We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


I find it necessary to share this email with friends, fighters for our country's sovereignty and survival.

Dear *****,

May I suggest, and don't take it personally, to make it happen we need to be inclusive...we need EVERYBODY to join us. We need them to join us based on teh MERIT of our case. Accordingly, we need to keep religion and our personal beliefs out of it, other than politics of course. We have to be careful to keep suggestions of violence out of it too. We need to WIN, at the polls.

The media is against us. If we are going to win, we need to win by a wide margin, because the media will influence the public. They are full of themselves now, and they think they can call the shots forever.

A movement cannot be successful without a large enough membership. It has to be focused ONLY as a POLITICAL and not religious movement.

Infuse it with religion and you insure failure. Consider my words please...and quietly, pass it around...if you wish.

AGB (Andrew G. Benjamin)

My reply follows:

You can certainly suggest I keep religion out of this; as that's what it will be, a suggestion.

By clarifying your objectives, you need to remove me from your email list. God told me to tell you this.

You play with the media, the corrupt liberals who got us in this mess to date. I have boycotted every venue of media I can reach; in this house, there are no magazines, tv news, newspapers, etc.

Leave religion out and you ensure failure.

Am passing this around as I type--yes and one more thing. God speaking..........."I'm warning you, don't make me come down there".
I stood by and watched them remove prayer from my classroom and I said nothing.

We are not on the same page. God have mercy on my country.

AGB's reply to me:

It is evident to this writer that you are putting yourself, and not G-d (you notice I won't speak his name in vain), above the mission.

Accordingly, you will lose.

I am sorry, seeing an articulate person like yourself who could have played a significant part in a New American Revolution become so intolerant of other's ideas, sharply and unjustly cutting them off from discussion, and more importantly, good ideas that you have expressed go to waste for mere personal ego. Yours.

Your religious intolerance will alienate people.

Is this not the same kind of intolerance what we don't like in the Islamofascists and many liberals?

Think over how you will handle your future activities. Wish you the best...


PS, Since you stated below that you are passing your comments around, so will I

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Comment by Dave Fouser on February 8, 2009 at 12:54pm
In researching the concept of the U.S. Bill of Rights, it was eye-opening to me what that generation brought to the formulation of a set of ten amendments to delineate liberties these men wanted assurance of. I trust you will agree that any relationship has behind it a philosophy - a grid-work for deciding right and wrong, truth and error, and what's ok and not ok. This set of values is present even with the atheist or the agnostic, the Humanist or the Theist. Our "politically correct" school system, our government, and all those institutions which claim to be "values neutral" are, in fact, not values neutral - try taking a Bible to school, praying over a meal, saying anything about God, and you find instantly their "values." Humanism is a religion (a set of beliefs in relating man to his environment), Atheism (there is no god, in which case the person is a god), Agnosticism (we don't/can't know), etc. Therefore, you can't discuss "politics" without including your "religion" - in deed, the Muslim has a three prong belief system, religious, political, and military. Ignoring this fact, as your "friend" suggests, only invites disaster.
My suggestion, JJ, is to invite those you would get together with, to examine their belief system and the belief system of our founding documents (assuming you want to "return to the country as it used to be". Contrary to our friend, I would propose uniting around the Christian Faith. Why? It was foremost in the hearts and minds of our forefathers. Those who first preached and practiced "tolerance" were Christians, not any other religion and not Atheists nor Agnostics!!
Your question of being compared to an adherent of Allah is merely (I think) a reference to your adhering to the fundamentals of the Christian faith. A Christian becomes more Christ-like the more he abides by and in the tenets of Christ; an adherent of Islam becomes more like Muhammad as he attempts to follow the dictates of the Qur'an or Hadith- and yes, this "bible" dictates that Allah is Supreme, Christ was only a prophet, the Muslim is to kill all Christian and Jews and Allah is to be supreme over the entire globe. Andrew will face the Ultimate Judge who died for his eternal soul some day. Dave.
Comment by JJ on January 15, 2009 at 12:09pm
I'm being compared to an Islamofascists????



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