We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


Free Speech is Under Attack

If you go to Freepress.net you will find an open letter to President Obama with the subject "Glenn Beck Doesn't Speak For Me" You can enter your info and change the letter to say what YOU want it to say. It's not just about Glenn Beck, it's about all Conservatives and radio personalities that speak the truth against President Obama. Speak Up-Stand Up NOW, please! This organization is trying to put restrictions on the internet and TV. Stop them now, We have to protect the Constitution and everything it stands for. If we can't speak freely, then what do we have?

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Comment by wakeupamerica on October 7, 2009 at 11:38pm
and did you all catch the wording? "media reform" same ol crap again being shoved upon us just like health care reform more govnment control under the guise of community organizing left lib loon activist
Comment by wakeupamerica on October 7, 2009 at 9:59pm
ok Christine and others I hope this works this is what I sent but what if they change it? so now I am thinking it may not work or be a good idea please get back to me too.

Glenn Beck speaks for most of Americans

The loudmouths in the MSM (mainstream media) don't speak for me or for the majority of Americans. The mainstream television and radio outlets and magazines and newspapers are a major megaphone smear campaign against public servants and innocent, regular hard-working Americans.

These talking heads tend to abuse their First Amendment rights to stoke fear, prejudice, hate, violence, and to promote, or force their own political agenda and ideals and we're not asking for them to be silenced, but we all have a responsibility to condemn this behavior that is harming our REPUBLIC. Real Reporting and Journalism is dead and out the window unless you do something to make it stop. This one -sided media has got to stop! This is just another tactic community letter campaign drive of all on the liberal progressives to stop the conservative talk radio and tv. Most Americans do agree with Glenn Beck and the other Conservative radio tv hosts.

We, the undersigned, urge you to publicly confront such media fear-mongering with reason, and to fulfill your presidential commitment to foster a media system in which is fair and balanced and not one sided for just a few liberal progressive activists who are forcing their political agendas and ideals on the rest of America who do not share the same beliefs or ideals. WE THE PEOPLE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR CONSTITIONAL RIGHTS TO BE HEARD TO KEEP OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH FOR ALL! this means those of the left and
of the right.



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