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Alert: Hannity and Limbaugh to be kicked off the air
Saturday, November 15, 2008 9:20 AM
"Human Events"
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Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers, The Center for Individual Freedom. From time to time, we receive opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to know about. Please note that the following message does not necessarily reflect the editorial positions of Human Events.

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Do you believe that liberals already dominate the media?

Do you think biased coverage played a large part in the outcome of the presidential election?

If you think things were bad in that regard...


Do liberals actually believe that conservative opinions are pornography?

Are liberals so threatened that they're plotting and planning right now, at this very minute, to silence conservative thoughts and opinions from the public airwaves?

You be the judge.

FOX News asked Senator Chuck Schumer if liberals in Congress will try to implement the so-called Fairness Doctrine - a measure specifically designed to shut down Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and conservative talk radio.

Schumer replied indignantly:

"Do you think we should allow people to put pornography on the air? Absolutely not. Particularly on television or radio."

Huh? No, it's NOT a joke! And he didn't stop there.

Schumer nastily admonished decent Americans for some imagined hypocrisy:

"The very same people who don't want the Fairness Doctrine want the FCC [Federal Communications Commission] to limit pornography on the air.... That's not consistent."

It's almost beyond belief.

We couldn't have made it up!

Is Schumer so unhinged that he's not even capable of understanding the fundamental difference between smut and political expression?

Craig Parshall, general counsel for the National Religious Broadcasters said:

"I was stunned by Senator Schumer's suggestion that by keeping filth off the air, the federal government has somehow become empowered to take over the control of legitimate programming content of broadcasters."

But Parshall missed one very important point.

With control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, Schumer and his liberal colleagues are twisting the First Amendment's guarantees of Freedom of Speech and of the Press - ALL TO SET THE STAGE TO SILENCE RUSH, HANNITY AND OTHERS.

If you're a liberal, you can burn the flag, put four-letter-word bumper stickers on your car, commit lewd acts on-stage, play profane rap music loudly on your car radio, produce, rent and distribute the most disgusting filth in broad daylight and on the Internet in plain view of minors and even use taxpayer dollars to depict Jesus suspended in bodily waste.

But when it comes to shutting down conservative thoughts and opinions, now that they have grabbed the reins of power, liberals are making control over the content of speech a top priority!

They're plotting and maneuvering behind the scenes to make it happen RIGHT NOW!

Peter Kirsanow writing in National Review Online tells us why this fight is URGENT:

"Imposition of some form of the Fairness Doctrine likely will be one of the Democrats' agenda items for the first 100 days of the new administration. It's important that conservatives begin working now to stop it."

Kirsanow went on:

"Waiting until Inauguration Day to get geared up is too late. By that time the Fairness Doctrine Express will be at full steam- wavering Democrats will be pressed to support the new Democratic president, weak-kneed Republicans will want to display comity, the mainstream media will not be saddened to see talk radio annihilated and much of the public will be too enraptured by Obama's Camelot inauguration to notice or care."

Kirsanow is right.

There is not a moment to lose. If we take a stand now, we can defeat this threat to our civil liberties.

If we wait, it will be too late.

Use the hyperlink below and bombard President George W. Bush and the Republican Members of the Senate with your Blast Faxes. Demand that they stand firm against any attempt by liberals in Congress to effectively outlaw the First Amendment.

We must act now! Liberals in Congress may try to sneak the Fairness Doctrine into legislation any day now. Liberal pundits inside the Beltway and members of the elite media are already attempting to sell conservative Senators on the notion that their only chance for political survival is to display comity. Unless they hear from you now, they WILL believe it, as they have in the past.

We can win this fight. It only takes 40 Senators to stand firm . But if patriotic Americans do not speak up, we will lose this fight for our liberties.


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"Congress Shall Make No Law..."

You might think it's almost beyond belief, but our Founding Fathers understood and dreaded the danger we presently face.

They feared the danger to such an extent that they ratified, as the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, words they thought would be our primary line of defense against the government evolving into a tyranny that would trample on the rights of the people.

To them the danger was real:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech...."

It was not a fluke that the above words came first.

Our Founding Fathers knew that all of our rights flow directly from those fundamental liberties.

And they knew that once the government began eliminating our First Amendment freedoms, all of our other rights would fall like dominoes.

Despots in the modern era knew it as well.

Gaining control of the media is typically the first act of a leftist usurper.

When Castro took power in Cuba, he imprisoned journalists en masse and continued to do so throughout his regime, holding those who opposed him indefinitely without charges.

