We The People USA

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Former FBI Chief,...terror attacks ...

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Monday, June 06, 2011 9:39

Former FBI Chief, Ted Gunderson, discusses terror attacks and who is behind them. Everyone in America and the World should watch this video! CIA And FBI !


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Comment by M on June 8, 2011 at 9:08pm
Politicians by their very nature are consumate liars. They even start to believe their lies and are really upset when they are outed as liars. Just look at what Weiner went through in the last two weeks. First he lied about it, then he got angry about being asked about it, then when verifiable information came out he still lied about some of the things. After that he lied some more and refused to resign. These people in power have no moral standards. The Democrats are in the forefront in that and have always been there. They are trained from infancy that the ends justify the means to bolster their power and influence. They will never change. What we really need is a part time Legislature.
Comment by Catherine Linton on June 8, 2011 at 5:54pm
This guy Gunderson must have terminal cancer or he's just a cover-up for more horrifying crap comin' down the pike. Who's to know, the devil wears many faces. Since I've become enlightened to what force moves the evil undercurrents of this world (the Fed) I'm really not too surprised to hear this. Bush was (on tape) caught in several lies about 9/11, plus he doesn't have a very good poker face. When these dirtbags in higher office become so out of touch with reality it seems their humanity leaves them and is replaced with an evil reckoning we, in our lives, can't even grasp. To enrich yourself on the misery, pain and hunger of others is beyond my comprehension. But , sadly, there is no one to beam us up. Every war fought by this country after WW1 was, IMHO, directly manipulated by the Fed.and all that encompasses. God gives us free will, people make their choices. But it comes with a price.....that of which we shall never know. All I can tell you all is prepare. There is no survival without liberty.



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