We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



Dear K,

What would happen to a nation that no longer believes in God's Word as the basis of justice? We know from scripture that God allowed the Jews to first become slaves and later to wander in the desert because of their apostasy, so should we expect any less?

America is unique among the countries of the world, and at one time our leaders-believing as the people themselves did-dedicated their lives and their country to God and looked to His laws as a model for our own. Today we are a nation of pagans, apostates and sodomites and export our debauched culture around the world. Things are so bad that when our rulers try to export a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual and feminist secularism on other peoples, it's the devout Muslims who oppose us.

America truly is descending into a degenerate and despotic cycle, and while Tea Partiers make headlines daily with pleasant-but mundane-proposals to trim taxes, the truth is that our republic has gone the same way as that of Rome. Just like Rome, we were founded as a Republic, but greed, apathy, decadence and war have turned us into an Empire.

I know some of you will laugh at what I'm saying. Just the other day I got an email that said, "This is still a Christian country, God will save us, even if it does not come about in the way you think."

Well, my friends, I have to disagree. Perhaps God will stretch out his hand and protect America from itself, but that is not normally His way. God is love, but He is perfectly just as well, and for the last 150 years this nation has been on the march towards the centralization of power, manipulation of the money supply, perpetual war, attacks on religion and the degradation of civil liberties that our forefathers fought the Crown of England to gain. Like the Jews before us, it is almost as if we have done all we can to turn our backs on God and erect false gods-of humanism, consumerism, relativism-in His place.

So what should Christian Patriots do? How can we possibly take our country back this late in the game? Is it even possible, or are things already lost?

I truly believe we are literally standing on the brink of tyranny. The signs are unmistakable...the centralization of power that began during the Civil War went into high gear as the safeguards built into the Constitution were stripped out by the 16th and 17th Amendments, and when we joined the old wars of Europe in WW1 and later, WW2, the militarization of America demanded ever-more money, sacrifice and government power to become the world's policeman.

But now, the trend has taken a truly terrifying turn for the worse. The federal government-politicians on both sides-have begun nationalizing private industry and tightening their grip over health care, food production...even the once-free internet, and when the economic crisis they engineered failed to bring about a complete collapse, they've begun gearing up for another round.




Now as battle hardened troops return from Iraq and Afghanistan, they are being redeployed in new roles inside the United States as part of homeland security, and those soldiers who leave armed forces are being quickly hired by law enforcement agencies eager to take advantage of their combat experience. In this economy it's hard to blame our troops for looking for a well-paying, stable job, but soldiers are trained to occupy and kill the enemy and the transition to 'peace officer' has proven difficult for many.

What will it take for the federal government to declare martial law, or suspend civil liberties, as has been done dozens of times before? A hurricane? Earthquake? Terrorist attack? Financial collapse? What if the Republicans take over the House of Representatives and defund ObamaCare, or if Republican Governors promise to demand proof of eligibility for the 2012 Presidential elections? The fact that these questions are even being asked among the 'mainstream' demonstrates just how far we have come.

When it does happen, and the army is called in to sweep dangerous Americans....pro-lifers, gun-rights advocates, Ron Paul supporters and even family farmers, will you be ready? Do you even know what life will look like in the New Amerika?

Imagine empty streets with humvees and 'authorized personnel' going from house to house to make sure everyone has enrolled for their ration cards and received their vaccinations. Imagine indefinite detention as an 'enemy' of the state, 'aggressive interrogation' for those who cite the 5th Amendment and abandoned military facilities functioning as internment camps. It sounds like a movie...but it is already happening right now.

For anyone who has eyes to see, it's clear where this once-great country is headed, and Christian Patriots must respond quickly and with confidence. There is only one way to respond...

"Nothing will restore true liberty to the U.S. unless, and until, there is a return to God and His revealed Word"

The case for a biblical resolution of our problems has been laid out in exacting detail by a group of Christian scholars who have address the threats to our way of life, such as:

What will martial law look like?
How will the enemies of God trigger the collapse?
The extraordinary role the media will play
And they even provide a simple 'litmus test' to use to determine the true god of any individual, system or institution.

This book, "Christian Liberty or Martial Law", includes contributions by R.J. Rushdoony, Dr. Roger Schultz, Herb Titus, Christopher Ortiz, Dr. Joe Morecraft III and Martin G. Selbrede and explains step-by-step what we need to do to turn the country around.

For a limited time the publishers at Solutions From Science are including "Law & Liberty", a 200 page eBook valued at $59 and "Liberty or Tyranny", a DVD valued at more than $29, at no cost to you.

"Christian Liberty or Martial Law" is available exclusively at TheOnlyWayBack.com.


The Team at Off the Grid News

P.S. A note from the publisher: I know some of our readers are not Christians, and may even take offense at some of the things I've said, which is why I want to extend a special offer just for you. Order "Christian Liberty or Martial Law" and if you're not shocked by the objective truth of what you read, send it back for a complete refund. I'll even let you keep the DVD as my thank-you for trying it out. You have nothing to lose, so visit TheOnlyWayBack.com today. Sincerely, Bill Heid


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G B,


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