We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

I signed up. I even took the time to write a few posts, make new friends and yes even mail my letters. I visited other members pages to see what kind of themes they were displaying so i could have some ideas for mine. I believe in this cause of protecting and saving our Nation. I believe in our fight to stop a man from becoming President.
But with all that is going on here on this site something felt out of place almost clandestine. As I have gone from page to page it finally hit me. They say if you want to hide something the best place is right out in the open.

As we continue our discussion on the best way to get Obama's birth certificate released, get the Electoral Collage to withhold their vote, get Obama to complete a sentence without using the word "UH". and so on. As we continue to work against this man, we are continually being exposed to advertising about this man in the right hand column of these page.....LOOK FOR YOURSELF-----

We can buy Barack Obama collector porcelin, get the latest catalog from J-crew to see what Michelle is wearing and so on!!


I think not. Let it be a constant reminder of what might come so that we may strengthen our resolve
to never surrender!!



Views: 22


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Comment by Mary Brown on November 26, 2008 at 9:40pm
I sent an email to one of the groups opposed to The Fairness Doctrine, telling them that it is too late - the media is already being restricted. How else can you explain not one mention about our efforts to get access to Obama's BC anywhere? Who has the power to blacklist an issue of this magnitude? Just today, I read an article on MSNBC and it was a downplay of our efforts and in their opinion, a voter or citizen doesn't have the "standing" to ask the courts to intervene. I am sick of the courts and everyone else using this excuse. The Constitution should be upheld PERIOD. We should not have to ask the courts to enforce what should have been handled by the election officials. And, in my opinion, The Constitution applies equally to everyone and it is the courts duty to do everything in its power to make sure it is observed.
Comment by Cynthia Osburn on November 17, 2008 at 9:32am
Aplomb said: there is something bigger going on here than just one person trying to become the US president w/o being eligible

Aplomb is very correct when she says this. I don't think it is in the Bible because America is not mentioned there, but God is rolling out His plan. Be watching very carefully Iran/Israel/Syria/Russia; pay attention and you will see Ezekiel 38 & 39 prophecies come to pass.
Comment by Aplomb on November 17, 2008 at 8:15am
Now about those ads on the right side...when you have certain blogs ads get posted that are tied into a topic that you are writing about. Key words and then you get ads and some small income from hits on those ads. There's more to it and I may not have explained it exactly correctly.
Comment by Aplomb on November 17, 2008 at 8:08am
I know exactly what you are talking about, Paul..."Let it be a constant reminder of what might come so that we may strengthen our resolve
to never surrender!!" Again, check out this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge2J2lNusJs and just for the sake of fairness, here's a rebuttal and you can decide what to believe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aowL0fqu3ck and here is amero talk on the news: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEnHMHqGge8 Vincente Fox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYGrn0hZlCQ.

Last year without any signage or explanation attached to it in a Denver parade were three soldiers with flags walking united. The flags were American, Canadian, and Mexican. Also we used to have tours here at the Denver mint which stopped just a few years ago.

I just think that considering the way Obama can be shielded and campaigned for by the main stream media and with the silence by the politicians as to his dangerous connections, and with Obama talking about his national civilian security force, and his not needing to release any records--which as a person in government are supposed to be open to the public anyway; there is something bigger going on here than just one person trying to become the US president w/o being eligible. And when you consider what they did to "Joe the plumber" just for asking a question, well, we are doing a lot more than that. Don't forget to pray.
Comment by Judy Doyle on November 17, 2008 at 4:05am
Paul, Have you visited www.debbieschlussel.com? She has posted obama's fake Selective Service Registration. It is VERY interesting. I compared the fake one for obama with my husband's registration. I seems that this criminal obama is a fake regardless of the direction you are looking at him. His life is a fake and a fraud.

Do you remember the Anita Hill debacle that was presented during the Clarence Thomas Confirmation hearings? That too was perpetrated by the criminal democrats. I was one of thousands of Americans who wrote letters and made phone calls asking that the Anita Hill issue be set aside. I reminded Justice Thomas that we stood in the gap for him during those confirmation hearings. Now, we need for him to do the same for us and demand that obama appear before the Court and submit his birth certificate. I hope he does the right thing by the Constitution and for the American people.
Comment by Cynthia Osburn on November 16, 2008 at 11:51pm
AMEN Brother!



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