Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
A bipartisan (RINO's + MARXIST's) bill extending the Undetectable Firearms Act "was passed on a voice vote", "a first for anti-gun legislation" since last year's shootings at a Connecticut elementary school. (five times (+500%) as many people per day are killed in automobile accidents).
The far Left-Wing Progressive controlled Senate is expected to act on the legislation when it returns from a two-week Thanksgiving recess next Monday, a day before the current law expires.
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said he and others will try then to add a new requirement that at least one component of the firing mechanism contain enough metal to be detectable in a magnetometer and also be undetachable. But with the National Rifle Association opposed to any change in the statute and many Democrats eager to avoid a new fight over gun controls going into an election year, the Senate is more likely to just pass the House version unamended. The House bill only requires that a plastic gun have some piece of metal in or on it, but it can be removable and doesn't have to be used to fire the weapon.
"The House bill is better than nothing, but not by much," Chucky (The Schmuck) Schumer said Tuesday. "...It's certainly not enough."
Right now the fight against this is in the Senate and will be until the bill either dies on the floor tomorrow 12/9 or gets resolved by sneaky doings by Reid and Schumer and is sent back to the house calling for a joint resolution committee. The make up of that committee on the house side will be determined by Bone Head Boehner and on the Senate side by that traitor Harry Reid. Guess how it will be resolved. Lets hope Cruz, Lee, Paul can stall any action until the time runs out with the sundown provision and a new bill must be proposed.
I have made aggressive demanding contacts to Amy Klobuchar and Al (DooOOOhhH) Franken.
We need to reach out to "any Tea party aligned House member" with courage that would be willing to publicly "spill-the-beans" or provide any documents, or would be willing to come forward regarding Boehners under the table prior organizing for the expedited gun ban voice vote. This is an excellent opportunity to really expose RINO Boehner on this 2nd Amendent issue.
Boehner had the voice vote fully planned out ahead of time with his cronies and he orchestrated the "wham-bam-thank-you-mam" expedited sneak attack on the Second Amedment to make quick work of it.
He is as bad as Chucky the Schmuck.
My House Rep is DemonRat Tim Walz and I know him, but only as an adversary outside of some non-political business dealings, so my connections to the House are not good at all.
Silence, As I have said, we all need to put pressure on our Senators, especially the ones who will have the hardest time to get reelected and let them know if they son't vote down the re-authorization of the plastic gun bill they definitely will not be reelected. If they won't do that then they need to withhold the unanimous consent so Schumer or any other Senator will not be allowed to attach any Amendments to the bill.
"We were savagely betrayed by ball-less shemale John Boehner, once again" How predictable!
I E-MAILED Bone-Head Boehner and asked him to reply to the question if he was following orders directly from his Boss-Man Harry Reid.
I asked him if he was ever going to stop taking estrogen pills and stiving to be a milquetoast RINO, and instead "grow a pair' and honor his oath of office..
What a colossal waste of my valuable time contacting this ball-less dominated pussy.
Alert!!! Alert!!! Alert!!! Alert!!! Alert!!! Time CRITICAL!!!!!!!!!
New Alert from the GOA on the re-authorization of the plastic gun ban pushed through by Boehner Tuesday 12/3/13;
Gun Owners of America |
Gun Control Coming to the Senate Floor on Monday
“[Democrats] just spent all year trying to effectively destroy the gun lobby, so why in heaven's name [should] we give them this Christmas present?" -- GOA’s Michael Hammond on the plastic gun ban (ABC News, Dec. 3, 2013) The U.S. House of Representatives did a very dangerous thing Tuesday -- and, apparently, it did so with the consent of one gun organization. Lest anyone be confused about how the anti-gun Left views this, USA Todaycrowed, on the front page of Wednesday's newspaper that the “HOUSE SAYS YES TO ONE GUN BILL -- Plastic gun ban only firearm legislation to pass since November.” Taken alone, this gives the Obama administration, if it chooses, another three years to use the 1988 law to ban large numbers of guns. The Senate will only be in session four or five days next week before the House goes out for the year, and Schumer may not be able to get time on the Senate floor without “unanimous consent” from all senators. |
If we could prove that the vote was a 'Fake Script' we could remove Boehner from the House for legal cause, and prosecute him.
Remember Bone Head Boehner's "fake-scripted" voice vote on the floor of the RNC Convention where the results of the "fake-scripted" voice vote were written up for the tele-prompter weeks prior, but the floor vote just happened to turn out completely the opposite of the tele-prompter "fake-script". Boehner IGNORED all of the members and went ahead with the "fake-script" even though the whole world could watch the "SCAM-SHAM" unfold on the teleprompter on live television. So much for the RNC values being better the the Commie Lib-Tards.
The Establishment RINO's scrited the results of this "fake" voice vote well in advance as well.
The "Voice Vote will have been recorded on the continuous video they keep. The real problem is that no one demanded a recorded vote, so I guess the fix was in amont the people who were there. Remember most of the House was not there so there will be a record of who was there for the voice vote, and those are the ones we need to chastize.
Excellent links to the GOA response.
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