We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!

Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a letter that I forwarded today to Congressman Allen West regarding my request for the conduct of a full-scale investigation by both houses of Congress into the allegations made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes:

Letter to Congressman West:

March 21, 2012

The Honorable Allen West

U.S. House of Representatives

1708 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-3026

Fax: 202-225-8398

Dear Congressman West:

I am writing to you again today for the purpose of sharing the following letter with you that I recently forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall:

Letter to Senator Udall:

March 7, 2012

The Honorable Tom Udall

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Udall:

On or about January 5, 2012, I informed you that I had requested that our New Mexico Secretary of State remove President Obama from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot because I believed that he was ineligible to be our President and/or the Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces because he did not meet the Constitutional “natural born citizen” eligibility requirements.

For your information, to date I have not received a response to my request from our Secretary of State’s office and recently informed our Secretary of State and Governor of this fact, although I did end up getting my response to my complaint indirectly from another fellow New Mexican patriot, as documented below: 

On or about February 20, 2012, I received an email from Mr. Jerry Clark from Las Cruces, who filed a similar complaint with the Secretary of State’s office on January 9, 2012, informing me that on February 10, 2012 the Associated Press had reported the following information regarding the NM 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot:

  • Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul have earned a place on New Mexico’s June 5 primary election ballot.
  • Secretary of State Dianna Duran said Friday that President Barack Obama was certified to appear on the Democratic ticket.
  • Other Republican or Democratic presidential candidates can get on the primary ballot by submitting about 16,000 voter signatures to the state by March 12.
  • A committee of state officials and leaders of the state Republican and Democratic parties nominates and certifies presidential candidates for the primary election.

On or about February 22, 2012, I received another email from Mr. Clark, who shared an email that he had received on February 17, 2012 from Mrs. Bobbi Shearer, Director of the Bureau of Elections that informed him that she had forwarded his and other similar complaints to Chief Justice Charles Daniels, Chairman of the New Mexico Presidential Nominating Committee, who reviewed the complaints and drafted an opinion in response to those complaints, which basically stated that “state law cannot grant either the Secretary of State of the Presidential Nominating Committee the power to determine the federal constitutional qualifications of candidates for federal office.”

To be honest with you and with all due respect, after taking time to read and digest Chief Justice Daniel’s opinion on this disturbing issue, I was flabbergasted and in disbelief because I took the time to re-read the ‘2012 Candidate Guide’ that the Secretary of State’s office had provided me and I can’t seem to find anything in that guide that would preclude the ‘Presidential Nominating Committee’ or the ‘Secretary of State’ from having ‘the power to determine the federal constitutional qualifications of candidates for federal office.’

I am not a lawyer and don’t claim to be one, but, as I mentioned to you in my letter of November 18, 2011, it seems to me that our entire electoral system has been turned upside down and/or has been hijacked by individuals/groups with deep pockets who seem to have their own agendas that are extremely different from the ordinary American citizen like myself who still believes in and loves this great Country/Republic of ours as it is. 

I am sure that by now you are aware that on March 1, 2012 Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona held a news conference to reveal his Cold Case Posse’s five-month investigation into President Obama’s birth records.






For some reason I am not surprised to find out that Sheriff Arpaio’s first ever groundbreaking investigation into President Obama’s birth records is being ignored by the Main Stream Media and the sheriff himself is being personally attacked by President Obama’s administration.




I believe that Sheriff Arpaio is doing his job by listening to those citizens of Maricopa County that elected him into office and thus is charged with serving. Sheriff Arpaio knew that being personally attacked by the highest levels of our government was sure to come. After all, Sheriff Arpaio spearheaded the first-ever law enforcement investigation of President Obama’s birth records only to unearth evidence indicating ‘probable cause’ that a systemic effort to obscure the truth surrounds President Obama’s birth and citizenship took place.

The Cold Case Posse, comprised of retired law enforcement officers and subject matter experts have not yet determined who, when or exactly how the long-form computer generated birth certificate released by the White House on April 27, 2011 may have been forged, but the PDF file itself and important deficiencies in the process of certifying the long-form birth certificate establish probable cause that a forgery has been committed and are asking that Sheriff Arpaio elevate the investigation into a criminal probe because they have identified a person of interest.  The Posse is currently conducting an ongoing investigation to determine whom the forger or forgers were, along with President Obama’s Connecticut Social Security Number.






Nearly, one year ago, the White House held a formal news conference to discredit the so-called “birther” movement and to announce “proof positive” of President Obama’s Hawaii birth, in the hopes that this would make him Constitutionally-eligible to be President of the United States.

Unfortunately for President Obama, the alleged “birth certificate” posted on the White House’s website on April 27, 2011 opened an even larger can of worms as dozens of experts, to include several ex-CIA members, have asserted that the document is fraudulent, which I also informed your office about in my letter of June 23, 2011.



President Obama has refused to allow access to supposed original documentation in the state of Hawaii, where he claims he was born, as well as other documents, such as passport records, kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records and schedules, medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license and adoption records.

