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Will Obama Bring Change to the White House?

If communism spells change, the answer could be yes. Obama's childhood father-figure, Frank Marshall Davis, was a very active member of the American Communist Party. Obama fondly recalls his days as a Chicago organizer in the 1960's. It turns out he was an organizer for Saul Alinsky, according to no less an authority than Alinsky's son, Saul Alinsky, Jr. Alinsky was a high-ranking member of the American Communist Party and was in charge of organizing communist activity in Chicago, including domestic terrorist activity. Alinsky wrote a book entitled "Rules for Radicals." He dedicated the book "...to the very first radical, who fought against the establishment so successfully that he at least obtained his own kingdom -- Lucifer." Obama was also closely associated with Bill Ayers of the communist Weather Underground. Obama was also -- in the 1980's -- very closely associated with the Institute for Policy Studies, a KGB front.

But has Obama been bought out by the fascists? By fascists, I mean Benito Mussolini's definition of corporate socialists. The fascists control both major political parties. Obama's Secretary of State will be (war hawk and fascist) Hillary Clinton, in response to which William Kristol -- neocon heavyweight and son of neocon godfather Bill Kristol -- declared, "that's fine with me." Gates will continue on as Secretary of Defense. Condoleeza Rice will remain in the cabinet as ambassador to the U.N. Timothy Geithner (Henry Kissinger protege and former UN/IMF/Federal Reserve official) will become Secretary of the Treasury. Lawrence Summers (former UN/World Bank official who, as President of Harvard University, demeaned the capabilities of women as scientists and engineers) will be the next director of the National Economic Council. Obama is also in serious debt to the Wall Street bankers, having received huge amounts of funding from them. In an article entitled "Obama's jobs plan: A band-aid for an economic catastrophe," which appeared on the World Socialist Web Site, the online propaganda outlet for the Trotzkyite (communist) Fourth International, Patrick Martin said:

In other words, these selections demonstrate that Obama will pursue economic policies determined by the same class interests upheld by his Republican predecessor. The primary concern will be the defense of the financial system—i.e., the accumulated wealth of the financial aristocracy, embodied in the giant banks, hedge funds and other huge financial institutions, whose parasitic and speculative operations precipitated the current crisis.

Many hard line communists have written about Obama in a similar vein.

Then again, a number of hard line communists have actually been supporting him. Former members of the Weather Underground operate an organization called Movement for a Democratic Society (reminiscent of the communist Students for a Democratic Society and of Karl Marx's clarion call to "win the battle for democracy") which operates as the parent organization for Progressives for Obama. The Chairman of the American Communist Party and Stalinist Vladimir Putin (who still runs Russia) have both expressed optimism in being able to work with Obama. It appears that while Obama is not solidly in the communist camp, the communists still hope to be able to use him to some degree. On the other hand, former Weatherman Jeff Jones gave his opinion that Obama is "not a Marxist." But would a change from fascism to Marxism really be change? Lets look at where these fascists are coming from, then let's compare their goals with those of the communists.

Obama's administration will be overwhelmingly dominated by members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which has dominated every presidential administration since and including the FDR administration. The Woodrow Wilson administration was dominated by Wilson's chief adviser, his "alter ego", Edward Mandell House, the chief architect of the CFR, who's goal was "socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx, with a spiritual leavening." The CFR has counterparts in nearly every non-communist country, acting as subsidiaries to the Bilderberg group. Henry Kissinger has long been a high-ranking agent of both the Soviet Union and the Bilderberg/CFR establishment, as was Alger Hiss, the first Secretary General of the United Nations, representing the joint CFR/communist goal of world government. To pursue global regionalization as a stepping stone to world government, David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski -- arguably Obama's most important presidential adviser -- co-founded the Trilateral Commission (TC) in 1973. To jump start the TC, Brzezinski wrote the book, "between two ages," in which he spelled out the strategy of capitalizing on the success of international communism to socialize the west, tame the communist beast, and merge the two together into a world government based on the principles laid down by Karl Marx, with a few modifications.