When Josef Stalin returned from exile in March of 1917 he immediately assumed control of an underground publication founded by Leon Trotsky called Pravda (which, ironically, translates as "Truth") and made it an official arm of the Soviet Communist Party. Pravda became and remained the chief propaganda arm of the Soviet Communist Party until it was shut down in 1991 by Boris Yeltsin. Subscription to Pravda was MANDATORY.

Immediately after assuming power in 1933, Adolf Hitler placed Joseph Goebbels in charge of the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. All journalists, writers, and artists were required to register with the ministry.

But this is the United States where, unfortunately, such strong-arm tactics are not necessary because liberals already control the media, EXCEPT for conservative talk radio.

Kirsanow again:

"Talk radio is the most important medium conservatives have. It's the only medium conservatives dominate. But liberals aren't content to have only NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, AP, Reuters, Newsweek, Time, the NY Times, Washington Post, Hollywood, etc. Stray conservative thoughts might escape into the population, you know."

CNSNews quoting Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland:

"The government 'has the responsibility' to make sure there are a 'variety of opportunities for people to get information,' said Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) when asked about the Fairness Doctrine at the Democratic Senatorial Committee election night party on Tuesday."

"Variety of Opportunities"... ?

Without conservative talk radio THERE IS NO "VARIETY"... period!

It's simple. No conservative talk radio means there is no voice of dissent. No voice of dissent means no free speech and no free speech means that nothing stands in the way of those in government who wish to oppress the governed.

Use the hyperlink below and bombard President George W. Bush and the Republican Members of the Senate with your Blast Faxes. Demand that they stand firm against any attempt by liberals in Congress to effectively outlaw the First Amendment.

We must act now! Liberals in Congress may try to sneak the Fairness Doctrine into legislation any day now. Liberal pundits inside the Beltway and members of the elite media are already attempting to sell conservative Senators on the notion that their only chance for political survival is to display comity. Unless they hear from you now, they WILL believe it, as they have in the past.

We can win this fight. It only takes 40 Senators to stand firm . But if patriotic Americans do not speak up, we will lose this fight for our liberties.


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How It Works...

The sad truth is that liberal elites in the media and in government are totally oblivious to concepts like freedom and fairness and balance.

Their ONLY agenda is to control all debate, opinion and political discourse.

And the so-called Fairness Doctrine is their means to achieve that end.

How, you ask?

Years ago the Fairness Doctrine was simply policy at the FCC.

Bill Ruder, John F. Kennedy's Assistant Secretary of Commerce, spelled it out:

"Our massive strategy was to use the Fairness Doctrine to challenge and harass right-wing broadcasters and hope the challenges would be so costly to them that they would be inhibited and decide it was too expensive to continue."

Former Reagan Budget Director James Miller put it another way:

"Put yourself in the position of the broadcaster: your very existence is dependent on the FCC's renewing your license every few years. And the FCC says you must offer 'balanced' programming. What does this mean?"

To put it another way, what do you suppose stations would do if they had to provide "balance" to Rush and Hannity and Ingraham AS DICTATED BY NANCY PELOSI and Charles Schumer?

Say good-bye to conservative talk-radio.

Make no mistake, the racket you'll soon be hearing in Washington will be the ker-blam of the wrecking ball, battering down freedom of speech in America, as Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid use the so-called Fairness Doctrine to reduce the First Amendment to rubble and haul it away in dump trucks.

Use the hyperlink below and bombard President George W. Bush and the Republican Members of the Senate with your Blast Faxes. Demand that they stand firm against any attempt by liberals in Congress to effectively outlaw the First Amendment.

We must act now! Liberals in Congress may try to sneak the Fairness Doctrine into legislation any day now. Liberal pundits inside the Beltway and members of the elite media are already attempting to sell conservative Senators on the notion that their only chance for political survival is to display comity. Unless they hear from you now, they WILL believe it, as they have in the past.

We can win this fight. It only takes 40 Senators to stand firm . But if patriotic Americans do not speak up, we will lose this fight for our liberties.


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It Is No Secret.

Liberals in Congress have been trying to shut-down conservative talk-radio for years.

It's the first item on their agenda!

Here's a quote from Senator James Inhofe recounting a conversation he claims he heard between Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Hillary Clinton:

"They said we've got to do something about this. These are nothing but far right-wing extremists.... There's got to be a legislative fix for this..."

Here's former Vice-President Al Gore, unable to squelch his contempt for conservative talk radio in general and Rush Limbaugh in particular:

"[T]hen immediately afterwards, Rush Limbaugh and other hate-mongers began to fill the airwaves."

