We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Letter from Bob Corker - Tennessee Senator (R)

I had written a letter to Senator Bob Corker about Timothy Geithner's nomination for Secretary Treasury. I let him know my disapproval and that Mr. Geithner should not be confirmed due to his fraudulent and mishandled income taxes. Apparently, not paying taxes is not a big deal to Washington's elite according to the response I received.

Dear ...

Thank you for taking time to contact my office regarding the nomination of Timothy Geithner to be the Secretary of the Treasury Department. Your input is important to me, and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts.

Like you, I am concerned with the serious challenges we are facing in our financial markets, and how they are affecting our overall economy. The Department of Treasury plays a crucial role in the recovery process of our economy, and I believe it is important that we have a treasury secretary that understands our financial markets.

There is no question that having a Treasury Secretary nominee with perceived tax issues has been troubling. For that reason, I have spoken several times to Mr. Geithner, read every word of his testimony and his answers to hundreds of questions from the Finance Committee, and then called him again before the vote to ask him a number of very pointed questions. He answered those tough questions regarding his tax returns to my satisfaction. While, like you, my preference would be that we were not in the situation to even have to discuss tax issues with a Treasury Secretary nominee, I also think it is appropriate to give fairly wide latitude to presidents regarding their cabinet selections. At the end of the day, while the issues surrounding Secretary Geithner's confirmation are very important, after spending a great deal of time exploring the merits of his confirmation, I believe that he does pass the test of being qualified to be the Treasury Secretary.

Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me as I serve you in the United States Senate.


Bob Corker
United States Senator

This letter reflects the arrogance and the "rules are different for us" attitude of Washington. Not to mention this lovely statement, " I also think it is appropriate to give fairly wide latitude to presidents regarding their cabinet selections." What the hell does that mean?!?! To me, that sounds like Senator Corker was willing to put ANYONE that Obama would have chosen for Secretary of Treasury into office.

As far as writing to your Senators goes... I honestly don't see what difference it makes. "We the People" have very few elected persons working for us. You have no voice anymore when it comes to your representatives. They are making decisions to benefit themselves and the government. DId I think "my" letter was going to change things? No, I did not. But the reply I received speaks volumes of the elite views shared by our so-called elected officials. I might have even been willing to be a bit more open-minded, on the issue concerning Mr. Geithner's nomination, if Senator Corker would have stated what he thought those "merits and qualifications" were. I guess those are on a "need to know" basis and according to Senator Corker, I don't need to know.

I do think writing this letter did some good, because now I know who didn't "pass the test" and who won't be getting my vote come election time... Bob Corker.


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Comment by JJ on January 30, 2009 at 10:45am
Theresa Daniels says it best; congress is dead to 'we, the people"...............

If Congress failed America on the most important issue in American history–the installation of a Usurper as President,– what on earth makes you think it is still OUR CONGRESS? We no longer have a Congress, Senate, or Supreme Court that gives a rats tail about us. I will never again write to a dead government.
The only issue left is terminating all our elected officials before their terms expire. WE must concentrate on finding every way to publicly expose them for the treason they committed against America and terminate them for breach of fiduciary duty, misrepresentation, conspiracy, and treason. These elected officials are not politicians in office. They are criminals! They should be behind bars. We should be doing every thing in our power to indict all of them. We must constantly remind the public of Congress, Senate and The Supreme Court’s betrayal of America! There no longer is a Congress that exists for the people!
Write our Congress regarding a new bill to be voted upon?? Bah!! Humbug!!
“Let me add to this I no longer consider we have a government after January 20,2009. I will no longer look to this government to solve our problems since it clearly and deliberately turned its back onthe American people.
Not until every elected and appointed official on this current slate is publicly exposed, removed. arrested, tried, and sent to jail for misrepresentation, conspiracy, breach of fiduciary duty, and treason will I ever again acknowledge this government.
Hence forward the nine Supreme court judges, all the Senate, all
Congress, and all judges who dismissed lawsuits against Obama on the basis of standing are proven criminals who are getting away with more crimes against the American people. They need to be named. Their crimes need to belisted after their names, We need to let them know
not only will we never vote for them in another term, we will do everything in our power to take them out of office before their term ends.
Just what was the January 14, 2009 meeting between Justice Sh*t head
Roberts and Obama and Biden about? How to make more deals to rape the
Constitution and rip off America and get away with it?
Comment by Jeff on January 29, 2009 at 10:09am
Just wandering how many people are not going to pay there taxes and use the GEITHNER excuse.



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