Now, let's compare Marxism with fascism. The Marxists want a government owned central bank, while the fascists want a privately owned central bank. They both want fiat money. The Marxists want to rule us through the labor unions, while the fascists want to rule us through the corporations. They both want to rule over us and make slaves out of us. The Marxists want to go to war to weaken our military and make us vulnerable to a takeover by their Bolivarian forces, while the fascists want to go to war to expand their empire, thereby creating more enemies who will want to destroy us. They both want to use war to demoralize us and scare us into accepting a police state. The Marxists only oppose the current police state because it's controlled by the fascists. The Marxists want to tax us directly, while the fascists want to tax us indirectly through monetary inflation. They both want to control the wealth. The Marxists want to destroy the sanctity of life and marriage in the Congress, while the fascists prefer to do so by maneuvering the right individuals, e.g., Arlen Specter, into position to prevent conservative appointees from being nominated to the Supreme Court. They both want to destroy our morals to make us unfit for freedom. The Marxists openly attack our spiritual heritage and religious freedom, while the fascists either ignore it or co-opt religion to lead us down the garden path to their New World Order. Both want us to be governed by themselves, not by God or by ourselves.

So, would a dedicated Marxist upset the fascist applecart? Maybe, but don't expect it from Obama. Remember, he is now receiving praise from the fascist elite. And no wonder. His chief adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski also wrote a book entitled "The Grand Chess Board," in which he laid out the fascist strategy for spreading American hegemony into the Middle East and, from there, into Russia and China. While the Marxists and fascists are like ideological twins, that didn't stop Hitler and Stalin from trying to dominate each other. Our government still has an embargo on Cuba while engaging in underground tactics to subdue Castro's protege, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. We have Chavez's declaration that the Bolivarian movement must be used to stop the FTAA and North American Union by spreading communism all across the hemisphere. We use foreign aid, diplomacy, and military maneuvers to try to outflank Russia by spreading our democratic fascism to such countries as the Ukraine and Georgia, while Russia uses it's monopoly on natural gas to bully former soviet block countries into submission, while invading and dominating Georgia, thereby putting into practice an official declaration from Moscow that they must stop the New World Order by implementing their New World Socialist Order. The fascists built up communism to scare us into accepting world government. Now, the communists can hold their own. The communists are using terrorism to subdue us, while the fascists are using terrorism the same way they used to use communism. The old cold war is alive and well, and Brzezinski spelled out the fascist strategy for victory in "The Grand Chessboard." Now, with Brzezinski as Obama's chief adviser, and with many communists using Obama's communist background to try to influence him, will he pull any surprises to make Lenin proud? Will he throw a monkey wrench into the fascist works? Time will tell, but the fascists have ways of eliminating national leaders who don't play ball, and I think Obama wants to stick around and get ahead in this game.

So what should we do? First, we must refamiliarize ourselves with the longstanding religious and philosophical codes of moral conduct, such as the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule. James Madison, the father of the Constitution, said: "This Constitution was designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other." We must live these principles in our daily lives, both individually and collectively. Second, we must refamiliarize ourselves with the political application of these principles, e.g., the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Third, we must hold our elected officials accountable, especially in the legislative bodies. We must recognize abuses of power by recognizing the principles upon which they are based, regardless of whether the perpetrators are considered liberals, conservatives, or moderates. And we must not be influenced by political party affiliation. We also need to realize that we will not get a good President unless we get good Congressmen elected. And most Congressmen come from state legislative bodies, while most state lawmakers come from local government bodies. This is why the globalists say: "Think globally, act locally."

This is where victory can and must begin. The hour is late, so we must act now. With God's help, and with our own good sense, I know we can win.

Author: Dennis Gorgoglione
Coordinator, The Independent American Party, New England Region
(860) 457-8869

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