Epicenter Examines Events, Bible Prophecy
By Erick Stakelbeck
CBN News Terrorism Analyst
April 8, 2009
Watch Low Band - The world's most powerful leaders gathered at the G-20 Summit in Europe earlier this month to try to solve a growing host of global problems. But many Americans are looking elsewhere for answers.
Nine-thousand people packed San Diego's Cox Arena recently for the second annual Epicenter conference. The event, co-sponsored by bestselling author Joel Rosenberg's charitable organization, the Joshua Fund, and San Diego's Horizon Church, looked at how current events in the Middle East are fulfilling Bible prophecy.
Click the player to see the report from CBN News Terrorism Analyst Erick Stakelbeck followed by comments from Pat Robertson.
Epicenter: The Middle East and Bible Prophecy
Jerusalem Dateline
"The eyes of the nations are so clearly fixed on Israel and her neighbors," Rosenberg told CBN News during a break in the event. "They're the epicenter of the momentous events that are shaking our world, our future."
Everywhere Israel looks today, threats are gathered against it. Hamas in the south. Hezbollah and Syria to the north. And arming and funding all three is an Iranian regime that considers the acquisition of nuclear weapons its divine mission.
Middle East Situation
Speakers at the Epicenter conference warned that the situation in the Middle East is -- quite literally -- about to explode.
"Right now, Russia is forming a military alliance with the nation of Iran and a group of other countries in a hostile standoff with the state of Israel," Rosenberg explained. "The Hebrew prophet Ezekiel, in the Old Testament, wrote 2,500 years ago that Russia would form an alliance with Iran and a group of other countries against Israel in what Ezekiel described as the last days of history."
People in more than 40 countries watched the conference online to learn more about these gathering threats, with more than 60 churches across North America showing their congregations a live broadband feed of the event.
They heard about the struggle for survival that many in southern Israel face on a daily basis.
"For the past eight years a civilian population of roughly 500,000 men, women and children has been attacked non-stop and felt the terror of over 8,000 rockets," said Lea Maloul, a spokesperson for Barzilai Medical Center in the southern Israeli town of Ashkelon.
Americans Not Immune From Threats
Retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin who also spoke at the event, said Americans are mistaken if they think they are immune from the same threats Israel faces.
"Americans have to get their heads out of the sand," Boykin told CBN News following his speech. "And they have to realize that these people are not just a bunch of unsophisticated cave dwellers. These are very sophisticated people. And they're rabidly fanatical about their intentions. They won't stop. They're not going to back off."
But Rosenberg said that even in the darkest days, there is a greater power at work.
"The question is--where is the God of the Bible in all this?" he asked. "Where do we find hope? Where do we find peace? And I think that is the importance of a conference like this right now."
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