a BETA-Trial access password prior to going on-line. 3. Real-time "Operational Trials (test-runs)", of the final "NEARLY On-LINE READY" version could have been conducted involving various hand picked end user/testers, prior to actually going "on-line and destroying the older, but very operational Website".
Once all "Post-BETA" re-test corrections, fixes, re-works, and adjustments were done and all was "A-OK", then, and only then, place that sucker into service online.
The Tea Party Patriots organization isn't some sand-lot organization run by teenagers.
This organization should have "NEVER-NEVER" blown up its old Website the way it was done, non-functional for weeks, including being totally "train-wrecked" during the 5th Anniversary event and for a painfully long duration afterwords. Maybe no one else was concerned. I was embarrassed.
Proper "business-like" advance planning and leadership could have definitely created an entirely different and more favorable outcome in this endeavor.
I wish all those involved the best in their efforts.
Now with your "input" things can only get better.
Hey Silence, I am working with the tech guys ( sending the complaints and troubles reported) to get the site glitches fixed. A lot more people have come back. The Tech guys are supposed to start working on expanding the listed Discussion headings. you can also start your own discussion under one of the headings as well but until the full complement of headings are posted it may seem strange. there are now 22 separate categories of discussion topics on the nine listed headings. I agree it's a mess, but it will eventually be fixed.
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