We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Doctors Or Nurses Who Choose Not To Perform Procedures That Violate Their Morals

When Hussein Obama was asked, "When does life begin?" by Rick Warren in the Civil Forum debates at Saddleback church-what was his answer? His answer was, "That is above my pay grade." It immediately struck this citizen that that answer mockingly pointed to God while hastening the venal deception that the killing of our born alive (and unborn) citizens is not above his pay grade. Hussein Obama is a complete and utter fraud. He is evil.

While Hussein Obama was an Illinois state senator, he vehemently fought for the killing of "born alive" babies after those little babies survive attempts on their little lives have failed. And what waits on this side of the womb? The loving arms of anyone who cares? No. It is the gloved hands of a killer, who executes children with a lethal injection to administer a final solution. This is the verdict of those who presume to be judge, jury, prosecutor, and finally-executioner. This is the punishment for those little lives who otherwise survive the odds to kill them in the womb-including the mother. It is the only experience these precious little lives will feel in the brief moments of their existence. They are the targets of the gods of death and destruction. As Jill Stanek so accurately says, "They are marked for death."

Now, doctors and nurses who would choose not to perform procedures that violate their conscience, are faced with the poison of an evil man-and his ilk-whose depraved reasoning as it relates to "choice" would enforce the murder of our defenseless citizens. Upon those whose intents and purposes have been to save and protect human life, their transgression will be their disdain for merciless murder of the unborn and born alive babies. Many of those who will not violate the "unalienable rights of our Creator" will leave the noble service to which they aspired because they abide in the love of the One who requires it.

Nothing could more clearly demonstrate the "unalienable rights from God" and the "human rights from man" than these opposing ideologies. One is good. The other is pure unadulterated evil. "Unalienable rights from God" bequeath to us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "Human rights from man" grants death. no liberty, no pursuit of happiness, no freedom of conscience, and no free will from a sick collection of minds who have no conscience. "Unalienable rights from God" instills in us those purposes to which our Lord accedes-life, and "that you have may have it more abundantly." Those who consent to the notion of "human rights from man" hand over what is in man with no restraining power of good to go to the limit of the depravity of it.

Marxism yields many despicable effects. Of these are not life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Evil enforcements are always applied to get the discipline required in order that no free will or conscience deter the collective will of malignant governance. Hussein Obama, and his culture of death and destruction cooperatives are 'present' to sanction the evil of it. What the Christ spoke of His kingdom could just as easily be applied to innocents: "The kingdom of God has always suffered violence, and the violent take it by force." Freedom has always suffered violence, and the violent "struggle" to take it by force. There is nothing more violent than the murder of those who-not yet speaking-cannot speak for themselves. (www.abort73.com & www.giannajessen.com)

It isn't depraved enough that Hussein Obama and his ilk fought for the murder of our born and unborn citizens in Illinois. With the stroke of a pen, the debased reasoning of the "human rights of man" unleashed hell on foreign innocents-staining the hands of the United States taxpayer. Millions more will now be the targets of the globilization of the death and destruction culture.

Christ said, "I know what is in man." The "human rights of man" knows no end to its own degeneracy when the "unalienable rights from God" are trashed like the lives that it seeks to kill and destroy-with no end in sight.

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Comment by Sharon Rondeau on March 27, 2009 at 7:42pm
He really is evil. That's the only word for this monster.



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