Here's Michael Ortiz, a spokesman with the Obama campaign, explaining why Barrack Obama believes the so-called Fairness Doctrine does not go far enough. Pay particular attention to the code words:

"He considers this debate to be a distraction from the conversation we should be having about opening up the airwaves and modern communications to as many diverse viewpoints as possible, that is why Senator Obama supports media ownership caps, network neutrality, public broadcasting, as well as increasing minority ownership of broadcasting and print outlets."

Here's a quote from Senator Richard Durbin, the man who compared our brave men and women in uniform to "NAZIs," but had to begrudgingly apologize after being called on the carpet by conservative talk-radio hosts:

"It's time to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine. I have this old-fashioned attitude that when Americans hear both sides of the story, they're in a better position to make a decision."

Here's Senator John Kerry attempting to advance the idiotic fantasy that conservative opinion dominates the media and liberal opinions are not heard:

"I think the Fairness Doctrine ought to be there... one of the most profound changes in the balance of the media is when the conservatives got rid of the equal time requirements and the result is that they have been able to squeeze down and squeeze out opinion of opposing views."

And here's Senator Dianne Feinstein equating shutting-down the opinions of the minority with fairness:

"I believe very strongly that the airwaves are public and people use these airwaves for profit. But there is a responsibility to see that both sides and not just one side of the big public questions of debate of the day are aired and are aired with some modicum of fairness."

Use the hyperlink below and bombard President George W. Bush and the Republican Members of the Senate with your Blast Faxes. Demand that they stand firm against any attempt by liberals in Congress to effectively outlaw the First Amendment.

We must act now! Liberals in Congress may try to sneak the Fairness Doctrine into legislation any day now. Liberal pundits inside the Beltway and members of the elite media are already attempting to sell conservative Senators on the notion that their only chance for political survival is to display comity. Unless they hear from you now, they WILL believe it, as they have in the past.

We can win this fight. It only takes 40 Senators to stand firm . But if patriotic Americans do not speak up, we will lose this fight for our liberties.


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Our Side Knows The Score As Well.

Here's President Bush:

"By insisting on so-called balance, [liberals] want to silence those they don't agree with. They know they cannot prevail in the public debate of ideas."

Here's Martha Zoller, writing for the Business & Media Institute recounting a quick Q and A with Nancy Pelosi a few months ago:

"The do-nothing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said last week that she supports reviving the Fairness Doctrine... When pressed further on whether she would allow the Broadcaster Freedom Act to repeal the Fairness Doctrine permanently, Pelosi said, ' No... The interest in my caucus is the reverse.'"

Here's Cliff Kincaid with Accuracy in Media quoting the Democratic Platform; as with the statement from the Obama campaign, pay particular attention to the liberal code words:

"'We will encourage diversity in the ownership of broadcast media, promote the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints, and clarify the public interest obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation's spectrum,' the Democratic platform says."

And finally, David Limbaugh sums it all up:

"The left supports campaign finance reform, the Fairness Doctrine and other policies allegedly aimed at ensuring that both sides of the political argument be aired. But it's a colossal fraud. Can you imagine what would be in store for political speech in this country if liberals resumed regulatory control of the airways? I can and am horrified at the prospect; and you should be, too."

The time to act is now.

Pelosi, Schumer, Reid and other extreme-liberals in Congress will move quickly... possibly any day now.

When they're done, the First Amendment might as well read:

Congress shall endeavor to make laws disrespecting establishments of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof; abridging the freedom of speech, and the right of the people peaceably to assemble...

Use the hyperlink below and bombard President George W. Bush and the Republican Members of the Senate with your Blast Faxes. Demand that they stand firm against any attempt by liberals in Congress to effectively outlaw the First Amendment.

We must act now! Liberals in Congress may try to sneak the Fairness Doctrine into legislation any day now. Liberal pundits inside the Beltway and members of the elite media are already attempting to sell conservative Senators on the notion that their only chance for political survival is to display comity. Unless they hear from you now, they WILL believe it, as they have in the past.

We can win this fight. It only takes 40 Senators to stand firm . But if patriotic Americans do not speak up, we will lose this fight for our liberties.


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Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella

P.S. Please help us reach as many concerned Americans as possible by forwarding this e-mail to at least 10 of your friends and family members.

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Center for Individual Freedom
113 S. Columbus St., Suite 310
Alexandria, VA 22314

CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization with
the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.

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