We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



TO: Senators Dodd and Lieberman
Congressman Courtney

FROM: Sharon Rondeau

DATE: July 10, 2009


A news report has come out stating that 30,000 scientists, including the founder of the Weather Channel, are suing Al Gore over his lies about global warming.

Yet you, the representatives of this state, undoubtedly buy into this massive Ponzi scheme. Cap & Trade will make energy so expensive that the American people will not be able to afford it, which of course is Obama’s plan. He wants to kill the middle class, and he’s doing a good job of it. First you will tax the output of power companies, and they in turn will pass on the extra costs to the consumer.

Global warming is a big, fat lie, meant to collect every last penny from what is left of our economy and hand it over to a world government. The EPA report that was suppressed claims that the earth’s temperature has actually been cooling for more than a decade. I can vouch for that: it was 40 degrees at my house this morning, and it's the middle of July when it should have been 70. According to the Weather Channel, which has endorsed global warming, temperatures in New England this summer are at least ten degrees below normal, with lots of rain and very little sun. This is the third such summer in a row. Therefore, no one can convince me that there is global warming or that I need to pay double for my energy to combat it.

Cap & Trade is illegal on its face. If this bill is passed by the Senate as it has unfortunately been in the House, I think someone should look into Congress’s violations of the RICO Act. Duping the public into believing something that doesn’t exist, imposing job-killing legislation and the highest tax increase ever, and then lying about it all over again to hand the money over to a global cabal of elitists sounds like racketeering to me.

Clearly, there is someone else pulling the strings of government. Congress is not in control of itself. The faux president is being manipulated by Muommar Qaddafi, among others, who has said on videotape that Obama was born in Kenya and therefore is able to blackmail him. Those who own the Federal Reserve Bank are really calling the shots and fighting an audit tooth and nail, knowing full well that if it happens, they will be exposed as criminals. It’s a travesty that you have allowed American sovereignty to be sacrificed, although it has been happening for a long time, including under Bush.

By the way, have you heard that news outlets, including Snopes.com, to which you have referred many of us for Obama’s birth information, have suddenly switched from stating that Obama was born at Queen’s Medical Center to Kapiolani Medical Center 90 minutes after WorldNetDaily exposed the discrepancy? That’s because Obama congratulated Kapiolani on White House stationery for its 100 years of service to the community and referenced that he himself was born there. How is it, then, that UPI, Snopes.com, and Factcheck.org all published that he was born at Queen’s Medical Center? Even www.whitehouse.gov says so! Why does such a discrepancy exist at all, and how will the Obama White House explain the “mistake” on its official website? Doesn’t your president know where he was born? Do YOU know where he was born????? There are screenshots of all of this. OOOOPS!!!

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