We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

John Boehner Passes Plastic Gun Ban on a "VOICE" vote, Disregards Citizens & Constitution.

A bipartisan (RINO's + MARXIST's) bill extending the Undetectable Firearms Act "was passed on a voice vote", "a first for anti-gun legislation" since last year's shootings at a Connecticut elementary school. (five times (+500%) as many people per day are killed in automobile accidents).

The far Left-Wing Progressive controlled Senate is expected to act on the legislation when it returns from a two-week Thanksgiving recess next Monday, a day before the current law expires.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said he and others will try then to add a new requirement that at least one component of the firing mechanism contain enough metal to be detectable in a magnetometer and also be undetachable. But with the National Rifle Association opposed to any change in the statute and many Democrats eager to avoid a new fight over gun controls going into an election year, the Senate is more likely to just pass the House version unamended. The House bill only requires that a plastic gun have some piece of metal in or on it, but it can be removable and doesn't have to be used to fire the weapon.

"The House bill is better than nothing, but not by much," Chucky (The Schmuck) Schumer said Tuesday. "...It's certainly not enough."

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Comment by SILENCE IN THE FACE OF TYRANNY I on December 5, 2013 at 6:46am

"Later when the results of the vote are published we can do the same for every other traitor in the house by calling the congressional switchboard"

BOEHNER, CONDUCTED IT AS A VOICE VOTE. Will the results ever even be made public?

Also, you are the only person (here at least) to have even shown any interest (so far) in this important constitutional issue.

That in and of itself is disheartening. 

Comment by M on December 4, 2013 at 5:50pm

Consider this; Schumer has 'temporarily' won due to Boehner once again betraying us ( you can contact him and read him the riot act at http://www.speaker.gov/contact ). In view of the latest betrayal of the Constitution and the American people by Bone Head Boehner, This has become critical for our continued survival as a Free Republic. We must draw the line here and now!!! The time has passed when we can rely on our Representatives in the House to stop this take over by the nefarious forces the Progressives are fielding against us. Our last chance is to create a Blitz on our Senators and challenge them to stop this or forget any chance of reelection . Contact link;http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/general/one_item_and_teasers/conta... you may also phone the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request. Don’t forget to remind them we are coming for them in 2014 for any Un-American actions they may take.

Comment by M on December 4, 2013 at 5:47pm

Lets get something going to let Bone Head Boehner how we feel about his continued existence as the ”Speaker for the Progressives Agenda’s”. Contact information link; http://www.speaker.gov/contact Lets really lower the boom on him. Later when the results of the vote are published we can do the same for every other traitor in the house by calling the congressional switchboard. your House Representatives can be reached at (202) 224-3121. All you have to do is to ask to be connected to your Congressman. Don’t forget to remind them we are coming for them in 2014 for their Un-American actions.

Comment by M on December 4, 2013 at 5:41pm

From GOA; 

Gun Owners of America

House Leadership Ignores Gun Owners,
Slams through Plastic Gun Ban Reauthorization

The battle continues, and now moves to the Senate

“There is opposition to changing existing law from conservative lawmakers and gun rights groups such as Gun Owners of America.” -- USA Today, December 3, 2013


Someone once said that the only thing anyone ever learns from history is that no one ever learns anything from history. 

Straight from bumbling the shut down, the House leadership yesterday, by a voice vote, slammed through a straight ten-year reauthorization of the poorly drafted 1988 plastic gun ban.

Read GOA’s oped on this subject in this morning’s USA Today.

At least, argue House Republicans, this “straight authorization” of a bad law will prohibit New York Democrat Chuck Schumer from using the reauthorization as a vehicle to enact new, more extensive gun control. 


But the House leadership has now handed Schumer a legislative vehicle for passing his gun control.  This means he and Harry Reid could choose to take their ban on 3-D printer guns -– which, by the way, would also ban many metal gun manufacturers -– and send it back to the House. 

Just hours after the House reauthorized the anti-gun law, Schumer held a press event in support of expanding the plastic gun ban.

If they do this, then Boehner and his leadership team will once again be swimming in a river of pain –- inflicted by a liberal media that finally sees an opportunity for passing its much-desired gun control agenda.

So the first thing we’re doing is to organize a Senate filibuster of any Schumer effort to pass and/or expand the House bill. 

Given that the Senate is currently bogged down in a fight over the defense authorization legislation, we may be able to make it very difficult for Schumer to use the House-passed bill as a vehicle for new gun control.      

So please stay tuned.  We thank you for all your activism up to this point.  But just realize that this battle is not over yet.


Meanwhile, GOA Director of Communications Erich Pratt authored theOpposing View this morning in USA Today.

Among other things, Pratt argued that the plastic gun ban is an unconstitutional infringement of our liberties that is not only ineffective, but could eventually be expanded by an anti-gun administration to ban even more guns.

But what about the issue of smuggling guns onto planes? 

Pratt says that renewing a ban on plastic firearms will “not stop criminals from making them or stealing them,” any more than Chicago's gun restrictions have been effective in stopping shootings there.

Not only that, says Pratt, “smuggling guns onto planes will still be against the law, with or without a plastic gun ban.” And airport X-ray machines will still be able to detect them.

Bottom line, says Pratt, Congress solved the problem of terrorists carrying weapons onto planes after 9/11 -- not through additional gun bans, but by “allowing pilots to use guns to defend themselves and their passengers.”

Again, you can read the entire column here.



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