Whatever ‘original’ documentation he provides is riddled with red flags, yet it seems that President Obama still thinks he can win. President Obama believes he is above the American people and above the U.S. Constitution.

President Obama and the Main Stream Media have resorted to personally attacking Sheriff Arpaio as part of a larger attempt to discredit and detract from what Sheriff Arpaio’s volunteer team of experts are saying after the first-ever law enforcement investigation of President Obama’s birth records.




That’s the results obtained by Public Policy Polling when voters in Ohio, Georgia and Tennessee were asked “Do you think President Obama was born in the United States, or not?”  In Georgia, 38 percent said Obama was not born in the U.S. and another 22 percent were unsure; in Ohio, 37 percent said Obama was not with 21 percent unsure; and in Tennessee, NEARLY HALF (45 percent) of voters say that President Obama was not born in the U.S. and 22 percent were unsure.

Another recent poll shows half of registered voters would like to see Congress investigate.



But apparently that’s not enough for Congress, which has thus far FAILED to get involved just like they have FAILED to challenge President Obama’s usurpation of our legal system.

Investigation highlights and preliminary findings of the Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse volunteer law enforcement investigation include:

  • Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate released by the White House on April 27, 2011, is suspected to be a computer-generated forgery, not a scan of an original 1961 paper document as represented by the White House
  • An examination of the postal date stamp on Obama’s Selective Service card leads investigators to believe the document is a forgery
  • Missing records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards provide further evidence of systemic conspiracy. After requesting ten years’ of microfilm records of airline passengers arriving on flights originating outside the United States, there was only one week of missing data at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., August 1 through August 7, 1961 – the week of Obama’s birth.
  • An individual testified under oath to investigators that he was introduced to Barack Hussein Obama in leftwing anti-government terrorist William (Bill) Ayer’s front yard. According to the signed affidavit, Barack Obama was introduced to him in 1980  as a FOREIGN student “they” were trying to help get into college and obtain financial aid.

Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, consisting of retired law enforcement officers, lawyers, and subject matter experts, examined dozens of witnesses and hundreds of documents. They have also taken sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Sheriff Arpaio has suggested that the president put all this to rest by simply demanding that the Hawaii Department of Health release to the American public and to a panel of certified court-authorized forensic examiners all original 1961 paper, microfilm, and computer birth records the Hawaii Department of Health has in its possession.




But it seems that President Obama is too busy fundraising to bother with the legitimate concerns of the American people.

I am hereby requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for your message!

I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.

Before you leave, I hope you’ll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I’ve been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.

End of Letter to Senator Udall.

For your information, I also forwarded a letter regarding this matter to our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman and Congressman Martin Heinrich.

What follows are new revelations that have transpired since my letter to NM U.S. Senator Udall:

Media Threatened With Federal Investigations If Obama Birth Certificate Story Reported!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On March 20, 2012:


Full-Blown Media Cover-up Of Hottest U.S. Story: ‘Family of former terrorist allegedly put ‘foreign-born’ Obama through school!’-Posted on WND.com-On March 20, 2012:


Video: Bill Ayers’ Family Put Foreign Student Obama Through School per Their Mailman!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 20, 2012:


What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama!-Posted on American Thinker-By Jack Cashill-On March 19, 2012:


Finally, I again would like to mention that I am taking the liberty of sharing the above letter and information with you strictly for informational purposes, but would truly appreciate and take to heart any feedback that you might provide me regarding this matter, to include whether or not you believe that my request addressed recently to my elected officials is a valid one.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or mailing address should you have any questions regarding what I now believe to be an extremely disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for your continued honorable and unselfish service to our country.

God Bless You and God Bless the U.S.A.!


Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Congressman West’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

“Contact Form

Thank you for your email”

Email Received From Congressman Wests’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Congressman Allen West responding to your message

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 10:13 AM

From:  "Congressman Allen West" <fl22awima@mail.house.gov>

To: Jake Martinez

Thank you for contacting me. I appreciate hearing from you and having the benefit of your views.

As you can understand, each day my congressional staff responds to the hundreds of letters, emails and telephone calls my office receives. We are doing our best to respond as quickly as possible. Please be assured you will receive a response in the near future.

I would suggest that you review my website, as well as my Facebook http://www.facebook.com/AllenWestFL and Twitter www.twitter.com/AllenWestFL, to keep informed on the many issues I am involved in the United States House of Representatives. While you are visiting my website www.west.house.gov, I would ask that you please be sure to sign-up for my electronic newsletter and my weekly updates on what I am doing on Capitol Hill and in Florida.

I greatly appreciate the time and thought that went into your correspondence to me. Again, thank you for contacting me.

Very Respectfully,

Allen B. West “

End of Letter to Congressman West.

Note:  Americans are waking up!

Thanks again to Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering fortitude.

Americans across the country are starting to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.






Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.






Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide.

Continue Reading:


“Food For Thought”

God Bless Sheriff Arpaio & His Cold Case Posse-God Bless the U.S.A.!


Semper Fi!


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