Dear Linda,
It's crucial that you get involved with us on what's happening in California right now.
The state Supreme Court may overturn the vote of the people after a clear majority approved a ballot measure prohibiting same-sex marriage.
If they decide to reverse the citizens' vote, the court will be grossly overstepping its authority - taking judicial activism to a new and troubling level. So we are standing up for the rule of law and the will of the people. We are working to file an amicus brief urging the court to let the ballot measure stand.
Your immediate online donation toward our $875,000 LIBERTY NOT TYRANNY Matching Challenge is essential.
Events are unfolding quickly - not only in California, but in Washington, D.C., and beyond our borders. We've got to continue moving forward in all our legal efforts as YOUR voice on the issues concerning you most.
As you know, President-elect Obama is also moving fast, a clear indication of what his first 100 days in office will look like. We expect to see:
* the ban on embryonic stem cell research lifted
* taxpayer funding reinstated for the U.N. Population Fund - an organization committed to coerced abortions
* a push for the destructive equal-time policy for opposing viewpoints in broadcasting
* a strong move toward passage of the Freedom of Choice Act, which would open the doors to abortion nationwide, including partial-birth abortion
* and more
Make no mistake, we're hard at work to ensure the ACLJ is in a perfect strategic position to stand for your constitutional and religious freedoms in the days ahead.
However, I'm telling you candidly: we must have your help. Meeting our $875,000 LIBERTY NOT TYRANNY Matching Challenge goal is absolutely essential.
Right now, the deadline for our Matching Challenge is very soon ... it expires December 31, 2008. Please take full advantage of the opportunity to see your gift matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to the $875,000 total. ACLJ Lapel Pin & Moot Court DVD
As you can see, there's much at stake - dangerous change is coming fast - and we've got to be ready to fight back.
If you can give a generous gift of $100 or more, I'd like to send you our new ACLJ membership lapel pin, along with a special behind-the-scenes DVD of the final moot court session held in preparation for our recent oral argument at the Supreme Court of the United States.Scales of Justice
If you can give a gift of $1,000 or more, I'd like to send a unique gift: the 16-inch antique brass Scales of Justice with the ACLJ logo, a symbolic reminder of your outstanding commitment to our legal work in courtrooms across the nation and at the Supreme Court.
Thanks again for your personal participation in the fight for freedom. God bless you.
To ensure that you continue to receive e-mails from the ACLJ,
please add jsekulow@aclj.org to your address book.
American Center for Law and Justice
P.O. Box 90555, Washington, D.C. 20090-0555
Phone: (800) 296-4529
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The ACLJ is an organization dedicated to the defense of constitutional liberties secured by law.
American Center for Law and Justice is a d/b/a for Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, Inc., a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, specifically dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights. The Center's purpose is to educate, promulgate, conciliate, and where necessary, litigate, to ensure that those rights are protected under the law. The organization has participated in numerous cases before the Supreme Court, Federal Court of Appeals, Federal District Courts, and various state courts regarding freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained b y writing to us at P.O. Box 450349, Atlanta, GA 31145-0349.
As always, let us know of threats to freedom in your area by calling (757) 226-2489. And tune in to our daily radio program, "Jay Sekulow Live!"
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